Change the custom text ( Comment · Like· Share) when posted on profile page using facebook share functionality - facebook

I have a facebook iframe application with share functionality. Currently when i share something its showing the custom text Comment · Like· Share when posted on profile page.
I want to give customized text like view result etc.
How can i achieve this please guide me ?
I am using the code
<script>function fbs_click() {u='<?php echo $shareURL;?>';t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;}</script><style> html .fb_share_button { display: -moz-inline-block; display:inline-block; padding:1px 20px 0 5px; height:15px; border:1px solid #d8dfea; background:url( … 8q506x.gif) no-repeat top right; } html .fb_share_button:hover { color:#b5b8d3; border-color:#295582; background:#3b5998 url( … 8q506x.gif) no-repeat top right; text-decoration:none; } </style> Share

If you're using Facebook's dialogs you can specify custom action links with your posts, but if you're using the old sharer.php this isn't possible.


list style not showing up on chrome iOS

I'm in the process of building a web site that needs to be viewable on mobile devices. When viewing it in safari on an iphone 4s it looks great. If I view it chrome on the same device none of the styles for the navigation list show up. It ends up looking like basic html links. The links in question are, Va Leadership, Nursing, and Anesthesiology staff
Bellow is a link to the live dev site, as well as the CSS.
#leftNav ul li a {
list-style-type: none !important;
#leftNav ul a:hover {
#leftNav ul li:nth-child(odd){
background: #0b5a42 url('images/arrow_dark.jpg') no-repeat right;
#leftNav ul li:nth-child(even){
background: #688879 url('images/arrow_light.jpg') no-repeat right;
The site renders fine for me using Google Chrome for iOS Latest on my iPhone 4s (at least it looks exactly the same as it does on Safari running on the same phone).
Try clearing Chrome's cache.
If that doesn't help, connect your iphone to Fiddler2, and see what requests are being made by your site, and see if the style-sheet request is erroring out.

Facebook like box dark color scheme not working in my website

I have just added new Facebook like box for my website but unfortunately the dark color scheme not function properly.
Attached is the iframe code:
<iframe style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; WIDTH: 250px; HEIGHT: 520px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none" src="// " frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
It will not allow me to add in allowTransparency code inside the iframe.
Can you help?
The facebook "lightbox" effect isn't accomplished with iframes. It's done using absolute positioned divs. There are a number of javaScript libraries out there that make it very easy to create a facebook-like lightbox. Google for facebook lightbox and select one you like.

Fancybox 2 - Include a new Div into Image?

How can I insert a new div (not in .js) into fancybox (when fancybox - image is open)? Like this:
I'm also try to make a div css to fit that description :)) still with no avail. I suck at css styling, will get back on this one when i figured it out. my theory is that it should be a div within a div within the div if you get what i mean :))
UPDATE I tried messing around the css and this is what i got (I'm using 1.3.4v for simplicity's sake in my part) and for reference, these images and codes I used are found in the 1.3.4 demo packege from
If I didn't explain my code well, it just means I'm still working on it so I just hope you get why it is vague, but the point is it's doable and you only need to work out the css file. I hope someone has a nicer looking code
1.I all of these from jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css
just change these 1 2 3 and mess around with example7 there in the demo
#fancybox-outer {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: #fff;
padding-right:50%; /*this part extends the right side of the photo so it would look like thet're on the same page*/
2.This re-positions the original title to the upper right part of the image
.fancybox-title-inside {
padding-bottom: 10px;
text-align: left;
color: #333;
position: absolute;
border:1px solid black;/*for you to see how large the div is*/
3.My new RED div where I will be
div.fancycontent{ /*saviour do word wrap here*/
border:1px solid black;
color: #333;
background: #FF0000;
height: 100px;
I tried using fancybox in one of my projects but had to revert back to implementing my own popup's using the DIV elements. Its pretty easy to create your own popups instead of using fancybox or facebox if you know a bit of JQuery try to have a look at these links. You can customize your div tags to contain what ever you need.
In your fancybox JS, set the type to iframe:
$(document).ready(function() {
type: 'iframe',
width: '640px',
height: '480px',
Then you can open up anything you want in the fancybox by simply applying the class to your link:
<a class="callout" href="{path}">{link}</a>
If you have issues with the iframe display, you might try adding a secondary class to tell fancybox what type of content you are linking to (this is a new convention introduced in the latest version, so I don't know if I'd recommend using it by default):
<a class="callout callout.iframe" href="{path}">{link}</a>
Hope that helps!
It just happened that I created this fancybox "a la" facebook demo that looks pretty much like what you want:

Custom content sharing on facebook

I am working on a share button on facebook. I want it to display a custom message in the description of the content sharing but I am unable to do so. Below is the code that I am working on,
<script>function fbs_click() {
return false;
<style> html .fb_share_button {
display: -moz-inline-block;
padding:1px 20px 0 5px;
border:1px solid #d8dfea;
background:url( no-repeat top right;
html .fb_share_button:hover {
background:#3b5998 url( no-repeat top right;
</style> <a rel="nofollow" href="<;>" class="fb_share_button" onclick="return fbs_click()" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;">Share</a>
Please help me out with the values of u,t and other parameters so I can make it work. Thanks
The facebook share button has been deprecated, you can read it here:
The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button, and
will no longer be supported. Please use the Like button whenever
possible to drive maximum traffic to your apps.
Instead of that you can either use one of the social plugins: (such as the Like Button, Send Button or the Like Box) or open the facebook dialogs yourself using the facebook javascript sdk:

How to make custom share buttons

I have always wanted to add Facebook share buttons to my applications, but the problem that I have is that they all look different. I see sites like this that have custom designed share buttons. Does anybody know a good tutorial, or have any pointers, about how to tackle this?
Sharing something one facebook is quite easy, here is the HTML for my custom share button.
<div id="share_div">
<div id="share">
<a class="click" href="{{fbapp_id}}&link={{link_url}}&message={{share_message|urlencode}}&display=popup&redirect_uri={{link_url}}" target="_blank">
Where all the {{variables}} are to be replace by correct value :
fbapp_id is the id of your facebook application.
link_url is a link attached to the shared content (like a link to your site)
and share_message|urlencode is the message that is shared and it needs to be urlencoded.
Also here some css to style this like a real facebook button :
#share {
border:1px solid #0D386F;
width: 100px;
#share {
border-top:1px solid #879DC2;
padding: 2px 10px;
cursor: pointer;
But I let you the pleasure of customizing as you like, the important part being the href of the a tag
Does it answer your question ?