What is the difference between the evaluation of double and #'double in Clojure/Lisp?
1:2 user=> double
#<core$double__4077 clojure.core$double__4077#1acd47>
1:3 user=> #'double
In Clojure, #'foo is a shorthand for (var foo), which returns the variable object foo refers to, as opposed to its value. Look it up in the reference:
Macro Characters
I am not sure if you also want to know the meaning in Lisp: In Common Lisp, #'foo is a shorthand for (function foo), which is used to access the function value bound to the name foo when not in operator position.
Sharpsign Single-Quote
I would have thought this would work:
(defun list-of-things (thing1 thing2 thing3)
"returns a ???"
'(thing1 thing2 thing3))
But this is actually what is needed to return a list:
(defun list-of-things (thing1 thing2 thing3)
"returns a list"
(list thing1 thing2 thing3))
Those are two different things, and a central concept in Lisp languages.
The syntax '(a b c) is a shorthand for (quote (a b c)) and quote is a special form that returns its argument unevaluated. In that case, it would be list, containing three symbols.
On the other hand, list is a normal function, it evaluates its arguments and return the list of their values.
To go a bit more in-depth: before evaluating any expression, the code has to be read. The part that is very specific to Lisp (and, in fact, even more so with Common Lisp) is that the "parser" is actually just a Lisp function, returning Lisp objects. Those objects are then given to the "evaluator", which evaluates them:
When reading the characters '(thing1 thing2 thing3), the reader knows that ' is a reader-macro, and so it reads (quote (thing1 thing2 thing3)). This is a list of two elements, a symbol and another list of three symbols. This list is then given to the evaluator: it knows that quote is a special form that returns its argument unevaluated, and so it simply returns the list (thing1 thing2 thing3), given to it by the reader.
On the other hand, when reading (list thing1 thing2 thing3), the reader also reads this as a list (this time, containing 4 symbols) that it then gives to the evaluator. Now, the evaluator sees that the first symbol is list, a function, and so it evaluates the arguments (i.e. it determines what the symbols thing1 ... are bound to), passes them to the list functions, etc.
All this is possible because Lisp code is defined in terms of Lisp objects (such as lists, etc). After the "parsing" (actually called reading) phase, the evaluator is really given an actual Lisp object to evaluate. Things are of course slightly more complicated when talking about compilation, etc, but the general idea is the same. The quote operator, abbreviated ', is a way to "directly" access the thing created by the reader, and to "bypass" evaluation.
Lisp evaluation rules
You need to understand the evaluation rules of Common Lisp first:
the symbol a is a variable and evaluates to its value
the list (operator ... ) is a form. There are four types of forms: function call, macro form, special form, lambda form
everything else evaluates to itself: numbers, strings, arrays, hash tables, characters, CLOS objects, structures, ...
There is a fixed number of special operators. One is QUOTE. (QUOTE ...) means that the object inside does not get evaluated. '(...) is another notation for (QUOTE ...) - it's easier to write.
So symbols and lists have a role: they are variables and forms.
What if you want to have literal symbols and literal lists? Answer: you have to quote them.
Remember: If you quote a list, then the whole list including its elements is literal data and not evaluated.
A global variable defined:
CL-USER 18 > (defvar *a* 42)
The symbol *a* is quoted and thus the form (QUOTE *A*) evaluates to the symbol:
CL-USER 19 > '*a*
Inside quoted lists everything is literal data and not evaluated.
CL-USER 20 > '(*a*) ; same as (QUOTE (*A*))
The unquoted symbol is evaluated as a variable:
CL-USER 21 > *a*
A function call has all its arguments evaluated:
CL-USER 22 > (list *a*)
A backquote expression allows certain elements in a list to be evaluated using the comma prefix:
CL-USER 23 > `(41 ,*a* (+ 1 *a*) (+ 1 ,*a*) ,(+ 2 *a*))
(41 42 (+ 1 *A*) (+ 1 42) 44)
When you want to return a list from a function, you can:
return a fixed literal list
or compute a new list based on some objects by constructing the list with the usual operators: CONS, LIST, APPEND, ...
or use a backquote expression which gets expanded by the Lisp reader into an implementation specific version of 2.
The list function is used for creating lists. They called LISP because it’s for LISt Processing. Also, because Lisp functions are written as lists, they can be processed exactly like list.
I am still interested in the question which has been answered.
continuation in common lisp by macros — regarding an implemetation in OnLisp
What will happen if Paul Graham's assumption is correct especially when change from (A 5) to (B 1)? What is cont bound to here?
And one more confusion when the text says
=bind, is intended to be used in the same way as multiple-value-bind. It takes a list of parameters, an expression, and a body of code: the parameters are bound to the values returned by the expression, and the code body is evaluated with those bindings.
I cannot see the binding directly from the macro definition of =bind which looks like
(defmacro =bind (parms expr &body body)
`(let ((*cont* #'(lambda ,parms ,#body))) ,expr))
Does the binding happens only when =values comes in later?
The macro sets the continuation, *cont*, to be a lambda which takes all of your variables as arguments, and then evaluates the expression expr. The expression is expected to call the continuation with its final value, which can be done indirectly by calling the =values function, or directly with funcall. Unlike Scheme, where the continuation is implicitly called with the return value of any expression, you must explicitly write your code in continuation-passing style by calling *cont* or using =values instead of returning from any function.
LISP has the setf function to assign a value to a variable. Now I have been wondering about the function's name: The set part is obvious, but what does the f suffix stand for?
