Google Analytics Mobile (ipod/iphone) Custom Variables tracking - iphone

It's a bit of time I'm using analytics in my iPhone applications and I find it very useful...but apparently it seems to give me only the ability to track pageviews and events.
I just would like to know if there's a way to track even custom variables defined by me, as web analytics does.
I.e. I'm releasing the new version of my app and I would like to define a variable that reports me the version of the application (instead of defining a new action or pageview to track it).
the standard js api to handle that should be: _setCustomVar(index, name, value, opt_scope).
Is there a way to figure it out even on the mobile version of analytics?

A bit late, but yes : custom variables on iOS google analytics library is available since v1.1.

Notice that the setCustomVar() function should come before the trackPageview(). The information is only sent to Google Analytics during a pageview or an event, so keep that in mind when placing the code on your site.

Localytics provides exactly this functionality. For any event in your application, such as a button click or a level completion you may record the event as happening and associate with a Dictionary of keys and values which are reported back as event attributes. For an example and some more details, check out the blog post:


Using other languages with Flutter

I have been working with flutter for a couple of months now and it seems that there isn't really too much to work on an app for back-end or advanced functionality. I love using Flutter to help me design the UI but I want to use another language to help me do some other stuff. For example, I want to display a full-screen camera page (almost like Snapchat) or like send a direct message to another user through the app. Do I even need another language to do stuff like this? I am not an advanced programmer. I just want to create simple applications that can process and store a little bit of stuff.
You can easily do the mentioned stuff in Flutter/Dart.
Check out Firebase Messaging for direct messages and SQLite to store information on user devices.
For saving data locally,
You can use SqlFlite, a plugin with the help of which you can easily store and manage your database.
For saving data on the backend, so that other users can also access it when necessary, like the one you mentioned in a comment ( ordering app) can use Firebase
Firebase has all you need.
Link to firebase :-
When your data is stored on a cloud, you don't need to hard code anything, for example, about the food ordering app you mentioned, you can make use of variables, in which you can store the values. So that when the owner changes the price, it gets updated.

Using "speechBiasingHints" with Dialogflow Webhook

First time posting, so feel free to give me feedback if I could improve something about this post... Now on to my question.
I am currently developing a Google Action, the Action will allow the user to define important events, such as Bob's Birthday or Fred's Graduation, and save data about said events. Later, the user will be able to ask for info about the event and get it returned back to them.
I am using the Dialogflow API with "Inline Editor" fulfillment to keep it as simple as possible for right now. The problem I am running into is this, the event has an entity type of #sys.any, so anything the user says is excepted as valid input. I would like some way to bias towards events I already have stored for the user however, so that they are more likely to find the event they are looking for.
I found another answer on here discussing speech biasing (What is meant by speech bias and how to use speechBiasHints in google-actions appResponse) which defined speech biasing as the ability to"influence the speech to text recognition," which is exactly what I believe I want. While that answer provided sample code, it was for the Actions SDK, not the Dialogflow SDK, which I am using.
Can anyone provide an example of how to fill the "speechBiasingHints" section of the ExpectedInput response of the Conversation Webhook using the DialogFlow Webkook?
Note: This is for a student project, and I'm new to developing Google Actions and still very much learning about everything that is capable with Google Actions. Any feedback or suggestions are very welcome.
The question you link to does quite a few things differently than the approach you're taking. The Action SDK provides more low-level control, but doesn't have much Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities, which Dialogflow provides.
Dialogflow handles biasing a little differently through the use of Entities, so you don't need to control the speech biasing directly, Dialogflow can handle that for you, to some extent.
Since each user may have a different event name, you'll probably want to use a User Entity, which is an entity you define and then populate on a user-by-user basis through Dialogflow's API. In your sample phrases, you can then use this entity name instead of #sys:any, or create another set of phrases that use this entity in addition.

Trying to create a schema in IBM Watson IoT gives me 'Internal Error' - why..?

