Recursively printing data structures in Perl - perl

I am currently learning Perl. I have Perl hash that contains references to hashes and arrays. The hashes and arrays may in turn contain references to other hashes/arrays.
I wrote a subroutine to parse the hash recursively and print them with proper indentation. Though the routine works as expected, my instructor was not convinced about the readability and elegance of the below code.
I would really appreciate to get the views of Perl experts here on possible optimization of the below code.
Here is my complete code snippet..
# Array of Arrays
$ref_to_AoA = [
[ "fred", "barney" ],
[ "george", "jane", "elroy" ],
[ "homer", "marge", "bart" ],
#Array of Hashes
$ref_to_AoH = [
husband => "barney",
wife => "betty",
son => "bamm bamm",
husband => "george",
wife => "jane",
son => "elroy",
# Hash of Hashes
$ref_to_HoH = {
flintstones => {
husband => "fred",
pal => "barney",
jetsons => {
husband => "george",
wife => "jane",
"his boy" => "elroy", # Key quotes needed.
simpsons => {
husband => "homer",
wife => "marge",
kid => "bart",
# Hash which contains references to arrays and hashes
$finalHash = {
'arrayofArrays' => $ref_to_AoA,
'arrayofHash' => $ref_to_AoH,
'hashofHash' => $ref_to_HoH,
$string = str($finalHash);
print "$string\n";
sub str {
my $hash = shift;
my ($space, $newline, $delimiter) = #_;
$space = "" unless (defined $space);
$newline = "\n\n\n" unless (defined $newline);
$delimiter = "\n--------------------------------------------" unless (defined $delimiter);
my $str = "";
for (sort keys %{$hash}) {
my $value = $hash->{$_};
$str .= "$newline$space$_ == $value$delimiter";
$str .= recurseErrors($value,$space);
sub recurseErrors {
my $str;
my ($value,$space) = #_;
my $ref = ref $value;
if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
my $i = 0;
my $isEmpty = 1;
my #array = #$value;
$space .= "\t";
for my $a (#array) {
if (defined $a) {
$isEmpty = 0;
$str .= "\n$space$_\[$i\] :";
$str .= recurseErrors($a,$space);
$str .= "= { }" if ($isEmpty);
} elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
$space .= "\t";
for my $k (sort keys %$value) {
if ( ( ref($value->{$k}) eq 'HASH') || (ref $value->{$k} eq 'ARRAY') ) {
my $val = $value->{$k};
$str .= "\n\n$space$k == ";
$str .= "$val";
else {
$str .= "\n$space$k == ";
$str .= recurseErrors($value->{$k},$space);
# we have reached a scalar (leaf)
} elsif ($ref eq '') {
$str .= "$value";
arrayofArrays == ARRAY(0x9d9baf8)
arrayofArrays[0] :
arrayofArrays[0] :fred
arrayofArrays[1] :barney
arrayofArrays[1] :
arrayofArrays[0] :george
arrayofArrays[1] :jane
arrayofArrays[2] :elroy
arrayofArrays[2] :
arrayofArrays[0] :homer
arrayofArrays[1] :marge
arrayofArrays[2] :bart
arrayofHash == ARRAY(0x9d9bba8)
arrayofHash[0] :
husband == barney
son == bamm bamm
wife == betty
arrayofHash[1] :
husband == george
son == elroy
wife == jane
hashofHash == HASH(0x9da45f8)
flintstones == HASH(0x9d9bb48)
husband == fred
pal == barney
jetsons == HASH(0x9d9bbf8)
his boy == elroy
husband == george
wife == jane
simpsons == HASH(0x9d9bc48)
husband == homer
kid == bart
wife == marge

Always use use strict;
To be a good boy, use use warnings as well.
The names you use for subroutines should make it obvious what the subroutine does. "recurseErrors" kind of violates that principle. Yes, it does recurse. But what errors?
On the first line of each subroutine you should declare and initialize any parameters. recurseErrors first declares $str and then declares its parameters.
Don't mix shift and = #_ like you do in str()
You might consider breaking up what is now called recurseErrors into specialized routines for handling arrays and hashes.
There's no need to quote variables like you do on lines 99 and 109.
Apart from that I think your instructor had a bad day that day.

maybe Data::Dumper is what you want:
use Data::Dumper;
$str = Dumper($foo);

If you are new to perl, I'd recommend running your code through perl-critic (there is also a script you can install from CPAN, normally I use it as a test so it gets run from the command line whenever I do "make test"). In addition to its output, you might want to break up your functions a bit more. recurseErrors has three cases that could be split into sub functions (or even put into a hash of ref-type to sub-function ref).
If this were a production job, I'd use Data::Dumper, but it sounds like this is homework, so your teacher might not be too pleased.

