Using Clickonce Deployment with Background intelligent transfer service - service

We are thinking about the deployment and update strategy for a fairly large framework throughout our organization. The application will be in .NET 3.5 and will run on Windows XP, Vista and Win 7 machines. I have used Clickonce few times and it works well for sure.
Has anyone thought of, or have implemented the BITS feature of Windows with Clickonce. I feel the trickle upgrade approach of BITS would make the frequent framework updates pretty user friendly.
Any help appreciated.

The thing is that BITS is used to transfer data in the background, while CLICKONCE is more-or-less a JIT downloader of those DLLs/executables needed to install/update/run an application.
Additionally, ClickOnce is an out-of-box experience. It already works, whereas a BITS solution (even one using the old Updater Application Block) requires you to roll out a framework for updating the application.
Also note that there's nothing saying that a BITS solution would be a "trickle" approach. One could have it download the file in one batch, on high-priority and basically emulate the functionality of ClickOnce, or one could build it to download updates in the background similiar to how FireFox performs updates.
Finally, be aware that ClickOnce does have security ramifications in what the ClickOnce deployed application is allowed to do by default, or even what resources it is allowed to communicate with by default. Read more here.

I have worked on a project that uses BITS and ClickOnce but not in the same context as what you want. ClickOnce was the mechanism for downloading the application which was very light, as light as it could be made. Then using a combination of Microsoft Synchronization services and BITS to synchronize data and pull down artifacts (around 2 GB).
Remember with ClickOnce you do not need to force the user to upgrade before opening. You have the ability to upgrade the application whilst the application is in use and then the next time the application is started the new version will be run.

I doubt that Clickonce would be of much help, because it's unlikely that you could extend it to use BITS. Maybe a combined approach would work where you initially deploy a small custom downloader via Clickonce which uses BITS to get the remaining parts and does all future updates.


how to deploy and update erlang apps without releases

Using releases and relups properly to deploy and update erlang apps is difficult and sometimes not worth it.
If it is possible to upgrade your application in ways that do not
require relups, I would recommend doing so. It is said that divisions
of Ericsson that do use relups spend as much time testing them as they
do testing their applications themselves. They are a tool to be used
when working with products that can imperatively never be shut down.
I'd like to try another way. I know some people develop complex applications and do not use releases. If you are one of them, please describe your workflow.
Do you just clone the repository on the host and run make which runs rebar get-deps compile and then starts the app? Or maybe you only copy beam files? How do you reload updated modules? Do you use mochiweb's reloader? Etc.
In other words, how do you deploy and update erlang apps without releases? What are pros and cons of this way?
Relups are complicated, but not necessary for using releases. A relup is an upgrade fora a release. Instead of using relups, if you can afford to take some downtime, you can simply take down your running erlang release, upgrade it, and then start it again. A relup allows you to do an upgrade without stopping a system. As the quote you provide mentions, this is only necessary when any downtime is unacceptable.
I would personally never run any erlang code in a production environment without using releases. Releases allow you to bundle all dependencies together. The release is a self contained application. Without releases, I would be lost in an endless maze of custom directory structures, build processes, dependency management, and startup scripts.
There is a lot of general fuss made about the difficulty of dealing with releases, but in my experience that just isn't the case. It is true that getting an existing working project to fit into a release can be tricky, but if you use them from the ground up with the right tools, it's simpler than rolling your own. Rebar makes most of the tedious tasks involved simple.
A disadvantage of not using releases comes with interoperating with other erlang applications. For example, CouchDB was not initially written to be OTP compliant. As a result, many people who want to embed it into their erlang applications are unable to do so without looking at alternative distributions.

