TSQL question : how to iterate columns of result set - tsql

I have a select statement and a cursor to iterate the rows I get. the problem is that I have many columns (more than 500), and so "fetch .. into #variable" is impossible for me. how can I iterate the columns (one by one, I need to process the data)?
Thanks in advance,

Two choices.
1/ Use SSIS or ADO.Net to pour through your dataset row by row.
2/ Consider what you're actually needing to achieve and find a set-based approach.
My preference is for option 2. Let us know what you need done and we'll find a way.

You can build a SQL string using sys.columns or INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries. Here's a post I wrote on that.


Using dplyr correctly to combine shared values of a row to a new column of a table

How do I combine data from two tables based on certain shared values from the row?
I already tried using the which function and it didn't work.
I think you will have the best luck using the dplyr fuction. Specifically you can use right_join(). You can wright it like this, right_join(df1,df2, by="specification")
This will combine that columns from df2 with the specifications matching the rows according to the shared specification from df1.
For future reference it would be a lot of help if you included a screenshot of code just so it is easier to know exactly what you are asking.
Anyway, let me know if this answers your question!

Querying timestamp column In q

I want to count the number of records inserted in a kdb+ database using a q query.
Currently, using below query:
count select from executionTable where ingestTimeStamp within 2019.09.07D00:00:00.000000000 2019.09.08D00:00:00.000000000
It works but not highly performant. Any recommendations to make it efficient is highly appreciated.
Thank you for your help.
If you only want count then use 'count i' inside select like below:
q) select count i from executionTable where ingestTimeStamp within 2019.09.07D00:00:00.000000000 2019.09.08D00:00:00.000000000
This will only get the count instead of fetching full data which is what your query is doing and that's one of the reasons for taking more time.
And if it is a partitioned database, then add 'date' in the filter as #Callum Biggs mentioned.
Given the information you have provided I'm assuming you're querying on-disk data, likely saved in a standard date partitioned structure. In this case, you should be specifying a date clause before you specify a time clause, this will prevent searching all the date directories.
select from executionTable where date=2019.09.07, ingestTimeStamp within 2019.09.07D00:00:00.000000000 2019.09.08D00:00:00.000000000
I'd suggest reading through the whitepaper on query optimization, it will give some guidance in good query structure, and how to take advantage of map reduction in kdb.

How to work with queries from multiple databases

I have 2 queries from 2 different databases.I need to create a report with those 2 queries. Please suggest.
Not knowing anything about your databases, the way you combine multiple databases is by using the UNION command. An example:
SELECT * FROM database1.Table1
SELECT * FROM database2.Table1
You can also create a view that by adding CREATE VIEW CombinedTable1 AS as the first line.
Here is a good introduction on how to use UNION.
Hope that helps,

Finding first alphabetic character in a DB2 database field

I'm doing a bit of work which requires me to truncate DB2 character-based fields. Essentially, I need to discard all text which is found at or after the first alphabetic character.
In SQL Server, this would be a doddle - PATINDEX would swoop in and save the day. Much celebration would ensue.
My problem is that I need to do this in DB2. Worse, the result needs to be used in a join query, also in DB2. I can't find an easy way to do this. Is there a PATINDEX equivalent in DB2?
Is there another way to solve this problem?
If need be, I'll hardcode 26 chained LOCATE functions to get my result, but if there is a better way, I am all ears.
SELECT TRANSLATE(lower(column), ' ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
FROM table
write a small UDF (user defined function) in C or JAVA, that does your task.

T-SQL Check Why Record Is Missing

If you've got a very complicated SELECT statement and some records aren't included because of a join, what is the easiest way to debug this and find the reasons why?
Change the JOINS / INNER JOINS to OUTER JOINS and look for NULLs where they shouldn't be.
You could include your ON logic in the WHERE clause, phrase it like this:
and just comment out as many of the terms until you isolate the unexpected behaviour.
I don't know if this will help you, but when I find myself with a complex Select that I'm having a hard time maintaining, or debugging, I'll break it up into separate common table expressions (CTE's). I've found this makes many of my queries much easier to understand and maintain.
Binary Search stylee:
If you have 10 joins, comment out the last 5.
Still have the problem? comment out the last 2/3 joins that are still uncommented
Still have the problem? comment out the last 1/2 joins that are still uncommented
Do this until you get down to it working, then the problem will lie in the last joins you commented out.
Yes you could do them one at a time but this is usually quicker.
Obviously you will have to comment out all the columns not used in the select statement, but I normally just put /* */ around all the columns, then put a * instead.
Just look at the number of results returned.