Here is one simple example why your code is not easily readable:
$delimiter = "\n--------------------------------------------" unless (defined $delimiter);
You could use the defined or operator:
$delimiter //= "\n" . '-' x 44;
If you are worried about earlier Perls:
defined $delimeter or $delimeter = "\n" . '-' x 44;
Conditionals going off the right margin are enough of a turn-off for me not to read the rest of the code.

My guess is that he doesn't like that you
expect a hash in the str function.
call the same function to print arrays as hashes, despite that there appears to be no common function between them.
allow various ways to call str, but it never figures into the final result.
allow configurable space to be passed in to the root function, but have a tab hardcoded in the recursive function.
omit undefined values that actually hold a place in the arrays
Those are issues that I can see, pretty quickly.

You could have separated out the code blocks that dealt with arrays, and hashes.
sub recurse{
recurse_A(#_) if $ref eq 'ARRAY';
recurse_H(#_) if $ref eq 'HASH';
sub recurse_A{ ... }
sub recurse_H{ ... }
I would recommend starting out your subroutines like this, unless you have a real good reason for doing otherwise.
sub example{
my( $one, $two, $three, $optional_four ) = #_;
( If you do it like this then Komodo, at least, will be able to figure out what the arguments are to your subroutine )
There is rarely any reason to put a variable into a string containing only the variable.
"$var" eq $var;
The only time I can think I would ever do that is when I am using an object that has an overloaded "" function, and I want to get the string, without also getting the object.
package My_Class;
use overload
'""' => 'Stringify',
sub new{
my( $class, $name ) = #_;
my $self = bless { name => $name }, $class;
return $self;
sub Stringify{
my( $self ) = #_;
return $self->{name};
my $object = My_Class->new;
my $string = "$object";

I've struggled with this same problem before, and found my way here. I almost used a solution posted here, but found a more suitable one (for me anyway). Read about Depth First Recursion here.
The sub in the above article works perfectly with a reference containing other Hashes, Arrays, or Scalars. It did not print Hash key names, though, so I slightly modified it:
# See:
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash = (
'a' => {
'one' => 1111,
'two' => 222,
'b' => [ 'foo', 'bar' ],
'c' => 'test',
'd' => {
'states' => {
'virginia' => 'richmond',
'texas' => 'austin',
'planets' => [ 'venus','earth','mars' ],
'constellations' => ['orion','ursa major' ],
'galaxies' => {
'milky way' => 'barred spiral',
'm87' => 'elliptical',
sub expand_references2 {
my $indenting = -1;
my $inner; $inner = sub {
my $ref = $_[0];
my $key = $_[1];
if(ref $ref eq 'ARRAY'){
print ' ' x $indenting,'ARRAY:';
printf("%s\n",($key) ? $key : '');
$inner->($_) for #{$ref};
}elsif(ref $ref eq 'HASH'){
print ' ' x $indenting,'HASH:';
printf("%s\n",($key) ? $key : '');
for my $k(sort keys %{$ref}){
print ' ' x $indenting,$key,' => ',$ref,"\n";
print ' ' x $indenting,$ref,"\n";
$inner->($_) for #_;

