Open Source Metadata Management Tool [closed] - metadata

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm not sure "Metadata Management" is the right term....
Basically, I have a client who asked for recommendations on "Metadata Management" tools with regard to a data warehousing project they have. I'm guessing the term has to do with creating something like a data dictionary, but I have relatively little experience in this area and am asking from a point of ignorance.
I've been told (but have not seen firsthand) that the client is currently using Excel as their current tool for "Metadata Management", but would like something slightly more robust.
If anyone can shed some light on this term and possibly some open source solutions, I'd appreciate it.
I was going to suggest a free wiki like MoinMoin so that they could create a "web" of terms, but I'm not sure if this is the right path.

Have you looked at CA Erwin Community Edition?


What is a good IDE for coding NASM? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I've been doing research online to find a good IDE for programming in NASM. The only one I found consistently mention is RadASM however, in contains no documentation on how to set it up and on top of that it is riddled with viruses/trojans (according to Norton).
Does anyone know of a reliable, preferably free, IDE that works well with NASM?
I'm looking for something to do the same for NASM as NetBeans or Eclipse do for Java.
I have some links to IDE's here
Both RadASM v2 and v3 are from the authors sourcforge repository site and are virus free
Because the links are broken on the above page, I'm adding the git info here.

Talend Training/Tutorials [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Can anyone recommend a good source of material for learning how to use Talend Open Studio For Data Integration?
I've had a look at the TalendForge tutorials but was wondering if a more cohesive training resource exists for beginners?
I've search the Interweb and can't find anything that isn't off TalendForge or a book with terrible reviews!
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
There are some reference manuals which can be downloaded from official website. Once you go to this link, goto tab Data Integration there, at the bottom of the page you can find a section User Documentation. Download the appropriate pdfs.
We get minimal help from them, but self exploration would give better results once we have been through these materials.

What are the open source alternatives for Facebook? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Just want to look at how things are implemented for learning purpose and may even contribute something along the way. So is there any open source facebook clones out there ?
Searching gives
as starting points, a list of active distributed social media sites can be found here
This one is most polished right now:
Not exactly a 'clone' but Diaspora is an open source, decentralised, distributed alternative to Facebook.

How to port a website into a mobile version of it? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it possible to port a certain full-blown website into its mobile version? If yes, how to do so?
The question seems to be a bit vague, but I would also like to get a vague idea as to how it can be done. The scalability issues and all.
There are commercial services available which will make creating mobile version of your site fairly simple, if not even a trivial task. For example check out
Some recent articles on this subject I found to be useful:
I hope this will help in finding a good method to create mobile content.

Best T/SQL Formatting Add-In for SQL Server Management Studio [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone know of a real good SSMS Add-In that beautifies T/SQL, isn't too expensive and also does things around best practices for T/SQL formatting?
I'm well aware of Red Gate's tool, but ~$300 is quite a killer amount.
I've seen this Add-In, but it's purely about indentation.
Neither solution addresses the commenting and header best practices.
I came across this tool:
It's pretty good for a free product. Nothing beats the Red Gate tools however.
Have you tried SQL Enlight?
These ones have some basic features