Where can I find a cheat sheet for hungarian notation? - hungarian-notation

I'm working on a legacy COM C++ project that makes use of system hungarian notation. Because it's maintenance of legacy code, the convention is to code in the original style it was written in - our newer code isn't coded this way. So I'm not interested in changing that standard or having a a discussion of our past sins =)
Is there an online cheat-sheet available out there for systems hungarian notation?
The best I can find thus far is a pre stack-overflow discussion post, but it doesn't quite have everything I've needed in the past. Does anyone have any other links?
(making this community wiki in the hope this becomes a self populating list)

If this is for a legacy COM project, you'll probably want to follow Microsoft's Hungarian Notation specifications, which are documented on MSDN.
Note that this is Apps Hungarian, i.e. the "good" kind of Hungarian Notation. Systems Hungarian is the "bad" kind, where names are prefixed with their compiler types, e.g. i for int.
Tables from the MSDN article
Table 1. Some examples for procedure names
Name Description
InitSy Takes an sy as its argument and initializes it.
OpenFn fn is the argument. The procedure will "open" the fn. No value is returned.
FcFromBnRn Returns the fc corresponding to the bn,rn pair given. (The names cannot tell us what the types sy, fn, fc, and so on, are.)
The following is a list of standard type constructions. (X and Y stand for arbitrary tags. According to standard punctuation, the actual tags are lowercase.)
Table 2. Standard type constructions
pX Pointer to X.
dX Difference between two instances of type X. X + dX is of type X.
cX Count of instances of type X.
mpXY An array of Ys indexed by X. Read as "map from X to Y."
rgX An array of Xs. Read as "range X." The indices of the array are called:
iX index of the array rgX.
dnX (rare) An array indexed by type X. The elements of the array are called:
eX (rare) Element of the array dnX.
grpX A group of Xs stored one after another in storage. Used when the X elements are of variable size and standard array indexing would not apply. Elements of the group must be referenced by means other then direct indexing. A storage allocation zone, for example, is a grp of blocks.
bX Relative offset to a type X. This is used for field displacements in a data structure with variable size fields. The offset may be given in terms of bytes or words, depending on the base pointer from which the offset is measured.
cbX Size of instances of X in bytes.
cwX Size of instances of X in words.
The following are standard qualifiers. (The letter X stands for any type tag. Actual type tags are in lowercase.)
Table 3. Standard qualifiers
XFirst The first element in an ordered set (interval) of X values.
XLast The last element in an ordered set of X values. XLast is the upper limit of a closed interval, hence the loop continuation condition should be: X <= XLast.
XLim The strict upper limit of an ordered set of X values. Loop continuation should be: X < XLim.
XMax Strict upper limit for all X values (excepting Max, Mac, and Nil) for all other X: X < XMax. If X values start with X=0, XMax is equal to the number of different X values. The allocated length of a dnx vector, for example, will be typically XMax.
XMac The current (as opposed to constant or allocated) upper limit for all X values. If X values start with 0, XMac is the current number of X values. To iterate through a dnx array, for example:
for x=0 step 1 to xMac-1 do ... dnx[x] ...
for ix=0 step 1 to ixMac-1 do ... rgx[ix] ...
XNil A distinguished Nil value of type X. The value may or may not be 0 or -1.
XT Temporary X. An easy way to qualify the second quantity of a given type in a scope.
Table 4. Some common primitive types
f Flag (Boolean, logical). If qualifier is used, it should describe the true state of the flag. Exception: the constants fTrue and fFalse.
w Word with arbitrary contents.
ch Character, usually in ASCII text.
b Byte, not necessarily holding a coded character, more akin to w. Distinguished from the b constructor by the capital letter of the qualifier in immediately following.
sz Pointer to first character of a zero terminated string.
st Pointer to a string. First byte is the count of characters cch.
h pp (in heap).

Here's one for 'Systems Hungarian', which in my experience was the more commonly used (and less useful):
But how universally followed this is, I have no idea.
The other form of Hungarian Notation is "Apps Hungarian", which apparently is Simonyi's original intent (the use of the variable was encoded rather than the type). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_notation for some details.