#use strict ;
use warnings ;
# use module
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
#debug print "START SCRIPT " ;
my $fileToParse = 'C:/Temp/CDIP/scripts/perl/nps_all_workflows.xml' ;
# create object
my $objXml= new XML::Simple;
# read XML file
my $data = $objXml->XMLin("$fileToParse");
# #debug print "\n FirstLevel is " . $objXml->{'POWERMART'} ;
my $level = 1 ;
printHashKeyValues ($data ) ;
sub printHashKeyValues
$level ++ ;
my $refHash = shift ;
my $parentKey = shift ;
my $parentValue = shift ;
while( my ($key, $value) = each %$refHash)
if ( defined ( $key ) )
if ( ref ($refHash->{"$key"}) eq 'HASH' )
my $newRefHash = $refHash->{"$key"} ;
#debug print " \n The key is a hash " ;
printHashKeyValues ($newRefHash , $key , $value) ;
if ( ref ($refHash->{"$key"}) eq 'ARRAY' )
#debug print " \n the key is an ARRAY " ;
printArrayValues ( $refHash->{"$key"} ) ;
} #eof if ( defined ( $key ))
if ( defined ( $value) )
if ( ref ($refHash->{"$value"}) eq 'HASH' )
my $newRefHash = $refHash->{"$value"} ;
#debug print " \n The value is a hash " ;
printHashKeyValues ($newRefHash , $key , $value) ;
if ( ref ($refHash->{"$value"}) eq 'ARRAY' )
#debug print " \n the value is an ARRAY " ;
printArrayValues ( $refHash->{"$value"} ) ;
} #eof if defined ( $value )
#debug print "\n key: $key, value: $value.\n";
} #eof while
} #eof sub
sub printArrayValues
my $arrRef = shift ;
my #array = #$arrRef;
my $parrentArrayElement = shift ;
#debug print "printArrayValues CALLED " ;
foreach my $arrayElement ( #array )
if (defined ( $arrayElement ) )
if ( ref ($arrayElement) eq 'HASH' )
#debug print " \n The \$arrayElement is a hash FROM THE ARRAY " ;
printHashKeyValues ($arrayElement ) ;
} #eof if
if ( ref ($arrayElement) eq 'ARRAY' )
#debug print " \n The \$arrayElement is a ARRAY FROM THE ARRAY " ;
printArrayValues ($arrayElement ) ;
} #eof if
#debug print "\n \$arrayElement is $arrayElement " ;
} #eof if ( defined ( $arrayElement ) )
} #eof foreach
} #eof sub
# #debug print output
##debug print Dumper($data);
1 ;


Pass hash to subroutine inside a subroutine already passed that hash

I am working with passing hashes to various subroutines, and I was wondering how to pass a hash to a subroutine and then pass the same hash inside that subroutine to a different subroutine and so on.
For example, the following code works fine.
use strict;
use warnings;
my %hash = (
key1 => 'value1',
key2 => 'value2',
key3 => 'value3',
key4 => '',
print %hash, "\n";
sub check_it {
my $params = shift;
foreach(keys %{$params}){
if($params->{$_}) {
print "'$_' defined as '$params->{$_}'\n";
else {
print "'$_' not defined as '$params->{$_}'. Deleting it.\n";
#delete $params->{$_};
$params->{$_} = 'null';
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < 7 ; $i++ ) {
print "looping\n";
sub check_tags_again {
my $hash_now = shift;
#check again...
foreach(keys %{$hash_now}){
print "An element of hash: ", $hash_now->{$_}, "\n";
#if(defined $hash_now->{$_}){ delete $hash_now->{$_};}
sub check_tags_thrice {
my $hash_now = shift;
#check again...
foreach(keys %{$hash_now}){
print "An element of hash: ", $hash_now->{$_}, "\n";
#if(defined $hash_now->{$_}){ delete $hash_now->{$_};}
print "final hash:", %hash, "\n";
BUT, when I run the code that follows:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub process_data {
my $group_size = 10;
my %HoA = (
flintstones => [ "fred", "barney" ],
jetsons => [ "george", "jane", "elroy" ],
simpsons => [ "homer", "marge", "bart" ],
&delete_stuff( \%HoA, $group_size );
print "New group:\n";
print Dumper( \%HoA );
undef %HoA;
sub delete_stuff {
my $HoARef = shift;
my $group_size = shift;
print "group size in sub $group_size\n";
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $group_size ; $j++ ) {
my $dlted = &delete_other_stuff( \%HoA, $j );
print "deleted? '$dlted'\n";
if ( $dlted == 0 ) {
&presence_check( \%HoA, $j );
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $group_size ; $i++ ) {
sub delete_other_stuff {
my $HoAref = shift;
my $Dex = shift;
return $deleted;
sub presence_check {
my $HoAreF = shift;
my $DeX = shift;
I get:
Global symbol "%HoA" requires explicit package name at line 32.
Global symbol "%HoA" requires explicit package name at line 35.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
I'm confused because I think it's doing the same thing as the first, but now it claims that %HoA was never initialized.
In delete_stuff, you don't have %HoA, you have $HoARef. If all the subs are expecting a reference to a hash, then you can just use it:
for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $group_size ; $j++ ) {
my $dlted = &delete_other_stuff( $HoARef, $j );
print "deleted? '$dlted'\n";
if ( $dlted == 0 ) {
&presence_check( $HoARef, $j );
By the way, we're closing on 20 years of Perl 5. There is no reason to call a sub with explicitly passed parameters with an &, which is a Perl 4 holdover.

