Different instances of SystemSoundID playing on different streams ! - iphone

First, thanks for the StackOverflow team, cause it's a very useful website, since i'm developping on iPhone.
Secondary, please excuse my language. I'm a frenchie and like every frenchies i'm very bad in english.
I've a very strange problem with my sounds in my iPhone program :
I implemented a class which play a short sound in aiff. Here it is :
#implementation SoundPlayer
self = [super init];
NSString *soundPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:file ofType:#"aiff"];
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath: soundPath], &soundID);
return self;
-(void)play {
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (soundID);
[super dealloc];
It works quite good, but even if my instances are initialized the same way, they are not in the same audio stream !
I noticed that because when I push the volume+ and volume- buttons of the iPhone, in some cases it controls the main audio stream, in other cases it controls the ring volume.
If I put the main stream to volume 0, sound A won't be hearable, but sound B will be.
Did someone have a similar problem ? Do you have any idea ?
Thanks a lot.

I found somehing that would be interesting to answer the problem.
There's a global function which initialize the audio context. It seem's that I don't use it the right way, but I think the problem comes from there.
// Initialize the Audio context
AudioSessionInitialize (
NULL, // 'NULL' to use the default (main) run loop
NULL, // 'NULL' to use the default run loop mode
NULL, // a reference to your interruption callbac
self // data to pass to your interruption listener callback
// What kind of sound will be played
UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback;
AudioSessionSetProperty (
sizeof (sessionCategory),
In spite of these two functions, one sound is remaining on the ring stream, and that's really strange. Can someone help me ?


How to check if sound off on iphone [duplicate]

I am developing an application. In that i want to detect through coding that "is iPhone on silent mode or not?". I am developing it by using cocoa with Objective-C.
If anyone knows it kindly reply.
The reason Pirripli's code does not work is that the simulator does not support the test and the code does not check for errors. Corrected code would look like:
CFStringRef state = nil;
UInt32 propertySize = sizeof(CFStringRef);
AudioSessionInitialize(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
OSStatus status = AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute, &propertySize, &state);
if (status == kAudioSessionNoError)
return (CFStringGetLength(state) == 0); // YES = silent
return NO;
It's possible by testing for a NULL audio route using AudioToolBox:
UInt32 routeSize = sizeof (CFStringRef);
CFStringRef route;
AudioSessionGetProperty (
if (route == NULL) {
NSLog(#"Silent switch is on");
If route is NULL then there's no available audio outputs. If it's "Headset" or "Headphones" then the silent ringer switch could still be on. However, it will never be on when it's set to "Speaker".
You're probably best testing for this in your audio route change property listener, which is set below:
AudioSessionAddPropertyListener (
Note: If you're doing anything funky like overriding audio routes, then this answer may not apply.
Setting up and tearing down an audio session in its entirety is probably beyond the scope of this answer.
For completeness, building off this link from Dan Bon, I implement the following method to solve this problem in my apps. One thing to note is that the code checks for the iPhone simulator first - executing the below code will crash the simulator. Anyone know why?
-(BOOL)silenced {
// return NO in simulator. Code causes crashes for some reason.
return NO;
CFStringRef state;
UInt32 propertySize = sizeof(CFStringRef);
AudioSessionInitialize(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
AudioSessionGetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRoute, &propertySize, &state);
if(CFStringGetLength(state) > 0)
return NO;
return YES;
Declaring this right in the view controller, you'd simply check
if ([self silenced]) {
else {
NSLog(#"not silenced");
Or, obviously, you could declare it in some kind of helper class. A more elegant solution might be a category addition on UIApplication or some such other class...
You can use Audio Route property as suggested by the previous answers, but keep in mind that:
- It works only if the Audio Category is AmbientSound
- You should not initialize Audio Session more than once in your app (see Audio Session Programming Guide)
- You should release those CFStringRef to avoid mem leaks
In case the current audio category is not AmbientSound though, you can think of changing it temporarily, perform the check on Audio Route property, and then restoring the original Audio Category.
Note that changing Audio Category will restore the default Audio Route for that category, given the current hardware configuration (i.e. whether there are headphones plugged in or not, etc).

