Creating a fixed formatted cell in UITableview - iphone

I want to have a tableview create rows that look like this:
value1 item1 container1
value10 item10 container10
value100 item100 container100
value2 item2 container2
What I am trying to show is that the first word (value) will have a set length of 12 and then the second word (item) will have a set length of 10 and then the last word (container) is just tagged on at the end.
I am pulling these from a SQLite database and don't want to use multiple lines, but read in a strictly formatted structure like this.

You can layout a custom UITableViewCell in Interface Builder, where you drag two UILabel views onto the Content View and set their size appropriately (Notice that the letters may vary in width, so even though you know it's 10 chars in length, you don't know the maximum width, please keep that in mind)
Then you just fill the open space at the right of a cell with another UILabel, layout it to cover the open space and set it to autoresize it's width and set the right margin to be fixed.
There are quite a few tutorials available on how to use the custom cell in your tableView, I can recommend you this screencast. It explains how you can initialize the custom cell and how you can access the custom labels.

It sounds like you want something like an old-fashion text display in which then nth character in row zero always lines up the nth character in every row.
Even using carefully positioned labels in a custom tableviewcell, you will have to strictly control the specific font and its size if you want all the characters to line up in fixed width column. You will need a fixed width font to begin with and you will have to set the size precisely.
You might want to consider whether this is necessary. iPhone users are used to propionate width text displays. Very precise columns of text might make it difficult to discern rows. I would test first with just a simple table before spending the time tweaking the columns.


UILabel: Get actual font size with adjustFontSizeToFit

I have two labels in my layout.
I want the font size to adjust to fit the label bounds.
I set to true the UILabel adjustFontSizeToFit.
Moreover a need the two labels to have the same font size. So I added an auto-layout constraint to make the labels have the same size.
The issue with it is the labels do not contain the same string. Sometimes the first is longer and vice-versa. The font I use doesn't have the same width for every character which will not allow me to use a space to fill to shorter string. (This solution looks a bit ugly to me).
I tried to get the label.font.size.pointSize after the label has been displayed but the value returned is always the one I set at the beginning (before being reduced to fit).
Does anyone have an idea on how I could achieve it ?

Devide text to UITextViews

I have long text and 2 textViews.
I need to insert this text to 2 textViews(they have no scrolling).
It's like book pages(first page is a one textView, second page is a another textView).
So, question is: how to determine which text length I need insert to first textView?
You can set the complete text to the first textView, calculate the visible text range and set the remaining text to the second textView. An alternative is to manually calculate the range of the text that will be visible in the first textView, however it requires ugly recursion with sizeWithFont that i can't believe is so fast, i'd follow the first way.
See this answer to learn how to get the visible text range.
First figure out length of each line, font, and how many lines you can fill into the each textview. Use following to do this
CGFloat stringWidth = [text sizeWithFont:[UIFont fontWithName:your_textview_font_name size:your_textview_font_size]].width;
Then use substrings operation.
Shouldn't be difficult to do this!

How to set automatically min width of fields by longest text in some group

I use iReport to create reports, and I would like to know if there is a way to set the width of "optically grouped fields". They should be set to the minimal size that still displays longest text. I have Static Text on left side and Text Field right of them. This Text Fields are set to the width 150 and alignment to right, but I'd like to set smaller size to wipe out white spaces.
Consider some thing like this
Name: Paul
Surname: Smither
And want automatically to
Name: Paul
Surname: Smither
etc. can be smaller then preset size but no bigger.
Is there a way?? even some component
You cannot change the element width dynamically without using Java frameworks.
The quote from JasperReports Ultimate Guide:
The width and height attributes are mandatory and represent the size
of the report element measured in pixels. Other element stretching
settings may instruct the reporting engine to ignore the specified
element height. Even in this case, the attributes remain mandatory
since even when the height is calculated dynamically, the element will
not be smaller than the originally specified height.
You can read this article for better understanding the mechanism of changing the element size.
If it's genuinely just a couple of fields that come from the same row in the dataset, then you could hack something together.
Use a monospace font
Define your maximum field length with a String set to N spaces. For example:
$P{MaxLengthString} default value is 10 spaces: " "
Change your field text from $F{FirstName} to this:
$P{MaxLengthString}.length() + $F{FirstName}.length() - java.lang.Math.max($F{FirstName}.length(), $F{LastName}.length())
) + $F{FirstName}
That is... er... a bit more complex. And it only works with monospace fonts. And I can't believe I really suggested this. Don't do it. (But it ought to work.)

Multiple UILabel(s) repositioning according to wordwrap

I have this interface with multiple UILabels.
On view loading i populate white labelled values with some data from a db.
The problem is, some of that fields are potentially too long for the interface, so i'd like to compute the total height of one label once the text is word wrapped and reposition the 2 labels below (shifting the Y coordinate) accordingly to the previous label's height.
All of this should go inside a UIScrollView to let the user scroll those labels vertically.
Any chance i can do this easily with some control i still don't know, or do i have to do it manually?
You'll need to use the NSString UIKit Additions to compute the height you need to set on your UILabel, and then adjust the other controls appropriately.
Specifically, I think you want to use sizeWithFont:forWidth:lineBreakMode: to get the rect for your UILabel.
Alternatively, you could use a UIWebView and display the information as HTML. I don't know if it's necessarily less work, but you'll get a layout that automatically adjusts to the size of its contents.

UITableView cell text is cut off

I am having a problem with the UITableview cell cutting off strings whose characters are more than 12 chars. Any ideas why this would occur? I have not made a custom cell at all. I cannot find any solution to this problem through a Google search. Any ideas?
You should be able to set the label properties to re-size the font based on the label's contents using adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth. This will essentially decrease the font size to make the text fit all on one line.
Your cell likely contains a label, which in turn is set to given bounds. What you need to do is ensure that your label is the same size as your longest string, or bigger than it.