I have a really big number in Perl. I use "bignum". How can I extract single digits out of this big number. For example if I have a number like this and what to get the 3rd digit from the end:
-> 8
bignums are transparently available, so this will work:
$digit = substr($bignum, -3, 1);
The bignum package uses Math::BigInt under the hood for integers.
From the Math::BigInt man page:
$x->digit($n); # return the nth digit, counting from right
Note that counting starts at 0 for the rightmost digit.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?
Why does ghci say that 1.1 + 1.1 + 1.1 > 3.3 is True?
$l1 = "0+0.590580+0.583742+0.579787+0.564928+0.504538+0.459805+0.433273+0.384211+0.3035810";
$l2 = "0+0.590580+0.583742+0.579788+0.564928+0.504538+0.459805+0.433272+0.384211+0.3035810";
$val1 = eval ($l1);
$val2 = eval ($l2);
$diff = (($val1 - $val2)/$val1)*100;
print " (($val1 - $val2)/$val1)*100 ==> $diff\n";
Surprisingly the output ended up to be
((4.404445 - 4.404445)/4.404445)*100 ==> -2.01655014354845e-14.
Is it not supposed to be a ZERO????
Can any one explain this please......
What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic
See Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?
This isn't Perl related, but floating point related.
It's pretty close to zero, which is what I'd expect.
Why's it supposed to be zero? 0.579787 != 0.579788 and 0.433273 != 0.433272. It's likely that none of these have an exact floating point representation so you should expect some inaccuracies.
From perlfaq4's answer to Why am I getting long decimals (eg, 19.9499999999999) instead of the numbers I should be getting (eg, 19.95)?:
Internally, your computer represents floating-point numbers in binary. Digital (as in powers of two) computers cannot store all numbers exactly. Some real numbers lose precision in the process. This is a problem with how computers store numbers and affects all computer languages, not just Perl.
perlnumber shows the gory details of number representations and conversions.
To limit the number of decimal places in your numbers, you can use the printf or sprintf function. See the "Floating Point Arithmetic" for more details.
printf "%.2f", 10/3;
my $number = sprintf "%.2f", 10/3;
When you change the two strings to be equal (there are 2 digits different between $l1 and $l2) it does indeed result in zero.
What it is demonstrating is that you can create 2 different floating point numbers ($val1 and $val2) that look the same when printed out, but internally have a tiny difference. These differences can be magnified up if you're not careful.
Vinko Vrsalovic posted some good links to explain why.
I am packing an array of numbers to send via UDP to another piece of hardware using socket programming.
When I pack the number 12.2 and then unpack it, I get 12.199999892651. As I am working with numbers related to latitudes and longitudes, I cannot have such deviations.
This is the simple script I wrote:
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw (sleep);
#Data = ( 20.2, 30.23, 40.121, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 4, 3.2, 9.9, 0.1, 12.2, 0.99, 7.8, 999, 12.3 );
$myArr = pack('f*', #Data);
print "$myArr\n\n";
#Dec = unpack('f*',$myArr);
print "#Dec";
The output is:
20.2000007629395 30.2299995422363 40.1209983825684 1 2 3 4 6.40000009536743 3.20 000004768372 9.89999961853027 0.100000001490116 12.1999998092651 0.9900000095367 43 7.80000019073486 999 12.3000001907349
Is there any way I can control the precision?
pack's f template is for single-precision floating point numbers, which on most platforms is good to 7 or so decimal places of accuracy. The d template offers double-precision and will be good enough for ~15 decimal places.
print unpack("f", pack("f",12.2)); # "12.1999998092651"
print unpack("d", pack("d",12.2)); # "12.2"
printf "%.20f",unpack("f", pack("f",12.2)); # "12.19999980926513671875"
printf "%.20f",unpack("d", pack("d",12.2)); # "12.19999999999999928946"
The short answer is: don't pack these numbers as floats. You will lose accuracy due to IEEE floating point representation. Instead, convert them to "character decimals" (i.e. strings), and pack them as strings. If you really need the accuracy, and don't need to perform math operations on them, you may want to store them as strings in Perl as well.
2/10 is a periodic number in binary just like 1/3 is a periodic number in decimal. It's impossible to store it exactly in a floating point number as it would take infinite storage.