Because this is a legacy project, your software department manager should have a copy of the style guide for whatever version of Hungarian Notation the original programmers used. (I'm assuming that the original programmers have long since fled to more enlightened workplaces.)
You really should reconsider your use of Hungarian notation. It was originally a patch for the lack of strong typing (and compiler type-checking) in C. Modern compilers enforce type-correctness, making Hungarian notation redundant at best, and erroneous otherwise.

There doesn't seem to be any one exhaustive resource for looking up Hungarian Notation prefixes, probably because a lot of it varied from code base to code base. There, of course, were a lot of very commonly used ones.
The best list I could find was here
The rest cover the commonly used conventions such as this entry
MSDN's enty on Hungarian Notation is here
and a couple of short papers on the subject (overlapping each other perhaps) here and here
Your best bet would be to see how the variables are used and that (may) help you figure out the definition of the prefixes (though in practice the naming rarey reflected the use of the variable, sadly).
You might be able to piece together some semblance of notation from those various links.
Just to be complete(!) how about Hungarian Object Notation for Visual Basic from Microsoft Support no less.


what is the difference between defining a vector using linspace and defining a vector using steps?

i am trying to learn the basics of matlab ,
i wanted to write a mattlab script ,
in this script i defined a vector x with a "d" step that it's length is (2*pi/1000)
and i wanted to plot two sin function according to x :
the first sin is with a frequency of 1, and the second sin frequency 10.3 ..
this is what i did:
my question:
what is the different between :
and ..
? i am asking because i got confused since i think they both are the same but i think there is something wrong with my assumption ..
also is there is a more sufficient way to write sin function with a giveng frequency ?
The main difference can be summarizes as predefined size vs predefined step. And your example highlights it very well, indeed (1000 elements vs 1001 elements).
The linspace function produces a fixed-length vector (the length being defined by the third input argument, which defaults to 100) whose lower and upper limits are set, respectively, by the first and the second input arguments. The correct step to use is internally computed by the function itself (step = (x2 - x1) / n).
The colon operator defines a vector of elements whose values range between the specified lower and upper limits. The step, which is an optional parameter that defaults to 1, is the discriminant of the vector length. This means that the length of the result is determined by the number of steps that must be accomplished in order to reach the upper limit, starting from the lower one. On an side note, on this MathWorks thread you can find a very interesting discussion concerning the behavior of the colon operator in respect of floating-point management.
Another difference, related to the first one, is that linspace always includes the upper limit value while the colon operator only contains it if the specified step allows it (0:5:14 = [0 5 10]).
As a general rule, I prefer to use the former when I want to produce a vector of a predefined length (pretty obvious, isn't it?), and the latter when I need to create a sequence whose length has only a marginal relevance (or no relevance at all)

Scala constraint based types and literals

I was thinking whether it would be possible in Scala to define a type like NegativeNumber. This type would represent a negative number and it would be checked by the compiler similarly to Ints, Strings etc.
val x: NegativeNumber = -34
val y: NegativeNumber = 34 // should not compile
val s: ContainsHello = "hello world"
val s: ContainsHello = "foo bar" // this should not compile either
I could use these types just like other types, eg:
def myFunc(x: ContainsHello): Unit = println(s"$x contains hello")
These constrained types could be backed by casual types (Int, String).
Is it possible to implement these types (maybe with macros)?
How about custom literals?
val neg = -34n //neg is of type NegativeNumber because of the suffix
val pos = 34n // compile error
Unfortunately, no this isn't something you could easily check at compile time. Well - at least not if you aren't restricting the operations on your type. If your goal is simply to check that a number literal is non-zero, you could easily write a macro that checks this property. However, I do not see any benefit in proving that a negative literal is indeed negative.
The problem isn't a limitation of Scala - which has a very strong type system - but the fact that (in a reasonably complex program) you can't statically know every possible state. You can however try to overapproximate the set of all possible states.
Let us consider the example of introducing a type NegativeNumber that only ever represents a negative number. For simplicity, we define only one operation: plus.
Say you would only allow addition of multiple NegativeNumber, then, the type system could be used to guarantee that each NegativeNumber is indeed a negative number. But this seems really restrictive, so a useful example would certainly allow us to add at least a NegativeNumber and a general Int.
What if you had an expression val z: NegativeNumber = plus(x, y) where you don't know the value of x and y statically (maybe they are returned by a function). How do you know (statically) that z is indead a negative number?
An approach to solve the problem would be to introduce Abstract Interpretation which must be run on a representation of your program (Source Code, Abstract Syntax Tree, ...).
For example, you could define a Lattice on the numbers with the following elements:
Top: all numbers
+: all positive numbers
0: the number 0
-: all negative numbers
Bottom: not a number - only introduced that each pair of elements has a greatest lower bound
with the ordering Top > (+, 0, -) > Bottom.
Then you'd need to define semantics for your operations. Taking the commutative method plus from our example:
plus(Bottom, something) is always Bottom, as you cannot calculate something using invalid numbers
plus(Top, x), x != Bottom is always Top, because adding an arbitrary number to any number is always an arbitrary number
plus(+, +) is +, because adding two positive numbers will always yield a positive number
plus(-, -) is -, because adding two negative numbers will always yield a negative number
plus(0, x), x != Bottom is x, because 0 is the identity of the addition.
The problem is that
plus - + will be Top, because you don't know if it's a positive or negative number.
So to be statically safe, you'd have to take the conservative approach and disallow such an operation.
There are more sophisticated numerical domains but ultimately, they all suffer from the same problem: They represent an overapproximation to the actual program state.
I'd say the problem is similar to integer overflow/underflow: Generally, you don't know statically whether an operation exhibits an overflow - you only know this at runtime.
It could be possible if SIP-23 was implemented, using implicit parameters as a form of refinement types. However, it would be of questionable value though as the Scala compiler and type system is not really not well equipped for proving interesting things about for example integers. For that it would be much nicer to use a language with dependent types (Idris etc.) or refinement types checked by an SMT solver (LiquidHaskell etc.).

