Manually written business objects or using DAL objects? - code-generation

Suppose you have three tiers (with namespaces):
User interface (App.UI) - calls business layer processes and communicates using objects
Business layer (App.Core) - orchestrates processes and uses DAL layer using objects
DAL (App.Data) - directly manipulates store and persists objects
Let's say that you have User table and thus reflected in your DAL layer in App.Data.User and probably also App.Data.Users.
There's a view in your UI that displays application users.
To really have a separated (layered) application, you should also have App.Core.User and App.Core.Users that you'll probably have to create manually.
The best solution (by my opinion) would of course be:
There should be a fourth layer Business Objects (App.Objects) with classes App.Objects.User and App.Objects.Users. These POCOs would be shared among all layers. Business layer would only be allowed to use DAL, UI will only be allowed to use BL, but all of them would use App.Objects for common object model. MVC templates imply on using DAL objects directly on Views, LINQ 2 Entites also don't create any POCOs per se...
So when using any automated code generation are we supposed to use DAL objects or manually hard code our shared POCOs? First part seems as an easy way out but doesn't separate DAL from UI (and may have security and scalability concerns later), the second one is prone to errors and very tedious with medium size database.
What would you suggest?

What you call a App.Objects is basically your Domain Model and it is logical to be shared between all layers to pass the data around but you need to decide if this model will be anemic or active.


Exposed domain model in Java microservice architecture

I'm aware that copying entity classes and properties into DTOs is considered anti-pattern, so by Exposed domain model pattern the same #Entity can be used as both database entity class, and DTO for service and MVC layer. (see here
But suppose we have microservice architecture where the same set of properties is used as entity in one project with persistence, and as DTO in another project which uses the first one as a service. What's the proposed pattern in such a situation?
Because the second project doesn't need #Entity related functionality, and if we put that class in shared library, it will be tied unnecessary to JPA specific APIs and libraries. And the alternative is to again use separate DTO classes anti-pattern.
When your requirements for a DTO model exactly match your entity model you are either in a very early stage of the project or very lucky that you just have a simple model. If your model is very simple, then DTOs won't give you many immediate benefits.
At some point, the requirements for the DTO model and the entity model will diverge though. Imagine you add some audit aspects, statistics or denormalization to your entity/persistence model. That kind of data is usually never exposed via DTOs directly, so you will need to split the models. It is also often the case that the main driver for DTOs is the fact that you don't need all the data all the time. If you display objects in e.g. a dropdown you only need a label and the object id, so why would you load the whole entity state for such a use case?
The fact that you have annotations on your DTO models shouldn't bother you that much, what is the alternative? An XML-like mapping? Manual object wiring?
If your model is used by third parties directly, you could use a subclassing i.e. keep the main model free of annotations and have annotated subclasses in your project that extend the main model.
Since implementing a DTO approach correctly, I created Blaze-Persistence Entity Views which will not only simplify the way you define DTOs, but it will also improve the performance of your queries.
If you are interested, I even have an example for an external model that uses entity view subclasses to keep the main model clean.
Thank you for the answers, but emphasize in the question is on microservice (MS) architecture and reusing defined entity POJOs from one MS in another as POJOs. From what I've read on microservices it's closely related to another question - should MSs share any common functionality and classes at all, or be completely independent? It seems there is no definite agreement on it, and also no definite answer, or widely accepted pattern, to this.
From my recent experience here is what I adopted, and it works well so far.
Have common functionality across MSs - yes, in form of a commons project added as dependency to all MSs, with its dependencies set as optional. Share entity classes (expose them in commons) - no.
The main reason is that entity classes are closely related to data store for particular MS. And as the established rule is that MSs shouldn't share data stores, then it makes sense not to share entity classes for those data stores. It helps MSs to be more independent, and freedom to manage their data store in their own way. It means some more typing to add additional DTO classes and conversion between them, but it's a trade-off worth taking to retain MS independence. Reasons Christian Beikov and Maksim Gumerov mentioned apply as well.
What we do share (put in commons) are some common functionality and helper classes (for cloud, discovery, error handling, rest and json configuration...), and pure DTOs, where T is transfer between MSs (rest entities or message payloads).

3-Tier Architecture MVC 4 Project

I am working on a Web Application using ASP.Net MVC 4 3-Tier Architecture and I am stuck at certain points. I know here exist similar threads but none were clear enough. I have already created the needed layers which are UI(MVC4 project), BLL- Business Logic Layer(library class), BOL- Business Object Layer(library class that contains and DAL- Data Access Layer (library class).
Layer dependencies are as follows:
UI depends on BOL and BLL
BLL depends on BOL and DAL
DAL depends on BOL
I want you to correct me if I am wrong in the following. The BOL is the master reference layer which exchanges raw dB records with DAL then sends them to BLL which is responsible for any logical computations then gets the updated records and sends them to the controller in the UI.
Knowing the above,
Where should we place the CRUD functions?
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields?
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder?
Thank you in advance.
Can't be unambiguously correct answers on these issues, so any answer should be evaluated simply as an opinion. Here are my answers:
Where should we place the CRUD functions? CRUD is a frequent pattern at different levels. Hi-level Repository provides similar methods, as a low-level Table Gateway.
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields? These classes are usually simple Data Transfer Objects (DTO) or slightly more complicated Active Records. In accordance with the Dependency Inversion Principle the interface for these classes should provide the Business Logic Layer, and implementation should provide the Data Access Layer. Since DTO is very simple classes, they can be provided "as is" without interface/implementation separation.
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder? In theory entities should be our models; but in practice it's often not the case. F.e. in ASP.NET MVC models should provide not only the value of drop-down field, but also all possible values; so it requires the separate model class.
The result may be that you have three or four very similar classes at different levels of the application. Of course, it's not very good, so Aspect Programming may be applied in this case.

ORM Entities vs. Domain Entities under Entity Framework 6.0

I stumbled upon the following two articles First and Second in which the author states in summary that ORM Entities and Domain Entities shouldn't be mixed up.
I face exactly this problem at the moment as I code with EF 6.0 using the Code First approach. I use the POCO classes as entities in the EF as well as my domain/business objects. But I find myself frequently in the situation where I define a property as public or a navigation property as virtual only because the EF Framework forces me to do so.
I don't know what to take as the bottom line of the two articles? Should I really create for example a CustomerEF class for the entity framework and a CustomerD for my domain. Then create a repository which consumes CustomerD maps it to CustomerEF do some queries and than maps back the received CustomerEF to CustomerD. I thought EF is all about mapping my domain entities to the data.
So please give me some advice. Do I overlook an important thing the EF is able to provide me with? Or is this a problem which can not completely solved by the EF? In the latter case what is a good way to manage this problem?
I agree with the general idea of these posts. An ORM class model is part of a data access layer first and foremost (even if it consists of so-called POCOs). If any conflict of interests arises between persistence and business logic (or any other concern), decisions should always be made in favor of persistence.
However, as software developers we always have to balance between purism and pragmatism. Whether or not to use the persistence model as a domain model depends on a number of factors:
The size/coherence of the development team. When the whole team knows that properties can be public just because of ORM requirements, but should not be set all over the place, it may not be a big deal. If everybody knows (and obeys) that an ID property is not to be used in business logic, having IDs may not be a big deal. A scattered, unexperienced or undisciplined team may need more stringent segregation of code.
The overlap between business logic concerns and persistence concerns. Object oriented design thrives when a class model sticks to SOLID principles. But these principles are not necessarily at odds with persistence concerns. I mean that although the concerns are different, in the end their resultant requirements may be quite similar. For instance, both concerns may require valid object state and correct associations.
There can be use cases, however, in which objects temporarily need to be in a state that absolutely shouldn't be stored. This may be a reason to work with dedicated domain classes. Another reason may be that the entity model just can't fulfill the best segmentation of responsibilities. For instance, a business process "blacklisting customer" may require data that is scattered over so many entity objects that new domain classes must be designed that can encapsulate the data and the methods working on them. In other words: doing this by entities would violate the Tell Don't Ask principle.
The need for layering. For instance, if the data access layer targets different database vendors it may have to consist of interchangeable parts that are vendor-specific (e.g. to account for subtle differences in data types between Oracle and Sql Server or to exploit vendor-specific features). Using the persistence model as domain model would probably bleed vendor-specific implementations into the business logic. That would be really bad. There the data access layer should be precisely that, a layer.
(Very trivial) The amount of data. Creating objects takes time and resources. When "many" objects are involved in a business case it may just be too expensive to build both entity objects and domain objects.
And more, undoubtedly.
So I would always try to be a pragmatist. If entity classes do a decent job, go for it. If the mismatch is too large, create a business domain for appropriate parts of the business logic. I would not slavishly follow a (any) design pattern just because it is a good pattern. Contrary to what is said in the post, it requires a lot of maintenance to map an entity model onto a business model. When you find yourself creating myriads of business classes that are almost identical to entity classes it's time to rethink what you're doing.

