export mysql database to excel by php - php4

I want to export my database to an excel file by php,I need a source code in php to do this

I'm not going to write your whole program for you (that's not what this site is about) but if you have a specific problem, feel free to post another question.
It looks like PHP has a built-in function to export an array to a line in a CSV file: fputcsv. So run your query and for each row returned, call fputcsv.
Or, just use mysqldump which claims to support dumping to natively support dumping a database to CSV.

Exporting Records to .csv is not the same as exporting records to MX Excel .csv.
First and foremost, the source code is out there. Not problem finding it.
The difference though is with Excel, with you are separating with commas and encapsulating with ", Excel escapes quotes (") with an additional quote (so it looks like "").
This means you can't simply use addslashes when trying to export.

This is not meant any harm. If you need the sourcecode for an CSV export (lot of code available at php.net) the phpBlocks is maybe the right tool for you. Export to CSV without
coding. Click&Point like Google's AppInventor.
see: http://www.freegroup.de/software/phpBlocks/demo.html


Progress 4gl Creating a .xlsx file without excel

Version: 10.2b
I want to create a .xlsx file with progress but the machine this will run on doesn't have excel.
Can someone point me in the right direction about how to do this.
Is there a library already written that can do something like this?
Thanks for any help!
The project was moved to the Free DocxFactory Project.
It was rewritten in C++ with Progress 4GL/ABL wrappers and tutorial.
It is 300x times faster, alot of new features were added including barcodes, paging features etc.
and it's completely free for private and commercial use without any time or feature limits.
You might find this to be useful: http://www.oehive.org/project/libooxml although it appears that there is nothing there right now. There might also be an older version of that code here: http://www.oehive.org/project/lib
Also -- in many cases the need to provide data to Excel can be satisfied with a Tab or Comma delimited file.
Another trick is to create an HTML table fragment. Excel imports those quite nicely.
A super simple example of how to export a semi-colon delimited file from a temp-table. In 90% of the cases this is enough Excel-support - at least it has been for me.
CREATE ttExample.
ASSIGN ttExample.col1 = "ABC"
ttExample.col2 = 123.
CREATE ttExample.
ASSIGN ttExample.col1 = "DEF"
ttExample.col2 = 456.
OUTPUT STREAM strCsv TO VALUE("c:\test\test.csv").

Best way to get a database friendly list of Veteran Affairs Hospital

I sincerely apologize if this isn't the proper forum to discuss this, but I wasn't sure where to go or what would be the best option.
Basically, I'm trying to find a database friendly list of veteran affairs hospitals. The closest thing that I've been able to find is www.va.gov/ofcadmin/docs/CATB.pdf as it has all the information I'm looking for:
City in a separate column
Zip Code in a separate column
Facility # (also known as StationID)
I've tried exporting that PDF out into CSV but it's a complete nightmare to get working. So, I was curious if anyone had any ideas or insights into how I could accomplish this task.
First, here's a CSV file containing the data found in CATB.pdf. The very first line contains the column headers, and the rest of the file contains the contents.
Now, for the more detailed explanation...I took the PDF you provided a link to, converted it to an HTML document using Adobe Acrobat, then I used a lot of Regular Expressions to parse the file and clean it up. Once the file was cleaned up enough, I was able to write a program to parse through the remainder of the file, grab the state and region, and spit it all out in a nicely formatted CSV.
Hope that helps you!
I believe that PDFILL has an option in it that will convert a PDF file to Excell. Once in Excell you should have no problem converting to a CSV file.

