How to unload js script when going to next tab in jquery? - dom

I have a site with five tabs using jquery-ui. Each loads an individual jQuery script. Now when I have loaded the second tab and go to the third tab the js out of the second tab still remains active and disturbs my actions in the third tab space.
Can someone explain me why the js out of the second tab still stays active when changing to the third tab and how I can avoid such behaviour?

Once you have loaded a script onto the page, it remains active until the page refreshes.
I don't know about unloading, but you can certainly disable the actions of a certain script depending on what it is. Could you post an example of the script causing the issues?
For example, if you have a script that is dependent on the tab you are in, you can condition the actions in the script with the tabs being at a certain index. A demo syntax:
//will only execute action if you are in current tab
if(tabs_ui_index == 0){
//do something
to get that variable (tabs_ui_index) you can do something like this:
$('#mytabs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
tabs_ui_index = ui.index;
This code binds a "tabsselect" event to the element that is tabbed and sets the variable to the currently indexed tab every time a user changes a tab.
Also, you can unbind events, if you loaded a script that set a click event for a button that no longer exists, or that you are using for a different purpose now:
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.


DOM usage in QTP

During script execution a pop up won't go away, and it happens only through QTP(v12.02).
I am trying DOM to bypass the problem, the pop up event was on selection of a drop down value, so I used some code to find the correct index and use DOM to select the value
Browser().Page().WebList().Object.selectedIndex = itmindx
With this the pop up issue got resolved, but now to complete the process,I need to click the Save button which is disabled as the page didn't refreshed when the value was selected ( tried refreshing through QTP, tab out etc--didn't worked as it loads the previous value).So I used the fire event method
Browser().Page().WebList().Fireevent "onchange"
with this I ran in to the same issue of multiple pop ups. Used the following
but then QTP won't executes the next line unless I hit enter externally on the pop up(multiple pop up is resovled but now QTP is stuck. I don't want to use RS.... Any solutions?
To enable the button
Browser().Page().WebButton().Object.disabled = false
To hit enter for the popup
[ ]
Go for hitting the Enter button using SendKeys. It is not a good idea accessing DOM and change the state ourselves. There is a chance that you might miss potential defects!

Stop wicket from reloading page

I am working on an existing project with no previous experience in wicket.
The application has a page with four tabs. the first three tab is suppose to reload every 60 sec. The last tab is what I am working on and I don't want it to reload ever. I cannot find out where is the code that does the reloading
When a do a view source of the UI. I see something like this
Wicket.Event.add(window, "load", function(event) {
Wicket.TimerHandles['id135'] = setTimeout('Wicket.Ajax.ajax({\"c\":\"id135\",\"u\":\"./?2-3.IBehaviorListener.0-viewPanel-contentPanel-criticalZonePanel-1\"});', 60000);
Wicket.TimerHandles['id225'] = setTimeout('Wicket.Ajax.ajax({\"u\":\"./?2-3.IBehaviorListener.0-\"});', 60000);
Not sure if there is enough hint to figure out what might be causing the reloading or what kind of code or keywork should I be looking for in the application to change this.
This JavaScript is generated by AbstractAjaxTimerBehavior or its specialization AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior. Check where in your page/tabs any of those is used and disable it for the fourth tab.

How to hook GWT navigation from a userscript?

I'm writing a userscript for a GWT-based site.
My script uses URL of the page as input. It should be update each page of the site with additional information.
Unfortunately, as view changes in GWT are implemented via rerendering (only location anchor in browser address-bar is being changed), clicks on internal links are not recognized as page loads and Greasemonkey does not invoke my script, leaving new views unmodified.
Is there a way to hook in GWT-based navigation from an userscript? I need a way to modify each "change" Gerrit navigates to.
Complete workflow should look like:
User scans through the list of issues
User clicks on a link . (Address bar will assume a location of a change being clicked, for example
Page is modified by userscript to contain information about new view (in our case /c/38781/)
Greasemonkey is only invoked at the first step of this workflow, and I don't know ho to detect second one to be able to trigger the third.
I've tried to observe DOM changes on the page, but my listeners are never called probably due to the fact GWT renders some parts via innerHTML property, without explicit child manipulation.