AudioServicesPlaySystemSound sound not audible when called from IBAction method

I'm having a problem with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound in my iOS app.
I have a method defined to play a system sound. When I call the method from viewDidLoad, I can hear the sound play, but when I call it from a button handler, I do not hear the sound play.
Here's the code from my view controller:
SystemSoundID startSound = 0;
NSURL *urlStart = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"Beep" withExtension:#"wav"];
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)urlStart, &startSound);
[self playStartSound];
[super viewDidLoad];
- (IBAction)start:(id)sender
[self playStartSound];
The IBAction method is associated with a button. When I select the button, the playStartSound method gets called, but the sound is not audible.
The system sound is not disposed of with AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID until the dealloc method is called.
I've tried calling AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID from within playStartSound, but it didn't make any difference.
The app also uses AV Foundation, Media Player, Core Media, Core Video, and Core Location. I'm wondering if one of these might be interfering with AudioToolbox?
UPDATE: I just put together a simple app that just contains the above code and a button and the sound plays just fine when I select the button.
So then I removed all the video capture code from my controller and now the audio plays fine.
This was not working because I had an active video capture session in my application.
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound will not play when there is an active video capture session.
NSString *soundPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"7777" ofType:#"mp3"];
SystemSoundID soundID;
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((__bridge CFURLRef)([NSURL fileURLWithPath: soundPath]), &soundID);
AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (soundID);
Hey try like that it will play

Is it possible to increase audio volume on system sound?

I am making piano application for iPad. I am using AudioServicesPlaySystemSound (toneSSID) for play sound of keys. But there also functionality to increase volume. But I not find how to increase sound. Can anybody help me?
Add AudioStreamer.h file
Add this method to AudioStreamer.m
- (void)setVolume:(float)Level
OSStatus errorMsg = AudioQueueSetParameter(audioQueue, kAudioQueueParam_Volume, Level);
if (errorMsg) {
NSLog(#"AudioQueueSetParameter returned %d when setting the volume.", errorMsg);
And handle this to audiostreamclass object like
AudioStreamer *Obj = [AudioStreamer alloc] init];
[obj setVolume:1.0];

Weird popping noise when playing different sounds with different volumes set through OpenAL on the iPhone

I'm using OpenAL sound framework on the iPhone, and I'm setting different volumes on individual sounds. I'm running into a problem where I'm hearing an initial popping/clicking noise when switching from one sound to the next.
It's really noticeable when I have one sound that's got a high volume (1.0) and a second
sound that has a low one (0.2). When I hit the loud sound, and then
hit the soft sound, I hear the pop/click. But when I go from the soft
sound to the loud, I don't notice anything. So the pop/click really
happens when switching from loud to soft sounds.
Here's the init sound method:
- (id) initWithSoundFile:(NSString *)file doesLoop:(BOOL)loops
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
if(![self loadSoundFile:file doesLoop:loops])
debug(#"Failed to load the sound file: %#...", file);
[self release];
return nil;
self.sourceFileName = file;
//temporary sound queue
self.temporarySounds = [NSMutableArray array];
//default volume/pitch
self.volume = 1.0;
self.pitch = 1.0;
return self;
and here's the play function:
- (BOOL) play
if([self isPlaying]) //see if the base source is busy...
//if so, create a new source
NSUInteger tmpSourceID;
alGenSources(1, &tmpSourceID);
//attach the buffer to the source
alSourcei(tmpSourceID, AL_BUFFER, bufferID);
//add the sound id to the play queue so we can dispose of it later
[temporarySounds addObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:tmpSourceID]];
//a "callback" for when the sound is done playing +0.1 secs
[self performSelector:#selector(deleteTemporarySource)
afterDelay:(duration * pitch) + 0.1];
return ((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR);
//if the base source isn't busy, just use that one...
return ((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR);
and here's the function where i set the volume for each sound immediately after playing (ive tried setting it before playing too):
- (void) setVolume:(ALfloat)newVolume
volume = MAX(MIN(newVolume, 1.0f), 0.0f); //cap to 0-1
alSourcef(sourceID, AL_GAIN, volume);
//now set the volume for any temporary sounds...
for(NSNumber *tmpSourceID in temporarySounds)
//tmpSourceID is the source ID for the temporary sound
alSourcef([tmpSourceID unsignedIntegerValue], AL_GAIN, volume);
Any help is greatly appreciated as I've tried everything I can think of. I would be so grateful.
All I had to do was use calloc instead of malloc to allocate memory for the OpenAL buffer.
Or you could also zero set the memory with memset.
The wierd popping noise went off. It was due to junk memory in my case. That's why it was random too. Hope this helps.
This problem is caused by not calling alSourceStop.
The documentation doesn't really state this, but alSourceStop must be called on a sound source before it can be reused even if the sound had already finished and the AL_SOURCE_STATE parameter of the source is not AL_PLAYING.
I've randomly got to this unaswered question and, finding that the problem was not solved, I'll try to give my answer, even if a long time has passed.
I don't know OpenAL, but it sounds like this is a purely audio problem. It is normal to hear short clicks when you change suddenly the level of the audio, especially from a high value to a low value. For example, if you map directly the volume of the audio to a slider, which value is updated every few ms, you can easily hear clicks and pops when sliding fast the control. What audio software developers do is smoothing the parameter changes with a low pass filter.
In your case, I would suggest you to stop the clip after fading it out, and start a new clip by fading it in. The fade time can be as short as 2 ms: it's not audible, and the sound will play just finely.
I wonder if (some versions of) OpenAL can automatically deal with this issue.

iPhone dev -- performSelector:withObject:afterDelay or NSTimer?

To repeat a method call (or message send, I guess the appropriate term is) every x seconds, is it better to use an NSTimer (NSTimer's scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:target:selector:userInfo:repeats:) or to have the method recursively call itself at the end (using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay)? The latter doesn't use an object, but maybe its less clear/readable? Also, just to give you an idea of what I'm doing, its just a view with a label which counts down to 12:00 midnight, and when it gets to 0, it will blink the time (00:00:00) and play a beep sound forever.
Edit: also, what would be the best way to repeatedly play a SystemSoundID (forever) ?
Edit: I ended up using this to play the SystemSoundID forever:
// Utilities.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h>
static void soundCompleted(SystemSoundID soundID, void *myself);
#interface Utilities : NSObject {
+ (SystemSoundID)createSystemSoundIDFromFile:(NSString *)fileName ofType:(NSString *)type;
+ (void)playAndRepeatSystemSoundID:(SystemSoundID)soundID;
+ (void)stopPlayingAndDisposeSystemSoundID;
// Utilities.m
#import "Utilities.h"
static BOOL play;
static void soundCompleted(SystemSoundID soundID, void *interval) {
if(play) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval];
} else {
#implementation Utilities
+ (SystemSoundID)createSystemSoundIDFromFile:(NSString *)fileName ofType:(NSString *)type {
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:type];
SystemSoundID soundID;
NSURL *filePath = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path isDirectory:NO];
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)filePath, &soundID);
return soundID;
+ (void)playAndRepeatSystemSoundID:(SystemSoundID)soundID interval:(NSTimeInterval)interval {
play = YES
AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(soundID, NULL, NULL,
soundCompleted, (void *)interval);
+ (void)stopPlayingAndDisposeSystemSoundID {
play = NO
Seems to work fine.. And for the label blinking I'll use an NSTimer I guess.
A timer is more suited to a strictly defined interval. You will lose accuracy if you have your function call itself with a delay because its not really synced to a time interval. There's always the time taken to run the actual method itself as well which puts the interval out.
Stick with an NSTimer, I'd say.
Just to add a bit to the other answers, the case for a recursive call would be when the call might take an unknown amount of time - say you are calling a web service repeatedly with small amounts of data until you are finished. Each call may take some unknown amount of time so you have the code do nothing until the web call returns, then the next batch is sent out until no more data remains to be sent and the code does not call itself again.
Since your application depends on time accuracy (i.e. it needs to execute once per second), the NSTimer would be better. It takes some time for the method itself to execute, and an NSTimer would be fine with that (as long as your method takes less than 1 second, if it's called every second).
To repeatedly play your sound, you can set a completion callback and replay the sound there:
SystemSoundID tickingSound;
AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(tickingSound, NULL, NULL, completionCallback, (void*) self);
static void completionCallback(SystemSoundID mySSID, void* myself) {
// You can use this when/if you want to remove the completion callback
// myself is the object that called set the callback, because we set it up that way above
// Cast it to whatever object that is (e.g. MyViewController, in this case)
[(MyViewController *)myself playSound:mySSID];