Getting values from a hash by order defined in another list

Looking for a way, how to get the values from a hash, in an order defined by another list.
The "demo" code (real values are different):
use 5.014;
use warnings;
my $href = {
'Long one' => 'v1',
'xxx two' => 'v2',
'another3' => 'v3',
'xfour' => 'v4',
'some5' => undef,
#keys from the $href in defined order
my #order = ('Long one', 'xfour', 'nono', 'another3', 'some5', 'xxx two');
#in the real code:
#my $href = some_sub(......); my #order = another_sub(....);
#cleanup the #order form undefined values
#order = grep { exists $href->{$_} && defined $href->{$_} } #order;
#my input
while(<DATA>) {
#filter out nonexistent keys and undefined values
my #defined_data = grep { exists $href->{$_} && defined $href->{$_} } split '/';
my $str = "xx";
$str = join('/',
map { $href->{$_} } some_my_sort(#defined_data)
) if #defined_data;
say $str;
sub some_my_sort {
my(#list) = #_;
# "somewhat"sort the #list in order defined by #order
# haven't any idea how to do this :(
# __HERE NEED HELP__ to sort the #list, to the order defined in the #order
#and get only first two values. if exists only one value, return only one
if($#list > 0) {
return ($list[0], $list[1]);
else {
another3/some5/Long one/xfour/xxx two
xxx two/blabla/some5/another3/xfour
notexists/some5/xxx two/Long one
for the above input want get the next output:
Form #ikegami solution:
use 5.014;
use warnings;
my $href = { 'Long one' => 'v1', 'xxx two' => 'v2', 'another3' => 'v3', 'xfour' => 'v4', 'some5' => undef, };
my #order = ('Long one', 'xfour', 'nono', 'another3', 'some5', 'xxx two');
#order = grep { exists $href->{$_} && defined $href->{$_} } #order;
my %order = map { $order{$_} => $_ } 0..$#order;
while (<DATA>) {
my #keys = grep { defined $href->{$_} } split '/';
#keys = sort { $order{$a} <=> $order{$b} } #keys;
splice(#keys, 2) if #keys > 2;
#keys = 'xx' if !#keys;
say join '/', #{$href}{ #keys };
get the next - error - and don't really understand why:
Global symbol "%order" requires explicit package name at ike line 8.
Execution of ike aborted due to compilation errors.
After defining #order, define %order_h:
my %order_h;
my $i = 0;
$order_h{$_} = $i++ for #order;
Then, instead of the comment about sorting, add this line:
#list = sort { $order_h{$a} <=> $order_h{$b} } #list;
Here's a cleaned-up version of the entire code:
my %order = map { $order[$_] => $_ } 0..$#order;
while (<DATA>) {
my #keys = grep { defined $href->{$_} } split '/';
#keys = sort { $order{$a} <=> $order{$b} } #keys;
splice(#keys, 2) if #keys > 2;
say join '/', #keys ? #{$href}{ #keys } : 'xx';