Multiple OS vs SIngle OS phone and server development

Me and few friends run a little app creation business in our spare time, our current development environment is a 3 macbooks laptops running just snow leopard, 4 asus laptops with dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu and a rubbish test server box that is similar to our vps.
Our setup currently work okayish at the moment, with a few minor issues, like not knowing what version of software we are working on, caused by continually switching operating systems and lost of productivity from being to lazy to switch the laptop we are working, having to unplug it and plug in the new one, including the second monitor, keyboard and mouse.
Our system is far from professional and we are looking to upgrade. This is because we wish to increase our staff and we have some cash saved up, so why not. The phone we are targetting are iOS, android and Win7. Our servers are written in php and json. So my question is basically, how do you guys manage with all these multiple operating systems.
iOS requires mac os x
android can use all
json require linux/mac os x
windows phone 7 requires windows
do you guys use some form of virutalization?
or try those libraries that compile to each phone binary such as unity?
There are many many different ways to solve this and you may have to find what works best for you. Here are some suggestions though.
Using the macbooks, set up bootcamp so you can dual boot to OSX or Windows. This will mean you can use the Macbook for all development without having to bother swapping monitors, etc. Doing this will leave your other Windows laptops spare which you can use for the next suggestion....
Set up a central repository for your sourcecode. Use one of the servers you have, or re-purpose one of the other machines and install a decent source code repository system. CVS, Git, etc. There's plenty of resources about these. This will allow you to keep your code in one place so it won't matter which machine you are working on - you can always get the most recent code. Plus it will help you track your code changes. Oh, and don't forget having it all in one place will be much easier for backups (you do do backups, don't you....?)
Don't fall into the trap of upgrading hardware just because you have some money floating around. You may just need to use the hardware you have more wisely. You mention what you have is "far from professional". You don't need the latest, greatest hardware and software to do development. I've done iOS development on 4 year old Macbook Pro, used an 8 year old PC as a server for web and database and still use Windows XP every day.
Depending on how many of you there are, you may not have enough Macbooks. If this is the case, then perhaps you have some who are specialists in the server-side stuff (ie they don't do iOS development and so don't need the Macs).
Virtualisation - using VMWare or similar tools are an excellent way of getting more from what you have. For example, you could have a couple of test servers that aren't very heavily utilised. Using virtualisation, you could put both of these servers onto one machine. This will then free up the other box for something else. It also makes it very easy to backup (you are doing backups, aren't you...?) an entire server and recover it back to the exact state in the case of a hardware failure. You can also very easily create a server tailored for each client/project and switch between them quickly without having to maintain lots of other stuff (think if you had a web server configured for one project and you then work on another project that needs a different configuration and you change it, then you need to change it back, etc).
EDIT: Update in response to comments.
If using Bootcamp isn't an option, then consider running a Windows and/or Linux virtual machine inside OSX. Depending on the spec of your macbooks and as long as you don't need very low-level hardware access on Windows, then this would probably work as well and not need to switch in and out using BootCamp. Same goes for the Linux virtual machine. I'm a big fan of using Virtual Machines on development environments as it allows you to copy around and switch in and out servers without having to rely on physical hardware connections. And you can very easily return to a known state with the server configuration and data.
With regards the source control "in the cloud". I'm not a fan of this approach. It's my source code and I want to control it. I don't want to be reliant on some other company and I don't want to hope I've read some Terms and Conditions correctly and I'm not handing over my code to some other company to do what they want with it. Aside from that, what happens if your internet access goes down and you absolutely must get some coding done for a customer? If you are relying on another service, then you are risking problems. Yes, it has advantages for multi-site, they do the backups for you, etc. But it really isn't a problem unless you have lots of developers spread all across the world. And even then it isn't necessarily a problem. You could always do a backup of your code to some package file, encrypt it and then throw that up in the cloud for a backup storage (as well as burning it to disc, writing to another external hard drive and storing them off-site). But I certainly wouldn't want to rely on an external source control unless I was doing open source stuff.
There's sooooo much more to these subjects and there are many other subjects you will probably encounter along the way of building up your business.
One of the most important things about software development is to keep it organised and to get that organisation part done at the start. If you are just each keeping a copy of the code on local drives, then changing code and hoping that you haven't changed the same file as someone else, then this will just lead to pain. The source control aspect is key from the start.
Oh, and did I mention backups?
I would also consider the IDE you're using as part of the equation. For instance a good cross platform IDE (Like QT4+) and a centralised code repository on a server will go a long way towards mitigating your working problems. Eclipse, Netbeans and QT4+ are cross platform and will work with all 3 systems. Virtualisation as you mentioned is an option, but first I would decide on the IDE platforms to use before worrying about your dev infrastructure setup.
Bro, I'm not a pro, but you have two options:
Either multiboot your system by installing multiple OSes...(Obviously, you need a separate MACbook)
Or use Virtual Machines like VMWare etc.
Personally, I haven't heard much about libraries like Unity etc.
Go for dedicated systems & not just libraries.

