SOAP servers and clients with Zend framework (Getting errors) - zend-framework

I am testing a server and client i made on my webspace.
when i try to call a simple "testServer" function defined in a ServerMap class, I get
"Looks like we got no XML document"
I called getFunctions on the client and testServer is a valid function. I tried catching all exceptions and then calling __getLastResponseHeaders() and __getLastResponse.
string(348) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 19:36:29 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i PHP/5.2.9
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9
Cache-Control: max-age=1
Expires: Tue, 23 Jun 2009 19:36:30 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 1574
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
string(1574) "DEBUG HEADER : This is a cached page !
If i look at the source html of the response, its actually:
string(1574) "DEBUG HEADER : This is a cached page !<?xml version="1.0"?>
<A lot of xml that looks pretty much like my WSDL file that my Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover generates>
So whats going on? I searched online and i didnt really find any solid solutions.
I don't have blank space before my ..

If you are outputting to the browser, it is hiding the xml cause it is in a . Browsers ignore tags they don't understad.
Do a echo htmlentities($output); to see the xml tags.

Not sure what your problem is, but I can provide a bit of code that I know works for us using Zend Framework 1.8x as a backend SOAP service for silverlight and WCF. This service simples takes 2 integers, adds them and returns the result. Simple as you can get.
Controller Class example:
class SoapController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
* SOAP server action
public function indexAction() {
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->getParam('wsdl') !== null) {
$wsdl = new Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover();
else {
$module = $request->getModuleName();
$controller = $request->getControllerName();
$uri = 'http://' . Zend_Registry::get('fullUrl') . '/' . $module . '/' . $controller . '?wsdl';
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server($uri);
And the actual work is done by 'SoapMath' which is defined as:
class SoapMath {
public function add($a,$b) {
return ($a + $b);


