[iPhone]A zone which user can't interact, why? - iphone

Plese refer to below image to get detail of my problem:
This maybe relate to Status bar???
*Note: this is a full-screen application. My way to do this:
1. add "Status bar is initially hidden" information property to xxx-Info.plist.
2. In all screen of app: set "Status Bar" to none.

You are likely loading a nib with your control set to 320x460, instead of 320x480. Post how you are generating this view and we can help more.

Is this happening on the device or just in the simulator?
The simulator has/had bugs that stop it reporting touches in the status bar area.

It really does look that your view is not big enough, and is sized to a screen with the status bar.
How do you create the UIControl? Using a NIB? What's the frame you assign to it? Post some code.


Xib Size - seems to think its longer than it is

This is a bit of a strange one, but basically I am having a problem whereby the xib size of my initial view controller seems to be longer than the screen.
So, if you have an ad banner set to be on the bottom of the screen... If I run the app in simulator, it does not show on iPhone 3GS/4/4S devices, yet WILL show on the iPhone 5.
I have tried changing the xib size settings, I even created a new xib file, but the same problem is occuring which leads me to believe it is hardcoded somewhere, but I cannot think where to look for this.
It is basically like it thinks the bottom of the screen is about 30-50px more than what it actually is... Hence why the iPhone5 displays ok as it has the taller screen.
Any help would be appreciated!
Its bcoz of the StatusBar. It reserve 20px of screen . You can remove this space by do change in Status bar is initially hidden in plist and set status bar to NONE in IB.
The iPhone 5 has a taller screen. The most flexible way to lay out your xib is via AutoLayout. Here is a tutorial to get you started:
Basically, you want the ad banner to be contrained to the bottom of the view.

How to handle alignment of UI on phone call?

I am developing iPhone app for iOS 5 or above version, and making use of storyboard for UI design. My problem is when i am on phone call my UI gets misaligned because my upper status bar is taking 20 to 30 pixel of screen space.
How to handle my UI when i am on phone call?
I finally got answer for my question. Following are the things i made changes in my project and everything started working fine.
Took sliced images of all the things needed in my UI. (Initially
i was taking common image to save slicing time)
Made you of autoResizingMask property. It help me save my lots of time. Just make sure only 3 arrows top, left and right one is in ON state and your work is over.
For making everyones search easy i will add following Stackoverflow links to save your time
How to position view below green bar during phone call?
Resize for in-call status bar?
How do I detect a double-height status bar?
How to Remove Status Bar in "View Based Application" - iOS
how to hide status bar in Iphone application
How In-Call status bar impacts UIViewController's view size ? (and how to handle it properly)
iPhone Programming In Call Status Bar
resize content after iPhone status bar is shown/hidden
How to programmatically get iOS status bar height
How is the in-call status bar impacting my CGAffineTransform'd view?
View resize when In-Call Status Bar changes
Thanks to all the people who have replied to all the questions above. It made my big problem resolved.

Iphone view touch issue

I have issue with view touch in iphone in my application
the bottom part of my application do nothing like following.
This are two images so you can get the idea. i am not able to interact with this bottom part . and in all view of my application.
is anyone face this issue?
thanks in advance
Ok I solve the issue
if any one facing the same issue what i had just take care of following things:
1)Make the parent view's Autosizing property to true like this:
You can find it in size inspector.
2)For child view just do this.
here vwTextFont is my tableview as you can see in above image in question part and its parent view is vwTabBar.
so I perform first step to vwTabBar and second step to vwTextFont.
Hope this will help.

Oritentation issue in landscape (iphone)

Good day!
I have a view which i forcefully landscape. but the problem which i am facing is that the navigation bar buttons are somewhere else but i have to click few steps (inches) back to let it act. e.g.
if button is at frame
0,0 then i have to click at 50,0 to go back. i am attaching screenshot, if some one could help me in this. Please help
Thanks & Regards
Without providing the code (or the entire project), it is unlikely for anyone to tell you exactly what is wrong.
...Unless this is just a frame/bounds issue. Make sure they are set to the proper values. The frame is the area where your view is displayed, and the bounds is the area where your view will accept interaction.
How did you force the screen in landscape? The usual way is something like the following (in any UIViewController subclass):
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
return UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(interfaceOrientation);
If you forced it any other way, that might be the cause of your issue.
This may cause due to no Auto resizing You will only have to do is goto Layout in Interface Builder then Live Auto resizing.
By selecting all the components one by one hit cmd+3 Then there is a panel named autoresizing only select lines in inner square and deselect outer one if any
Only then your missing block will be shown and no button problem will be there

Full Screen Image Preview

Can someone please tell me how to get a full screen image preview view when someone taps on an image view of a nib... like the one in appstore application screenshots....
it will be a real help...
Thanks in advance
The first thing you need to do is subclass UIImageView.
Then in your subclass make sure that user interaction is enabled (either by setting it in code, or by checking the box in IB).
Then you need to override the touches:DidBeginWithEvent: (et al) methods (they're found in UIResponder), and put the code for what you want to happen inside them. For example, you could create a larger image view, and then attach it to the view hierarchy.
As for making it completely fullscreen, you'd need to set the frame of the image view to that of the Window, and hide any Tab Bars, Navigation Bars, Status bars, etc.
You can hide the status bar by using
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidde:YES];
Hide navigation bars:
[navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES];
so on and so forth. You should be able to find ways to hide most things by looking at their docs.
Hope this helps.
I actually wanted a control like the image preview in photos and that on facebook maybe....
which i found in the open source three20 repository... google it to find out ....