showForm, Command Action, and going-back

Going "back" from a form doesn't take me to the previous form but back to the main form. What am I doing wrong? Here's more detail:
I have a Command that takes you from the main form of my app to a "human setup" form. From that form if you click on a certain multibutton I go to another form (MaintenanceLevel) like this:
protected void onHumanSetup_MultiButtonMaintenanceAction(Component c, ActionEvent event) {
// Invoke the next level of form
showForm("MaintenanceLevel", null);
In the "MaintenanceLevel" form I have an Action set to Back, but when I click the menu bar to go back I end up back on the main-form and not the "human setup" where I want to be.
Things have got a little worse!! Now when I go back in to view the Commands for my MaintenanceLevel form it's empty: it's forgetting the command I've entered :(
Here is my command setting for MaintenanceLevel form:
You don't need to define a back command. Remove it. Codename One automatically creates back commands for you.
The usage for this option is when you create a Button and place it within the form, then you want it to behave as a back button effectively (e.g. cancel button).

Wicket AjaxLink javascript handler shows strange behaviour

I have a ListView that displays a list of Panels, one below the other. Every panel features a button (implemented via AjaxLink) that closes the panel and removes it from the list.
This is how the ListView is initalized and how the panels are created:
panelsList = new ArrayList<MyPanel>();
pnlContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("pnlContainer");
ListView<MyPanel> pnlItems = new ListView<MyPanel>("pnlItems", panelsList) {
protected void populateItem(final ListItem<MyPanel> item) {
item.add(new AjaxLink<Void>("pnlClose") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.add(pnlContainer); // repaint panel container
This works so far - the actions that trigger adding new panels (usually also AjaxLinks) do what they should and the new panel is added and displayed correctly. But I have problems getting the close button to fully work.
Please see the following steps:
1) I start the server and navigate to the main page. The ListView is initially populated with one panel.
Close-button-code of this panel:
<a wicket:id="pnlClose" id="pnlClose7" href="javascript:;">Close</a>
Searching the page code for pnlClose7 finds the following javascript code that makes the button work as expected:
Note: I do not press the button now, if i would, it would work as expected (thoroughly tested).
2) I trigger an action that opens a second panel. The panel is displayed below the first one as expected.
Close-button of the first panel:
<a wicket:id="pnlClose" id="pnlClosef" href="javascript:;">X</i></a>
Close-button of the second panel:
<a wicket:id="pnlClose" id="pnlClose10" href="javascript:;">X</i></a>
But now, neither searching for pnlClosef nor pnlClose10 finds some javascript code. The buttons (both!) do not work. I can still find the javascript code for pnlClose7.
3) I reload the page via pressing F5.
The button IDs change to pnlClose1a and pnlClose1b. Both IDs have javascript counterparts and work.
4) I press the first button (upper panel, ID pnlClose1a). The panel is closed as expected.
The remaining button's ID changes to pnlClose1c, again without a javascript counterpart. Javascript code for pnlClose1a and pnlClose1b is still present.
To make a long story short, the javascript handlers for my AjaxLinks seem to have shyness issues and only appear after I press F5 or reload the whole page in any other manner. I guess thats because repainting the pnlContainer changes the IDs of the current panels - but why is the linked javascript not updated at the same time? Is there anything I can change in my code to update the whole page without completely reloading it?
Wierd thing is that I am pretty sure this worked before... But I checked the whole class history and can't find any major change that would have triggered that. The ListView-code is mainly static since I added it.
I was had similiar problem. if you have any hardcoded javascript code in your page or panels html file (using <script> tag) remove it and set that js code in renderHead of your panel.