What would I need to do in order to run a PowerShell script in an SSIS package?
Does PowerShell need to be installed on the SQL server?
How do I actually call the script in SSIS?
Yes, PowerShell needs to be installed. Then, you can use an Execute Process Task to point to the PowerShell executable and give the script as an argument.
Like so:
Executable: %windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Arguments: C:\path\to\script.ps1
Powershell workflow is not supported in powershell 32bit mode. Thus i want to execute the script using powershell 64bit mode.How to run .ps1 script in 64bit mode via jenkins?
You could create your custom powershell step like in this stackoverflow answer
Executing powershell command directly in jenkins pipeline
You'll have to replace powershell.exe by the path to your powershell 64b exe
You could also use a shebang. some literature on that at How can I use a shebang in a PowerShell script?
it works by calling using c:\windows\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe instead of c:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
find more information about sysnative at https://www.thewindowsclub.com/sysnative-folder-in-windows-64-bit
I confirm that calling:
%SystemRoot%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy Unrestricted -file "%~dp0\file.ps1"
results in the 64 bit powershell.
One can validate inside their script by printing out debug of:
write-host $GE_64BitPS_Status
Unable to run TestComplete scripts through powershell script using TFS Release Management task "Powershell on Target Machines".
The task is initiated in Release management and never completes. Are there any special arguments to be passed to powershell script in order to execute the test script interactively.
Manually running the powershell script on the release agent machine executes without any issue.
The Script argument are the arguments required by the script, if any.
-NoProfile is an argument which powershell.exe accepts, try removing that.
I have a powershell script that runs a 32 bit com object so when I run it in Powershell 64x it fails but runs fine in 86x
When I run it in a Sql Server Agent job it has the same 64x failure.
Is there a way around this? Like SSIS packages?
You can directly invoke the 32-bit version of PowerShell by calling it through the WOW64 path:
Using the -File command line argument you can pass the name of the script you would like to run.
ps script to execute from powershell! I have changed the the execution previlage to unrestricted. But when I run a simple script I get the following
PowerShell's file extension is .ps1, not .ps. Just rename the script.
Does anyone know how to execute a PowerShell script from SSIS? I have created the script and it works from from the command line. The script takes a couple of command line parameters, which work fine when called from cmd.exe.
I'm using an Execute Process Task in SSIS and cannot get the script file to execute. I'm using expressions to pass in the name of the script and the command line arguments. The task is returning an incomplete string token error.
From VS to launch PSH with an extra script (for a Cmdlet project) I use the following commandline:
powershell -noexit -command ". ./Startup.ps1"
The -noexit will keep the instance around (so you wouldn't want that), putting all the real commands in a script to be dot-sourced avoids a really long command line.
Go to Execute Process Task Editor -> Process tab and set the following options:
Executable - C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Arguments - -File ".\PowershellScript/ps1" "arg_1_value" "arg_2_value" ... "arg_n_value"
Refer to the below screenshot: