Completely change IDE language in Netbeans 6.8 - netbeans

I installed the lastest version from NetBeans IDE (6.8). I tried to install it in English, but it forces me to install it in Portuguese (OS Language). I've googled about it and I found that I should add --locale en:US when launching the program.
It almost works perfectly: some things are still in portuguese. For example, the descriptions from the Tasks tab and the Services tab's name.
Is it possible to change it, without having to change my OS' language?
Thank you.

Netbeans automatically uses the Windows system default language as the default user interface language. I believe that it means to be a nice feature for localization. But I personally find it uncomfortable because I have been used with English interface.
After I did some Google search, I learned a few tips to set the Netbeans UI language.
1. Temporary Solution
Add "--locale en:US" at the end of Netbeans startup command.
"C:\Program Files\NetBeans6.8\bin\netbeans.exe" --locale en:US
2. Permanent Solution
Go to Netbeans installation directory, for example,
C:\Program Files\NetBeans6.8\etc
Open "netbeans.conf" and find netbeans default option line
netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=200m -J-Xverify:none -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true"
Add "-J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US" to the end of this line
netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=200m -J-Xverify:none -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Duser.language=en -J-Duser.region=US"
It would be nice that there is an option to allow me choose the user interface language in the next Netbeans release.


Netbeans 12.1 menu fonts too small, --fontsize no longer works in /etc/netbeans.conf for Ubuntu 20.04

Netbeans 12.1 no longer respects the --fontsize directive in the /etc/netbeans.conf config file.
The menu fonts are way too small on a large screen.
Yet setting Preferences->LXQt Settings->Font->Point size in the Ubuntu control menu, which is normally respected by most Unix app windows, does not carry through either.
And although Netbeans's
Tools->Options->Fonts & Colors->Profile: NetBeans->Syntax->All Languages->Default -> Font
setting changes the font for the code itself inside the editor, it doesn't change the IDE menus.
You would think, after all these years, that there would be a command inside the Options to change the menu font size, but it's still not there yet.
And now editing config to change the --fontsize startup option is no longer respected.
How best to change the size of all the system fonts in the Netbeans IDE display environment?
The best solution I've found so far is to change the Look & Feel.
Invoking aptitude install netbeans currently (Sept '20) gives version 10, which breaks with a jcraft/jsch error, also "could not successfully run the /usr/bin/g++ compiler" on my system even though g++ is perfectly fine and protections cleared, also "Build Host not connected", after C++ is installed from the 8.2 repository. Tastes like some kind of jdk error (I've got /usr/lib/jvm both 8 and 11 jdks installed, hard to believe it can't find them). But if the install doesn't work right out of the box, it's a bad sign. So I tried snap install netbeans --classic . This gets version 12.
Netbeans version 12 comes with the Metal Look & Feel configured by default. Changing this to the GTK+ look and feel, using Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel->GTK+ with a restart, finally got the menus to the correct system size.
Unfortunately, the Help->About popup still does not respect this, having minuscule fonts. Perhaps there is a better way?
Although "Look and Feel" is an improvement, I would still like to see direct control of the IDE menu fonts. From the Options Fonts & Colors menu.
Running netbeans from commandline with an additional argument --fontsize 12 works for me. Open a console and go the bin directory of netbeans and use the command ./netbeans --fontsize 12. Change the font size to whatever suits you.
In Netbeans in Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel, I could solve the problem.
But in my case, the selected option already was GTK+. Changing to Metal solved it.
Install Netbeans 13.
It should help

Install VSCode in a specific folder

I just downloaded the Visual Studio Code App from and when I tried to install it, it simply just installed it by itself, without the option to change the installation path.
I have an external harddrive, which is where I want the IDE to be placed instead of the Local Harddrive. How can I change this?
On the VSCode download page select "System Installer" instead of "User Installer". The System installer will prompt you for the install location.
Full credit to Hans Passant for giving the following working solution as a comment.
The installer does very little beyond copying the files, it just creates some Explorer context menu shortcuts ("Open with Code"). Otherwise following Chromium conventions and copying itself to c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Code\app-0.1.0 so it can update itself without you noticing. Boo. So high odds that simply moving that folder to the other drive works just fine, put it anywhere and create a shortcut to Code.exe. If you still want the context menu entry to work then use Regedit and search for "code\app-0.1.0".

Some questions about Ubuntu permissions and shortcuts

I just downloaded Eclipse IDE and Netbeans directly from the websites and installed then in my Ubuntu 12.04. I have some questions:
1 - How can I add their shortcuts in the Ubuntu's sidebar?
2 - When I add shortcuts in desktop using the gnome-desktop-item-edit app, I can't have super user permissions to manipulate then, the Netbeans IDE (that uses a script file to start) shows lots of erros telling that some files are read-only. How can I add sudo privileges in a launcher created with gnome-desktop-item-edit?
Sorry by my poor english.
As far as question #1, first, open the program. Find its icon on the side bar, and right-click it, then select “Keep in Launcher.”
As for #2, in Ubuntu, you can edit the item to run with gksudo COMMAND, but that's extremely unwise (running anything with elevated privileges on the desktop. You should probably instead fix the permissions of the relevant files (right-click on the file, and give yourself permission)
Well, after some days trying to find the better solution for my problem, I think that the better solution is first, Download Eclipse and/or NetBeans IDE from the Ubuntu Software Center and after:
For NetBeans:
Use the IDE's plugin's manager to download the needed ones, and make (if you want) an IDE update process.
For Eclipse:
After download, follow the steps of this link.
After follow this, you can easely create favorite links to your "sidebar" if you use Gnome 3 as me, or make desktop shortcuts without needing sudo privileges, just using the gnome-desktop-item-edit tool or whatever you prefer.

How to change the line ending used in Netbeans

Netbeans has this wiki entry on line endings:
But it isn't very useful. It just says that you shouldn't develop on different OS and that's that...
In my situation however, I have no power over it. I'm on a windows machine and the PHP app I'm working on needs to end with the UNIX EOL.
There does not seem to be an option to set this for new files. Can anyone tell me where to set this?
Just saw that you can set this as a command-line startup flag: -J-Dline.separator=LF
I haven't tested this myself but I'm looking for ways to bake this into the configs somehow.
Since, a specific plug-in came out:
I also like #JimLewis suggestion but I work on Windows with a linux virtual machine thus in some cases the versioning system line ending cannot help.
[update 201709]
I no longer use netbeans (sorry, but I need python support and it's too buggy) and almost no longer develop on windows, but #marinos-an in a comment suggests which uses a common setting file that can be picked up by multiple editors through plugins. Definitely interesting to try since the settings file is committable!
Have you considered managing the line endings at the version control level? Subversion,
for example, lets you set an "eol-style" attribute with values "LF", "CR", "CRLF",
and "native" (which translates the line endings stored in the repository to whatever
is appropriate for the platform where the files are being checked out, and converts
the other way when you check in.)
Please use following Netbeans Plugin
fentie's answer solved my problem with line endings, as pasting multi-line MySQL from NetBeans into the MySQL command prompt caused errors.
To pass this argument to NetBeans every time it opens, add it to the netbeans.conf file:
/Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans\ on OS X.
From the NetBeans Mac page under Tips & Tricks.
When I pasted multi-line SQL statements from NetBeans to the MySQL command line client on OS X or a remote Linux server, MySQL would list all possible command choices, give me some strange '> type of prompt and I was forced to hit Ctrl+C and log back into MySQL again.
For my Netbeans 12.6
I found a pluging called "Change Line Endings on Save"
more details are there
once pluging installed you can configure EOL in there:
Tools > Options > Editor > Line Endings

How can I set up Eclipse to edit Perl without the runtime checking?

I'm working on a project that include both Java (on the client side) and Perl (on the server side), and I would really like to use Eclipse to edit my Perl scripts instead of going to another editor. I've tried to use the EPIC plugin. However, I have no way of setting up a run environment for these scripts on my local machine, so the plugin displays all kinds of errors related to missing libraries and other external dependencies.
I just want a text editor with nice syntax highlighting for Perl. Any suggestions? Any way that you can turn off the runtime error checking when using the EPIC plugin? I wasn't able to find anything with a quick search.
It isn't a setting, per se, in the workbench. It's a per-project setting.
While in your Perl project, select Project->Properties. In that dialog, click on "Builders". You probably have just the one-- "Perl Auto Builder". De-select it and click "Ok".
Unfortunately, you'll have to do this for each separate Perl project.
You could try Perlipse, which appears to be an active project.
You didn't indicate your OS. Try Padre - it is cross-platform. It can be installed with the CPAN shell (if you use Strawberry Perl on Windows, you will need at least the version from October). Padre is still rapidly evolving, but already has support for Perl 5 and 6 (6 will require a plugin). HTML, JavaScript and CSS (also with plugins). Many other plugins are already written, for example for Perl::Critic.
Emacs is a great text editor for Perl.
cperl-mode has the best Perl syntax highlighting support of any
editor (even Padre), and Emacs should meet all of your editing needs.
It is easily scriptable, and there are thousands of extensions
available for it. (Some even make support for Perl better, like Stylish::REPL.)
Use EditPlus, simplest editor for syntax highlighting. Works well for Perl.