Read excel file without using module

Can I read an excel file without using any module?
I tried like just reading a normal file and it printed binary characters; maybe because of encoding?
But reading csv files is working normally.
Excel files are binary files, and the format of the pre-2007 ones is apparently quite hairy. I believe .xlsx files are actually zipped XML, so unzipping them should yield something human-readable, but I've never tried it. Why do you want to not use a module though?
Some further reading, if you're interested:
Can I read an excel file without using any module?
In theory yes. In practice no.
An Excel XLS file is a binary file within a binary file. The first step would be to parse the Excel BIFF data out of the OLE COM document container. This data isn't necessarily in sequential order.
Then you have to parse the Excel BIFF data, allowing for differences between versions, a shared string table with different encodings and CONTINUE blocks that map large data records in a parser unfriendly way.
The Excel XLSX format is a little easier since it is a collection of XML files in a Zip container. However, if you aren't using modules then even that would be a pain.
The Perl modules that deal with Excel files represent hundreds of man hours of work. Expect to invest a similar amount of work to avoid them.
And why can't you use modules?
You can try figuring out the format of what an Excel spreadsheet looks like, code for that, and then use that in your program. Maybe write it as a module and submit it to CPAN. Wait a second! There's already a module like that there!
The whole purpose of CPAN is to prevent you from having to reinvent the wheel. You need to read an Excel spreadsheet, and someone has done the hard work to figure out how to do this, and is giving it to you free of charge. A $40,000 value1, and it's yours for free! The CPAN system makes installing modules fairly simple. You run the cpan command. There's no real reason to avoid modules that can save you hundreds of hours of work.
And, what type of modules do you avoid? Is it all modules, or is it only modules that are not included in the standard distribution. I hate to think you don't use things like File::Copy or Data::Dumper just because they're modules even though they're included by default in most Perl distributions.
1 Imagine hiring a team to write code to convert an Excel file, so it can be read by a Perl program. They'd have to figure the ins and outs of the file format, code for all sorts of edge cases, and run it through all sorts of tests to make sure it really works. A rough estimate if we don't include things like charts, embedded content, and remote data access would be about 200 man-hours, but only because it's actually has been documented.

How to most effectively automate repetitive Excel task?

I want to automate Excel using Perl to do the following task(s):
For a list of Excel .xls files, do the following:
Open the file
Set Format to CSV
Save the file under the original filename and directory, but replace the extension "xls" with "csv"
Close the file
I found how to open files, even how to save them. I did not find how to change the fileformat/save as a different format. There shall be no user dialogs popping up, it should be fully automated. The Excel file list I can generate myself, a parameterized "find" or maybe "dir" should suffice.
If you are using Excel automation a great help is Excel itself. Use the VBA environment (Alt+F11) to get help for the Excel objects you want to use.
The objectbrowser (F2) is very valuable.
Workbook.SaveAs([Filename], [FileFormat], [Password], [WriteResPassword], [ReadOnlyRecommended], [CreateBackup], [AccessMode As XlSaveAsAccessMode = xlNoChange], [ConflictResolution], [AddToMru], [TextCodepage], [TextVisualLayout], [Local])
Searching for CSV in the object browser will show Excel constants with their values, since you probably cannot use these Excel constants in Perl.
See Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and xls2csv, they will help you.

Create PDF from CSV on iPhone

An iPhone app which I am creating generates reports from a Core Data database as a CSV file, which can then be emailed so that the user may use that data elsewhere outside of the app. I would also like to offer the ability to generate the same reports as a PDF file (of course, with nicer formatting) allowing the user to immediately print the report rather than having to jump through several hoops as with the CSV file - i.e. open in another application (e.g. Excel, Numbers) then reformat the columns (so they are wide enough for printing), bold the headings, etc.
Essentially, I want to provide the PDF file so that the user is immediately given a nicely formatted report, and they only need to export the CSV file if they wish to do data manipulation and need a format which is editable.
I was thinking that the easiest method would be taking the CSV file and the converting this into a PDF file, which would be the same as the CSV except would incorporate nicer formatting (such as a tabular layout) rather than the simple comma-separated format of the CSV file. I have been unable to find any ready-made classes for this purpose (to avoid reinventing the wheel) and I am unsure how to approach this since I have limited experience with this aspect of the SDK. Any suggestions or pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.
You have two different problems:
Read CSV data into some structure in memory
Turn some structure in memory into a PDF
Aaron Saunders has posted some links for step 2, so here's a link for step 1:
That's a CSV parser I wrote that will turn your CSV file into an NSArray of NSArrays of NSStrings.