Which audio format would be the best? - iphone

I was using AVAudioPlayer to play multiple audio clips back to back but there was always a small silence between tracks and then i came to know of Finch, a library which uses OpenAL to play audio. with this the silence problem seems to be solved theoretically but then i found that it doesn't play m4a or any other compressed formats.
Now i am looking for an uncompressed audio format which would have relatively less file size (though uncompressed means that all of them should have almost same size) and a method to convert, i am also googling on afconvert in a mean while.

CAF files work great for this. I've built an application that loops audio files, and I was impressed with the relatively small file size.
Check out this question for more info on converting to CAF.


Video Karaoke Development on iPhone

I have a karaoke app that takes mp3+g files and mixes in the mic (using audio units)... and is able to record the final results to a raw pcm file.
I have potential clients asking me if I can do the same with a karaoke video file. So, can I...
1) playback a video and mix in the microphone audio?
2) take #1 and record it to a video file?
3) possibly even take the video camera and microphone inputs, and video audio... and save this to a file?
Thinking about this can I... take an mp3, camera and microphone inputs and mix all of these to a video file?
Thanks for any feedback!
Yes, all of these are possible. With the CD+G format, you will be a lot better off converting those to h.264 on the desktop and then loading them as movies with an AAC audio track. Attempting to write a CD+G parser for iOS would be a nightmare since so many CD+G files are badly broken. Also, CD+G files are shocking large, much larger than the MP3 files because CD+G is dumb uncompressed video from the 80's. It is a silly format.

Which one of these is better for short audio input in iPhone- .caf or .wav?

I am making a simple application for iPhone, and I want to enter a short audio file on an object click. Which of .caf and .wav would be better?
I am building a simple application in Cocos2d in which balloons produce a pop sound when clicked. What are the memory issues with both sound versions?
If you do not need specific Core Audio Format features, then WAV has more universal support (and it would be my default choice for that reason).
Core Audio Format basically functions as a container for other audio file formats, including WAV. Core Audio Format has many great features, but it's not evident from the description that you need any of these.
In response to a deleted comment, which was moved to the question:
I can't speak for Cocos2d specifically, so I will write about the file formats in general: WAV does not use data compression. CAF may. If it is a short sound file, you probably don't want data compression (because it requires a good amount of processing to convert to LPCM for playback). If you play the pop often, then you will want to hold onto an uncompressed version of the audio data for easy processing. 1 second will require 44100 * 2 bytes at CD quality in memory (per channel).
For a short sound file such as a balloon pop, a 16 bit WAV file sounds ideal. In that sense, the memory difference should not be a deciding factor. If you have a lot of audio files, or long audio files to load into memory, then the situation changes. For now, I don't consider memory to be a problem in your case. Since CAF is a container, its uncompressed representation will be nearly identical (the difference will be a little more header data in the CAF).
A CAF file is a basically Core Audio Format. So it is well suited for the Apple frameworks. The best advantage of CAF over WAV is while recording when you can have files more than 4 GB and also in CAF you don't need to update the WAV header after each packet recording.
Anyway, I assume you don't need these features related to CAF. And as Justin said, I do believe that WAV will be the better option as you can have more support for WAV than the CAF format.

Why is there a descrepency in reported audio length between iOS SDK and third-party audio editors?

I am successfully using ExtAudioFileOpenUrl to open an audio file and play it.
One thing I have noticed is that the calculated audio length returned from ExtAudioFileGetProperty kExtAudioFileProperty_FileLengthFrames and an external editor e.g. Audacity and Wave Editor don't match. Interestingly the external editors don't quite agree with each other either.
Any idea why this would be?
After some investigating of various audio editors I've found that the discrepancy seems to be how they all read in mp3 files. If I used an mp3 file I found a variance in audio length between iOS, Audacity, Wave Editor and Twisted Wave.
If I converted the mp3 to caf however, iOS and all the editors agreed on the audio length.
One other interesting thing I found was that converting from mp3 to caf increased the reported audio length.
So the moral of the story is, if you are going to be capturing audio events at certain times convert to mp3 and then back again...
The decoded length of an MP3 file can vary depending on the decoder implementation, because of padding at the beginning of the decoded stream... see http://lame.sourceforge.net/tech-FAQ.txt for some discussion of this.

How can I reduce the size of .wav audio files for iPhone apps?

I have some music that loops. The .wav file size is about 8 meg. I load this and just loop it... everything was working fine until I added another 4 meg .wav file. Now the game crashes... removing the additional audio file fixed the crashing.
So how can I reduce the size of these .wav files? I thought about releasing the memory after I'm done with the 4 meg file but what I tried didn't work (and I'd rather the game itself be a smaller file size so it's easier to download).
If you're only playing one sound file at a time, just use mp3 or aac. That way you also get hardware decoding, for improved performance and battery life.
Unfortunately, the iPhone can only play one hardware decoded sound file at a time. So if you're looking to ever play more than one at once, you'll need to do your own decoding of the second file; IMA 4:1 is recommended, though you'll have to find or implement your own decoder, Apple doesn't give you one.
This is all based off of this blog post, which goes into a bit more detail.
Actually .WAV is a container. The contents can be compressed or uncompressed, it all depends on the WAVEFORMATEX structure contained in the first "fmt " tag in the .WAV file.
For instance, in Windows 7 all of the built-in sounds are .WAV files that contain MP3 data.
You can just author your .WAV files as MP3 files and (assuming that the iPhone correctly handles the .WAV container) they should work.
Wav in a uncompressed format will inevitably take up tons of space. 8 Megs is not really big for an uncompressed wav.
You should consider an alternate, compressed format such as mp3 or aac. You might need to link in a decoding library though.
Check out this link on including mp3 files in your iphone app:
If your WAV files are stereo, you could try making them mono. This would basically half the file size. The disadvantage would obviously be that your sound is now mono.
I wouldn't use WAV. Take a look at ffmpegx. It's free, runs on the mac and will convert your waves files to MP3 or a host of other formats.

Convert .m4r/.mp3 to .caf/.aiff in iphone app

As of right now I am using ffmpeg to convert from .mp3 --> to .aiff but I would like a native way to do this in xcode but i do not understand how to use AudioConverter.h in AudioToolbox soo if someone could please help me I would be really appreciative.
Thank You
ExtAudioFile can do a fantastic job of this. One reason to take some compressed formats like MP3 and convert to PCM is that there is much less of a latency when playing the sound. An MP3 sound effect, for example, can take close to a second to start playing back, when the same sound in PCM could start almost immediately. I know since I am converting my sounds to PCM at launch time and eliminating the delays I was plagued with.
Go download iPhoneExtAudioFileConvertTest and you will find everything you need to do your own conversions
I think the real question is why would you want to? The iphone and AudioQueue has full mp3 support for playback and mixing. I know of no way to do this on the fly in the iPhone. It is a fairly processor intensive task and I doubt you could do it efficiently on the iPhone anyway.
You can use ExtAudioFile to open and convert the file to CAF with PCM data.