Wizard style of interface in iPhone - iphone

How would one implement a wizard style interface for the iPhone?
For instance I have a form that I would like to break down into 5
different pages or views instead of putting all the information to fill out
into one page or view.
This interface must have the ability to go prev or next in case they want
to change something on page 2 when they are on page 4.
This interface must have the ability to go to page 3 directly and still be
able to go prev and next. Seems like using UINavigationController wouldn't
work here since views 1 and 2 are not on the stack so prev would not work.
Update: Check out the "gas cubby" application. It has what I'm looking for. UITableView presents the items you can fill out. Selecting a row takes you to the detail view to enter data and prev and next to fill in other information.

UINavigationController seems like the obvious solution. It gives you nice, familiar page transitions for free, and if you need to jump to a specific page you can just set up your navigation stack without using the transition animations.

I would say use a Navigation Controller. On the 1st view, show the 5 options in a Table View. The user selects a row, and then the corresponding section is pushed onto the stack as a new UIViewController. So, if they are in view #3 and want to go back to view #1 (to be honest, I would recommend rethinking whether or not somebody in the real world will actually want to do this), they hit "back" and then select view #1 from the table.
I can't think of a better way to do this because you won't have room to do something like breadcrumbing, which Apple would recommend against anyway. You could use a tab bar but that is more like options then some sort of wizard workflow.

If you really want them to be able to skip around the process, the combination of a UINavigation controller with a UISegmentedControl to jump to sections would do what you want. You can either embed the segmented control in the nav bar or place it just below the nav bar (which seems more like what you want since you have five sections).
If the Segmented control is not quite to your taste just put up any set of five buttons to change sections and make them visually appealing.

A "wizard" UI is typically used when you have a relatively small number of steps where one step depends on the previous, at least at some steps, the results or presentation depends on previous steps. This is like a navigation tree that usually results in the use of the navigation controller, but with only one potential branch at each each step. My feeling is that the navigation UI would be perfect, but with one exception; A button on the right hand side of the navigation bar that is the left to right mirror image of the "back" button that is usually found in the left part of the navigation button. That button would navigate to the the next step, and at each step the page presented would allow the user to fill in the information for that step. The only problem then is navigating to a step not the next or previous, and this could be corrected with a custom button that includes a drop-down list of the steps in the process. And this would fit nicely with the rest of the iPhone UI, which Gas Cubby's wizard UI (as good as it is) does not.


flutter: best way to implement inner navigation with bottom nav bar

I'm developing a flutter application and I'm now struggling to understand what is the best way to implement a complex bottom bar navigation.
Here are my requirements:
each button on the nav bar should lead to a different section
each section should be able to have multiple screens inside of it
user can navigate from any page of a section to any page in another section and back
each section should show the last visited page if we come back to it
for example, let's say we have two sections, each made of two pages: SectionOneA, SectionOneB, SectionTwoA, SectionTwoB.
A few use cases:
user navigates from SectionOneB to SectionTwoB by pressing a button inside SectionOneB, when user presses back (on android) from SectionTwoB, we should navigate back to SectionOneB
user navigates to SectionTwoA by the nav bar, then navigates to SectionTwoB via a button in SectionTwoA, then navigates to SectionOneA via the nav bar and then press the SectionTwo icon in the nav bar again. we should show SectionTwoB. if back is pressed we should navigate to SectionTwoA.
in both these examples, when moving from one section to another, the correct nav bar item should be highlighted.
I'm new to flutter so I'm learning as I go. For now, what I've done is using nav bar with PageViewer to switch from section to section, then each section uses a PageViewer to handle switching from page to page. This worked well until I had to implement the first usecase above, at this point it seems to me that it would be quite challenging to implment a proper navigation stack as demanded by the usecase and I feel it would be better to rethink the whole thing, only I've no idea what is the best way to approach this.
A temporary solution would be to also include SectionTwoB in the PageViewer of section one, but that would not allow me to highlight the proper nav bar item.
Any lead on how to approach this? All the examples I find seems too simple and/or I'm failing at understanding how to connect the pieces together. I'm using flutter_bloc as a state management library.

Swift- How do I make it so that if the user clicks the button it takes them to a new view?

I'm currently trying to create a small notepad app, and i'm in need of help. I am using a Tabbed View Application. Say we had a view that has two text fields for Name and short description, and then a button beneath saying "Create Note".
How can I make this button change the view to my editor/notepad view that does not have the tabs at the bottom?
If you are using storyboards, which I assume that you are, what you will want to use are triggered movements called segues.
To create one, right-click on the button and drag the line that appears to the second view, and then release.
It should look like this:
Then, when you release, a gray box will appear, with a list of segues. You can find out what each one does online, and as you get more advanced you can develop custom ones.
However, use Modal as a basic one to begin with.
Hope this helps,
PS. In the future, try and make your questions more specific, and do some research before you ask a question. It's important that you gain a good reputation on Stack Overflow if you want your questions answered properly.