Malformed Session ID Cookie

Set-Cookie: SESSIONID=836cfc64b5856712b040a0b1b3bf4237; Secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: Watson-DPAT=gBJQjAG%2FYflxpHKCwJVswQPEBuUmikj38zzFm8UZNTbOERxbeXS4WVxBIT5JetJBkeO1RT16PNz6%2BI17oFrEqvxjny%2FifZRorvBxXVzDmFkRpfRLxxj6ZNvFCvuRL1DtfW3nL8Ne1QDwpuKQmNt8%2BD9vFk7bGjlaziHT0ZFhNffWJT7FRCWbuJAyjKd%2BQui2WTIl6B8KglPi6GG1buh5UPDE%2Bc8OvrqyAfJRfYOApRdx7kHhtHdxIV7g%2FzNExXhafScqxi4cWEa5Kg9YGcypr8SIO%2FD7WOq0KyERHUDkbZatH53CCii25it5XD0plnt3cVc4bWs8tXkMT82V9DwCYULto64L%2BgNh30iTpyv72xOIfHeZTt2KISfhXMy6z86ueaJZzNd4nS6rwc7s2E8ldxwYLXrCU996xsLmzPYbGSzaeFLplG7c%2BCxzTlAll5fn8eMMbGn30W%2BrXLNtcaJ3lRK2nvzQCim1GhMdqoOvOcSvPWiJoVBrF8lc75eGSr8C%2Fovq20fOk3NDw4f0UPfBEGZYuAtXjonU7QdRhSgLRXxKyGvcYHEWeWUOQ2kvtI2m%2FRD%2BMRx9384p1v6uu8XfaU16IqoidV0Vew3MLPW4fxcOWRqnWKy0iIYbIJrWVcigloIy%2FNxgO7oHW7aacgH1u8IluAURz5AiE1Bej4l%2FjAI91IUTEssbg6fsXd3AqmlkixDglDJBgTEtMoXhXVyDjvJSaVUqdFTokP3YcRNhlTzqDQ3vG8txTLzECsyQHZ7DgWp%2B98P3zjvtad9xB%2BDzXhF4CaUB7ve99bWO5FO1DU3KRhx7pEAKGselDCoxTOkjIhEMMJbeQrbC1QWJ4uR9KlBPBdIbShd3; path=/speech-to-text/api; secure; HttpOnly
The request to create the Speech to Text session works.
"recognize": "",
"recognizeWS": "wss://",
"observe_result": "",
"session_id": "836cfc64b5856712b040a0b1b3bf4237",
"new_session_uri": ""
Then I try to get the status of the session to make sure the state is "initialized" but I get a "Malformed Session ID Cookie" error.
GET /speech-to-text/api/v1/sessions/836cfc64b5856712b040a0b1b3bf4237/recognize HTTP/1.1\x0d
Content-Length: 0\x0d
Accept-Encoding: gzip\x0d
Authorization: Basic OGIyMTk0MDYtYWYzYS00YTFhLWExYmMtZDA3ZjNlNTY2Y2JmOm1lYmpBaG1ndkhMSw==\x0d
Cookie: SESSIONID=836cfc64b5856712b040a0b1b3bf4237; Watson-DPAT=gBJQjAG%2FYflxpHKCwJVswQPEBuUmikj38zzFm8UZNTbOERxbeXS4WVxBIT5JetJBkeO1RT16PNz6%2BI17oFrEqvxjny%2FifZRorvBxXVzDmFkRpfRLxxj6ZNvFCvuRL1DtfW3nL8Ne1QDwpuKQmNt8%2BD9vFk7bGjlaziHT0ZFhNffWJT7FRCWbuJAyjKd%2BQui2WTIl6B8KglPi6GG1buh5UPDE%2Bc8OvrqyAfJRfYOApRdx7kHhtHdxIV7g%2FzNExXhafScqxi4cWEa5Kg9YGcypr8SIO%2FD7WOq0KyERHUDkbZatH53CCii25it5XD0plnt3cVc4bWs8tXkMT82V9DwCYULto64L%2BgNh30iTpyv72xOIfHeZTt2KISfhXMy6z86ueaJZzNd4nS6rwc7s2E8ldxwYLXrCU996xsLmzPYbGSzaeFLplG7c%2BCxzTlAll5fn8eMMbGn30W%2BrXLNtcaJ3lRK2nvzQCim1GhMdqoOvOcSvPWiJoVBrF8lc75eGSr8C%2Fovq20fOk3NDw4f0UPfBEGZYuAtXjonU7QdRhSgLRXxKyGvcYHEWeWUOQ2kvtI2m%2FRD%2BMRx9384p1v6uu8XfaU16IqoidV0Vew3MLPW4fxcOWRqnWKy0iIYbIJrWVcigloIy%2FNxgO7oHW7aacgH1u8IluAURz5AiE1Bej4l%2FjAI91IUTEssbg6fsXd3AqmlkixDglDJBgTEtMoXhXVyDjvJSaVUqdFTokP3YcRNhlTzqDQ3vG8txTLzECsyQHZ7DgWp%2B98P3zjvtad9xB%2BDzXhF4CaUB7ve99bWO5FO1DU3KRhx7pEAKGselDCoxTOkjIhEMMJbeQrbC1QWJ4uR9KlBPBdIbShd3\x0d
User-Agent: Mojolicious (Perl)\x0d
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\x0d
X-Backside-Transport: FAIL FAIL\x0d
Connection: Keep-Alive\x0d
Transfer-Encoding: chunked\x0d
X-Error-Cause: Zuul Error: Malformed Session ID Cookie\x0d
Content-Type: application/json\x0d
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 19:41:26 GMT\x0d
Server: -\x0d
X-Global-Transaction-ID: 237895544\x0d
X-DP-Watson-Tran-ID: stream-dp01-c0182762-b9fe-4533-acab-7fbeb02b63dd\x0d
The code is using a single instance of Mojo::UserAgent so the cookies are maintained on each request.
when using sessions you receive a SESSIONID cookie when creating the session, that cookie you need to send back to the service on every call you make after creating the session. Please note that the value of that cookie does not equal "session_id": "836cfc64b5856712b040a0b1b3bf4237", it is a longer alphanumeric string.
btw. why are you using sessions? what is your use case? maybe you could benefit from sessionless calls (simpler) or websockets (better for live use cases)
Using a trailing slash is the cause of this error. The interesting part is that the "start session" POST request with the trailing slash URL will succeed and return the correct JSON data. The next request to get the session status will fail. Not really a code problem. I also demonstrated the issue with curl.
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new();
# THIS URL WORKS - no trailing slash
my $start_session_url = "https://${watson_username}:${watson_password}\";
# THIS URL DOES NOT WORK - with trailing slash
# my $start_session_url = "https://${watson_username}:${watson_password}\";
my $session_tx = $ua->post($start_session_url);
my $response;
my $recognize_url;
if($response = $session_tx->success) {
print Dumper($response->json);
$recognize_url = $response->json->{recognize};
} else {
die "Failure to start session";
$recognize_url =~ s/https:\/\//https:\/\/${watson_username}:${watson_password}\#/;
# Malformed Cookie error happens here
my $status_tx = $ua->get($recognize_url);
if($response = $status_tx->success) {
print Dumper($response->json);
} else {
die "Failure to get session status";