As such, it's not pack that's introducing the error; it's faithfully storing precisely the number you provided it.
$ perl -E'say sprintf "%.20e", 12.2'
$ perl -E'say sprintf "%.20e", unpack "d", pack "d", 12.2'
As long as you use floating point numbers, you will not be able to store 12.2 exactly.
But as you can see above, you can store store precisely enough by using d (double-precision, almost 16 digits of precision) instead of f (single-precision, over 7 digits of precision). Perl uses double-precision, so you were actually introducing precision loss by using f instead of d.
So use d, and round your results (sprintf "%.10f").
I need to read some numbers in a database and write them into a text file using Perl.
In the table where are the numbers, the data format is defined as numeric (25,5) (it reads 25 digits, including 5 decimals).
I format the numbers in my file with a sprintf "%.5f", $myvalue to force 5 decimals and I just noticed that for greats values, there is a precision loss for numbers with more than 17 digits :
db = 123.12345
file = 123.12345 (OK)
db = 12345678901234891.12345
file = 12345678901234892.00000 (seems to be rounded to upper integer)
db = 12345678901234567890.12345
file = 12345678901234567000.00000 (truncation ?)
What is Perl's greatest precision for fixed decimal numbers?
I am aware of the concepts and limitations of floating point arithmetic in general, but I am not a Perl monk and I do not know the internals of Perl so I don't know if it is normal (or if it is related at all to floating point). I am not sure either if it is a internal limitation of Perl, or a problem related to the sprintf processing.
Is there a workaround or a dedicated module that could help with that problem?
Some notable points :
this is an additional feature of a system that already uses Perl, so using another tool is not an option
the data being crunched is financial so I need to keep every cent and I cannot cope with a +/- 10 000 units precision :^S
Once again, I am finding a solution right after asking SO. I am putting my solution here, to help a future visitor :
$myout = sprintf "%.5f", $myvalue;
use Math::BigFloat;
$myout = Math::BigFloat->new($myvalue)->ffround( -5 )->bstr;
Without modules like Math::BigFloat, everything above 16 digits is pure magic... e.g.
perl -e 'printf "*10^%02d: %-.50g\n", $_, log(42)*(10**$_) for (0..20)'
*10^00: 3.7376696182833684112267746968427672982215881347656
*10^01: 37.376696182833683224089327268302440643310546875
*10^02: 373.76696182833683224089327268302440643310546875
*10^03: 3737.6696182833684360957704484462738037109375
*10^04: 37376.6961828336861799471080303192138671875
*10^05: 373766.96182833681814372539520263671875
*10^06: 3737669.6182833681814372539520263671875
*10^07: 37376696.18283368647098541259765625
*10^08: 373766961.82833683490753173828125
*10^09: 3737669618.283368587493896484375
*10^10: 37376696182.83368682861328125
*10^11: 373766961828.33685302734375
*10^12: 3737669618283.36865234375
*10^13: 37376696182833.6875
*10^14: 373766961828336.8125
*10^15: 3737669618283368.5
*10^16: 37376696182833688
*10^17: 373766961828336832
*10^18: 3737669618283368448
*10^19: 37376696182833684480
*10^20: 373766961828336828416
What is Perl's greatest precision for fixed decimal numbers?
Perl doesn't have fixed point decimal numbers. Very few languages do, actually. You could use a module like Math::FixedPoint, though
Perl is storing your values as floating-point numbers internally.1 The precision is dependent on how your version of Perl is compiled, but it's probably a 64-bit double.
C:\>perl -MConfig -E "say $Config::Config{doublesize}"
A 64-bit double-precision float2 has a 53-bit significand (a.k.a. fraction or mantissa) which gives it approximately 16 decimal characters of precision. Your database is defined as storing 25 characters of precision. You'll be fine if you treat the data as a string but if you treat it as a number you'll lose precision.
Perl's bignum pragma provides transparent support for arbitrarily large numbers. It can slow things down considerably so limit its use to the smallest possible scope. If you want big floats only (without making other numeric types "big") use Math::BigFloat instead.
