Link to ICQ account - icq

I have same HyperLink :
HyperLink skype = new HyperLink(); skype.NavigateUrl = "skype:username?call";
When user press it he redirects to skype window to user account, which entered in NavigateUrl.
I try to find something for ICQ in google, but fail.
Does anybody know how to link to ICQ account?

The URL is:<ICQ UIN>
For example:
where you substitute your UIN ICQ number for 123456789.

Try this URL:
Replacing the UIN with the one you want, and the message with the one you want.
Obviously it only works if they have ICQ installed.
From this web post.


How to open a draft created with Gmail API in browser?

Im trying to create a gmail draft using gmail API and open it in a new tab.
When i try to open a draft using the following url : draft id , from a external web it does not open the draft. Instead it lists the drafts.
If i do the same in a Gmail tab it works as expected.
You can reproduce it following this steps
Chose any draft and copy its message id , you can use this
Create a url joining + the message id you got in the last step.
Open a new tab in Chrome and paste it, it will send you to your draft list.
If you paste the same url in the the same tab it will open the draft.
More information about the problem
It does not work with neither
Chrome console throws this error when i try to open a draft from another tab
console error
I noticed if you open a draft the url is like this one , this url works also to open the draft editor from other tabs, but where does the compose value come from?
I know it is not a API error or problem but if somebody had the same problem and know any way to solve it i will apreciate.
So the question is, how can i create a url to open a gmail draft using Gmail API ?
The way to make this url changed, now it works like this:
If you list your drafts you get
"drafts": [
"id": "r5632827412362757569",
"message": {
"id": "174f4fa0dd96af123",
"threadId": "174f4f59344d6321"
So, to open this draft you need the following url :
Your goal:
To be able to open a browser tab directly focused on a specific draft of your choosing, from the drafts in your mailbox. (Correct me if I'm wrong).
You noticed that drafts have a "compose" parameter visible in the url when focused within the UI.
The drafts resource doesn't include the "compose" parameter, so we can't get it from the API, and it also isn't equal to the draft id.
Since the parameter needed is not publicly available via API, you can't achieve your goal at the moment. You can request the feature to Google directly by creating a "Feature Request" for the Gmail API. Here's the link Issue Tracker.

Scheme url to open ios aplication with parameters

I have an application in Swift which has the function of "I forgot my password", which sends a URL in the user's email, in that URL contains user and token
Clicking the "" link requires the application to open when the link is clicked by passing the parameters after the # (user / token) as follows in the example.
I need to click on the link and open the application.
I tried to modify the info p list in xcode but it generates a link example: application: //, me limiting to send it by email for example, could anyone help me please? If you have not understood, I can explain it better, thank you in advance
The problem is that you are using the word "scheme" in your question title but your example doesn't use a scheme. Well, it does use a scheme, but the scheme is https, which is a link. You need your app to define and declare its own scheme.

Is it possible to hack mailto?

Sorry about the provocative subject but I could not think of a better word than "hack" to describe what I would like to do!
On my site, I provide links to other sites and on request by the user, display a page from the site in a frame or pop up window. Frequently these displayed pages have a mailto-tag.
I have found it extremely annoying that clicking the mailto link starts off my outlook which I no longer use but retain it as an installed program on my machine.
What I would like to do is:
1) Pick up the subject and email address part of the mailto tag.
2) Pop up an HTML form where the email address and the subject is prefilled.
3) Send the email message through my site's mailserver instead of through outlook or any other mail client.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you in advance - and once again apologies for the provocative subject line!
Try it using javascript.
With using a framework like jQuery its easy so find such tags inside a frame or popup window.
You can try it by something like this:
var allATags = $('myFrameId').find('a');
$(allATags).each(function(index, element){
var href = $(element).attr('href');
//here you shall try to find out if there a mailto Link or a normal link, e.g. using regular expression or indexOf()
if (isMailToLink){
//split the href String at the signs '&' with which the subject, mail, etc is splitted and removing the mailto, putting all in own variables
$(element).attr('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
showMyMailForm(toMail, mailSubject, mailBody);
On opening a document in a frame or a popup wait for the document being loaded and then run your code to replace all existing mailto-links on that document with your mailform-mailer.
The code is just a way trying to inspire, no working code.
Users can set their default email client, here are a couple of links that may be helpful:
Internet Explorer
Of course this is controlled by the user, so it will help you personally, but not force others to use a specific program.
You could easily pass url parameters onto your contact landing page/email form instead of a mailto link, something like a href="" could be used to pre-fill generic contact/email form fields.

Facebook Follow Button plugin doesn't allow periods in profile

Trying to set up a follow button with Facebook's plugin here:
I've found that any profile url I enter that contains periods (for example, will return an error.
From the error console I receive
Failed to load resource: The requested URL was not found on this server.
This happens with the HTML5, iframe and URL versions of the plugin. Just out of curiosity I tried encoding the period with %2E, and I also tried using the numeric profile ID, but neither worked.
Is there any other trick I can try to make this work?
I don't think it's a problem with the social plugin. please enter the profile for testing purposes - everything's fine here.
If I open the profile url of John Smith I'm getting an error ("Page not found") - so imho the profile is restricted/not public at all. If it's privacy restricted, you can't use it for the follow-plugin. If you have access to John Smith's account, please double check his follower-settings:

Stream.publish won't translate {*actor*} using Facebook Connect for iPhone

I am able to successfully publish a stream to my account using Stream.publish via Facebook Connect for iPhone. However, the {*actor*} token does not appear to get translated. I though this was a token that Facebook automatically translates to the user. Is this not the case? Here is my attachment JSON array.
attachment = "{"name":"Join {*actor*} PocketBracket Pool - The Pool Name
ready for the 2010 Men's College Basketball Tournament! Fill out your own
bracket and challenge your friends with PocketBracket."}";
Otherwise, I am only setting message and action_links. Do I need to set uid? Again everything shows up correctly, but {*actor*} is still literally within my stream.
RTFM, Looks like actor can only go in the caption:
caption: A subtitle for the post that should describe why the user posted the item or the action the user took. This field can contain plain text only, as well as the {actor} token, which gets replaced by a link to the profile of the session user. The caption should fit on one line in a user's stream; make sure you account for the width of any thumbnail.
Please let me know if this is not correct.
You can use the tag {actor} only in caption, tested :)