Partitioning a number into a number of almost equal partitions

I would like to partition a number into an almost equal number of values in each partition. The only criteria is that each partition must be in between 60 to 80.
For example, if I have a value = 300, this means that 75 * 4 = 300.
I would like to know a method to get this 4 and 75 in the above example. In some cases, all partitions don't need to be of equal value, but they should be in between 60 and 80. Any constraints can be used (addition, subtraction, etc..). However, the outputs must not be floating point.
Also it's not that the total must be exactly 300 as in this case, but they can be up to a maximum of +40 of the total, and so for the case of 300, the numbers can sum up to 340 if required.
Assuming only addition, you can formulate this problem into a linear programming problem. You would choose an objective function that would maximize the sum of all of the factors chosen to generate that number for you. Therefore, your objective function would be:
(source: codecogs.com)
In this case, n would be the number of factors you are using to try and decompose your number into. Each x_i is a particular factor in the overall sum of the value you want to decompose. I'm also going to assume that none of the factors can be floating point, and can only be integer. As such, you need to use a special case of linear programming called integer programming where the constraints and the actual solution to your problem are all in integers. In general, the integer programming problem is formulated thusly:
You are actually trying to minimize this objective function, such that you produce a parameter vector of x that are subject to all of these constraints. In our case, x would be a vector of numbers where each element forms part of the sum to the value you are trying to decompose (300 in your case).
You have inequalities, equalities and also boundaries of x that each parameter in your solution must respect. You also need to make sure that each parameter of x is an integer. As such, MATLAB has a function called intlinprog that will perform this for you. However, this function assumes that you are minimizing the objective function, and so if you want to maximize, simply minimize on the negative. f is a vector of weights to be applied to each value in your parameter vector, and with our objective function, you just need to set all of these to -1.
Therefore, to formulate your problem in an integer programming framework, you are actually doing:
(source: codecogs.com)
V would be the value you are trying to decompose (so 300 in your example).
The standard way to call intlinprog is in the following way:
x = intlinprog(f,intcon,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub);
f is the vector that weights each parameter of the solution you want to solve, intcon denotes which of your parameters need to be integer. In this case, you want all of them to be integer so you would have to supply an increasing vector from 1 to n, where n is the number of factors you want to decompose the number V into (same as before). A and b are matrices and vectors that define your inequality constraints. Because you want equality, you'd set this to empty ([]). Aeq and beq are the same as A and b, but for equality. Because you only have one constraint here, you would simply create a matrix of 1 row, where each value is set to 1. beq would be a single value which denotes the number you are trying to factorize. lb and ub are the lower and upper bounds for each value in the parameter set that you are bounding with, so this would be 60 and 80 respectively, and you'd have to specify a vector to ensure that each value of the parameters are bounded between these two ranges.
Now, because you don't know how many factors will evenly decompose your value, you'll have to loop over a given set of factors (like between 1 to 10, or 1 to 20, etc.), place your results in a cell array, then you have to manually examine yourself whether or not an integer decomposition was successful.
num_factors = 20; %// Number of factors to try and decompose your value
V = 300;
results = cell(1, num_factors);
%// Try to solve the problem for a number of different factors
for n = 1 : num_factors
x = intlinprog(-ones(n,1),1:n,[],[],ones(1,n),V,60*ones(n,1),80*ones(n,1));
results{n} = x;
You can then go through results and see which value of n was successful in decomposing your number into that said number of factors.
One small problem here is that we also don't know how many factors we should check up to. That unfortunately I don't have an answer to, and so you'll have to play with this value until you get good results. This is also an unconstrained parameter, and I'll talk about this more later in this post.
However, intlinprog was only released in recent versions of MATLAB. If you want to do the same thing without it, you can use linprog, which is the floating point version of integer programming... actually, it's just the core linear programming framework itself. You would call linprog this way:
x = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub);
All of the variables are the same, except that intcon is not used here... which makes sense as linprog may generate floating point numbers as part of its solution. Due to the fact that linprog can generate floating point solutions, what you can do is if you want to ensure that for a given value of n, you could loop over your results, take the floor of the result and subtract with the final result, and sum over the result. If you get a value of 0, this means that you had a completely integer result. Therefore, you'd have to do something like:
num_factors = 20; %// Number of factors to try and decompose your value
V = 300;
results = cell(1, num_factors);
%// Try to solve the problem for a number of different factors
for n = 1 : num_factors
x = linprog(-ones(n,1),[],[],ones(1,n),V,60*ones(n,1),80*ones(n,1));
results{n} = x;
%// Loop through and determine which decompositions were successful integer ones
out = cellfun(#(x) sum(abs(floor(x) - x)), results);
%// Determine which values of n were successful in the integer composition.
final_factors = find(~out);
final_factors will contain which number of factors you specified that was successful in an integer decomposition. Now, if final_factors is empty, this means that it wasn't successful in finding anything that would be able to decompose the value into integer factors. Noting your problem description, you said you can allow for tolerances, so perhaps scan through results and determine which overall sum best matches the value, then choose whatever number of factors that gave you that result as the final answer.
Now, noting from my comments, you'll see that this problem is very unconstrained. You don't know how many factors are required to get an integer decomposition of your value, which is why we had to semi-brute-force it. In fact, this is a more general case of the subset sum problem. This problem is NP-complete. Basically, what this means is that it is not known whether there is a polynomial-time algorithm that can be used to solve this kind of problem and that the only way to get a valid solution is to brute-force each possible solution and check if it works with the specified problem. Usually, brute-forcing solutions requires exponential time, which is very intractable for large problems. Another interesting fact is that modern cryptography algorithms use NP-Complete intractability as part of their ciphertext and encrypting. Basically, they're banking on the fact that the only way for you to determine the right key that was used to encrypt your plain text is to check all possible keys, which is an intractable problem... especially if you use 128-bit encryption! This means you would have to check 2^128 possibilities, and assuming a moderately fast computer, the worst-case time to find the right key will take more than the current age of the universe. Check out this cool Wikipedia post for more details in intractability with regards to key breaking in cryptography.
In fact, NP-complete problems are very popular and there have been many attempts to determine whether there is or there isn't a polynomial-time algorithm to solve such problems. An interesting property is that if you can find a polynomial-time algorithm that will solve one problem, you will have found an algorithm to solve them all.
The Clay Mathematics Institute has what are known as Millennium Problems where if you solve any problem listed on their website, you get a million dollars.
Also, that's for each problem, so one problem solved == 1 million dollars!
(source: quickmeme.com)
The NP problem is amongst one of the seven problems up for solving. If I recall correctly, only one problem has been solved so far, and these problems were first released to the public in the year 2000 (hence millennium...). So... it has been about 14 years and only one problem has been solved. Don't let that discourage you though! If you want to invest some time and try to solve one of the problems, please do!
Hopefully this will be enough to get you started. Good luck!

which hash functions are orthogonal to each other?