Perl Working On Two Hash References

I would like to compare the values of two hash references.
The data dumper of my first hash is this:
$VAR1 = {
'42-MG-BA' => [
'chromosome' => '19',
'position' => '35770059',
'genotype' => 'TC'
'chromosome' => '2',
'position' => '68019584',
'genotype' => 'G'
'chromosome' => '16',
'position' => '9561557',
'genotype' => 'G'
And the second hash is similar to this but with more hashes in the array. I would like to compare the genotype of my first and second hash if the position and the choromosome matches.
map {print "$_= $cave_snp_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n"}sort keys %$cave_snp_list;
map {print "$_= $geno_seq_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n"}sort keys %$geno_seq_list;
I could do that for the first array of the hashes.
Could you help me in how to work for all the arrays?
This is my actual code in full
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Benchmark;
use Config::Config qw(Sequenom.ini);
use Data::Dumper;
GetOptions("sam=s" => \my $sample);
my $geno_seq_list = getseqgenotypes($sample);
my $cave_snp_list = getcavemansnpfile($sample);
#print Dumper($geno_seq_list);
print scalar %$geno_seq_list, "\n";
foreach my $sam (keys %{$geno_seq_list}) {
my $seq_used = $geno_seq_list->{$sam};
my $cave_used = $cave_snp_list->{$sam};
print scalar(#$geno_seq_list->{$_}) if sort keys %$geno_seq_list, "\n";
print scalar(#$cave_used), "\n";
#foreach my $seq2com (# {$seq_used } ){
# foreach my $cave2com( # {$cave_used} ){
# print $seq2com->{chromosome},":" ,$cave2com->{chromosome},"\n";
# }
map { print "$_= $cave_snp_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n" } sort keys %$cave_snp_list;
map { print "$_= $geno_seq_list->{$_}->[0]->{chromosome}\n" } sort keys %$geno_seq_list;
sub getseqgenotypes {
my $snpconn;
my $gen_list = {};
$snpconn = Database::Conn->new('live');
$snpconn->addConnection(DBI->connect('', 'sn', 'ss', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }),
#my $conn2 =Database::Conn->new('live');
#$conn2->addConnection(DBI->connect('','nst_owner','nst_owner', {RaiseError =>1 , AutoCommit=>0}),'nst');
my $id_ind = $snpconn->execute('snp::Sequenom::getIdIndforExomeSample', $sample);
my $genotype = $snpconn->executeArrRef('snp::Sequenom::getGenotypeCallsPosition', $id_ind);
foreach my $geno (#{$genotype}) {
push #{ $gen_list->{ $geno->[1] } }, {
chromosome => $geno->[2],
position => $geno->[3],
genotype => $geno->[4],
return ($gen_list);
} #end of sub getseqgenotypes
sub getcavemansnpfile {
my $nstconn;
my $caveman_list = {};
$nstconn = Database::Conn->new('live');
DBI->connect('', 'nst_owner', 'NST_OWNER', { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }), 'nst');
my $id_sample = $nstconn->execute('nst::Caveman::getSampleid', $sample);
#print "IDSample: $id_sample\n";
my $file_location = $nstconn->execute('nst::Caveman::getCaveManSNPSFile', $id_sample);
open(SNPFILE, "<$file_location") || die "Error: Cannot open the file $file_location:$!\n";
while (<SNPFILE>) {
next if /^>/;
my #data = split;
my ($nor_geno, $tumor_geno) = split /\//, $data[5];
# array of hash
push #{ $caveman_list->{$sample} }, {
chromosome => $data[0],
position => $data[1],
genotype => $nor_geno,
} #end of while loop
return ($caveman_list);
The problem that I see is that you're constructing a tree for generic storage of data, when what you want is a graph, specific to the task. While you are constructing the record, you could also be constructing the part that groups data together. Below is just one example.
my %genotype_for;
my $record
= { chromosome => $data[0]
, position => $data[1]
, genotype => $nor_geno
push #{ $gen_list->{ $geno->[1] } }, $record;
# $genotype_for{ position }{ chromosome }{ name of array } = genotype code
$genotype_for{ $data[1] }{ $data[0] }{ $sample } = $nor_geno;
return ( $caveman_list, \%genotype_for );
In the main line, you receive them like so:
my ( $cave_snp_list, $geno_lookup ) = getcavemansnpfile( $sample );
This approach at least allows you to locate similar position and chromosome values. If you're going to do much with this, I might suggest an OO approach.
Assuming that you wouldn't have to store the label, we could change the lookup to
$genotype_for{ $data[1] }{ $data[0] } = $nor_geno;
And then the comparison could be written:
foreach my $pos ( keys %$small_lookup ) {
next unless _HASH( my $sh = $small_lookup->{ $pos } )
and _HASH( my $lh = $large_lookup->{ $pos } )
foreach my $chrom ( keys %$sh ) {
next unless my $sc = $sh->{ $chrom }
and my $lc = $lh->{ $chrom }
print "$sc:$sc";
However, if you had limited use for the larger list, you could construct the specific case
and pass that in as a filter when creating the longer list.
Thus, in whichever loop creates the longer list, you could just go
next unless $sample{ $position }{ $chromosome };
my $record
= { chromosome => $chromosome
, position => $position
, genotype => $genotype