Tech Design to achieve a workflow usability using UINavigationController

New to iOS development with a simple technical design question. The project I'm working has walks a user through a set of questions, upwards of 20. I want to use the UINavigationController to give a workflow feel in terms of usability with the back button and Next button in the navigation bar - that is a requirement. However, the design of each of the 20 views will be identical, except of course for the content which will be data driven.
From a design standpoint, would I...
Replicate the View Controller 20 times with 20 separate h and m classes, and use push segue's between each to give a workflow feel.
Replicate the View Controller 20 times but connect to same h and m class.
Redraw the View each time the user clicks Back or Next, thus keeping 1 viewcontroller
I've looked at several samples with xib files, but I'm looking to pull this off with the latest version of xcode and storyboards.
The simplest approach will be to reuse what has already been created. The View (From Modal-View-Controller) part of your application needs to be implemented only once.
All you need is a simple action to allow user to navigate between provide options (20 in this case).
The preferred option in this case will be
3)Redraw the View each time the user clicks Back or Next, thus keeping 1 viewcontroller
All you need is to update the content (equivalent to redraw the view)using proper selectors such as
- (IBAction)navigateToNextOption:(int)index;
- (IBAction)navigateToPreviousOption:(int)index;
You might also like to handle validation based on indices and prompt user to select proper navigation buttons.
A simple case say what if the options are 1000 , might also help you decide the best approach.
I would suggest that use a single viewcontroller and show the animation behavior like UINavigationController on next and back button click. use this source code a Git
kASlidshow git repositry
how it looks
replace the arrow buttons and place it a top of the UIViewController.

Need architecture direction

I'm creating an app and I need some help with design.
Launch Screen - I want to show 6-8 "category" buttons with labels loaded from an array ("normal" buttons from interface builder - not tab bar buttons or menu bar buttons).
Table Screen - When one of the category buttons is pushed on the launch screen, I want to show a table view with all of the items in that category.
Detail Screen - When one of the items on the table screen is selected, go to a new screen with details for the item. There will be an action button on this screen which will remove the item from the list if pressed.
My questions are as follows:
1) I don't want to show navigation buttons on the first screen. Can I still use a Navigation-Based application and hide the navigation controls on the first screen, or would it be better (easier) to create a view-based application and put a navigation controller "inside" one of the views? I'm totally open to any basic design approach suggestions you may have.
2) I've figured out how to create a sqlite3 file, add it to the project, query it, and generate the table view from the results, but I'm not sure about how to store the sqlite file in a way that will persist on the device when the user upgrades the app later. Any pointers on that?
Thanks for any help/links/documentation you can point me to. I've watched a million tutorials but none of the ones I've seen really address basic app design.
Now for Q1, both ways work fine but if you have buttons from the first screen, having a uinavigationcontroller might make it slightly easier if you plan to have back buttons on the screens after the first screen.
For Q2, to make the database persist when the user updates their app at some stage, simply keep the original database and include a new database (with a different name) with additional content, then modify your original database and import any additional content to it.
You can also do variations of that also, ie import content from old database to new database and etc. But the key is to keep the database file names different, ie add database_v1.sqlite, database_v2.sqlite and etc.
BTW don't forget to clean up any databases you won't use in future.

App design: UITabBarController within UINavigationController

I have a very specific application design that I'm trying to figure out how to create with iOS 4.
Here's how it works:
The user selects an installed data set, or triggers a data set download.
The user provides a key for decrypting the data set.
A tab bar is shown with different search options for looking at the data. There are more searches than fit on the tab bar, so there's a More item and an Edit button. (Thanks, Apple!)
The searches provide different options, some requiring an additional screen for setup.
Once a search result is tapped, the user sees details. They can usually tap deeper into the result.
The tab bar stays visible as users look at details, letting them start a different kind of search. Tapping a search takes them back to step 3.
If at any time the device goes to sleep, the data must be locked. This is a hard requirement, despite may efforts to remove it. So at the moment, I'm returning to step 2.
I've implemented this in iPhone OS 3.1 with a UINavigationController for steps 1 and 2. The app pushes a UITabBarController with each tab represented by a UINavigationController for step 3, hiding the navigation on the outer controller. The user then operates within this UITabBarController. For a lock, I just pop the tab controller off the navigation controller.
It mostly works in iPhone OS 3.1, but it's fragile and hackish. There was no good way to change the data set, but the user could just close the app. With iOS 4 this workaround is gone! The only option I see is returning to step 2 on a supsend/resume, which is going to be a terrible multitasking experience.
How should I be doing this?
The tabs don't make sense until the data set is opened and unlocked.
I (and my users) really like the single tap (no matter the depth) to start a new search.