Noshadow option for nunit-console - nunit

I have following question :
what are advantages and disadvantages in running nunit-console with /noshadow option?
Your comments will be very helpful

The main issue I've found with /noshadow is that it stops your project from building as NUnit is now forced to use and lock your DLL. If you leave this option disabled, then NUnit creates a copy of your DLL.
If you are trying to practice TDD and are constantly building the project in the Red, Green, Refactor cycle, then you can't easily use /noshadow. You will get an error message like:
The process cannot access the file 'bin\Debug\calculator.dll' because it is being used by another process.
There are probably ways around this, but that's the main problem I've found.
As for when you would use this: I think the main reason is to speed up performance, but as most true unit tests run really quickly, I'm not sure when you would really need this. I'm sure other people will come up with some good examples.

If you happen to rely on anything that uses a file location in your tests, say for some curious assembly loading process, or just something as simple as Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location, then you're likely to hit problems because NUnit has copied your file to some other location than the build location.
I'd say that typically these problems can be avoided though -- especially if you avoid touching the filesystem in your unit tests.

A quick warning, the gradle plugin for Nunit has changed how to specify shadow options. Took me a while to find this so posting here in case it can help someone else.
noShadow is replaced by shadowCopy and defaults to false, that is, the name has changed and the sense/direction of it is the opposite. This was done apparently to match more closely what Nunit 3 does. You can read details about this in the plugin changlog at


My Perl module from CPAN won't install, what do I do?

This is a canonical question for the above problem, inspired by this answer and this question. Please edit and improve it.
I'm trying to install a module from CPAN, using the CPAN/cpanm/CPANPLUS client. However, I'm getting build or test errors when I try to install it. What should I do?
Does it build at all?
The first thing to consider is, is your module building at all? If it isn't building, you should check for existing bug reports, file one if necessary, and perhaps try to fix the issue yourself (steps 2 and 3b/3c below).
If it builds but tests fail, follow these steps.
1. Determine if the test is valid
The purpose of these tests is to test. If there's a problem, you need to know about it, and not sweep it under the rug. Resolve the issue one way or another. Is there a problem with something on your system, or is this a problem with the test itself. If this is a problem with the test, does it still affect you? If this is a system problem, is this something you might run into? For example, let's say there's a test that checks for connectivity between your system and a Windows system. If you don't connect to Windows systems, maybe that particular test doesn't apply to you.
2. Check MetaCPAN for bug reports
If you have a test failure, go to the MetaCPAN webpage for that module, and check the left hand side for RT issues to see if someone else is getting the same errors. If no one is, you should open an RT ticket, or a ticket in the project's bug tracker of choice.
There may be patches available from other users. If the patches make sense to you, you can try applying them and rerunning the tests.
You can also click on the Testers link on MetaCPAN. The QA testers webpage will show you the various Perl versions, module versions, platforms, and show you which tests are failing on particular platforms on which versions. You might need to install an alternative version of the module.
At this point, there are a few paths you can take.
3a. Force the installation
Only once you've determined that the failed test doesn't necessarily apply to you, do a force install:
cpan> force install Date::Calc
This will run through the entire install, except that it will skip all testing. (Or maybe it still tests, but doesn't fail if a test fails.). The module will still fail on compiler errors, or if something can't get written to your system. It merely ignores tests.
This should be the last desperate attempt to get something installed. You've should have already resolved that the failed tests are bugs or not meaningful for you. Or, someone is standing beside you with a gun to your head saying, "Install that module, or I'll pull the trigger!".
3b. Find an alternative module
Or, you can decide to use another module. CPAN is full of various approaches to problems (TMTOWTDI), so there many be one there that does what you want.
3c. Write some code
Or, you can analyze why the test is failing and either fix the module or the code. Bug reports with potential patches are often appreciated by busy module authors. If it doesn't look like the author wants to take your fix, you can always fork an existing module, or write a fresh one.
If the author has gone MIA, you may be able to adopt the module and maintain it yourself. The general process for adopting a module is first to try to submit code to the author that fixes it, and then wait a while, maybe a month, for the author to pick it up. If there's no response, try alternative means of contact, email, Google+, whatever you can find. After that, you can go on Perl IRC chats, mailing lists, etc, looking for someone who knows where the author might be. If none of that works after a few months, the PAUSE admins can investigate and turn the module over to you.
This is based on this excellent answer

