Howto hide a preference page in an eclipse RCP - eclipse

I have an eclipse rcp and want to hide the security and help prerence pages. How can I do that?

I was looking for the same thing and found the solution in this link:
Disable help preferences ¶
Put the following code into your subclass of org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor, and it removes the "Help" group from RCP preference dialog:
public void postStartup() {
PreferenceManager pm = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPreferenceManager( );
pm.remove( "" );
"" is the ID for the preferences extension point.
Add Perspective preferences ¶
Remark : to find plugin id preferences, select Window-->show view--> PDE Runtime--> Plugin Registry ..... and try to find what you are looking for .....
For example, for "Workbench preferences", have a look in fable.eclipse.ui.ide and extension org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages: id="org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Workbench"
If you want to add only perspective (for example) preferences, add a preference extension in MANIFEST.XML :
id : org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Perspectives
//Add : org.eclipse.ui.ide in your Dependencies
In ApplicationWorkBenchAdvisor :
public void postStartup() {
PreferenceManager pm = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getPreferenceManager( );
pm.remove( ""org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages.Workbench"browsersPreferencePage" );
public String getInitialWindowPerspectiveId() {
IPreferenceStore pref = Activator.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
String ret = pref.getDefaultString(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE_ID);
ret=(ret==null || ret.equals(""))?"yourDefaultPerspectiveID":ret;
return ret;

According to this entry, you could use the "workbench activities" mechanism, and:
define separate activities corresponding to the different access levels
define your actions in regular action sets, grouped according to access level
associate each activity with the appropriate action sets via
activityPatternBinding elements
set the enabled activity ids after authentication, early in the workbench
lifecycle, e.g. from your WorkbenchAdvisor's preStartup() method.
(Note, the above was for a filtering based on user's permissions, but it could be generalize to other criteria.)
Regarding the preference pages for the storage and help, you should bind the id of those pages with an activity you know you can disable:
would disable all menu/preferences/views related to help.
If you use\..*, it would only bind prefPageHelp and prefPageHelpContent.
If you add another activity binding extension with, that would also take care of the Secure Storage preference page.


Eclipse Plugin Open Preferences Page From Menu Item

I have a
public class PrefMenu extends FieldEditorPreferencePage implements IWorkbenchPreferencePage
implementing the init() and createFieldMethods(). And I do see it in Window>Preferences>PREFMENU_NAME after adding the class to the preferencePage extension.
But how do I open the preference page from a menu-item? I created a command and a handler and the execute()-Method (which works with other commands) does...
//other commands
} else if (commandID.equals(PREFERENCES_COMMAND_ID)){
final PrefMenu prefMenu = new PrefMenu();
Yet nothing happens when I click on the menu-Item. In the debug mode I see it simply executes the init()-Method and returns. But I want it to open up the Preferences-Window and only close it when I click on OK or Cancel.
Use org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.PreferencesUtil to do this:
String id = ... your preference page id
Shell shell = ... parent shell to use ...
PreferencesUtil.createPreferenceDialogOn(shell, id, new String[] {id}, null).open()
This will open just your preference page in the preferences dialog. You can adjust the string array to include other pages or specify null for the array to show all preference pages.

