Problem writing to a plist - iphone

Everything is working fine until I call the saveFile method (shown below) to write the file back to disk, where it crashes. What am I doing wrong?
This is part of my viewDidLoad method where I open the file, which works fine.
//Get The Path
[self initPath];
dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:accountsFilePath];
if (accountsArray == nil) {
accountsArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease];
if (countArray == nil) {
countArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease];
countArray = [dictionary objectForKey:#"count"];
accountsArray = [dictionary objectForKey:#"username"];
Then I load it into a tableview. I then add some new items to it, which works fine. Then I call this method to save it and it crashes:
-(void)saveFile {
[dictionary setObject:accountsArray forKey:#"username"];
[dictionary setObject:countArray forKey:#"count"];
[dictionary writeToFile:accountsFilePath atomically:YES];

You are autoreleasing countArray and accountsArray just after initializing them. Thet may well be already released when you try to save them. Try commenting the autorelease for both of them (and remember to release them somewhere, maybe in the dealloc method).

// what if the path is not found, file is not load and in turn dictionary is nil
dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:accountsFilePath];
// first time you create accountsArray, countArray
if (accountsArray == nil) {
accountsArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease]; }
if (countArray == nil) {
countArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc]init] autorelease]; }
// hey why you assign accountsArray to a new one again, what about the old one you just init?
// if dictionary is nil, countarray will be nil too
countArray = [dictionary objectForKey:#"count"];
accountsArray = [dictionary objectForKey:#"username"];
what is your crash message?
what is your accountsFilePath
can you read the dictionary file?
one thing you may want to know
writeToFile will not create a new folder for you
so all folder in accountsFilePath is a must to be exist.
otherwise you may want to create that folder using nsfilemanager

Are all your variables in scope? I assume accountsFilePath and dictionary are class variables? If not they might die at the end of viewDidLoad.
The other thing that might bite you is the capacity of your dictionary is too small, or that the iPhone doesn't like you using the setObject method to overwrite key/value pairs like that. Perhaps try calling removeObjectForKey: and then add it back as you have above?

You probably already did this, but I would inspect dictionary and accountsFilePath in gdb or by using NSLog right before the writeToFile:atomically: call.
You also might want to share more surrounding code to show what else is going on with respect to this dictionary.
I've been using NSZombie with much success for debugging random crashes as well.


Releasing an NSDictionary (or other NSObjects) that are a return value.

Let us say that I have a method like this:
- (NSDictionary*)getBigDictionaryOfSecrets
NSDictionary *theDic = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
theDic = // insert contents of dictionary
return theDic;
How and where should one properly release this?
Try return [theDic autorelease]. This will not release the dictionary immediately, allowing the caller to retain it.
You either autorelease it or you document very well that the caller is responsible for releasing it.
This is exactly what autorelease is for. Do something like this:
- (NSDictionary*)bigDictionaryOfSecrets
NSDictionary *theDic = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:#"bar", #"foo", nil];
return [theDic autorelease];
Read more about autorelease in the Memory Management Programming Guide.
Alternatively to the answers provided, instead of using autorelease you could do something like this:
- (void)populateBigDictionaryOfSecrets(const NSMutableDictionary*)aDictionary
// insert contents of dictionary
And create/release the dictionary in the class/method where it will be used.
Setting the return object on autorelease should work. Remember that the receiver must retain the returned object.
- (NSDictionary*)getBigDictionaryOfSecrets
NSDictionary *theDic = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
theDic = // insert contents of dictionary
return [theDic autorelease];

Leak in NSMutableArray

I have been pulling out my hair trying to figure out why this is leaking. In my .h file I have a synthesized property nonatomic, retained NSMutableArray. In my viewDidLoad I declare it as:
self.tableData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self.tableData removeAllObjects];
Throughout my application, I call [self.tableData removeAllObjects] and then repopulate it with the fillData(self.tableData) function. This function fills up the data from a static C++ string set:
void fillData(NSMutableArray* list)
for (set<string>::const_iterator itr = sortedData.begin(); itr != sortedData.end(); ++itr){
[list addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%s", ((string)*itr).c_str()]];
In my dealloc method I do:
[self.tableData removeAllObjects], [self.tableData release], tableData = nil;
Where did I drop the ball? Instruments says it's in the [list addObject....] line.
self.tableData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self.tableData removeAllObjects];
+1 retain for alloc, +1 retain for using the property's setter. You haven't balanced the +1 from alloc. If you are going to use the setter:
self.tableData = [NSMutableArray array];
Note that removeAllObjects in that is completely pointless.
This is odd, too:
[self.tableData removeAllObjects], [self.tableData release], tableData = nil;
First, don't bother removing the objects. When the array is deallocated, it'll release all objects. Secondly, using the setter to call release and then immediately do a direct assignment is inconsistent. Either do:
self.tableData = nil;
[tableData release], tableData = nil;
(Note that the use of the , in all of this is also purely for your benefit -- it has no impact on generated code.)
Also, use stringWithUTF8String: and not stringWithFormat:.
Not sure if it's the leak, but this looks like it's a problem:
self.tableData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
You say that tableData is a property that's retained. Try:
self.tableData = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
That way the property retains it and the array itself is autoreleased. Your release in dealloc will bring the retain count back down to zero.
The problem is that your property is set as retain, and you set it to an already retained object.
You should do it like this:
// viewDidLoad
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.tableData = array;
[array release]; // this is important
// dealloc
self.tableData = nil; // will automatically release the array
In your dealloc, you use properties which retain the tableData again. That is not really what you want, so do:
[tableData release];
[self->tableData release]; // not necessary, but some prefer it.
self.tableData = nil; // property will handle release
No need to clear the tableData, no need to set anything to nil (you are deallocating, so nothing will access it anymore).