Perl: Matching hash keys to a regular expression

I'm wondering if Perl has a built-in way to check for the existence of a hash element with a key matching a particular regex. For example:
my %h = ( 'twelve' => 12, 'thirteen' => 13, 'fourteen' => 14 );
I'm wondering if there is any way to do this:
print "We have 12\n" if exists $h{twelve};
print "We have some teens\n" if exists $h{/.*teen$/};
The smart match operator does this (available since Perl v5.10).
$a $b Type of Match Implied Matching Code
====== ===== ===================== =============
Regex Hash hash key grep grep /$a/, keys %$b
Sample usage:
# print if any key in %h ends in "teen"
print "We have some teens\n" if /.*teen$/ ~~ %h;
In addition to the other answers here you can also do this with perl's grep:
print "We have some teens\n" if grep {/.*teen/} keys %h;
Yeah, it's called:
use List::Util qw<first>;
# Your regex does not compile perhaps you mean /teen$/
my $value = $hash{ ( first { m/teen/ } keys %hash ) || '' };
(Before smart match, that is. See mob's answer for smart match.)
You could also sort the keys:
my $value = $hash{ ( first { m/teen/ } sort keys %hash ) || '' };
I would freeze this into an "operation":
use Scalar::Util qw<reftype>;
sub values_for_keys_like (\[%$]$) {
my $ref = reftype( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : $$_[0];
return unless my #keys = keys %$ref;
my $regex = shift;
# allow strings
$regex = qr/$regex/ unless my $typ = ref( $regex );
# allow regex or just plain ol' filter functions.
my $test = $typ eq 'CODE' ? $regex : sub { return unless m/$regex/; 1 };
if ( wantarray ) {
return unless my #k = grep { defined $test->( $_ ) } #keys;
return #$ref{ #k };
else {
return unless my $key = first { defined $test->( $_ ) } #keys;
return $ref->{ $key };
And you could use it like so:
my $key = values_for_keys_like( %hash => qr/teen/ );
my $key = values_for_keys_like( $base->{level_two}{level_three} => qr/teen/ );
There's no built-in way, but there's Tie::Hash::Regex on CPAN.

