resize UITableViewCell textLabel - iphone

I have a UITableViewCell that I would like to add a view to the right (in addition to the accessory view). I tried setting the size of textLabel to be a few pixels narrower but it just resizes it back.
Is there any way to resize textLabel?

Actually it CAN be resized if you create an UITableViewCell subclass and override the layoutSubviews method:
- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews]; //The default implementation of the layoutSubviews
CGRect textLabelFrame = self.textLabel.frame;
textLabelFrame.size.width = _textLabelMaxWidth;
self.textLabel.frame = textLabelFrame;
Hope it helps.

The object referenced by the default textLabel property, in UITableViewCell instances of type UITableViewCellStyleDefault, cannot be resized, at least not in my experience. The best idea in these cases is to create your own subclass of UITableViewCell, in code or even with Interface Builder if you want, and give it the layout that you want.

I've noticed that the textLabel resizes to accomodate the accessoryView. So if you want the label to use the entire cell, you could set accessoryView to nil (I think this is the default behavior anyway). Or, for example, if you want the label to take only the left half the cell, make accessoryView be an empty UIView that spans the right half the cell. (Doesn't have to be empty, you can put stuff in point is that it WILL shrink the textLabel.)

You can do resizing UITableView Cell in this simplest way.First,take a look at my sample project.
It will show you how you can resize uitableview cell base on its inner component in simplest way by creating constraints.
tblTest.estimatedRowHeight = 100 // This is where you can set your estimated row height
tblTest.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
Another important fact is your label lines :
it should be 0
In order to make you understand,I set UILabel inside UIView,take a look at how I created constraints on its parent UIView.
If you still need any help,just ask.
Good Luck


scaling UIScrollView contentSize to fit UIView with variable-height UITableView inside

I have a uiview with a uiscrollview as a subview in a nib.
Then, I load another uiview with a uitableview as a subview of this other uiview (among other elements inside this view) as a subview of the uiscrollview.
That is, UISCrollView -> UIView -> UITableView (and some other views inside the UIView).
And I need to do the following:
Once I know the final height of the tableview (depending on the number of cells and height of them) I need to resize the uiview containing it and, in turn, resize the contentSize property of the containing scrollview.
But I don't know at which point the final size of the tableview is known (because it can dynamically change size depending on the amount of text its cells will hold) and neither do I know by how much will the tableview exceed the uiview (which by default is 320 x 460).
I've tried setting the view containing the tableview to a height of 900 on viewdidload and setting it to sizeToFit, hoping it would shrink as tablecells are added to the tableview (assuming as cells are added the tableview's frame would scale appropriately). But this doesn't seem to work.
Any thoughts?
I just ran into a similar situation (UIScrollView -> UITableView) and was banging my head against it for hours. The short answer is this: the correct sizes to use as the basis of sizing things out were not available until my ViewController (governing the UIScrollView) was sent viewWillAppear:. Before then, I found that the values were set, but often wrong. (E.g., my first attempt at doing this was in viewDidLoad:, and the sizing values were changed there, but they were wrong!)
So my solution was thus:
In viewDidLoad: cause your enclosed UITableView to reloadData once you have your data in place.
in viewWillAppear: do the following (presuming tableView is the enclosed UITableView and scrollView is the enclosing UIScrollView):
tableView.frame = (CGRect){
// Finally, set content size based on the last element in the scrollView
// in my case, the last element IS the tableView, yours might be different
scrollView.contentSize =
- scrollView.contentInset.left
- self.scrollView.contentInset.right,
+ tableView.height);
N.B., I was getting some very weird numbers when I checked them before viewWillAppear:; e.g., the tableView.contentSize seemed to be the product of default rowHeight * number of rows, ignoring my custom row heights and excluding any separators! Very odd.
This is just a guess, but since UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView, can you use the contentSize property to see its overall size after a call to reloadData? You could use the size of the tableview to resize the UIView and the contentSize of the scrollView.

How to configure iOs UITextViews and UILabels so that their height is determined by their content

I am basically trying to find the correct way to design a UITableViewCell that has two UITextViews and three UILabels inside it. The two UITextViews have dynamic content and their size cannot be determined until runtime.
I have tried various methods of recalculating the height of my UITextViews based on the content that is loaded in them at runtime, and though very laborious and inane, I have gotten that to work, but they then bleed over the UILabels positioned in the xib below them.
Do I really have to recalculate the y coordinates of every UILabel after calculating the new size of the UITextViews? Is there a way to simply have the elements in the xib 'push' the elements below them down based on their new size?
What is the correct approach to configuring a UITableViewCell with multiple dynamic text views so that my entire application is not comprised of code to calculate heights and coordinates?
Or is the answer that I should not be putting more than one dynamic UITextView in the same UITableViewCell ?
I have used something like this for a cell to calculate its height in
tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
CGSize labelSize = [self.comments sizeWithFont:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Verdana" size:17.0]
constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(280.0f, MAXFLOAT)
return labelSize.height + 20;
+20 is for padding.
and also if you are having every cell like the one you mention above, than you can create a class of UITableViewCell with following UIView elements inside it.
iOS doesn't seem to have any sort of flow layout engine -- at least none that I can think of.
If, however, your labels are located at the bottom of your UITableViewCell, you might be able to get away with setting the UILabel's autoresizingMask mask property to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin so that the UILabels will anchor itself at the bottom. This is assuming that you already adjusted the size of the UITableViewCell to fit the entire controls. Otherwise, I think the best way to handle this is to recalculate the y coordinates of the labels.
I found it useful to add this sort of behavior as a category on UIView so a view can resize one of its subviews to fit some arbitrary text, and optionally resize the parent view to fit the newly enlarged subview as needed.