I'm trying to follow this guide:
But as soon as I hit "Manage Schemas" in the device type section I get an "Internal Error", saying I should contact the Admin... I'm not able to create schemas. What's going wrong?
Thanks in advance!
It is not entirely clear what you are trying to achieve. If you are simply trying to retrieve the raw events that have been published by your device, then you need to use a URL for the form:
This is documented in the Watson IoT Platform API reference.
It is worth noting that, if this is all you are trying to achieve, you do not need to follow the guide that you referenced. It is possible to retrieve the raw events using the REST API simply by defining the Device Type and registering your device.
The guide that you referenced describes the Data Management capabilities of the Watson IoT Platform. These capabilities allow you to process the raw events in order to generate/compute state for the device. This is more involved than simply retrieving the raw events because you need to configure schemas for the events and the state and then define the mappings that tell the platform how to compute the properties on the state when an event is received. The computed state for a device is a different resource and needs to be retrieved using a different URL:
GET /api/v0002/device/types/{typeId}/devices/{deviceId}/state/{logicalInterfaceId}
This is documented here
It's a little confusing, but that Manage Schemas section of the UI is not related to the feature you're looking at as part of the guide you referred to.
The guide you're looking at outlines how to configure event schemas and logical interface schemas for a Device Type using REST API calls. If you wish to create this configuration using the web UI, this is possible too but you need to get to the Interfaces section from the Device Types view: see this image
In this case, I clicked on the Humidity Sensor Device Type and then, in the expanded view, clicked on the Interface tab. From there you can use the Simple or Advanced flows to create the configuration.
The reason for the error is because the component that provides the function on that page (Real time insights) is not present in the eu-de region. The page should not be present but for some reason is.
If you are planning on following that guide then this is a different part of the UI from the “manage schemas” page, and is located under the “interfaces” section in “device types”. The function defined in that guide is available in eu-de.

How to connect sensor devices to IOTF using API KEYS

I am doing an android application, I'd like to know how to connect sensor devices/applications to Bluemix IoTF using API keys, by saying that I just want to minimize the registration task from client side(sensor devices)as much as possible. I know how to register devices with deivce Id,token and authentication manually. but I just like to know that is there any other easy way around to do it. It would be great If I got some one shed light on this from scratch. Thanks in advance.
There is a rich set of REST based APIs available at:
and fully documented here:
One can use excellent REST based testing tools such as Postman for REST testing.
The reason I mention the REST APIs is that they provide a way for scripting or automating the registration of devices. There is an API called "Add device" that, when called, will register a new device instance of a specific device type against your IoT Foundation instance.
I could imagine a new device that knows it is not registered executing a self registration request to define itself as a new device type. What I would next suggest is that you read the links above and see if they make sense. If they answer your question fully, great. If not, simply post a new question that is specifically targeted at a specific areas and we'll be watching this set of tags and respond back as quickly as we can.

How to show campaign based on data tracked/reported by adobe sitecatalyst?

We are implementing SiteCatalyst on flat HTML files. There is a requirement where we need to show campaigns based on the data that we reported from Analytics. e.g. There is a form having multiple fields. If user have not filled the form/or filled the form, we will track this event and report it to omniture. Now if he presses back button without filling the form completely, we need to show him some campaign/offers. The same will happen when he presses the submit button only the campaign will be different this time. Can this be achieved ? Can we integrate sitecatalyst and campaigning ?
I know that the vice-versa is possible. We can track campaigns and report the campaign id's. But is there any way to display offers based on the analytics data. That too in real time.
Any help would be great !
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like what you are looking for is Adobe Target.
Adobe Target is a tool that allows you to do AB/MV testing, but also target visitors by set rules and criteria.
Very simple example:
"If user came from, show <h1>foo</h1>. If user came from, show <h1>bar</h1>"
There is a level of integration between Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics. However, it is not real-time for data that has already been collected.
For example, if you have logic that pops s.prop10 on page with "foo" then that can be integrated with Adobe Target and you can setup a rule that says something like "If s.prop10 is 'foo' then show '<h1>foo</h1>'".
But, it does not let you make a rule like "if prop10 was 'foo' for this visitor at any point in the time in the past, show '<h1>foo</h1>'". In other words, there is no real-time evaluation of data already collected on Adobe's servers.
But, if you were simply wanting to make rules based off the current visit, you can store information in cookies look at cookies to make rules in Adobe Target easy enough.
Also note that there are no built-in tools or hooks or methods etc.. for the actions you described. For example, there's no way to natively say in Adobe Target (or Adobe Analytics) "If a visitor clicks the back button or does this other action, track that". You need to write your own code to define those actions and trigger relevant tracking code at relevant times. Adobe Analytics (and other tracking tools) can help automate some basic stuff like simple link clicks or form field focusing - IOW direct 1:1 actions, but baking in complex actions like that is not feasible for a tracking tool, because every site and scenario is unique.
I guess the TL;DR here is that there is no magic wand for this sort of thing, not for Adobe or any other analytics/tracking tool; you're going to have to write your own code (be it server-side, client-side, or mix of both) to meet your business needs.
You can use Reporting API exposed by adobe sitecatalyst.
Through the Reporting API, you’re able to access the reports generated for your Form events. If you’re using SiteCatalyst 15, you’ll be able to generate reports based on segments also. Recently the Reporting API was updated and given the ability to perform multi-level breakdowns across reports. For more information on this method, go to the API documentation within the Adobe Developer Connection.
Sample Real time access API:
// Real-Time Report
// Note the inclusion of "source" equals "realtime"
// Make sure you configure Real-Time reports for the report suite
"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "rsid",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }