Rearranging rows in uitableview - iphone

I've an application in which each row contains an uiimageview and an uibutton. I have created them using custom cells, uitableviewcells. The button is to trigger the method, uiimagepickercontroller to pick an image from the library and show it in the imageview. I need that any user who uses the application can rearrange the rows as they wish so that they decide the order of the photos. code here

Reordering of rows in a tableview is pretty straightforward, you just need to implement a few methods of the UITableViewDataSource Protocol and your good to go. Have a look at the Table View Programming Guide for info & code.
You could show an Edit button in the navigation bar if your using a navigation controller, which switches the table view to edit mode, causing the reordering control to be shown. This edit button could be changed to done, once the table is in edit mode of course. Don't forget to set the showsReorderControl property of the cell to YES. From then on, it's just a matter of implementing the right methods.


Newbie TableView challenges

I am building an app that requires a tableview control so that users can select multiple rows and act upon them in some way. I find it easy to load my data and display it using the UITableViewController but it seems when I do it this way I am unable to place any other controls on the page, such as a toolbar to give the user some actions to perform on the selected rows. I can place a toolbar control on the form in the storyboard, but it doesn't render in the emulator.
Using a UIViewController and placing a TableView on it seems to come with its own set of confusing challenges (that will make total sense once I conquer them).
Is there any advice for a smooth way of getting a table view with toolbar controls? Thanks!
don't use a TableViewController. Use a Standard ViewController, then add a UITableView to it, and adjust the size. This way you will be able to do whatever else you want on that view without limiting yourself to the tableView only functionality.
When you do this make sure you add the datasource and delegate to the connected table. Then add cellForRowAtIndex, number of sections, number of rows, and whatever other delegate methods you need for your table.
Good luck
Is there any advice for a smooth way of getting a table view with toolbar controls?
Yes there are few ways to accomplish this, one way would be adding a footerview to your tableviewcontroller check these
UIButtons on tableFooterView not responding to events
Easier way to add this is using storyboard.
Just drag and drop a view in to your tableviewcontroller, then you can adjust the views size and put anything from objects menu to inside of the view.
Now the problem with that is view will not be stable position at the bottom of the page like a tabbar. Lets say you have only 1 row in your tableview, footer view will go up just below that 1 row, lets say you have hundreds of items in your tableview toolbar will be at the bottom of the rows.
The other solutions for your problem would be either create a custom view and adding it to current view or window (this is little bit adbance),but if you want this just google it.
Or just as you said, create a viewcontroller and put a uitableview inside. Dont forget to add <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource> to your .h file and then you can call UItableview delegate methods.\
Good Luck.

UITableview with UIPageControl?

I am in the making of a restaurant "step by step" ordering app, where I want to list the menu (appetizers, main course etc) in a tableview with the ability to organize the menu contents with a UIPagecontrol. Something similar to the eat24 app way of doing it or how the weather forecast app is constructed.
I already have the tableview set up, now I just need to implement this, which I hope you will help me with or guide me in the right direction, for me to accomplish this :). Would I need to setup a tableview for each of the categories or would it be possible to just update one tableview with the needed information, by swiping to the left or use arrows in a toolbar in the picture? What would the best way to add a toolbar like the one picture (white ring), using the storyboard -> resize tableview and drag the image in or to set it up programmatically?
Option 1 - Updating your tableView
You may update your dataSource so it reflects the state of the "new" tableView. Than you call reloadSections:withRowAnimation: by using UITableViewRowAnimationRight or UITableViewRowAnimationLeft, depending of whats fitting at the moment. This will feel like scrolling to a new tableView. For swiping you could use a UISwipeGestureRecognizer.
Option 2 - Using a scrollView with multiple tableViews
If you want it a little bit easier just setup three tableViews and throw them in a UIScrollView with paging enabled.
Of course you need to add and setup a UIPageControl, if you want to show those dots.
Regarding the UI:
You can setup everything in your Storyboard. The background, the arrow buttons, the UIPageControl, you can even add the UISwipeGestureRecognizer within the Storyboard.

Only update visible table view cells?

I'm trying to load a table view with cells that contain images downloaded off the internet. I'd like to only perform the download operation on cells that are currently visible instead of downloading every image as the user scrolls down quickly.
I found the indexPathsForVisibleRows method and that should fit my needs nicely but I need a way to figure out when the table view is no longer scrolling. My idea is to use the indexPathsForVisibleRows when the table view isn't scrolling so that all of the images currently on screen are loaded without unnecessarily loading images.
Are there any methods that I can override or notifications to subscribe to that will alert me when the table view is no longer scrolling?
Take a look at the methods listed here:
If your view controller is the delegate of the UITableView, these will also be fired for it, as the UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView.
Particularly, pay attention to: scrollViewDidEndDecelerating. This is the one I used to do pretty much what you're asking.

Delete cells in table view Iphone with edit button

I have a table view with different cells and basically I would like an edit button which would then make those red circle appear in each cell and be able to delete them. I already know how to make the "Edit" button appear and also I have overridden the commitEditingStyle method for the table view so I would like to know how to link the button to the action which trigers the red circle and how to make them appear and finally how to actually delete the cells thankyou :)
The editing style on your table view cells should be set to UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete, and then you just need to make sure to call setEditing:animated: on your table view. UITableViewController can help provide a lot of this functionality pre-baked.
That's actually done through an undocumented API (though I'm not quite sure why) - using it would probably get your app rejected.
However, lots of apps simulate this functionality with their own code - you'd basically define a custom UITableViewCell subclass which changed its background color / toggled that extra red circle image when tapped, keep track of which cells had been tapped, and finally delete them all by calling deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: on the table with the collected list of rows.

iPhone app - some custom UITableViewCell questions

At the moment, I have a settings view in my iPhone app built with Interface builder, it consists of a background image, some text fields, labels and buttons. Because this looks bad, I want to convert the settings view to an UITableView with custom UITableViewCells.
I already tried adding some cells into my settings view's XIB and returning them in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method (with [return myCell];), as written in Apple's tutorial, but this was not working for me - my whole TableView looked strange and it only showed the first cell correctly.
Is it possible to design these custom cells in Interface Builder? Do I have to create an empty XIB for them or can I put them in my view's XIB? And how do I insert them into my TableView?
Thanks in advance,
You can absolutely add custom table cells that you built in interface builder. This includes both static cells and Dynamic cells. However without you providing more information the best I can say is "double check the docs and try again." I can only say that it works and it's rather straightforward so it's hard to say what you may have missed. It might be more helpful if you post what you have for the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath method.
Since you say you just have some text fields, I would recommend looking at the technique for static row content section of the Table View Programming guide. You probably would want to have each field of your form correspond to a row in a Segmented Table View, it'll make everything look nicer.