e4 dynamic menu contributions

This feature has been realized as of Kepler M4, for a detailed information on the usage see my blog
I want to realize a fully dynamic menu contribution to the menu of a handler located in a view toolbar. In Eclipse 3 it was possible to add "dynamic" as org.eclipse.ui.menus contribution to a Menu!
I already found out about explaining on how to dynamically contribute to menus by means of processor model extensions but I am talking about a completely dynamic menu implementation which changes on every call of the resp. submenu. As mentioned this was no problem to realize in Eclipse 3.x via the dynamic menu contribution and the set of isDynamic() to true.
I already tried several approaches:
Registering a processor hooking to a menu => no dynamic add possible (new elements are simply not shown, also discussed in Eclipse Forum - Cannot replace menu items at runtime)
Listening to the UIEventTopic for the event of creating the menu, getting the widget for Modification => modifications to the swt.Menu gathered are simply ignored (every listener, element etc.) (for info RCP Event Model
Open, untried solutions
Inserting a ToolControl to try an SWT approach -> quite complicated but may work
I've been banging my head for some time now, but can't seem to understand the correct implementation of this problem within E4.
-- This question was also asked in Eclipse Forum - Dynamic menu contributions
----- UPDATE
I tried a different approach up to now:
I added a HandledToolItem to the Menu (please see the following image)
and with the following code I am trying to interfere with the menus way to build, where the code is called by the resp. command handleer as referenced in the image.
public boolean canExecute(#Optional MApplication application) {
System.out.println("CanExecute Counter="+counter);
// --- 1 ---
// Find the required MMenu Entry in the Application Model
if(application == null) return true;
EModelService modelService = (EModelService) application.getContext().get(EModelService.class.getName());
MPart part = (MPart) modelService.find("at.medevit.emr.contacts.ui.contactselector", application);
List<MToolBarElement> lmte = part.getToolbar().getChildren();
HandledToolItemImpl htil = null;
for (MToolBarElement mToolBarElement : lmte) {
if(mToolBarElement.getElementId().equals("at.medevit.emr.contacts.ui.contactselector.toolbar.handledtoolitem.filter")) htil = (HandledToolItemImpl) mToolBarElement;
if(htil != null) {
MMenu elemMenu = htil.getMenu();
// --- 2 ---
// Found it hopefully, let's start the real work, simply add a new item
MDirectMenuItem mdi = MMenuFactory.INSTANCE.createDirectMenuItem();
mdi.setLabel("Counter "+counter);
// --- 3 ---
elemMenu.getChildren().add(mdi); // ConcurrentModificationException
As one can see, this code is queried once the menu is created, to determine whether the command is executable or not. All the code from 1 - 2 is to find the correct MMenu element to work on. The code from 2 - 3 creates a MenuItem and increments a counter in the field.
BUT at 3 I face a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException the first time the menu is opened! I assume that at this very point the menu is iterating over elemMenu.getChildren() and I am not allowed to enable!
So whats all the fuzz about the entire e4 model being changeable all the time ;) (just kiddin' I know this is a baaaad hack!!!)
Thing is: I really think that the possibility to add fully dynamic menu parts is one of the best usability tools, and if it is not possible to realize it in E4 as it was in E3 this is a very serious degradation of possibilities!!!
An Eclipse Bug has been filed for this
Proper dynamic model updates should be handled in the bug you've opened. As a workaround in Eclipse4 in Juno, a MRenderedMenuItem can be created in Eclipse4 to provide the equivalent functionality to the dynamic element (although if you are using 4.2, you would just use org.eclipse.ui.menus).
ContextFunction generator = new ContextFunction() {
public Object compute(IEclipseContext context) {
return new MyCompoundContributionItem(context);
MRenderedMenuItem menuItem = MenuFactoryImpl.eINSTANCE.createRenderedMenuItem();
This effectively provides a CompoundContributionItem directly to the Eclipse4 menu renderer.

How to provide a custom component in the existing Web page Editor Palette

I want to add a new custom component in the Web page Editor Palete named "myHTMLComponent".
So, as soon as user opens any html page with WPE, myHTMLComponentM should be present there.
How can I do the needful, moreover this component will as well need to generate the code changes accordingly. How to achieve the desired result.
Is there any input I can get for this.
I already created standardmetadata tag, but what next!
Finally, I found the solution of the problem.
For adding new categories in the palette, we need to use pagedesignerextension in plugin.xml as following -
Where CustomEditorPaletteFactory will be extending AbstractPaletteFactory. Here in createPaletteRoot(), we can add our category.
public PaletteRoot createPaletteRoot(IEditorInput editorInput){
PaletteRoot paletteRoot = new PaletteRoot();
return paletteRoot;
//return null;
private static PaletteContainer createStandardComponents() {
PaletteDrawer componentsDrawer = new PaletteDrawer("CustomHTMLComponent");
TagToolPaletteEntry paletteEntry = new TagToolPaletteEntry(
new FormPaletteComponent(".....);
return componentsDrawer;
This will create the component category in the palette and we can add as many components as needed using the componentsdrawer.
For adding a new category in the existing one -
Add this in the constructor -
this._paletteContext = PaletteItemManager.createPaletteContext(file);
this._manager = PaletteItemManager.getInstance(_paletteContext);
Then use Palette Grouping like this -
PaletteGroup controls = new PaletteGroup("CUST HTML");
ToolEntry tool = new SelectionToolEntry("CUST Cursor",
//Custom Marquee
controls.add(new MarqueeToolEntry("Marquee", "Marquee Desc"));
controls.add(new PaletteSeparator());
//This class maintins or load all categories features
controls.add(new CustomComponentToolEntry("Custom Component", "Custom Component Descrition",
This really is a good start but I can't find any tutorial or book that get deeper in this matter. For instance, I don't want to replace the default palette but this code does with "new PaletteRoot()" and I lost my HTML tags. Also I want that my new custom components behave as HTML Tags using Drag and Drop, but I don't know how?????????
More Info:
I discovered this code, that was very helpful, whereas file come from ((FileEditorInput)editorInput).getFile()
PaletteRoot paletteRoot = DesignerPaletteRootFactory.createPaletteRoot(file);
This is very interesting topic and I think we are pioneer documenting this feature of eclipse. Here other good point, I want to personalize the tag... e.g. something similiar what I want to achieve is add a tag like "MY TRUEFALSE TAG" and then when is selected and place it in the HTML Designer, I want to become something like <select><option>YES</option><option>NO</option></select> and I guess that I can achieve it by doing something with the tagTransformOperation extension... if you know how to implement it, please let me know. also there is others extensions(tagConverterFactory, elValueResolver). I am guessing here! please I would like your help.
<extension point="org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.pageDesignerExtension">
<paletteFactory ...>
<tagTransformOperation id="plugin.tagTransformOperation1XXXXXX">...
SOLUTION?? (Chinese) -solved with tagConverterFactory

How to update the package explorer manually (Preferences)

I have added a custom LabelDecorator to an Eclipse 3.6, which replaces the cryptic usernames added by the SVN Team Text Decorations. The SVN Team Decorator allows you to add an author tag. What I did was adding another Decorator replacing these author strings (which are company specific shortnames with numbers) with the actual name of the user.
While SVN Team Text Decorations extends the Package Explorer with:
... · XY9723 · [30.02.11 19:11]
I replace that by
... · Neil Diamond · [30.02.11 19:11]
Now, to complete the mission, I added a preference page, where users are able to specify the attributes (name, forename, birthdate, company name, telephone, etc.), which should be used as replacement. I'd like to update the package explorer (or whereever svn team decorates ressources) with the newly selected attributes whenever "Apply" or "Ok" is pressed.
At the moment the ressources are only updated after you have pressed "Apply" or "Ok" and manually collapse/expand one of the ressource in the explorer.
Is there some event I could fire?
Use the IDecorationManager interface:
IWorkbench workbench = ...;
IDecoratorManager manager = workbench.getDecoratorManager();
inside of the prefernce pages LabelProvider:
ILabelDecorator decorator = manager.getLabelDecorator("com.plugin.mydecorator");
if(decorator != null){ // decorator is enabled
LabelProviderChangedEvent event = new LabelProviderChangedEvent(demoDecorator);
// update specific resources
fireLabelEvent(event, arrayOfResourceToUpdate);
// or update all resources
-> see Understanding Decorators
without a LabelProvider
-> see

Eclipse PDT: show every call of function

Is there an option in Eclipse PDT to show every call of chosen function.
I now if you select some kind of function and hit F3 key you will see a definition of selected function.
Open the Search Menu, Choose 'Search...', and navigate to the PHP tab, then
Enter the method name in the search string text box;
Select Method in the Search for group;
Select References in the Limit to group.
Find method usages
We have a plugin for that... nWire for PHP. It's a comprehensive PHP code analyzer which represents all your code associations, invocations included in one quick and easy to use view. It can also represent the associations graphically.