Need some advice concerning MVVM + Lightweight objects + EF

We develop the back office application with quite large Db.
It's not reasonable to load everything from DB to memory so when model's proprties are requested we read from DB (via EF)
But many of our UIs are just simple lists of entities with some (!) properties presented to the user.
For example, we just want to show Id, Title and Name.
And later when user select the item and want to perform some actions the whole object is needed. Now we have list of items stored in memory.
Some properties contain large textst, images or other data.
EF works with entities and reading a bunch of large objects degrades performance notably.
As far as I understand, the problem can be solved by creating lightweight entities and using them in appropriate context.
I'm afraid that each view will make us create new LightweightEntity and we eventually will end with bloated object context.
Second. As the Model wraps EF we need to provide methods for various entities.
Third. ViewModels communicate and pass entities to each other.
So I'm stuck with all these considerations and need good architectural design advice.
Any ideas?
For images an large textst you may consider table splitting, which is commonly used to split a table in a lightweight entity and a "heavy" entity.
But I think what you call lightweight "entities" are data transfer objects (DTO's). These are not supplied by the context (so it won't get bloated) but by projection from entities, which is done in a repository or service.
For projection you can use AutoMapper, especially its newer feature that I describe here. This allows you to reduce the number of methods you need to provide "for various entities" (DTO's), because the type to project to can be given in a generic type parameter.

Are the context of an entity framework application is owned by the domain or data access layer?

Are the context of an entity framework application (DbContext that contains mapping) is owned by the domain or data access layer ?
in your scenario the context should only be used within the data access layer and then the results passed to your domain - something like automapper will translate context entities into domain objects
My $0.02 is that it should be "owned" (Disposed) by your DI container. It should be used by your unit of work implementation.
It completely depends on your application. Sometimes having a seperate domain layer with its own domain objects makes sense. Sometimes it doesn't.
Indeed, for most applications, I would say that the EF entities are perfectly suited to be your domain objects and there is no harm in referencing the context directly from your "domain" layer. Indeed, the EF is designed with that in mind. Creating an entirely sepearte set of domain objects into which your EF entities are mapped by some middle man layer needs to be justified.
That's not to say that having a distinct domain layer is never appropriate. Sometimes, for instance when you're dealing with cross-process/application boundry issues such as when you're exposing your entities via WCF, it makes total sense to create new domain objects (which in this case may essentially just be your DataContract classes) into which your entity's data is populated.
But these instances really are few and far between. If you find yourself doing this often, you're over-architecting your application and you're falling victim to the dogma of "pure" design paradigms.