Where should I start with a facebook application? - facebook

I am thinking about developing a fairly simple facebook application which i have modelled the database in access.
I have web space and mySQL databases available, but I was wondering if anyone could point me towards any guides for facebook development? I had a search a while back, but they all seemed rather out of date. Anyone know where I should start with this?
I don't want to really share exactly what my idea is, but its a rating system for a particular set of products.
I haven't done much PHP before, only edited my wordpress template, and I do know enough SQL I hope.

Use the following links to create and configure ur application on facebook:
and the following links will help u to integrate with facebook platform i have an application on facebook developer platform and the following links helped me to integrate and use facebook API:

You might find some good resources to start with here : Good resources on Facebook programming

I would highly recommend you buy...
No need to go through a bunch of small tutorials when you can find out just about all you can do through this book. It seems to be lacking on building a facebook app with an iframe though.


Phonegap and Facebook - Idiots Guide

Right, I just feel the need to get this off my chest before I explode.
I have made an app using phonegap which actually works very smooth as it's using SVG and very simple but I feel this could be a very addictive little game. the only thing that is letting it down is that I want the user to be able to share their score on Facebook.
Facebook Connect plugin for Phonegap is the worst pile of crap I have ever come across. This is the millionth time I have come back to an Idea, thinking this plugin would have over time (I'm talking years) would have a simple step by step clear set of instructions on how to install but I have NEVER been able to get this working. Before anyone comments on "well why dont you post the errors" theres no point, every time it's a different problem, everyone on the internet cannot get this thing working it's pointless so please, I beg of you can you not post "there is a plugin which can do this easily", it CANT!!
Right, now my rant is over... I have come across this little plugin https://github.com/ccoenraets/OpenFB which, on the face of things does what it says on the tin. My only problem is, (again no clear documentation anywhere on the web for setting up a Facebook app for someone who has never done it before) I dont know what platform to add and what settings to set.
Can anyone state, for a Phonegap application making HTTP requests to the Graph API, what the following should be:
App Domain
The Platform Basic Settings
If anyone can help it would be very much appreciated
I am using OpenFB successfully (almost..)
You don't need any special permissions for android application defined in facebook application. Just copy openfb.js library and look at example code.
EDIT: actually I had small erorr in logic which caused me trouble, it wasn't openfb's error.

How do PhoneGap applications typically handle user accounts?

At the risk of having -1s rain down on me for this question, I'm going to ask anyway. I am playing with PhoneGap, and for my application, user accounts are optional, but recommended. I don't have any web experience, so I don't know the most secure way to deal with stuff like this.
I can think of three options:
Facebook login
Google login
Roll my own
From what I've read online, the Facebook plugin for PhoneGap is only for "facebook apps", which my app is not. Regarding Google, everything points to using OAuth, which I am entirely unfamiliar with. So that seems to leave #3 as the only other option.
If the masters of PhoneGap apps here believe #3 is the way to go, would you be able to recommend any references? I have been looking all over and have come up short. Ok, correction, I did find one reference so far, but more is better!
I know this is late, but if you ever decide to go with option 3, you might want to try Parse.com (which also supports Facebook logins). I've successfully used it with PhoneGap, and there's a tutorial by Raymond Camden that may help you get started.

Getting Started With Twitter for iOS

For quite a while now, I've been trying to find a good way to simply post updates/photos to a user's twitter account via my iOS app. I've looked at ShareKit, but I really need to be able to design my own UI. Also, I've taken a look at MGTwitterEngine, but am unsure as how to implement it. Is there a "right" way to go about posting updates to Twitter with a custom UI on iOS?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Given Apple's TWTweetRequest object, calls made to the Twitter service can now be orchestrated right through iOS without the need for an external framework or engine. Just look at the Twitter developer docs and make the calls you need, specifying the correct information in a dictionary for the process to complete successfully.

iOS Development: All I need to do is post a tweet

I've been researching the latest ways to integrate Twitter into my app and it appears the best (most painless) approach is to use the MGTwitterEngine, and the best tutorial I could find to implement this is a 3-part series. If all I need to do is allow the user to login to their twitter account and post a single tweet that's always the same, is there an easier way to do that than following the tutorial I linked to?
Thanks so much for your wisdom. If the alternatives aren't much easier, no problem, I'm not so lazy that I can't follow a tutorial, I was just wondering if there's a quicker way that I didn't see.
Create a button that opens a UIWebView when clicked. Build the URL using details here: http://twitter.com/about/resources/tweetbutton. Simple - about 10 lines of code.
I'm a big fan of st3fan's (Stefan Arentz) https://github.com/st3fan/iphone-twitter project. It's very easy to integrate and includes whole views that you can just use, easily customizable too.
Plan your Twitter implementation ahead - with an iPhone project you will want to use xAuth authentication which does not require a round trip to the web browser.* You have to first register your app and then request permission for your application to use this method. Check the Twitter developer pages for more details.
*or not. But I hate leaving the app to post tweets.

Objective-C Social Networking General Question

I've been developing application for Iphone and now I want to try to create appplication like social bookmarking but I didn't really find any help on the net.
I will have a create a login/pass, retrieve data and display them.
So I want to know what do I have to use to implement all of that for any social bookmarking website.
If you have suggestion, idea, tutorial, you are welcome.
Most of the major social networking sites have API's for coding against their services, for instance Facebook and Twitter.
I'm sure there are other API's available, so it's just a matter og Googling for them using something like " social-network-name API developer" as serch criteria.
Wouldn't it be easier to integrate with an existing one?