Speech Recognition on iPhone - iphone

I need to develop an iPhone application which recognizes speech, and based on the result it performs further tasks.
I know iPhone 3.0 doesn't support speech recognition and I need to implement speech recognition software on the server side. I know this thing only, since I am newbie I don't know how to deal with that.
Mean Which software i need to buy and implement it at server side, and how to use that Service ??

The best open source speech recognition package I know of is Sphinx.
Otherwise, I would suggest looking into Nuance software.
Current speech recognition does well with a limited grammar set (if you know what they are going to say). Open dictation still doesn't quite work well enough to be used reliably for many applications. Keep that in mind while developing your application. I'm hoping now that Google is getting into the transcription game (with Google Voice) that should start improving. I'm thinking they will probably have something in the future.

I don't think there are many server side speech recognition software suites. Open source versions seem virtually non-existent. You might want to take a look at this SDK though:
It might allow you to do what you want on the iPhone itself.

Getting speech recognition right is very tricky and an active research area.
There are a few open-source solutions out there, though, see here. An additional, new one is SCARF, but I don't know if that is ready to use or rather just a proof of concept.

Check out the Nuance Mobile Developer program. We've got libraries for various platforms (including iOS) and an HTTP service if necessary.


Voice Synthesis for the iPhone

I know that Apple hasn't given access to voice recognition, but do we have access to voice synthesis. If they haven't given us an API, would it be possible to hack the accessibility APIs to work even for people with VoiceOver turned off?
The last time i checked, the API's required for voice synthesis (NSSynthesis) are only available on Mac OS. The API's have not yet been ported to iphone.
I have heard a lot from this company:
Their product is supposed to work quite well, although their licensing scheme is a bit steep.
The license is a bit steep, but the text-to-speech is excellent. At the end of the day, unless you can write your own tts engine, you are over a barrel if you app requires that feature. I have looked at some of the free implementations and they are just not ready for prime time. I guess question is "Is the profit left after that percentage worth writing the application?"

APIs for converting Voice/Audio data in to text

I am working on a iphone apps in which i am storing the voice of users as audio file and want to display in text.
How it will be ...any idea about APIs ??
Have you seen CMU Sphinx ?
Particularly, pocket sphinx (written in C)
While more recognition oriented, it's been used for transcription before, so it will depend on what exactly you need:
Further, have you considered a non-native/local API, i.e. a web service you could call with your voice data, or are you adamant about a native library/API ?
For example, Ribbit has a platform for these sorts of things, and does support transcribing voice to text
"How do I enable voice-to-text transcriptions?
Available as a paid service, voice-to-text transcriptions are automatically available through the Ribbit API. Please use the $25 Free signup credit to try the service."
There is one app that does this already: Jott. The way they do it is to send the file to transcribers in India! (source)
You will have to develop the voice recognition engine yourself I'm afraid. No library that I know of can do this. Apart form that, the iPhone CPU would probably not be powerful enough.

2D Lua Games on iPhone

Are there any libraries / frameworks that facilitate 2D game programming in Lua on the iPhone?
It looks like http://anscamobile.com/ and http://sio2interactive.com/GAMES.html are the only reasonable options at this point. Someone should create a simple Lua binding for OpenGL, AL and iPhone Events for the iPhone!
#richcollins: Actually, as of late last year you CAN test on the physical device using Corona (anscamobile.com).
If you want to check this out, download the free trial at developer.anscamobile.com, and it'll let you make developer builds for your phone.
The full version will also make App Store builds -- feel free to email support (at) anscamobile.com if you have further questions.
I'm trying out SIO2 as it apparently supports lua.
While it is for 3D and may be overkill for 2d it looks pretty powerful. Just make your models in 2d and fix your camera position.
There has been a fair amount of discussion of Lua on the iPhone on the Lua list. It appears that Apple is touchy about allowing user-supplied scripts, but has approved apps that used Lua internally as an implementation language.
I know I've seen reference to several approaches to wrapping iPhone goodies mentioned, but since I'm not personally an iPhone developer (or even user) I haven't paid attention to the details.

