iPhone Custom UITableViewCell with image after scroll - iphone

In my app UItableView with custom cells, cells with image, but in some cells has not image.
In start the place without image is white. After scrolling table in that places appears others picture. Please help to fix this problem.

although your answer is rendering a working solution, I think it is not the correct way to deal with this problem.
Imagine an NSArray with a 1,000 NSStrings in it that you want to display using a table. By showing them in a cell with a unique id for that NSString, you are basically creating a 1,000 cells! This would slow down your app. The whole idea is that cells are reused so that only 1-2 more than displayed are created.
So the correct solution: deal with it.
reuse a cell by having a unique id just for that class
reset/renew content of the cell yourself, assume dirty content
ps watch the Stanford iPhone class on tables, number 8 (around 18:50), a guy from Apple explains all this.

Your problem here is due to the way your are using the cell queue in the UITableView, I think you are not giving each one of your cells a unique cell identifier, because of this you are experiencing that pictures swap from one cell to another.


Large UITableViewCell stuttering

in my app I have a uiview with a tableview inside of it. This tableview consists of only one cell which is rather high (ca. 750) and contains alot of objects (uitextfields, uitextview, images, buttons, uiscrollview, smaller uitableview, etc).
I'm experiencing a small stuttering when scrolling the tableviewcell which I can't seem to get rid of.
Is it the large amounts of objects in one cell or should I distribute the objects into multiple cells to get rid of the stuttering?
Would be great if somebody has experienced the same issue and could help me out here a little.
Thanks a lot!
I tried this trick with tableHeaderView - works perfect for me! I'm also have a large hierarchy of subviews. ALso if you need some easy custom UI elements appearance/disappearance animations you can divide it into different cells. I love doing like that because of UITextViews and UITextFields - UITableViewController makes layout for keyboard appearance automatically.

UITableView doesnt scroll smoothly, because it loads the cell again [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Lazy load images in UITableViewCell
Ive got a problem with my UITableView cells and it is that my cells are reloading each time they go out from the screen. My app loads images from a url and place them in a ImageView in the left part of the cell, so it makes the UITableView scroll really slow.
I was wondering if there is a way to:
1.Load all the cells at once.
2.Disable the reload of the cells.
In this way the TableView could scroll smoothly.
Each cell is composed of three subViews. Two are used for the title and description label and the last one for the image. The contents come from a NSXMLParse so loading this cells takes time.
Thanks in advance.
Instead of using uiimageview use sdwebimage. It will help you I think.
The three ways I can think of to improve the scrolling are to:
Not load the images in the main thread, just stick in a place holder and have them filled in when the data finally becomes available (lazy loading as mentioned in the comment).
Cache the images yourself so when the cell is viewed later you already have the data to display.
Pre-fetch anticipated images into your cache for the cells above and below the displayed rows.
Of course these are not mutually exclusive and should likely be combined to get the smoothest user interface.

Subclass UItableViewCell with multiple Legends and Labels

I Know this question has been asked a lot in a hundred different ways (and thats just on this site). But I'm struggling to put all the pieces together.
I would like each UITableViewCell to look like this:
It has multple legends and several fields. The legends are static and wont change but the corressponding labels will vary in width and height. Therefore so will the cells. I need the legends to always align with their labels.
I have tried to do this using the Interface Builder but don't really understand the autoresizing. Though I'm happy to do this in code.
Does anybody know how to do this or at least have some good links to tutorials, source code etc?
Putting a full table view inside a cell is crazytalk. Maybe somebody got it to actually run - that doesn't mean it's best practice or good practice.
I will answer your question after making one very down to earth suggestion. Please consider following Apple's guidelines by putting just a summary of each event in your cells for this table, and allow the user to push down to another view controller to see the details of a particular event. This will probably help you develop your app faster and get to market, then you can think about advanced stuff like customizing individual cell heights at runtime.
That being said, if you insist on putting all your eggs in this basket, then I think you will need to implement your table view cell in IB, note the details for all of your content label frame dimensions, then, at run time, use one of NSString's sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize: methods to determine how big your labels will be. Make them that big. Then from that data compute the height of your cell, and return that value from your table view's tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:. This is how I implemented this functionality in an app a few years back. (Frankly I'm not sure that it's still working.) There may be some better methods for figuring out the label size in CoreText, I haven't looked.
A better bet will be to constrain yourself to a limit on the length of text you can put in each label. Then you can just define the labels statically and use a constant-sized cell. Putting it together in IB isn't tough. Just lay everything out, and make sure that you create an IBOutlet and XCode/IB connection for each object you want to manipulate in code.
Good luck!
Add a tableview to each UITableViewCell. The outer tableView will be responsible for holding all your cells and each cell will be a Event with cells for each parameter.
This tutorial will give you insight on how to set that up.

Static cell from Nib file is not shown

I have a Nib file containing grouped table view and a cell. The cell is connected to UITableViewController through outlet. In cellForRowAtIndexPath I just return that cell and I can see a single cell in the table view. But when I change the row count of table to 2 and want to show the same cell, then I can see only one, it appears that the second cell is intended to be there, as the lower corners of the visible cell are not rounded, however, it's not there.
If I create a second cell object in nib file, second outlet and return it as second row, the it appears fine. My cell has identifier specified in IB.
Does it mean I can't re-use cell object for more than one row?
In the same way as you would need one instance of a UIButton for each visible button in your view, you will need one instance of your cell for each visible row.
The common pattern to manage this, is to ask the tableview for a previously instantiated cell that is no longer needed (dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:), and then return that cell. If the table view does not have any reusable cells, you have to instantiate a new one from your nib file.
There are many examples on this around the web, and you can also find some here at SO, ex in this answer.
I would recommend that you read through Apples TableView Programming Guide, which also contains a section on loading cells from nibs.
An attempt on explaining the TableView and reuse of cells in a different way.
Lets say we have a large gallery with
old paintings. Thousands of paintings.
The gallery has just one display room,
though, and it has walls for just ten
paintings. The gallery manager has to
switch paintings now and then when the
visitors get bored and want to see
some new paintings.
Every displayed painting needs a
frame. Without a frame, it can't be
put on a wall. Frames are expensive to
make, and take up a lot of space. The
frame maker guy want have time nor
money to build the thousands of frames
He finds out that he want be needing
frames for all the paintings that is
not shown at the moment. He would only
need ten frames for the currently
displayed paintings. When the gallery
manager takes down a painting, the
frame maker stores the frame, and when
the gallery manager put up a new
painting and asks the frame maker for
a frame for it, the frame maker
returns the frame from the previous
painting again.
One day, the
gets changed for no good reason. The
gallery manager is able to put up two
more pictures in the display room. He
picks two paintings from the store
room, and asks the frame maker for
frames. The frame maker has no spare
frames, and need to make two new
Now, lets say that the gallery is a TableView, and all the paintings are rows of data. The display room with space for ten visible paintings, is the screen, with space for ten visible rows. Each visible row would need a cell, just like each displayed painting would need a frame.
In the end, you shouldn't care that much about saving resources by reusing one cell. That's TableViews responsibility. It's an implementation detail of the TableView how many cells is needed and how it is used. The protocol defines how you can ask the TableView for an reusable cell, and the documentations states that you should. That should be enough. Demo projects shows that TableView can manage very large amounts of data. If your projects struggles with performance because of instantiating 10-20 cells from nib, you probably got some problems with your nib file or something. There are some discussions, though, about the performance of loading from nib versus building cells in code. It may be interesting to you.
I had some very weird behavior that sounds very much like what you are describing some time ago.
Eventually I found that the problem was that I had just added a table view cell to a xib which contains other items such as the parent table view and controller. What I had to do was create a seperate xib for each table view cell individually. I think the issue was that loading the table view cell from an incorrectly built xib was confusing the issue.
As Vegar said there are a lot of tutorials on how to do it.

Mysterious UITableView stuck problem

I'm new to iPhone development. I'm working on a table view (default UITableView subclass) that contains complicated custom cells, with multiple subviews and controls. Scrolling is not very smooth, but I'll just leave that for now.
The question is, when I'm scrolling the table view with quick swipes, the table sometimes suddenly stops scrolling and the scroll indicator will not disappear, and I have to swipe again to make it scroll.
If the table contains very few rows, say, 5 or 6, it never stuck. The custom cell class I used is from the example provided here: http://blog.atebits.com/2008/12/fast-scrolling-in-tweetie-with-uitableview/
Can anyone give a hint or solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
Table cells are only created when needed, that is when they come into view and they are usually unloaded and released when they go out of view.
Put in an NSLog( #"Cell loading" ); in your cell creation code and check the console to see this happen as you scroll.
Are you using caching? The docs demonstrate how you can cache table cells to improve performance. What else are you doing when you're creating table cells? If there's any performance slow downs you should probably not have that happen while creating cells.
What I do is I generate all my content before the table loads and when cells are created all that content is simply placed into the view.
Any kind of drawing will drastically reduce performance especially if you're using transparency.
For posterity, and only valid if you are using Unity-iphone: this problem was driving me insane and I fixed it with the suggestion in this post:
Changing the preprocessor flag to
gave the issue a happy ending.
I'd take a look at your cellForRowAtIndexPath method - for a couple of possible problems.
If you aren't using the cell reuse that will slow things down a lot and if you are re-allocating or re-initializing your custom cells in the cellForRowAtIndexPath delegate method that can cause big performance issues.
If you post your code for that method we can give you some hints as to what might be causing it.