Luasocket custom headers, 404 turns to 301

My previous question was about fetching page title in lua using the socket.http module. The question lies here. Previously, youtube pages led me to a 404 error page. Based on MattJ's help, I put up custom HOST header for the request. This is what I did and what was the result:
header = { host= "" }
local result,b,c,h = http.request{ url = "", headers = header }
print ( result, b, c, h )
for k,v in pairs(c) do print(k,v) end
1 301 table: 0047D430 HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
x-content-type-options nosniff
content-length 0
expires Tue, 27 Apr 1971 19:44:06 EST
cache-control no-cache
connection close
content-type text/html; charset=utf-8
date Sat, 28 Apr 2012 04:26:21 GMT
server wiseguy/0.6.11
As far as I was able to understand from this, the error is basically because of X-Content-Type-Options valued nosniff. Reading its documentation, I got to know that the only defined value, "nosniff", prevents Internet Explorer from MIME-sniffing a response away from the declared content-type.
Please help me so that I can use custom proxy and fetch the youtube(and some other sites, as mentioned in the previous question) title from their body. Here is the complete LUA file I currently have:
local http = require "socket.http"
http.PROXY="http://<proxy address here>:8080"
header = { host= "" }
local result,b,c,h = http.request{ url = "", headers = header }
print ( result, b, c, h )
for k,v in pairs(c) do print(k,v) end
I believe this line should be changed:
header = { host= "" }
header = { host= "" }
After that, works for me.
The solution is to install luasec and to use ssl.https module to do the request.
Answered here by Paul Kulchenko!
-- luasec version 0.4.2
-- ssl.https.request(...)

adding a response header to 302 response using perl

i am trying to write a perl page that returns an http 302 response to a different location and adds a custom header to that response.
so my desired http response should be something like this:
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 10:59:02 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 396
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
i tried using CGI:
use strict;
use APR::Request::Apache2;
my $r = shift;
$r->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
$r->headers_out()->add("CUSTOM_HEADER", "CUSTOM_VALUE");
$r->headers_out()->add("Location", "");
and i do get 302 response to google but no CUSTOM_HEADER. once i change the status to 200 by $r->status(200); i do get the CUSTOM_HEADER.
so whats up with this behavior ? how can i add my header to the 302 response ?
Use $r->err_headers_out->set or $r->err_headers_out->add
my $r = shift;
$r->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
$r->err_headers_out->set(Location => "");
You should use err_headers_out(). These will be printed even on errors and redirects.

How can I get both the GET and POST request params, on a POST request?