I'm interested in multi-level data integrity checking and correcting. Where multiple error correcting codes are being used (they can be 2 of the same type of codes). I'm under the impression that a system using 2 codes would achieve maximum effectiveness if the 2 hash codes being used were orthogonal to each other.
Is there a list of which codes are orthogonal to what? Or do you need to use the same hashing function but with different parameters or usage?
I expect that the first level ecc will be a reed-solomon code, though I do not actually have control over this first function, hence I cannot use a single code with improved capabilities.
Note that I'm not concerned with encryption security.
Edit: This is not a duplicate of
When are hash functions orthogonal to each other? due to it essentially asking what the definition of orthogonal hash functions are. I want examples of which hash functions that are orthogonal.
I'm not certain it is even possible to enumerate all orthogonal hash functions. However, you only asked for some examples, so I will endeavour to provide some as well as some intuition as to what properties seem to lead to orthogonal hash functions.
From a related question, these two functions are orthogonal to each other:
Domain: Reals --> Codomain: Reals
f(x) = x + 1
g(x) = x + 2
This is a pretty obvious case. It is easier to determine orthogonality if the hash functions are (both) perfect hash functions such as these are. Please note that the term "perfect" is meant in the mathematical sense, not in the sense that these should ever be used as hash functions.
It is a more or less trivial case for perfect hash functions to satisfy orthogonality requirements. Whenever the functions are injective they are perfect hash functions and are thus orthogonal. Similar examples:
Domain: Integers --> Codomain: Integers
f(x) = 2x
g(x) = 3x
In the previous case, this is an injective function but not bijective as there is exactly one element in the codomain mapped to by each element in the domain, but there are many elements in the codomain that are not mapped to at all. These are still adequate for both perfect hashing and orthogonality. (Note that if the Domain/Codomain were Reals, this would be a bijection.)
Functions that are not injective are more tricky to analyze. However, it is always the case that if one function is injective and the other is not, they are not orthogonal:
Domain: Reals --> Codomain: Reals
f(x) = e^x // Injective -- every x produces a unique value
g(x) = x^2 // Not injective -- every number other than 0 can be produced by two different x's
So one trick is thus to know that one function is injective and the other is not. But what if neither is injective? I do not presently know of an algorithm for the general case that will determine this other than brute force.
Domain: Naturals --> Codomain: Naturals
j(x) = ceil(sqrt(x))
k(x) = ceil(x / 2)
Neither function is injective, in this case because of the presence of two obvious non-injective functions: ceil and abs combined with a restricted domain. (In practice most hash functions will not have a domain more permissive than integers.) Testing out values will show that j will have non-unique results when k will not and vice versa:
j(1) = ceil(sqrt(1)) = ceil(1) = 1
j(2) = ceil(sqrt(2)) = ceil(~1.41) = 2
k(1) = ceil(x / 2) = ceil(0.5) = 1
k(2) = ceil(x / 2) = ceil(1) = 1
But what about these functions?
Domain: Integers --> Codomain: Reals
m(x) = cos(x^3) % 117
n(x) = ceil(e^x)
In these cases, neither of the functions are injective (due to the modulus and the ceil) but when do they have a collision? More importantly, for what tuples of values of x do they both have a collision? These questions are hard to answer. I would suspect they are not orthogonal, but without a specific counterexample, I'm not sure I could prove that.
These are not the only hash functions you could encounter, of course. So the trick to determining orthogonality is first to see if they are both injective. If so, they are orthogonal. Second, see if exactly one is injective. If so, they are not orthogonal. Third, see if you can see the pieces of the function that are causing them to not be injective, see if you can determine its period or special cases (such as x=0) and try to come up with counter-examples. Fourth, visit math-stack-exchange and hope someone can tell you where they break orthogonality, or prove that they don't.

