How do I include files in DrScheme? - racket

I'm using DrScheme to work through SICP, and I've noticed that certain procedures (for example, square) get used over and over. I'd like to put these in a separate file so that I can include them in other programs without having to rewrite them every time, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
I've tried:
(load filename)
(load (filename))
(load ~/path-to-directory/filename)
(require filename)
(require ~/path-to-directory/filename)
(require path-from-root/filename)
None of these works. Obviously I'm grasping at straws -- any help is much appreciated.

It's not clear from your question what language level you're using; certain legacy languages may make certain mechanisms unavailable.
The best inclusion/abstraction mechanism is that of modules.
First, set your language level to "module". Then, if I have these two files in the same directory:
#lang scheme
(require "")
(define (super-duper x) (square (square x)))
File :
#lang scheme
(provide square)
(define (square x) (* x x))
Then I can hit "run" on the "" buffer and everything will work the way you'd expect.
Caveat: untested code.

I believe you are looking for:
(include "relative/path/to/scheme/file.scm")
The (require) expression is for loading modules.

In MIT/GNU Scheme, you can load a file with something like this:
(load "c:\\sample-directory\\sample-file.scm")
But I do not know if it works in DrScheme.

(require "~/path-to-directory/filename")


undefined operator after quickload lisp

The function find-data-from-command works fine when I run it without first doing the 'quickload' of the package. If I load the package it gives the error that split-sequence is undefined.
I have tried to reload split-sequence after loading the custom package. Doesn't work
(ql:quickload :<a-custom-package>)
(defun find-data-from-command (x desired-command)
(setq desired-data ())
(loop for line = (read-line x nil)
while (and line (not desired-data)) do
(setq commands (first (split-sequence ":" line)))
(setq data (split-sequence "," (first (rest (split-sequence ":" line)))))
(print (cons "command:" commands))
((equal commands desired-command) (return-from find-data-from-command data))))))
SIGMA 24 >
(setq obj-type (find-data-from-command (open "log.txt") "types"))
Error: Undefined operator SPLIT-SEQUENCE in form (SPLIT-SEQUENCE ":" LINE).
The problem is nothing to do with Quicklisp, it's to do with a package you've defined somewhere called SIGMA. In particular somewhere in your code is a form which looks like:
(defpackage "SIGMA" ;or :sigma or :SIGMA or #:sigma or ...
(:use ...)
And then later
(in-package "SIGMA")
And the problem with this is that your package definition has an explicit (:use ...) clause.
defpackage, and the underlying function make-package has slightly interesting behaviour for the :use clause (or keyword argument in the case of make-package):
if none is given then there is an implementation-defined default;
if one is given then it overrides the default.
The idea, I think, is that implementations may want to provide a bunch of additional functionality which is available by default, and this functionality can't be in the CL package since the contents of that package is defined in the standard. So if you just say
(defpackage "FOO")
Then the implementation is allowed (and, perhaps, encouraged), to make the use-list of FOO have some useful packages in it. These packages might be the same ones that are in the default use-list of CL-USER, but I'm not sure that's required: the whole thing is somewhat under-specified.
The end result of this is that if you want to define packages which both make use of implementation-defined functionality and have explicit use-lists you have to resort to some slight trickery. How you do this is slightly up to you, but since you are by definition writing implementation-dependent code where you are defining packages like this, you probably want to make it clear that what you are doing is implementation-dependent, by some form like
(defpackage :foo
(:use ...)
(:use :lispworks :harlequin-common-lisp :cl)
Or, if you just want some particular set of symbols
(defpackage :foo
(:use ...)
(:import-from :lispworks #:split-sequence))
Note that this is not quite the same thing as using a package containing the symbol.
In all these cases if your code has pretensions to be portable then there should be appropriate clauses for other implementations and a way of knowing when you're trying to run on an implemention you haven't yet seen: how to do this is outwith the scope of this answer I think.
Solved it.
The quickloading of the custom package was taking me into the package. I did not realize that. So I had to specify split-sequence is from outside. So, I replaced all occurrences of split-sequence in the function definition with
Then it worked.
If any one has a better solution, please do let me know. Thanks

How do I write anaphoric macros in portable scheme?

I'm exploring Scheme macros, but I've been unable to find a portable way of writing anaphoric macros.
I'm trying to write an each-it macro, such that this code:
(each-it (list 1 2 3)
(display it))
Expands to this:
(for-each (lambda (it)
(display it))
(list 1 2 3))
I've written a macro with syntax-rules, but this gives me an error about an undefined identifier when I try to use it.
(define-syntax each-it
(syntax-rules ()
((each-it lst body)
(for-each (lambda (it) body)
This SO question mentions define-syntax-parameter, which seems to be Racket only. This blog post gives some Scheme code samples, but the code samples don't run in DrRacket in R5RS mode (I think it's the square brackets?).
R4RS has an interesting macro appendix but it is not present in R5RS and I don't know if I can depend on it.
Can I write my each-it macro in a completely portable way? If not, what are the most widely available macro system features for writing my macro?
This should be portable, at least in R6RS:
(define-syntax each-it
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ lst body)
(with-syntax ((it (datum->syntax x 'it)))
#'(for-each (lambda (it) body) lst))))))
Yes, you can write it in a portable way assuming that R6RS is portable enough for you. (The same cannot be said on R7RS, which currently has nothing more than just syntax-rules, and it's unclear what will be included in the large language, or when it will happen.) See uselpa's for how to do that.
So why am I writing another answer? Because actually doing that is going to be a bad idea. A bad idea not in some vague academic sense that doesn't matter for most real world code -- bad in a sense that is likely to bite you later on. I know that "paper" makes it look intimidating, but read at least the first two sections of the paper mentioned in the other SO question you've seen. Specifically, Section 1.2 shows the problem you'll be running against. Then, Section 2 shows how to do it "properly", in a way that makes it tedious to write macros that expand to uses of your macro. At this point, it will be appealing to take the "just keep it hygienic", but at the end of Section 2 you'll see why that's not working either.
The bottom line, IMO, is to just not do it unless you have syntax parameters or something similar. Maybe the only exception to that (which might be your case) is when the macro is something that you intend to use yourself, and you will never provide it to others.

How to use `typed/racket` in `scribble/lp`

Is it possible to use other #langs in #lang scribble/lp for literate programming?
For example, I want to use #lang typed/racket in #lang scribble/lp. How to realize that?
TL;DR: There are two ways. First, you can simply put your code in a submodule, and require it immediately. Second, you can use my fork of scribble/lp2, which allows you to specify the underlying module language.
First method
Due to an issue, you'll have to wrap the whole thing in a (begin …), although there's a pull request which should fix this on the way.
#lang scribble/lp2
(module main typed/racket
(define a : Number 1)
(provide a)
(module moo racket/base '…)
(module+ test
(require typed/rackunit)
(check-equal? a (+ 1/2 1/2))))
(require 'main)
(provide (all-from-out 'main))
(module test typed/racket
(require (submod ".." main test))))]
Bear in mind that these are submodule, so you can't put your test module inside main, as it won't be executed. Here, I have a (module+ test …) inside main, and it is required by a test module at the root level. If the (module test at the root is commented out, then the tests won't be executed.
The same concern applies also when requiring moo from another module, you'll have to use (require (submod "myfile.lp2.typed.rkt" main moo)), or make an "alias" like is done above for test and main.
Keep also in mind that the more nested a submodule is, the more times it gets visited and/or instantiated (not sure which). This can have a serious impact on the loading speed in typed/racket programs, as they are already themselves visited and/or instantiated multiple times. You can see this by adding (begin-for-syntax (displayln 'executed)) in your code, it gets printed many times.
Second method
My fork of scribble/lp2, hyper-literate (for hypertext literate programming) only alters scribble/lp2 and relies on the original version of scribble for the rest.
I don't guarantee backwards compatibility, as I'm currently fixing some bugs and adding extra features like being able to re-print a chunk to refresh the reader's memory, etc. The stackoverflow-q-18877881 branch I linked to should remain stable, though. Newer stuff will go in master.
Here's a small example file. There's a more complete example in test/test.hl.rkt:
#lang hyper-literate/typed typed/racket/base
#(require (for-label typed/racket/base
Hello world.
(require typed/rackunit)
;; Would give an error as typed/racket/base is used on the #lang line:
(check-equal? ((make-predicate One) 1) #t)
(define (f [x : 'e123]) x)
(define ee (ann (f 'e123) 'e123))
(provide ee)]
It doesn't appear so, but you can use a typed/racket evaluator with scribble/eval.
#lang scribble/manual
#(require racket/sandbox
#(define my-evaluator
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string])
(make-evaluator 'typed/racket/base)))
#interaction[#:eval my-evaluator
(: my-sqr (Real -> Real))
(define (my-sqr x)
(* x x))
(my-sqr 42)]
Example taken from here.

Automatically Reload a File in LISP When a Command Is Entered

I'm learning LISP for a class. I have a basic workflow setup in Ubuntu with my LISP file in VIM and an interactive LISP prompt in a terminal that I'm using to test code as I write it. Is there a way to get LISP to load a specific file every time I type a command? It's getting a bit tiring having to constantly input (load ' (yes, even when I am using the terminal's history).
Can always try:
(let (fn)
(defun l (&optional filename)
(if filename
(setf fn filename))
(load fn)))
Works like this:
[2]> (l "x.lisp")
;; Loading file x.lisp ...
;; Loaded file x.lisp
[3]> (l)
;; Loading file x.lisp ...
;; Loaded file x.lisp
Pretty simple.
You can also do something like:
(defun go ()
(load "project.lisp")
(yourfunc 'your 'parameters))
Then you just type (go) and it reloads your file and calls your main entry point.
Or even combine them:
(defun gogo (&rest args)
(l) ;; call (l "file.lisp") first to initialize it
(apply #'yourfunc args))
then you can change your parameters easily
(gogo 1 2)
(gogo 2 4)
Ya know, it's lisp. Don't like something, change it.
With more time, you can write a simple wrapper that can build these on the fly. But you get the idea.
Most Lisp programmers would encourage you to use SLIME.
If you like Eclipse, there is also a Lisp plugin.
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but at least you can be aware of some alternatives.
You can try slimv, it is like slime for vim.

How do I get emacs to indent other things like it indents define?

So Emacs is pretty good at editing Scheme/Racket/Lisp code. One good thing it does is when you type code like:
(define (make-position-table)
(for/list ([i (in-range 256)])
It does a very clever thing and indents the second line to two columns. Now the third line it does what it does with all lisp code and indents that to align all the arguments.
How do I customize Emacs so that it indents the third line as though I was introducing a new body. What I'd like is:
(define (make-position-table)
(for/list ([i (in-range 256)])
I'm guessing this is possible and that I just haven't figured out the arcane Emacs variable to set. Does anyone know how to do this?
You can add this to your .emacs file:
(put 'for/list 'scheme-indent-function 1)
See also a hacked version of scheme mode that does many more racket-isms.
I believe (put 'for/list 'scheme-indent-function 'defun) should do what you want.
Repeat for other symbols. My .emacs includes
(mapc (lambda (sym) (put sym 'scheme-indent-function 'defun))
(list 'for 'for/list 'for/and 'for/or
'match 'case 'syntax-parse 'test-suite 'test-case
'define-syntax-rule 'match-let 'match-let*))
from the days when I was dabbling in PLT Scheme.