Can't Figure Out How To Fix Memory Leaks on iPhone

I was running Leaks tool and discovered a massive leak in my Dictionary mutableDeepCopy but I can't figure out what's wrong with the code. Any suggestions?
#interface RootViewController : UIViewController{
NSDictionary *immutableDictionary;
NSMutableDictionary *mutableDictionary;
Here is the line of code that's highlighted in Instruments
self.mutableDictionary = [self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy];
Here is the method for creating a mutable copy of a Dictionary
#interface NSDictionary(MutableDeepCopy)
-(NSMutableDictionary *)mutableDeepCopy;
Here is method implementation, I've highlighted the code that Leaks saids is leaking 100%
- (NSMutableDictionary *) mutableDeepCopy {
NSMutableDictionary *dictionaryToReturn = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[self count]];
NSArray *keys = [self allKeys];
for(id key in keys) {
id value = [self valueForKey:key];
id copy = nil;
if ([value respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableDeepCopy)]) {
copy = [value mutableDeepCopy];
} else if ([value respondsToSelector:#selector(mutableCopy)]) {
copy = [value mutableCopy]; //This is the Leak
if (copy == nil) {
copy = [value copy];
[dictionaryToReturn setValue:copy forKey:key];
return dictionaryToReturn;
You need to analyse this in light of Apple's Memory Management Rules.
Starting with this line:
self.mutableDictionary = [self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy];
I would expect mutableDeepCopy to return an object I own, so at some point I need to release or autorelease it. e.g.
NSMutableDeepCopy* temp = [self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy];
self.mutableDictionary = temp;
[temp release];
self.mutableDictionary = [[self.immutableDictionary mutableDeepCopy] autorelease];
So now we need to look at mutableDeepCopy. Because it has 'copy' in the name it needs to returned an "owned" object which, in practice means "forgetting" to release the returned object. You have already failed to do that when you create the returned object in the first line, since dictionaryWithCapacity: gives you an object you do not own. Replace it with
NSMutableDictionary *dictionaryToReturn = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[self count]];
Now you own it.
It is important that you make your mutableDeepCopy obey the rules because it means you can treat the objects returned from mutableDeepCopy, mutableCopy and copy in exactly the same way. In all three cases you own the object copy that you insert into the array. Because you own it, you must release it or it'll leak as you found out. So, at the end of the loop, you need
[copy release];
That'll stop the leak.
How is your property declared? If is is retain or copy, then this doesn't leak.
Your problem is that the name mutableDeepCopy suggests that it returns a retained object, and not an autoreleased one as it actually does.
And at the mutableDeepCopy itself, you need to release the copy variable after adding to the dictionary.
mutableCopy increments the retain count of the object, as does setValue:forKey:. This means that when dictionaryToReturn is dealloc'ed, the object that had mutableCopy called still has a retain count of one.
Try doing this instead:
copy = [[value mutableCopy] autorelease];

memory leak situation in iphone

I have a memory leak when i call a method that return me a string----
the method definition is as follows
-(NSMutableArray *)read
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//picking data from database here
return dataArray;
this show a big memory leak
i also tried--- NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]autorelease];
but this time leack checking process gets hanged
i also cannot release that array before return
please help
-(NSMutableArray *)read
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//picking data from database here
return dataArray;
Anything that uses the method read will expect to get back an object it does not own. However, as written here, dataArray is still owned at the point of return. You can't release it because that might make it go away altogether. You must, in this instance autorelease the array. You can either do this:
-(NSMutableArray *)read
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
//picking data from database here
return dataArray;
or this
-(NSMutableArray *)read
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
//picking data from database here
return [dataArray autorelease];
You say "leak checking process get hanged" but I'm really not sure what you mean by that. Whether it hangs, crashes or plays the Botswana National Anthem, you definitely need to autorelease the returned array and any other problem is actually a different problem. Possibly, you are forgetting to retain the data elsewhere.
Another answer more...
There are many conventions in cocoa/cocoa-touch, there is one of them that says that if a method has the prefix init then you will have the ownership of that object (hence you have to release it)
This is NOT your case, hence if you do:
DatabaseReader *dbReader = [[DatabaseReader alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *mutArray = [dbReader read];
[dbReader release];
you are NOT supposed to release mutArray. BUT, the object created HAS to be released by someone. So you can do as JeremyP wrote. alloc/init and put it into a autorelease pool inside read method implementation. Or, you can do:
-(NSMutableArray *)read
NSMutableArray *dataArray = [NSMutableArray array];
//Did you noticed that I am not using any method
//with init prefix for the creation of dataArray ?
//so I don't need to release by my self ;)
//picking data from database here
return dataArray;
Which is basically the same. ;)
Ownership of the returned object may be returned to the object that receives from this function. You may do some debugging with the object's retain count using something like this...
NSLog(#"Retain count: %i", [dataArray retainCount]);
Turn on the debugging console (Command + R in Xcode) to see the NSLog output.

Releasing NSArray containing NSDictionary objects

I am having difficulty getting my head around memory management in the following segment of code on iPhone SDK 3.1.
// Create array to hold each PersonClass object created below
NSMutableArray *arrayToReturn = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
NSArray *arrayOfDictionaries = [self generateDictionaryOfPeople];
[arrayOfDictionaries retain];
for (NSDictionary *dictionary in arrayOfDictionaries) {
PersonClass *aPerson = [[PersonClass alloc] init];
for (NSString *key in [dictionary keyEnumerator]) {
if ([key isEqualToString:[[NSString alloc] initWithString: #"FIRST_NAME"]])
aPerson.firstName = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
else if ([key isEqualToString:[[NSString alloc] initWithString: #"LAST_NAME"]])
aPerson.lastName = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
// Add the PersonClass object to the arrayToReturn array
[arrayToReturn addObject: aPerson];
// Release the PersonClass object
[aPerson release];
return arrayToReturn;
The [self generateDictionaryOfPeople] method returns an array of NSDictionary objects. Each NSDictionary object has two keys "FIRST_NAME" and "LAST_NAME" with a person's first name and last name as the respective data. The code is looping through each dictionary object in the arrayOfDictionaries array and assigning the dictionary data to the relevant property of an aPerson (PersonClass) object. This object is then added to an array which is returned from this method.
When running instruments I am getting a leak for the dictionary objects contained in the arrayOfDictionaries array. The code within the [self generateDictionaryOfPeople] method is calling [dictionaryObject release] on each NSDictionary object as it is created and added to the array, which makes the retain count on the object 1 (as adding the object to the array would make the retain count 2, but then my release message decrements it back to 1).
I assume this leak is because I am never releasing the arrayOfDictionaries array, and thus the NSDictionary objects within the array are never released. If I attempt to release the array at the end of the above segment of code I get a "message sent to deallocated instance" error. I understand why this is occurring, because I am assigning the aPerson object data within a dictionary item (that I am subsequently releasing) but I don't know where else I can release the arrayOfDictionaries array. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Below is the implementation for [self generateDictionaryOfPeople]
- (NSArray *)generateDictionaryOfPeople {
NSMutableArray *arrayFromDatabase = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
// ** Query the database for data **
while ( there are rows being returned from the database ) {
// Declare an NSMutableDictionary object
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Loop through each column for that row
for ( while there are columns for this row ) {
columnTitle = title_of_column_from_database
columnData = data_in_that_column_from_database
// Add to the dictionary object
[dictionary setObject:columnData forKey:columnTitle];
// Release objects
[columnName release];
[columnTitle release];
// Add the NSMutableDictionary object to the array
[arrayFromDatabase addObject:dictionary];
// Release objects
[dictionary release];
// Return the array
return arrayFromDatabase;
if ([key isEqualToString:[[NSString alloc] initWithString: #"FIRST_NAME"]])
aPerson.firstName = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
else if ([key isEqualToString:[[NSString alloc] initWithString: #"LAST_NAME"]])
aPerson.lastName = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
Replace them with
if ([key isEqualToString:#"FIRST_NAME"])
aPerson.firstName = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
else if ([key isEqualToString:#"LAST_NAME"])
aPerson.lastName = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
The problem of the leak is you're creating 1 ~ 2 NSString-s per loop without -release-ing them. If you need constant NSString-s, just directly use them.
I am still getting the original leak due to not releasing the arrayOfDictionaries array.
That means you forgot to autorelease it in generateDictionaryOfPeople.
You need to review the memory management rules.
You are not releasing arrayFromDatabase. (The simplest way to avoid this kind of mistake is to use factories and autorelease as early as possible rather than defer releases manually. In this case, use [NSMutableDictionary dictionary] instead of [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init].)