1. Internally, perl uses a datatype called an SV that can hold floats, ints, and/or strings simultaneously.
2. Assuming IEEE 754 format.
Alternatively, if you're just transferring the values from the database to a text file and not operating on them as numbers, then have the DB format them as strings. Then read and print them as strings (perhaps using "printf '%s'"). For example:
select Big_fixed_point_col(format '-Z(24)9.9(5)')(CHAR(32))
This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?
Why does ghci say that 1.1 + 1.1 + 1.1 > 3.3 is True?
$l1 = "0+0.590580+0.583742+0.579787+0.564928+0.504538+0.459805+0.433273+0.384211+0.3035810";
$l2 = "0+0.590580+0.583742+0.579788+0.564928+0.504538+0.459805+0.433272+0.384211+0.3035810";
$val1 = eval ($l1);
$val2 = eval ($l2);
$diff = (($val1 - $val2)/$val1)*100;
print " (($val1 - $val2)/$val1)*100 ==> $diff\n";
Surprisingly the output ended up to be
((4.404445 - 4.404445)/4.404445)*100 ==> -2.01655014354845e-14.
Is it not supposed to be a ZERO????
Can any one explain this please......
What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic
See Why is floating point arithmetic in C# imprecise?
This isn't Perl related, but floating point related.
It's pretty close to zero, which is what I'd expect.
Why's it supposed to be zero? 0.579787 != 0.579788 and 0.433273 != 0.433272. It's likely that none of these have an exact floating point representation so you should expect some inaccuracies.
From perlfaq4's answer to Why am I getting long decimals (eg, 19.9499999999999) instead of the numbers I should be getting (eg, 19.95)?:
Internally, your computer represents floating-point numbers in binary. Digital (as in powers of two) computers cannot store all numbers exactly. Some real numbers lose precision in the process. This is a problem with how computers store numbers and affects all computer languages, not just Perl.
perlnumber shows the gory details of number representations and conversions.
To limit the number of decimal places in your numbers, you can use the printf or sprintf function. See the "Floating Point Arithmetic" for more details.
printf "%.2f", 10/3;
my $number = sprintf "%.2f", 10/3;
When you change the two strings to be equal (there are 2 digits different between $l1 and $l2) it does indeed result in zero.
What it is demonstrating is that you can create 2 different floating point numbers ($val1 and $val2) that look the same when printed out, but internally have a tiny difference. These differences can be magnified up if you're not careful.
Vinko Vrsalovic posted some good links to explain why.
I have a program in Perl that works with probabilities that can occasionally be very small. Because of rounding error, sometimes one of the probabilities comes out to be zero. I'd like to do a check for the following:
use constant TINY_FLOAT => 1e-200;
my $prob = calculate_prob();
if ( $prob == 0 ) {
$prob = TINY_FLOAT;
This works fine, but I actually see Perl producing numbers that are smaller than 1e-200 (I just saw a 8.14e-314 fly by). For my application I can change calculate_prob() so that it returns the maximum of TINY_FLOAT and the actual probability, but this made me curious about how floating point numbers are handled in Perl.
What's the smallest positive floating-point value in Perl? Is it platform-dependent? If so, is there a quick program that I can use to figure it out on my machine?
According to perldoc perlnumber, Perl uses the native floating point format where native is defined as whatever the C compiler that was used to compile it used. If you are more worried about precision/accuracy than speed, take a look at bignum.
The other answers are good. Here is how to find out the approximate ε if you did not know any of that information and could not post your question on SO ;-)
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant MAX_COUNT => 2000;
my ($x, $c);
for (my $y = 1; $y; $y /= 2) {
$x = $y;
# guard against too many iterations
last if ++$c > MAX_COUNT;
printf "%d : %.20g\n", $c, $x;
C:\Temp> thj
1075 : 4.9406564584124654e-324
It may be important to note that that smallest number is what's called a subnormal number, and math done on it may produce surprising results:
$ perl -wle'$x = 4.94e-324; print for $x, $x*1.4, $x*.6'
That's because it uses the smallest allowed (base-2) exponent and a mantissa of the form (base-2) 0.0000000...0001. Larger, but still subnormal, numbers will also have a mantissa beginning 0. and an increasing range of precision.
I actually don't know how perl represents floating point numbers (and I think this is something you configure when you build perl), but if we assume that IEEE 754 is used then epsilon for a 64 bit floating point number is 4.94065645841247E-324.