Application Updater

does anybody know a good, flexible and free component for automatic application updating beside ClickOnce (not necessarily .NET only)?
In the past there was the Updater Application Block from Microsoft. But as far as i know its not maintained anymore.
What Technology are you using to keep you applications up to date?
We have designed our own updater logic based on WiX & .NET for our .NET apps. Logic is fairly simple and couple with continuous integration (so that we can fire a new release in a single click). Everything is released as open source. You can have a look at the code at and more precisely at (direct app source code).
Try PADUpdater it's freeware and doesn't need any configuration as it uses your PAD.XML file to get the settings.

Deployment in an agile environment

In the past my development team we have mostly done waterfall development against an existing application and deployments were only really done towards the end of a release which would normally result in TEST, UAT, PROD releases normally only consisting of three to five releases in a two month cycle.
A release was an MSI installer, deployed via Group Policy.
We have now moved to a more agile methodology and require releases at least once per day for testing, some times more often.
The application is a VB6 app and the MSI was taking care of COM registrations for us, users do not have elevated privileges on their machines.
Does anyone have any better solutions for rapid deployment?
We have considered batch/scripted installs of the MSI, or doing COM registrations per file, both using CPAU for elevated privileges, and ClickOnce. Neither of these have been tested yet.
Edit: Thanks for suggestions.
To clarify, my pain point is the MSI build / deployment process takes a long time can take up to two hours to get the new build on to the testers desktops. The testers do not admin rights on their machine (and will not get them) so I am looking for a better solution.
I have played around with ClickOnce, using a dot net wrapper which starts up the application and has all the OCX/DLL vb6 assemblies as isolated dependencies, but this is having issues finding all the assemblies when it starts up, or messages to that effect.
CruiseControl and Nant are probably your best bet for builds with flexible output. But Rapid Deployment?
My concern is that you are looking at the daily builds in the wrong way. The dailies do NOT need to be widely deployed. In fact, QA and Development are the only ones who should care about the builds on a day to day basis. EVen then, the devs shouldn't be out of sync ;).
The customer team should only recieve builds at the end of a iteration. That is where you show them what you have done and they provide feedback and you move forward from there. Giving them daily builds could cause a vicious thrashing that would kill your velocity.
All that being said, a nice deployment package might be good for QA. But again, it depends on how in step they are with your development iterations. My experience, right or wrong, is that QA is one iteration back testing the deliverables from the last iteration. From that point of view, they should be testing with the last "stable" release as well.
Is this something you can do in a virtual machine? You could securely give your testers admin rights on the virtualized system and most virtualization software has some form of versioning so you can roll back to a "good" state if something goes wrong. I've found it to be very useful for testing.
I'd recommend ClickOnce with the option to update on execution. That way only people using the software receive and install the updates.
You could try registry-free COM. See this other question. ActiveX EXEs still have to be registered though.
EDIT: to clarify, using registry-free COM means the OCX/DLL components you mention don't need to be registered. Nor do any OCX/DLL components they use. You can just copy the whole application directory onto a tester's machine and it will work straightaway.
If I understand your question correctly, you need admin rights to install your product. I see three options:
1) Don't install to the tester's desktops. Get some scratch testing machines (as dmo suggested, VMWare might help) that you can safely give them admin rights to. This may mean giving them a test domain and their own group policy to edit.
2) Build a variant that doesn't require MSI installation, and can be executed directly. Obviously your testers would not be testing the deployment and installation process with this variant, but they could perform other tests of the product's functionality. I don't know if this is possible with your product; it would certainly be work.
3) Take your agile medicine: "[prefer] responding to change over following a plan". That is, if denying admin rights to your testers is interfering with their ability to do their jobs efficiently, then challenge the organization to give them admin rights. (from experience, this will mean shifting to #1, but it might be the best way to make the case). If they are expected to test the product, how can they not even be allowed to install it in the same way a customer would?
If the MSI deployment is taking velocity out of agile testing, then you should test MSI deployment less regularly.
Use XCOPY deployment wherever possible, using .local for COM components. This can be a problem with third party components. As third party components are pretty stable, you should be able to build a custom MSI for these, install them once and be done with it.
You should try an automated build/deploy process or script that you can manually run. Try Teamcity or CruiseControl. Good luck!
I'm not sure just precisely what your pain point is.
You specifically mention registration of VB6 COM objects. Does the installer sometimes fail because of that?
Is it that the installer works but people don't know to install the new build so they are more often than not reporting bugs on an old build?
If the former, then I suspect the problem to be that VB6 was very likely to play fruit basket turnover with the GUIDs when rebuilding the solution. Try recreating your public interfaces in MIDL and have your VB6 classes implement those interfaces.
If the later, then try Microsoft's SMS product. No, it has nothing to do with cell phones. If all the user's aren't on the same domain, then you will have to build an "auto update" feature into your product. Here is a third party offering that I've heard of but never used.
I'm using SetupBuilder ( for all my builds. Very extensible. Excellent support.
Not sure exactly if it fits your needs, but this kind of post on the forums, "Installing as a limited account user (non-admin) on XP" (, makes me think it might be.