Programmatically determining padding for grouped UITableView

Is there a way to programmatically get a UITableView's 'grouped' style padding?
I'd like to size some things in my screen but I need to know how far left or right to place them on a grouped UITableView's UITableViewCell.
Since you are using the grouped style for your table view, you should be able to use the rectForSection: method to get the CGRect where that section will be drawn. You may have to already have added your cells to your view, however.
CGRect sectionRect = [tableView rectForSection:0];
int paddingLeft = sectionRect.origin.x;
As I see it, 'grouped' style padding == the origin of cell.contentView. but the value is assigned by table view only in tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath: and is equal to 10 on iPhone/iPod Touch. querying it in cellForRowAtIndexPath: results in 0.

UITableViewCell - how to make right UILabel truncate instead of left one?

I have created a UITableViewCell using UITableViewCellStyleValue1, which the Apple docs define as:
A style for a cell with a label on the left side of the cell with left-aligned and black text; on the right side is a label that has smaller blue text and is right-aligned. The Settings application uses cells in this style.
I am trying to set the cell text to display some short text on the left, and some long text on the right, e.g.
My problem is that the left UILabel gets truncated instead of the right one so it displays as:
If I make the URL even longer then BOTH the labels get truncated, e.g.
Is there any way to make the right UILabel truncate instead of the left one without using a custom UITableViewCell? I know how to create a custom UITableViewCell, but it seems like overkill?
I can set the UILineBreakMode to change where the text truncates within the UILabel, but I can't see a way to make the detailTextLabel adjust its width to let the textLabel display itself.
[[lCell textLabel] setText:#"URL"];
[[lCell detailTextLabel] setText:#""];
[[lCell detailTextLabel] setLineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeMiddleTruncation];
You have a couple of options.
Probably the closest in spirit to what you seem to be asking for is to muck around with the label frames in your UITableViewDelegate's tableView:willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:. (Doing cell layout modifications in your UITableViewDataSource's tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: won't fly, since UITableViewCells do all their own internal layout work after tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:.) You can use NSString's -sizeWithFont: to help figure out the layout requirements for your textLabel.
You can also take different approaches, as you mentioned, such as subclassing UITableViewCell or setting cell.textLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = YES.
The best solution would be to create a subclass of UITableView cell and set your customizations to the labels like you have here in init. You will probably want to override layoutSubviews and resize the labels if you want the left one to be wider.
- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
self.textLabel.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, self.frame.size.height);
self.detailTextLabel.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 220.0, self.frame.size.height);
Obviously those are arbitrary values. You will want to play with different sizes to meet your needs.

UILabel inside custom UITableViewCell not drawing at the correct size

I have a custom table cell which contains a number of UILabels. At runtime, I am adjusting the height of the labels to fit their contents using sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: and repositioning them accordingly. The last label in the cell contains a large amount of text, causing it to wrap, and I'm having a very odd problem. Although the sizeWithFont call returns the correct size, and I'm setting the UILabel's frame to that height, it draws a couple of lines short. This screenshot illustrates what I'm talking about:
In this example, the height of the full block of text should be 90 (as checked in Interface Builder), and that's what returns from sizeWithFont. It's also the height that the UILabel's frame is set to, which I have verified by logging and also by stopping execution and inspecting the value. However, as you can see, it's clearly not drawing the full 90 pixels high, although it's correctly allocating the space for it (the thin black line above 'Edited' is the table cell border). I'm completely perplexed. If anyone can offer some insight as to why it's behaving this way, I would be very grateful.
At last, a solution!
Turns out that the cell does layout twice -- once during heightForRowAtIndexPath, which is where I tweak all the heights of the subviews and the cell, and later during some untraceable transaction originating in __CFRunLoopDoObservers. How did I trace this? I added a layoutSubviews override to my custom table view cell class so I could breakpoint it.
During the second pass, the last UILabel subview was getting set to a shorter height than I set it to, probably in accordance with some arcane autoresizing rules. (Yes, I tried tweaking all of those settings first, with no success.) As it turns out, merely doing nothing in layoutSubviews disabled this framework behavior, allowing me to completely control how my views draw.
With iOS 8 it doesn't work anymore like this. Implementing layoutSubviews alone doesn't do the trick, because the layout of subviews have already changed when the method is called.
I have found 2 solutions:
adding NSLayoutConstraint to layout the subviews programmatically
implementing subview's layoutSubviews and change the frame
An example für solution 2:
- (void)layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
CGRect frame = self.frame;
frame.size.height = 39.f;
self.frame = frame;
I've fought with similar problems. It was to do with other properties being set in previous incarnations of the cell. To find it / prove it I changed the reuseidentifer for the offending cell to make sure it was a unique cell.