I'm creating a facebook app with a Perl backend. The problem is that since Facebook sends the request to my web app as a POST request I'm having a problem getting the GET parameters that were also part of the base URL for the application -- in effect I'm only getting the POST params from $CGI->Vars.
Short version: use $CGI->param() for post paramenters and $CGI->url_param() for query string parameters.
Dump CGI in favour of a better interface. Plack's param method returns GET and POST parameters mixed.
plackup -MPlack::Request -e 'sub {
my ($env) = #_;
my $r = Plack::Request->new($env);
return [200, ["Content-Type" => "text/plain"], [join "\n", $r->param("foo")]];
> lwp-request -m POST -USe 'http://localhost:5000/fnord?foo=bar;baz=quux'
Please enter content (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) to be POSTed:
POST http://localhost:5000/fnord?foo=bar;baz=quux
User-Agent: lwp-request/6.03 libwww-perl/6.03
Content-Length: 16
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
200 OK
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:27:46 GMT
Server: HTTP::Server::PSGI
Content-Length: 7
Content-Type: text/plain
Client-Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 21:27:46 GMT
Client-Response-Num: 1

500 Server Error HTML returned from MVC AJAX call when plain text specified

I am trying to return plain text from my MVC AJAX methods that indicates an error code. This is working fine on my dev machine, but when deployed to a server (Win2008 R2) I am always getting the HTML of the 500.htm page back in the error.responseText from my AJAX call instead of the text I specified. Any ideas why I would not get back the plain text I intended?
Here is my error handling logic in my controller.
protected override void OnException(
ExceptionContext filterContext
Error error = ControllerCommon.ProcessException(filterContext);
// return error
filterContext.Result = HandleError(error.Type);
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Instance.LogImportantInformation(ex.Message, 0, Constants.EventSourcePortal);
#region Private Methods and Members
private ActionResult HandleError()
return HandleError(Error.ErrorType.Unknown);
private ActionResult HandleError(
Error.ErrorType errorType
// set return status code
HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
Logger.Instance.LogImportantInformation(((int)errorType).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 0, Constants.EventSourcePortal);
// return error type
return Content(((int)errorType).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "text/plain");
Here is the header that I get back from the Server.
Response Headers
Cache-Control private
Content-Type text/html
Server Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-AspNet-Version 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By ASP.NET
Date Mon, 20 Jun 2011 16:00:42 GMT
Content-Length 1208
Request Headers
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
Accept text/html, /
Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate
Accept-Charset ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive 115
Connection keep-alive
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length 330
Cookie MC1=GUID=111c287d88c64447a63719bb2c858981&HASH=7d28&LV=20114&V=3; A=I&I=AxUFAAAAAACJCAAAMuSpPH1Citx6nZO0iHfvdA!!&CS=116|9n002j21b03; WT_FPC=id=; MUID=7F438FBFEEE948D88DA06B04F6923159; MSID=Microsoft.CreationDate=04/20/2011 16:45:49&Microsoft.LastVisitDate=06/20/2011 15:59:10&Microsoft.VisitStartDate=06/20/2011 15:59:10&Microsoft.CookieId=4c7552d0-5e75-4e5e-98b9-4ca52421a738&Microsoft.TokenId=ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff&Microsoft.NumberOfVisits=27&Microsoft.CookieFirstVisit=1&Microsoft.IdentityToken=AA==&Microsoft.MicrosoftId=0668-8044-9161-9043; ANON=A=FA4FB528F204DDFA69239A4FFFFFFFFF&E=b4d&W=4; NAP=V=1.1&E=af3&C=hJtCCJq27admlaiwmdzvTmnAwIEVXv1jFR2I2bJ-gncMGQOJce96RQ&W=4; mcI=Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:48:43 GMT; omniID=fd752842_58d3_4833_9a0f_d0e1e3bbfef3; WT_NVR_RU=0=msdn:1=:2=; ASP.NET_SessionId=dbcqi222tehjorefcopchuzu; MS0=7fc23d65df4241c89554b502149ccc13; MICROSOFTSESSIONCOOKIE=Microsoft.CookieId=94c8a34f-9184-4e10-84c5-2b9c43c7a962&Microsoft.CreationDate=06/20/2011 15:59:10&Microsoft.LastVisitDate=06/20/2011 15:59:10&Microsoft.NumberOfVisits=1&SessionCookie.Id=04DF98242DBD0730C9388487546F2F37; RPSMCA=FAAaARSsz90pZKmFSg5n0wbtR5MnQAldBwNmAAAEgAAACDNAEUimN1wb2AD%2Bp1PnEJUdd7n5VumQIQerCQYdD5IEd6ZCDEshkiTkvVl5a9eA6%2B9a0Os/1FpoqtvsGYMdWUUc98PUl5ZTo%2BFXAqxiZ9BL5D69OLCPsZEXitrZMulmKXFGQiAD5FqJY8JOOSJ1xptRwdkdrxGF8PuNit/Si87Ft7g4sF9vE878lMSx6TSmQq3nrurnBbdbUvDvwTKLoY0gAikOxJ7GmZoLw4kbzaLR/6/a/XSJFv%2BZ6uHsIwkMn6mndoZKfg3LLjDlCpozrHBlnKtgkn7yZXtd8Or420IXuPMUAF3gfp8VAkhKlVceTXpBv2h4gs6g; RPSMCSA=FAAaARSsz90pZKmFSg5n0wbtR5MnQAldBwNmAAAEgAAACEdSXDQ0SIKI2AC/tM6y7CeHdaKVAab/n/4TLKkF5/01jGkXR0vA07MTvS5vhwgjCPMs4zke%2B0jnB1DqOV2vI4VqQ/%2BOIYh52QkaLREoD5L718AjEJOQdDVRRZiIB51CiYtS0P/kgIkEtfDa5yuTr3w6V2IKhy2%2B6wVrP/UqxsJR%2BZ1QmGxtjv7eQVGdIndrkPx5e9wFqj1qEcf9FNfH0/uajuaTFaNmi/3dQfWuEKxGpoHWNxgoMf8PHLVi2hqltqK47OloCGqQGLPQPx0PSg1K73FTZHhl3%2BuxyNqyWJumKsAUAGuMUzFhTPsQ7JdOSfY2SYyHeaZP; RPSShare=1; MSPAuth=1NNm8kdmWAFrAuL2d8qOShxJKehL!CxEkCQvsgPdNGDqo0XFGsreQZ9GMVjiT1*bHPlGcNVsyfbVO7h!eY32bCNY7Farp2grIyEgAFv7YgJqWZN2Q87*LBZnZ0ASWmhPqe; MSPProf=1ZN*xhGN9GRXSO*HEmrISYo6cowSUbmxtIsYfqtHv!!VzEybb1I33*BdWWJrz54tkO5BzS3eTprAXL1LO9ELLBziO8Sm8WTzkSbV*E6ECcX9N92*AFiJztc4rlwCLQnMBhxlV0qzvlRN4dS1SajyzABZDNBTG*tdyqfnuP6jkSevAhuXYvnEuKZQKAF5fvgr4!oiBQ2KhnuH0$; RequestVerificationToken_Lw=TOS6XUQ+17bDOxh2T75NhhFy2KIJP5BP9MetB7cAa4i68ZEHIEpgE7xwQhzid/YiZCm4GsbW2zsJjlIxkB1hrhVGoU++E1I5BP9X2PyKn0O8tic84cWNz8QRjLDcaAcF4iYEQQ==; prmrsdninc=1
When I run locally on my Win7 machine I simply get the text back that I am expecting.
I was having the same problem trying to return 500 pages containing only text for processing by telerik controls. Of course it worked tickity-boo on my development machine and failed when published up to the proper IIS servers.
This fixed it for me:
Summary: Type putting a
Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true;
line in your action