Can't resize UIView in IB - iphone

Probably something simple, but I can't figure why I cannot resize a UIView in a xib in Interface Builder.
I created a new view XIB in xcode and in the size inspector, the width and height are disabled and grayed out to 320 by 460. This is strange since I can change the size for the other two views (associated with the other two tab bar items).
I am not sure if this has anything to do with but I recently updated the sdk to 3.

In order to achieve that in XCode 4.6.3/5.0.2 you need to follow the screenshot below:
Under 'File Inspector' -> untick Use Auto Layout
Click on Attributes Selector & Choose Freeform for Size
This is needed when creating a headerView for a tableView

I think that you cannot edit the size while simulating any user interface elements such as the status bar in Interface Builder. You could try turning the simulated elements off if any are enabled. Not exactly sure why this is, so would appreciate feedback from anyone who knows why exactly this is - there must be a good reason.

The part that you are looking for is on the first Inspector panel (Command-1). Right at the top there is a section that is labeled Simulated User Interface Elements. By default the Status Bar is on. You need to make sure all three are set to None.

As at Xcode 4.2, iOS 5.0.1, the default simulated metrics include simulating the 'size' attribute of UIViewControllers to 'Inferred'
If you change this attribute to 'Freeform' then you are able to resize the UIView contained within the UIViewController while also simulating the status bar (or any other of the simulations for that matter)

Just go to the inspector, go to the first panel (or press command-1) and then change the fields marked Status Bar, Top Bar, and Bottom Bar to None under the section called "Simulated User Interface Elements". You may need to click the little triangle to make them visible.

Funny I have a similar problem. I've removed all views from the xib file and re-added a view. Set the status bar to being "unspecified" so that the status bar is not accommodated for. The view, when added, get created with x=0, y=0, w=320 h=460 instead of (0,0,320,480) as I would have expected. After changing the height to 480 and connecting it to file's owner and changing the color to make it distinctive in relation to the background. I fount that there was a white band between the top of the screen and the view.
I augmented my code with:
#define RECTLOG(rect) (NSLog(#"" #rect #" x:%f y:%f w:%f h:%f", rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height ));
within viewDidLoad
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
Turns out that the view is as it's loaded from IB is actually (0, 20, 320, 480)
As a work around I reset the view's frame with self.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480);
I'm using IB 3.2.5
I'd love to know of a little fix for this one.

I've noticed that the UIView automatically created when creating the xib file cannot be resized from the sizing panel or the edge handles.
All I did was to add another UIView and dragged everything from my old UIView to the new one then deleted the old one.
It solved the problem for me but yes, I think there is an underlying issue with the interface builder for Apple to solve (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).
I'm Using XCode 4 integrated Interface builder.

I sorted it out in a different way...
open your xib with your favourite text editor and edit this line
<placeholder placeholderIdentifier="IBFilesOwner" id="-1" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="CompassViewController">
CompassViewController is your class name you are trying to link your nib/xib with.
Just edit your class name with the correct class name and you are done ;)

In storyboard select the UIVIew and go to the attributes inspector change the UIVIew size to "FreeForm" instead of "Inferred"

In Xcode 13
Storyboard -> Attribute inspector -> Size -> Freeform


iOS7 - View under status bar - edgesForExtendedLayout not working

I have a project that was built last year, and it uses XIBs, no storyboards. The XIBs do not use Auto Layout, but they do use some Autosizing. I have an issue when running with iOS7, in which all the views are tucked under the status bar. I fully understand this is a new feature with iOS7, in which this can be expected. However, all of the solutions for fixing it to not do this are not working. I have an image at the top of the view that always shows under the status-bar, and I'm not using nav-bars or anything like that.
I have tried updating the Y-deltas in the XIB (they have no effect on the view), I have tried setting the edgesForExtendedLayout to UIRectEdgeNone (does nothing), and a multitude of other things. Every time, the status bar shows with the view tucked under it, no matter what I do.. that is unless I manually move down the view in the XIB to allow room for the status bar (but that solution doesn't work because it doesn't look right in iOS6, of course).
What's odd is that even when I try a line of code to hack in a view-shift, it doesn't work (like the following):
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(self.view.frame.origin.x, self.view.frame.origin.y+20, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height);
..Not that I would go with that kind of solution, but it's just odd that it didn't work (the only time I typically see that not work is if Auto Layout is in place, which it's not in this case).
It is a design requirement that the status-bar shows, and I'm just stumped on why I can't set the view to be under the status bar for iOS7. I have read every single Stack Overflow post on the subject, as well as Apple's transition/guides. Once again, to reiterate, I fully understand how it should function and what the expected solution should be to this, but none of that seems to be working for this particular project.
I am an experienced iOS dev, but this project was built by another team, so I don't know if there's something hidden somewhere in the XIB files, plist, or code that could be trumping the above settings. Please let me know if there is something else that can be looked at on this, or more information I can provide.
Thanks in advance!
If you set the iOS 6/7 delta values in Interface Builder, remember to set "View as" to "iOS 6" on the Interface Builder Document, since it is the iOS 6 layout you want to replicate. The deltas will then be used only on iOS 7 to push the content below the status bar. If you leave "View as" set to iOS 7 (the default) the deltas will instead give you the iOS 7 look on iOS 6.
However, the deltas will not help you if you reposition or resize views programmatically based on the view frame, since the frame does not account for the deltas.
Instead of using the deltas, the best solution I have found is to enable Auto Layout on your main XIB and then set the top space constraint on your top/content view to follow the Top Layout Guide. This guide was introduced in iOS 7 and represents the position below the status bar. Unfortunately the guide is not available in Interface Builder when not using Storyboards, but you can add it programmatically.
What I did was add a top space constraint to the superview instead in Interface Builder, and created an outlet for this in the code. Then, in viewDidLoad, if the topLayoutGuide is available (iOS 7+), replace the constraint in this outlet with a version using the Top Layout Guide instead.
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(topLayoutGuide)]) {
[self.view removeConstraint:self.containerTopSpaceConstraint];
self.containerTopSpaceConstraint =
[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:self.contentView
[self.view addConstraint:self.containerTopSpaceConstraint];
[self.view setNeedsUpdateConstraints];
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
For reference, the solution below did work when I applied it to my ViewControllers. However, it's not ideal and a bit hacky. If it's the only approach I can take, then so be it, though.
float systemVersion=[[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue];
CGRect tempRect;
for(UIView *sub in [[self view] subviews])
tempRect = [sub frame];
tempRect.origin.y += 20.0f; //Height of status bar
[sub setFrame:tempRect];
Apple are pushing you to use autolayout to accomplish this. You need to set a constraint to the "Top Layout Guide" from the top subview in your view.
See this document for examples:
To do this without XIBs, you'll need to add the constraint programatically. Apple's docs give a good example of this, which I've summarised below.
Giving that the topLayoutGuide is a property on a view controller, you just use it in your dictionary of variable bindings. Then you set up your constraint like normal:
id topGuide = [myViewController topLayoutGuide];
NSDictionary *viewsDictionary = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(button, topGuide);
NSArray *constraints = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:#"V:[topGuide]-20-[button]" options:0 metrics:nil views:viewsDictionary];
The documentation for this can be found in the UIViewController class reference.
1)The simplest solution if you don't mind having an opaque navigation bar:
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = NO;
2) svguerin3's answer can't work in the general case. For example, if one of your subviews uses autosizing to be hooked at the bottom of its container, then its new position will be wrong. And it could go out of screen in the worst case.
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[self.view setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 20, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)];
// OR
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, 20);
Have you tried viewing your XIBs as source and removing any line containing edgesforextendedlayout ??
We had to remove this line in our storyboard's scenes since our storyboard's scenes' main views are represented by XIBs
What was happening for us was that somehow, in some scenes, the XIB content for the scene's main view was being pushed down by the height of the status bar and the navigation bar.
Removing that line allowed the XIBs to be displayed as if their top originated at the same top of its storyboard's scene.
Sadly, we have no idea what triggered this, but I saw it happen when changing the order of the contents within the XIB's main view so that a UITextView appeared first. Rearranging the order of items after this was triggered had no effect in removing this unwanted behaviour.
Hope this helps anyone else running into this type of problem.
If you are using the storyboard, after setting the top layout of your view, you can uncheck the "Under Opaque Bars" in the Attributes Inspector

UIView code vs interface builder

I have defined a UIView in the header file named rectangle0
I got a question in regards to IB vs coding a view. Please see the following code example:
rectangle0.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 70.0, 320.0, 190.0);
Now I can re-create the look of the view easy enough in IB except for the coordinates which are greyed out.
So by calling this code in an IBAction after designing the UIView in IB I can display in the app.
[self.view addSubview:rectangle0];
Now the last line of code will call this view to appear at the set coordinates if I code it - but if I build in interface builder I can make it look exactly the same, but it appears from Y coordinate 20 (just under the status bar) and I can't set the coordinate upon calling it - is there a way to do this??
The UIView is being build outside of the ViewController and then linked to it in the connections inspector.
cheers Jeff
I have added an image to show what screen I am using - as you can see the x and y coordinates are greyed out, it would be great if I can set those to something else.
A view inside the NIB is just an object like any other. It is made to be reusable and I believe that is the key point that resulted in the coordinates being greyed out.
Greying out the position makes the developer worry about where is the view going to be placed. I say that because the position is pretty dependent on the container that your view object is going to be added to.
Although it is just my personal opinion and I am looking forward to hearing if there is indeed a way to do that.
You (effectively) said the view is managed by a view controller. Before you can resize the view, you need to change the Size setting in the view controller's Simulated Metrics to "Freeform". (It is probably set to "None" by default.)

iphone popup custom size in IB

In my application I need show some info popup. This is just a text message above an image. When I create UIView for my popup in IB, it's size is non-ediatable (and equals to 320x460).
But my popup is not full-screen size.
Of course, I can create this popup programmatically, but I'd prefer data-driven approach.
So, the question is: how do I create custom-size UIView in IB?
If you set status bar of the view to none then you should be able to resize the view.
When a view is at the root level in an interface builder document it will always appear to be 320x460 but the size isn't actually set. Interface builder is just simulating what it will look like when it's actually loaded.
If this Popup view is actually supposed to appear in another existing view then drag it inside that view in IB. Once it's no longer at the root level you will be able to set its size.

Problem setting autosizing in interface builder

I have two viewControllers, one is a subclass of UIViewController (autoresizes correctly), the other one is a subclass of a subclass of UIViewController.
I did a layout in Interface Builder, I tested my code in the Simulator and everything works as expected. But if I rotate the device my views don't resize.
So I went back to Interface Builder and found out that I cannot change the Resizing property of the "root"-UIView. So I opened another file and the resizing property is fixed there, too. But it is set to resizing in both direction. This is the behavior I want.
How can I change the autoresizing of the top UIView so it does what I want?
There are not so many subviews that it is impossible to start again from scratch, but I don't want to do this.
I ran into this before and it was incredibly frustrating. It turns out that when you have Simulated User Interface Elements turned on then you can't change the struts and springs like you want.
Go to Attributes tab (Cmd-1) and make sure that Status Bar, Top Bar, Bottom Bar, and Split View are all set to "Unspecified." Then go back to the Size tab (Cmd-3) and you'll be able to click the lines and changes your Struts and Springs. Then finally you can go back to Cmd-1 and turn those simulated elements back on.
I have a simplified answer:
Goto IB
Click on the 'ViewController'
Goto 'Attributes Inspector'
Change 'Size' to 'Freeform' (something other than 'Inferred')
What you have is this:
Change 'size' to 'freeform' & try now!
Now, it works! Go back & change it to 'Inferred' after you have set the Autoresizing masks.
Open Main.storyboard as source (do not forget, it is just an XML file) and replace "autoresizingMask" tag in the View with the following line:
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" widthSizable="YES" heightSizable="YES"/>

UISegmentedControl not expanding size for navigation bar/very squished

Running through an iPhone SDK book and one of the examples has me creating a table and then later adding a UISegmentedControl to the table for sorting.
I dutifully did this in IB, and it looks great:
IB Screenshot
When I run it in the simulator or my phone, it's totally squished:
The buttons work perfectly, it's just they are not sizing according to their content. Any ideas what's going wrong?
Here's the attributes I have set:
You could try explicitly setting the width of each of the segmented control's components. Click the Size tab at the top of the inspector and set the width for each component.
I experienced the same issue once. The problem was that the UINavigationController's view was not the top-level view in the hierarchy (it was not added to UIWindow directly), but it was added as a subview to another view controller's view instead. It's just a guess, maybe that's your problem, too (or that there are more than one visible view controllers).
OK, so in attempting to implement #Chris Gummer's answer, I seem to have learned more about how the Size->View Size property panel works. The default is:
Default Sizing
and this is not a good default, it would seem. My book didn't mention needing to adjust this, so I didn't look at it. Setting the inner horizontal arrow of the box (which I guess means "fit width to available space") did the trick:
The Answer