web.config custom section inheritance - web-config

I'm trying to get a custom web.config section to get inherited by an application's web.config in a website subfolder.
The custom section works fine in the main website, but it appears the custom section isn't inherited.
Other elements in the web.config are getting inherited - it's just this custom section which isn't.
Is this by design? Is there a way to turn on inheritance for custom sections?

Mysteriously.....it's now working.
I found this blog post:
which suggested they should be inherited downwards.
I rebooted and hey presto the whole thing worked.


TYPO3: News Detail View on Microsites

I am working with the extension news on TYPO3 9.5. I have a project with few microsites and I want to use the news there. In the microsite homesite news(list) works but when I click the link which points to a detailed view of news, this leads to 404 and it does not work.
Detailed view does not work on Microsite.
I tried configuring Starting Point without success. Do i have to configure categories?
Any idea where I can also check?
The Solution was to change TCA to "unique" (TYPO3 Core Routing) due to URL resolving.
More can you find here:

how to create my own sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ObjectPage

I'm trying to make my own Object Page for Smart template using UI5.
I tried using extensions, but it injects my custom view to existing objectpage,
but i want to add my own custom object page.
using smart template for sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ListReport.
The help states that you can completely replace the object page with your own by specifying your own custom component. You would then be free to code it up however you like.
See here: https://sapui5.ap1.hana.ondemand.com/#/topic/7e6e86984e6846bb8cfdfd3efb4d3e4b

How to add Typo3 Extensions to a page?

I googled for quite some time now and i cannot find a solution for such an easy beginner-problem.
I used the Typo3 Extension Builder to build a test-extension in Extbase. Now i want to use this and include it into one of my pages in the page tree structure to actually see if it works. When browsing the folder structure i can clearly see that the Domain model, the Controllers and all the views have properly been generated. But... How can i tell my page to include it and execute it?
I tried things like including the auto generated typescript into the templates of the pages but nothing works.
In Extension Builder make sure that you added "Frontend plugin" on the left pane. If you'll do it properly you will be able to add this plugin via CE "General Plugin" and then via field "Select plugin"
Sounds like you struggle on a more general level here.
In order to get the output of your Extension in the Frontend you have to assure the following steps:
Set up general Configuration, so that you can see the output of standard content elements in the frontend.
Install your extension and include its TypoScript.
Make sure you have a Plugin configured in your ext_localconf.php and registered in your ext_tables.php.
In the backend, create a new content element and choose "plugin" as its type.
Choose your registered plugin and save.
You should now see output of your extension in the frontend.

Setting Page Title - headTitle() - Zend Framework 2 ZF2

I am currently in the process of building an application with ZF2, everything is going well so far, but I am just having trouble with the page titles (as in the <title> tag in the <head>).
In my layout.phtml I have it statically set a string using $this->headTitle().
I want it to basically include the name of the module, controller and action by default, just like the doc page suggests:
However when I try and implement the example code, I get an Exception.
Frankly the documentation should at least show you the best place to put this code.
I am looking for an example that a ZF2 noob can follow. I basically want to place some code somewhere (presumably Application\Module.php) so that I can set the default title as "Module - Controller - Action", then I need an example of how to override it easily from each controller or view (whichever is preferred)... please help! :)
As per Sams comment...
Readthedocs has the working example: http://zf2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/modules/zend.view.helpers.html#headtitle-helper
Thanks for your help Sam!

How to create custom pages in dasBlog?

I know I've seen this in the past, but I can't seem to find it now.
Basically I want to create a page that I can host on a dasBlog instance that contains the layout from my theme, but the content of the page I control.
Ideally the content is a user control or ASPX that I write. Anybody know how I can accomplish this?
The easist way to do this is to "hijack" the FormatPage functionality.
First add the following to your web.config in the newtelligence.DasBlog.UrlMapper section:
<add matchExpression="(?<basedir>.*?)/Static\.aspx\?=(?<value>.+)" mapTo="{basedir}/FormatPage.aspx?path=content/static/{value}.format.html" />
Now you can create a directory in your content directory called static. From there, you can create html files and the file name will map to the url like this:
will map to a file called:
You can place anything in that file that you would normally place in itemTemplate.blogtemplate, except it obviously won't have any post data. But you can essentially use this to put other macros, and still have it use the hometemplate.blogtemplate to keep the rest of your theme wrapped around the page.
I did something similar setting up a handler to stream video files from the blog on my home server. I ended up ditching it because it killed my bandwidth whenever someone would view a video, but I did have it up and working for a while.
To get it to work I had to check dasBlog out from source control and open it in visual studio. I had VS2008 and it was built using VS2005, so it took some work to get everything to build. Once I could get the unaltered solution to build I added a new class library project to hold my code. This is to make sure my code stays separate across dasBlog updates.
I don't have access to the code here at work so I can't tell you exact names right now, but if you want your pages to be able to use the themes then they need to inherit from a class in the newtelligence.dasBlog.Web namespace, and I believe also implement an interface. A good place to look is in FormatPage and FormatControl.