The actual meaning of F is often forgotten. According to some sources, f suffix could stand for:
Field (see for example this answer)
Form (as seen in various teaching materials and manuals)
However, according to Gabriel and Steele's The Evolution of Lisp, SETF comes from Peter Deutsch's A Lisp Machine with Very Compact Programs (published in 1973) and F stands for function.
In this paper, Peter Deutsch wrote:
The SET function is extended so that so that if the first argument is a list (fn argl ... argn) rather than a variable, the function fn is called in "store" mode with arguments argl ... argn and newvalue (the second argument of SET). SETQ is also extended in the obvious way, but is not particularly useful. A more useful function is (SETFQ (fn argl ... argn) newvalue) which quotes the function name and evaluates everything else. This allows RPLACA, for example, to be defined as (LAMBDA (X Y) (SETFQ (CAR X) Y)).
(emphasis mine)
Gabriel and Steele explain how this became SETF:
This name was abbreviated to SETF in Lisp-Machine Lisp.
Why do we have to use funcall to call higher order functions in Common Lisp? For example, why do we have to use:
(defun foo (test-func args)
(funcall test-func args))
instead of the simpler:
(defun bar (test-func args)
(test-func args))
Coming from a procedural background, I'm a bit surprised by that since the languages I'm more used to (e.g. Python, C#) don't need the distinction. In particular, on the source level at least, the C# compiler transforms it to something like func.invoke().
The only problem I see is that this would mean we couldn't call a global function test-func anymore because it'd be shadowed, but that's hardly a problem.
Strictly speaking, funcall would not be needed, but there are some lisps (lisp-2 variants, such as Common Lisp) that separate the variable name space of the function name space. Lisp-1 variants (e.g. Scheme) do not make this distinction.
More specifically, in your case, test-func is in the variable name space.
(defun foo (test-func args)
(funcall test-func args))
Therefore you need a construct that actually searches the function object associated with this variable in the variable name space. In Common Lisp this construct is funcall.
See also this answer.
The majority of Lisps have two namespaces (functions and variables). A name is looked up in the function namespace when it appears as the first element in an S-expression, and in the variable namespace otherwise. This allows you to name your variables without worrying about whether they shadow functions: so you can name your variable list instead of having to mangle it into lst.
However, this means that when you store a function in a variable, you can't call it normally:
(setq list #'+) ; updates list in the variable namespace
(list 1 2 3) => (1 2 3) ; looks up list in the function namespace
Hence the need for funcall and apply:
(funcall list 1 2 3) => 6 ; looks up list in the variable namespace
(Not all Lisps have two namespaces: Scheme is an example of a Lisp with just one namespace.)
In Common Lisp, each symbol can be associated with its symbol-function and its symbol-value, among other things. When reading a list, by default, Common Lisp interprets:
arg1 as a function and so retrieves test-func's symbol-function, which is undefined -- thus function bar doesn't work
arg2 as something to be evaled -- thus function foo retrieves test-func's symbol-value, which, in your case, happens to be a function
I'm trying to pass a function as an argument and call that function within another function.
A piece of my code looks like this:
(defun getmove(strategy player board printflag)
(setq move (funcall strategy player board))
(if printflag
(printboard board))
strategy is passed as a symbol represented in a two dimensional list as something such as 'randomstrategy
I keep getting the error:
"FUNCALL: 'RANDOMSTRATEGY is not a function name; try using a symbol instead...
When I replace strategy with 'randomstrategy it works fine.
I can also call randomstrategy independently.
What is the problem?
The problem is that the variable strategy does not contain the symbol randomstrategy but rather the list (!) 'randomstrategy (which is a shorthand notation for (quote randomstrategy)).
Now, you could, of course, extract the symbol from the list by way of the function second, but that would only cover the real problem up, which is probably somewhere up the call chain. Try to determine why the argument that is passed to function getmove is 'randomstrategy, not randomstrategy as it should be. (Maybe you erroneously used a quote inside of a quoted list?)
Oh, and don't let yourself be confused by the fact that (funcall 'randomstrategy ...) works: the expression 'randomstrategy does not, after all, evaluate to itself, but to the symbol randomstrategy.
Is strategy a variable with a functional value? If not, then use the #' syntax macro before it, i.e. #'strategy, or just (if the function is global) 'strategy.
WHY? Because arguments of a funcall call are evaluated. And your strategy symbol is just a variable name in this case. Variable this value 'RANDOMSTRATEGY. But you should give to funcall a function. How to access function if we have a symbol?
Three cases:
Symbol may denote a variable with functional value.
Symbol may denote a global function (symbol-function is the accessor in this case.
Symbol may denote a local function (flet, labels and so on).
It looks like you forgot to define RANDOMSTRATEGY function.
Maybe you have (setq strategy ''RANDOMSTRATEGY)?
Then strategy will evaluate to 'RANDOMSTRATEGY.
Did you notice ' before the symbol name? 'RANDOMSTRATEGY <=> (quote RANDOMSTRATEGY); it is not a proper function name.
Have you set strategy anywhere? It looks like a scoping issue.
Try this
(setq strategy 'randomstrategy)
(setq move (funcall strategy player board))
Not seeing the code, I'm imagining you're doing something like this:
(defun randomstrategy (a b c) ...)
and then doing this:
(getmove 'randomstrategy x y z)
What you want to do is pass the function "randomstrategy" to getmove using #':
(getmove #'randomstrategy x y z)
In CommonLisp, #' yields the function bound to the symbol, which is
what you want to pass to getmove.