What do you want an iPhone library to do for you?

I'm an undergraduate university student who also writes iPhone applications. Next year I'm expected to do a final project, something that lasts the full year and involves a fair bit of software engineering.
My original plan was to write an object-relational wrapper around SQLite for the iPhone (or rather, to massively clean up and extend one I already have) and ultimately release it as open source. Unfortunately, with Core Data being added to iPhone OS 3.0, that's no longer really necessary. (At least, that's how it seems to me; any opinions on this?)
However, I'd still like to do a useful, technically interesting iPhone-related project next year. So here's my question: what do developers need? What sort of problems do you encounter in your apps which seem like they could be handled by some sort of library or framework? My focus is generally more on utility, productivity, and communication apps than games. And since I'm proposing this to a university, something that's either theoretically interesting or attractive to potential students would be preferred. And of course, it'll need to be something that they haven't added to the new version of iPhone OS.
It's in the early stages, but a bunch of scientifically-minded Cocoa developers (headed by Drew McCormack) have joined together to start a BSD-licensed data charting / plotting / visualization framework called Core Plot (mailing list here). This framework is cross-platform between Mac and iPhone, relying on Core Animation for rendering.
While you wouldn't be starting your own project fresh, contributing to this open source framework would be technically challenging and I believe that the framework will have far-reaching applications. I'm sure that the university would be impressed by the potential scientific and educational uses of such a framework.
A library that provides a very simple API that would enable any app to act as an OAuth consumer would be incredible! It could be used to enable data access against hundreds of OAuth-enabled data APIs all over the web, including those of Google, MySpace, Twitter, Yahoo, Flickr, etc. Imagine how many thousands of additional applications you could enable other developers to build with ease.
Your code could be included in pretty much every worthwhile iPhone app that any future developer writes!
I'd like to see a framework that abstracts the interface to various social networking sites. Having a standard API to send updates and post pictures to MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, Picassa, Blogger, Twitter, and other services would be very useful.
A general purpose framework to communicate with a particular iphone from any application with internet connectivity. iphone apps are great, but so much more can be delivered with serivces from the web - so some sort of communications would be nice.
Make some sort of API that can be used to talk to iphone from other connected applications - either web services or desktop, etc.
I ended up having to go in a different direction due to the rules of the project, but I'll keep these in mind as possibilities for future, non-university work. Thanks, everyone!

which features do you look forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3?

Which of the new features are you looking forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3.0?
Is it one of the main advertised six new things, or something smaller? Something in the "1,000 new APIs", perhaps?
Phone to phone communication via bluetooth seems like it will terribly useful for some apps I am writing. No longer do you have to input all the data you want to store yourself, you can share some of it with other iPhone users.
not really a feature, but the best thing about developing the iPhone SDK further is the great frameworks that arise. there are some really, really great frameworks out there already (like the Three20 project) which will become even better with the new 3.0 SDK.
my real excitement will take over once they let us run background processes. maybe in 4.0?
Video! The ability to write decent tools for mobile video uploads is a big draw.
MapKit by far will bring the biggest change sweeping across the app space.
My personal favorite is that we can finally easily track upload progress of large files (like images).
I really, really want to see fixes in the camera API so that it isn't either broken (2.2.1) or forcing a switch to portrait (3.0).
Apart from that, the most useful features to me are:
push notifications. Great for making an app more sticky - you can let the user know that something of interest to them has happened.
CoreData - I've been using a third-party SQL layer, but it's a little buggy and no longer supported.
Peer-peer bluetooth, as the poster above said, is also useful for local data exchange.
And the least useful? Cut and paste. I actually want to disable it in my app (to discourage people from copying content) - and it doesn't look as though you can (yet).
Bluetooth phone-to-phone communication with GameKit will enable a host of currently impossible applications. Multiplayer games with no WiFi network needed and data exchange between two phones are obvious use-cases.
I'd also like to see - not currently included in the betas - a decent camera API that allowed us to customize the appearance of the capture screen, and as another poster said, have it work properly in landscape and portrait mode.