Automated testing developer environments

We use gradle as our build tool and use the idea plugin to be able to generate the project/module files. The process for a new developer on the project would look like this:
pull from source control.
run 'gradle idea'.
open idea and be able to develop without any further setup.
This all works nicely, but generally only gets exercised when a new developer joins or someone gets a new machine. I would really like to automate the testing of this more frequently in the same way we automate our unit/integration tests as part of our continuous integration process.
Does anyone know if this is possible and if there is any libraries for doing this kind of thing?
You can also substitue idea for eclipse as we have a similar process for those that prefer using eclipse.
The second step (with or without step one) is easy to smoke test (just execute the task as part of a CI build), the third one less so. However, if you are following best practices and regenerate IDEA files rather than committing them to source control, developers will likely perform both steps more or less regularly (e.g. every time a dependency changes).
As Peter noted, the real challenge is step #3. The first 2 ones are solved by your SCM plugin and gradle task. You could try automating the last task by doing something like this
identify the proper command line option, on your platform, that opens a specified intellij project from the command line
find a simple good enough scenario that could validate that the generated project is working as it should. E.g. make a clean then build. Make sure you can reproduce these steps using keyboard shortcuts only. Validation could be made by validating either produced artifacts or test result reports, etc
use an external library, like Robot, to program the starting of intellij and the running of your keyboards. Here's a simple example with Robot. Use a dynamic language with inbuilt console instead of pure Java for that, it will speed your scripting a lot...
Another idea would be to include a daemon plugin in intellij to pass back the commands from external CLI. Otherwise take contact with the intellij team, they may have something to ease your work here.
beware of false negatives: any failure could be caused by external issues, like project instability. Try to make sure you only build from a validated working project...
beware of false positives: any assumption / unchecked result code could hide issues. Make sure you clean properly the workspace, installation, to have a repeatable state and standard scenario matching first use.
Final thoughts: while interesting from a theoretical angle, this automation exercise may not bring all the required results, i.e. the validation of the platform. Still it's an interesting learning experience and could serve as a material for a nice short talk, especially if you find out interesting stuff. Make it a beer challenger with your team when you have a few idle hours to try to see who can implement the fastest a working solution ;) Good luck!

What is "incremental linking"?

I've looked at Microsoft's MSDN and all around the web, but I still haven't been able to get a really good idea of what it is.
Does it mean the completed program loads DLLs at different times during its execution, as apposed to all at once upon launch?
Am I totally way off? :)
Linking involves packaging together all of the .obj files built from your source files, as well as any .lib files you reference, into your output (eg .exe or .dll).
Without incremental linking, this has to be done from scratch each time.
Incremental linking links your exe/dll in a way which makes it easier for the linker to update the existing exe/dll when you make a small change and re-compile.
So, incremental linking just makes it faster to compile and link your project.
The only runtime effect it might have is that it may make your exe/dll slightly bigger and slower, as decribed here:
Edit: As mentioned by Logan, incremental linking is also incompatible with link time code generation - therefore losing a possible performance optimization.
You may want to use incremental linking for debug builds to speed development, but disable it for release builds to improve runtime performance.
Delay loaded DLLs may be what you are thinking of:
Also, quite importantly, incremental link is a prerequisite for Edit&Continue - possibily to edit your code and recompile it on the fly, without restarting.
So it is a good thing to have on debug builds, but not release builds.

When will NAnt reach version 1.0

I like Nant very much. I do a lot of scripting with NAnt. It is a great little tool.
Since NAnt is pre 1.0, when problems occur, I often think if that it is a problem with NAnt itself, but this is not always the case.
One funny example: After running the oracle scripts I parsed the log output to make sure there was no problem. I was testing this with a small log file and it was fine.
I used the task to load the file contents to a string property and used a regex to search for errors.
When I used this script for a large log file, I stopped getting the "build failed" message at the bottom, because I was printing the error messages.
Because the "build failed" was hiding at the top, I thought NAnt crashed, but it worked fine.
It would be better for NAnt to have a 1.0 release. Any reasons why not?
NAnt is an open source project that has been around a long while and is quite stable. While they have their reasons for not calling it version "1", does the version number really matter that much in this case? It's just a label.
I'd contact the team and find out what needs to be done before they label it as such and perhaps you can contribute some bug fixes etc...
The nice thing about the source being open is if you find a bug, you can fix it yourself. Hence the risk of it not being 1.0 is mitigated slightly if you're willing to invest a bit of time.
Not sure if it matters... See the official blog - NAnt’s not dead, it was just resting
Open Source projects tend to use more "modest" versions than commercial products which tend to be more marketing driven. A good example of the difference is the Java versioning scheme which went from 1.0 to 1.4 and then by the time it got to version 1.5 it flipped to using version 5 (though 1.5 is the internal name).

Are there any good Continuous Testing plugins for Eclipse out right now?

I've used the MIT Continuous testing plugin in the past, but it has long since passed out of date and is no longer compatible with anything approaching a modern release of Eclipse.
Does anyone have a good replacement? Free, naturally, is preferred.
I found that Infinitest now has an Eclipse plugin that seems to work pretty well.
There is a list in this Ben Rady article at Object Mentor: Continuous Testing Explained. Unfortunately the only Eclipse tool appears to be CT-Eclipse which is not currently maintained either.
There is also Fireworks for IntelliJ and Infinitest which is not IDE specific but also has some IntelliJ integration.
My experience is that continuous testing within the IDE can become unwieldy and distracting, so I prefer to use something like CruiseControl to do this kind of testing. One tool I have found very useful is EclEmma, which gives you a very fast coverage turnaround for your units, helping you to decide when you have finished testing a particular area of the code.
Infinitest decides what tests it wants to run. Often it runs the wrong ones. Green bar sometimes good, sometimes meaningless.
I've had good experience with infinitest on a small and simple project. I've not run into any issues with it and find it fast and helpful.
I also use Infinitest (and voted for one of its answers), but I wanted to add another approach, which relies on the build server. Whenever you want to implement something, create a branch in your VCS, do your changes, commit to your branch. If you have a build server configured, which runs unit tests on every checkin, your unit tests are then run on the build server without actually having polluted the trunk (or HEAD, whatever you call it) and without you waiting for the test run to finish.
I admit that this is not really continuous unit testing in the sense you asked the question, but for large projects or large test suites even a "normal" continuous test runner may slow you down way to much.
For small projects I also recommend Infinitest or CT Eclipse.