array to hash in perl

I have a source list from which I am picking up random items and populating the destination list. The item that are in the list have a particular format. For example:
etc and many more fields.
while inserting into the destination list I check for unique names on items and insert it into that list. For this I have to traverse the entire destination list to check if an item with a given name exists and if not insert it.
I thought it would be nice if I make the destination list as hash instead of a list again so that I can look up for the item faster and efficiently. I am new to Perl and am not getting how to do this. Anybody, Please help me on how to insert an item, find for a particular item name, and delete an item in hash?
How can I make both the name and date as key and the entire item as value?
my %hash;
Insert an item $V with a key $K?
$hash{$K} = $V
Find for a particular name / key $K?
if (exists $hash{$K}) {
print "it is in there with value '$hash{$K}'\n";
} else {
print "it is NOT in there\n"
Delete a particular name / key?
delete $hash{$K}
Make name and date as key and entire item as value?
Easy Way: Just string everything together
set: $hash{ "$name:$date" } = "$name:$date:$field1:$field2"
get: my ($name2,$date2,$field1,$field2) = split ':', $hash{ "$name:$date" }
del: delete $hash{ "$name:$date" }
Harder Way: Store as a hash in the hash (google "perl object")
my %temp;
$temp{"name"} = $name;
$temp{"date"} = $date;
$temp{"field1"} = $field1;
$temp{"field2"} = $field2
$hash{"$name:$date"} = \$temp;
my $find = exists $hash{"$name:$date"} ? $hash{"$name:$date"} : undef;
if (defined find) { # i.e. it was found
printf "field 1 is %s\n", $find->{"field1"}
} else {
print "Not found\n";
delete $hash{"$name:$date"}
It is not easy to understand what you are asking because you do not describe the input and the desired outputs specifically.
My best guess is something along the lines of:
use strict; use warnings;
my #list = (
my %lookup;
for my $entry ( #list ) {
my ($name, $attrib) = $entry =~ /([^{]+){'([^']+)'}/;
$lookup{ $name }{ $attrib } = $entry;
for my $entry ( keys %lookup ) {
my %entry = %{ $lookup{$entry} };
print "#entry{keys %entry}\n"
use YAML;
print Dump \%lookup;
item1{'date'} item1{'name'}
date: "item1{'date'}"
name: "item1{'name'}"
If you know what items, you are going to need and what order you'll need them in
for keys, then re parsing the key is of questionable value. I prefer to store
them in levels.
$hash{ $h->{name} }{ $h->{date} } = $h;
# ... OR ...
$hash{ $h->{date} }{ $h->{name} } = $h;
foreach my $name ( sort keys %hash ) {
my $name_hash = $hash{$name};
foreach my $date ( keys %$name_hash ) {
print "\$hash{$name}{$date} => " . Dumper( $name_hash->{$date} ) . "\n";
For arbitrary levels, you may want a traversal function
sub traverse_hash (&#) {
my ( $block, $hash_ref, $path ) = #_;
$path = [] unless $path;
my ( #res, #results );
my $want = wantarray;
my $want_something = defined $want;
foreach my $key ( %$hash_ref ) {
my $l_path = [ #$path, $key ];
my $value = $hash_ref->{$key};
if ( ref( $value ) eq 'HASH' ) {
#res = traverse_hash( $block, $value, $l_path );
push #results, #res if $want_something && #res;
elsif ( $want_something ) {
#res = $block->( $l_path, $value );
push #results, #res if #res;
else {
$block->( $path, $value );
return unless $want_something;
return $want ? #results : { #results };
So this does the same thing as above:
traverse_hash {
my ( $key_path, $value ) = #_;
print( '$hash{' . join( '}{', #$key_path ) . '} => ' . ref Dumper( $value ));
} \%hash
Perl Solution
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
sub main{
my %hash;
my #keys = qw(firstname lastname age); # hash's keys
# fname lname age
# --------|--------|-----
my #arr = ( [ 'foo1', 'bar1', '1' ],
[ 'foo2', 'bar2', '2' ],
[ 'foo3', 'bar3', '3' ]
# test if array set up correctly
print "\$arr[1][1] : $arr[1][1] \n"; # bar2
# loads the multidimensional array into the hash
for my $row (0..$#arr){
for my $col ( 0..$#{$arr[$row]} ){
my $itemnum = "item" . ($row+1); # using the item# format you used
$hash{$itemnum}->{$keys[$col]} = $arr[$row][$col];
# manually add a 4th item
$hash{item4} = {"firstname", "foo", "lastname", "bar", "age", "35"};
# How to Retrieve
# -----------------------
# single item pull
print "item1->firstname : $hash{item1}->{firstname} \n"; # foo1
print "item3->age : $hash{item3}->{age} \n"; # 3
# whole line 1
{ local $, = " ";
print "full line :" , %{$hash{item2}} , "\n"; # firstname foo2 lastname bar2 age 2
# whole line 2
foreach my $key (sort keys %{$hash{item2}}){
print "$key : $hash{item2}{$key} \n";
# Clearer description
#print "Hash:\n", Dumper %hash;
This should be used in addition to the accepted answer. Your question was a little vague on the array to hash requirement, perhaps this is the model you are looking for?