Accessing svn:mergeinfo via SharpSvn - sharpsvn

I'm using SharpSvn to get the log for a repository. For each log entry I can access useful info about the files that have changed (via SvnLogEventArgs.ChangedPaths), but I can't figure out how to get the svn:mergeinfo property.
Any ideas?

It is just a regular Subversion property. You can extract the value using the following bit of code:
string mergeInfo;
var client = new SvnClient();
bool success = client.GetProperty(
out mergeInfo);
Note that the result of GetProperty does not indicate whether or not a mergeinfo property was available but rather if the method call was a success. The mergeInfo string variable may be null even if success is true.


I’m getting below error while I try to execute a workflow on Powercenter

Transformation Parse Warning [<<P M Parse Warning>> <<Invalid constant sun-expression>> <<Expression Error>> [TO_DATE]:invalid string for converting to Date
… t:TO_DATE(s:s:”,s:s:’YYYYMMDD’)
How can I solve this?
This is the first time I encounter this error. Normally, this is a daily routine for our job. The parameter is successfully added to the mapping and all the other things seem okay. I’d appreciate your help.
I tried to start the workflow and got this error.
You need to define a $$RUN_DATE in mapping. Currently its not defined in mapping or its null in parameter file.
You need to set a default value in mapping like 20221221 for today.
Or else you can set it up in a parameter file like this
Considering this is your daily routine and up till now it has been working fine, I assume this is not a new development and no recent changes have been made. Apparantly PowerCenter got an invalid value for the parameter.
Check you parameter file and how it gets generated.
Was the process of generating paramfile executed without issues?
Was there enough storage space?
Can you verify the paramfile contents?
Can you regenerate it?
Can you modify it and provide some value manually?
Feel free to get back with some updates for more help if your problem won't get resolved by checking the items on the list above.

Is "health.config.enabled" still being processed, and where?

Is the property "health.config.enabled" still valid and being processed in current Spring Cloud?
If yes, where in the code it is being done?
The property is in the current official documentation and has worked well for me so far (in cloud clients).
But as a whole string, it cannot be found anywhere in the current source code (besides the doc source).
For me as a beginner, it was easy to find in the old version of
Recent version of does not contain that whole property name, although I guess it's still being processed but in a more abstract way that I don't understand yet. Thus I'd appreciate even a hint in the form of "what used to be done on line "#ConditionalOnProperty(value = "health.config.enabled", matchIfMissing = true)" before is now roughly done on line XY".
It is replaced by #ConditionalOnEnabledHealthIndicator("config") (see here).
From the javadoc for that annotation
#Conditional that checks whether a default health indicator is enabled. Matches if the value of the<name>.enabled
So the new property is

How to reset VSTS counter?

We have a need to reset VSTS counter. I do not see any way to do this through UI. There is a way to do it by directly invoking reset build counter REST API, but in order to do this, you need to know the counter id, which you should be able to find out by invoking get a definition REST API. Unfortunately, no matter what I do get a definition call does not return build definition counter.
What am I missing?
Scott Dallamura from Microsoft wrote this thread:
the counters feature was experimental and removed back in March of
this year. I'm not sure how it even got into the documentation, but
I'll make sure it gets cleaned up.
I also didn't success to get the counterId in an API call.
At workaround, you can reset the revision of the build number if you change the build definition name, you can just add/remove a character.
Instead of trying to reset the counter variable, you could create a new variable with a GUID prefix.
This solution creates duplicate counters which might not be ideal but this gives you the ability to revert back to the previous counter values, if necessary.
Please see the following YAML code snippet
#Change this Guid if you require a reset seed on the same value.
resetCounterGuid: 'efa9f3f5-57fb-4254-8a7a-06d5bb365173'
buildrevision: $[counter(format('{0}\\{1}',variables['resetCounterGuid'],variables['YOUR_DEFINED_VARIABLE']),0)]

Reading an SB-Messaging Send Port properties using the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM makes a breaking change

I am working on a PowerShell script making use of the Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM to dynamically update the SB-Messaging SAS key for BizTalk Receive Locations and Send Ports. This is to enable us to roll the SAS keys for our Service Bus queues, and update BizTalk with the new keys as painlessly as possible.
I have this working correctly for Receive Locations, but Send Ports are giving me a different issue.
As soon as I read the PrimaryTransport properties of the Send Port, it seems that some change is made under the covers, that then prevents SaveChanges from working, instead throwing an "Invalid or malformed XML data exception".
This is compared to the the ReceiveLocation, where I can read any of its properties, and then SaveChanges successfully.
Note that in both of this cases, no changes have been made by me. I am simply doing a Read, and then a Save.
Can anyone offer any advice as to what could be causing the issue, and any possible solutions to try?
Had this very same issue, when using Powershell to replace values in ServiceBus ReceiveLocations & SendPorts.
The problem is with the none valid xml symbols in the TransportTypeData, which are converted when the script reads them out in the PS cmd.
All none valid xml symbols (such as the one occuring for Namespace value, ) need to be converted to amp, and if I'm not mistaken even double amp:ed.
Here's an example article showing examples on what I mean by "double amp:ed":
How do I escape ampersands in XML so they are rendered as entities in HTML?
Hope this make sense, and if not, then let me know and I'll give it another go.
Just tried doing this from C#, seems to work ok:
var root = new Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer() { ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI;" };
var sendPort = root.SendPorts["xxxx.ServiceBusQueue"];
sendPort .PrimaryTransport.TransportTypeData = sendPort.PrimaryTransport.TransportTypeData.Replace("RootManageSharedAccessKey", "MySharedAccessKey");

How to get th author of the current commit in a folder with SharpSVN

Is it possible to get the author of the current commit of a folder with SharpSVN. So doing this without retrieving the log file of the svn server. I tried:
client.TryGetProperty(folder, SvnPropertyNames.SvnAuthor, out AuthorStr);
but the AuthorStr string is null.
The 'svn:author' property is a revision property, not a normal versioned property so you can not use the normal property api on it.
The easiest way to get that info in a working copy is to call SvnClient.Info() (or .GetInfo()) on your target.
(You can also get it via .Status(), but that is slower then .Info() as it also checks if the file is changed)
If you don't mind getting the commit object itself and grabbing the property, you can do something as simple as:
using (SvnClient client = GetClient())
client.GetLog(RemotePath, args, out collection);
return collection.First().Author;