Set of unambiguous looking letters & numbers for user input

Is there an existing subset of the alphanumerics that is easier to read? In particular, is there a subset that has fewer characters that are visually ambiguous, and by removing (or equating) certain characters we reduce human error?
I know "visually ambiguous" is somewhat waffly of an expression, but it is fairly evident that D, O and 0 are all similar, and 1 and I are also similar. I would like to maximize the size of the set of alpha-numerics, but minimize the number of characters that are likely to be misinterpreted.
The only precedent I am aware of for such a set is the Canada Postal code system that removes the letters D, F, I, O, Q, and U, and that subset was created to aid the postal system's OCR process.
My initial thought is to use only capital letters and numbers as follows:
B = 8
C = G
D = 0 = O = Q
E = F
I = J = L = T = 1 = 7
K = X
S = 5
U = V = Y
Z = 2
This problem may be difficult to separate from the given type face. The distinctiveness of the characters in the chosen typeface could significantly affect the potential visual ambiguity of any two characters, but I expect that in most modern typefaces the above characters that are equated will have a similar enough appearance to warrant equating them.
I would be grateful for thoughts on the above – are the above equations suitable, or perhaps are there more characters that should be equated? Would lowercase characters be more suitable?
I needed a replacement for hexadecimal (base 16) for similar reasons (e.g. for encoding a key, etc.), the best I could come up with is the following set of 16 characters, which can be used as a replacement for hexadecimal:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Hexadecimal
H M N 3 4 P 6 7 R 9 T W C X Y F Replacement
In the replacement set, we consider the following:
All characters used have major distinguishing features that would only be omitted in a truly awful font.
Vowels A E I O U omitted to avoid accidentally spelling words.
Sets of characters that could potentially be very similar or identical in some fonts are avoided completely (none of the characters in any set are used at all):
0 O D Q
1 I L J
8 B
5 S
2 Z
By avoiding these characters completely, the hope is that the user will enter the correct characters, rather than trying to correct mis-entered characters.
For sets of less similar but potentially confusing characters, we only use one character in each set, hopefully the most distinctive:
Here Y is used, since it always has the lower vertical section, and a serif in serif fonts
Here C is used, since it seems less likely that a C would be entered as G, than vice versa
Here X is used, since it is more consistent in most fonts
Here F is used, since it is not a vowel
In the case of these similar sets, entry of any character in the set could be automatically converted to the one that is actually used (the first one listed in each set). Note that E must not be automatically converted to F if hexadecimal input might be used (see below).
Note that there are still similar-sounding letters in the replacement set, this is pretty much unavoidable. When reading aloud, a phonetic alphabet should be used.
Where characters that are also present in standard hexadecimal are used in the replacement set, they are used for the same base-16 value. In theory mixed input of hexadecimal and replacement characters could be supported, provided E is not automatically converted to F.
Since this is just a character replacement, it should be easy to convert to/from hexadecimal.
Upper case seems best for the "canonical" form for output, although lower case also looks reasonable, except for "h" and "n", which should still be relatively clear in most fonts:
h m n 3 4 p 6 7 r 9 t w c x y f
Input can of course be case-insensitive.
There are several similar systems for base 32, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base32 However these obviously need to introduce more similar-looking characters, in return for an additional 25% more information per character.
Apparently the following set was also used for Windows product keys in base 24, but again has more similar-looking characters:
B C D F G H J K M P Q R T V W X Y 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
My set of 23 unambiguous characters is:
I needed a set of unambiguous characters for user input, and I couldn't find anywhere that others have already produced a character set and set of rules that fit my criteria.
My requirements:
No capitals: this supposed to be used in URIs, and typed by people who might not have a lot of typing experience, for whom even the shift key can slow them down and cause uncertainty. I also want someone to be able to say "all lowercase" so as to reduce uncertainty, so I want to avoid capital letters.
Few or no vowels: an easy way to avoid creating foul language or surprising words is to simply omit most vowels. I think keeping "e" and "y" is ok.
Resolve ambiguity consistently: I'm open to using some ambiguous characters, so long as I only use one character from each group (e.g., out of lowercase s, uppercase S, and five, I might only use five); that way, on the backend, I can just replace any of these ambiguous characters with the one correct character from their group. So, the input string "3Sh" would be replaced with "35h" before I look up its match in my database.
Only needed to create tokens: I don't need to encode information like base64 or base32 do, so the exact number of characters in my set doesn't really matter, besides my wanting to to be as large as possible. It only needs to be useful for producing random UUID-type id tokens.