Is automatic upgrades a realistic feature to expect from enterprise Web applications?

Most of the work I do is with what could be considered enterprise Web applications. These projects have large budgets, longer timelines (from 3-12 months), and heavy customizations. Because as developers we have been touting the idea of the Web as the next desktop OS, customers are coming to expect the software running on this "new OS" to react the same as on the desktop. That includes easy to manage automatic upgrades. In other words, "An update is available. Do you want to upgrade?" Is this even a realistic expectation? Can anyone speak from experience on trying to implement this feature?
At my company we have enterprise installations ranging into the thousands of seats. If we implemented an auto-upgrade, our customers would mutiny!
Large installations have peculiar issues that don't apply to small ones. For example, with 2000 users (not all of whom are, let us say, the most sophisticated of tool users), tool-training is a big deal: training time, internal demos, internal process documents, etc.. They cannot unleash a new feature or UI change without a chance to understand how it fits in their process and therefore what their internal best practices are and how to communicate that to their users.
Also when applications fail, it's the internal IT team who are responsible. Therefore, they want time to install a new version in a test area, beat it up, and deploy on a Saturday only when they're good and ready.
I can see the value in making minor patches more easy to install, particularly when the patch is just for a bug-fix and not for anything that would require retraining, and if the admins still get final say over when it's installed. But even then, I don't believe anyone has ever asked for this! Whether because they don't want it or they are trained to not expect it, it doesn't seem worth it.
Well, it really depends on your business model but for a lot of applications the SaaS model can end up biting you. It's great for a lot of things but for some larger applications the users are not investing as significant amount up front and could possibly move to something else before you've made any money.
and here
for more information
One of the primary reasons to implement an application as a web application is that you get automatic upgrades for free. Why would users be getting prompted for upgrades on a web app?
For Windows applications, the "update is available, do you want to upgrade?" functionality is provided by Microsoft using ClickOnce, which I have used in an enterprise environment successfully -- there are a few gotchas but for the most part it is a good way to manage automatic deployment and upgrade of Windows apps.
For mobile apps, you can also implement auto-upgrades, although it is a little trickier.
In any case, to answer your question in a broad sense, I don't know if it is expected that all enterprise apps should make upgrading easy, but it certainly is worth the money from an IT support standpoint to architect them to allow for easy upgrading.
If you're providing a hosted solution, I wouldn't bother. Let the upgrade happen silently (perhaps with a notice that you did it). If you're selling an application that's hosted on their servers, let the upgrade decision be made by a single owner, not every user of the app.