Strongly prefer non-ambiguity: I think it's much more costly for someone to enter a token and have something go wrong than it is for someone to have to type out a longer token. There's a tradeoff, of course, but I want to strongly prefer non-ambiguity over brevity.
The confusable groups of characters I identified:
i/I/1/l/7 - just too ambiguous to use; note that european "1" can look a lot like many people's "7"
o/O/0 - just too ambiguous to use
Unambiguous characters:
I think this leaves only 9 totally unambiguous lowercase/numeric chars, with no vowels:
Adding back in one character from each of those ambiguous groups (and trying to prefer the character that looks most distinct, while avoiding uppercase), there are 23 characters:
Using the rule of thumb that a UUID with a numerical equivalent range of N possibilities is sufficient to avoid collisions for sqrt(N) instances:
an 8-digit UUID using this character set should be sufficient to avoid collisions for about 300,000 instances
a 16-digit UUID using this character set should be sufficient to avoid collisions for about 80 billion instances.
Mainly drawing inspiration from this ux thread, mentioned by #rwb,
Several programs use similar things. The list in your post seems to be very similar to those used in these programs, and I think it should be enough for most purposes. You can add always add redundancy (error-correction) to "forgive" minor mistakes; this will require you to space-out your codes (see Hamming distance), though.
No references as to particular method used in deriving the lists, except trial and error
with humans (which is great for non-ocr: your users are humans)
It may make sense to use character grouping (say, groups of 5) to increase context ("first character in the second of 5 groups")
Ambiguity can be eliminated by using complete nouns (from a dictionary with few look-alikes; word-edit-distance may be useful here) instead of characters. People may confuse "1" with "i", but few will confuse "one" with "ice".
Another option is to make your code into a (fake) word that can be read out loud. A markov model may help you there.
If you have the option to use only capitals, I created this set based on characters which users commonly mistyped, however this wholly depends on the font they read the text in.
Characters to use: A C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R T U V W X Y 3 4 6 7 9
Characters to avoid:
B similar to 8
I similar to 1
O similar to 0
S similar to 5
Z similar to 2
What you seek is an unambiguous, efficient Human-Computer code. What I recommend is to encode the entire data with literal(meaningful) words, nouns in particular.
I have been developing a software to do just that - and most efficiently. I call it WCode. Technically its just Base-1024 Encoding - wherein you use words instead of symbols.
Here are the links:
Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sYiXCWIYAWpKAahrGFZ2p5zJX8uMxPccu-oaGOajrGA/edit
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B0pxLafSqCjKOWhYSFFGOHd1a2c/edit
Project: https://github.com/San13/WCode (Please wait while I get around uploading...)
This would be a general problem in OCR. Thus for end to end solution where in OCR encoding is controlled - specialised fonts have been developed to solve the "visual ambiguity" issue you mention of.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCR-A_font
as additional information : you may want to know about Base32 Encoding - wherein symbol for digit '1' is not used as it may 'confuse' the users with the symbol for alphabet 'l'.
Unambiguous looking letters for humans are also unambiguous for optical character recognition (OCR). By removing all pairs of letters that are confusing for OCR, one obtains:
See https://www.monperrus.net/martin/store-data-paper
It depends how large you want your set to be. For example, just the set {0, 1} will probably work well. Similarly the set of digits only. But probably you want a set that's roughly half the size of the original set of characters.
I have not done this, but here's a suggestion. Pick a font, pick an initial set of characters, and write some code to do the following. Draw each character to fit into an n-by-n square of black and white pixels, for n = 1 through (say) 10. Cut away any all-white rows and columns from the edge, since we're only interested in the black area. That gives you a list of 10 codes for each character. Measure the distance between any two characters by how many of these codes differ. Estimate what distance is acceptable for your application. Then do a brute-force search for a set of characters which are that far apart.
Basically, use a script to simulate squinting at the characters and see which ones you can still tell apart.
Here's some python I wrote to encode and decode integers using the system of characters described above.
def base20encode(i):
"""Convert integer into base20 string of unambiguous characters."""
if not isinstance(i, int):
raise TypeError('This function must be called on an integer.')
chars, s = '012345689ACEHKMNPRUW', ''
while i > 0:
i, remainder = divmod(i, 20)
s = chars[remainder] + s
return s
def base20decode(s):
"""Convert string to unambiguous chars and then return integer from resultant base20"""
if not isinstance(s, str):
raise TypeError('This function must be called on a string.')
s = s.translate(bytes.maketrans(b'BGDOQFIJLT7KSVYZ', b'8C000E11111X5UU2'))
chars, i, exponent = '012345689ACEHKMNPRUW', 0, 1
for number in s[::-1]:
i += chars.index(number) * exponent
exponent *= 20
return i