Hex combination of binary flags - numbers

Which of the following give back 63 as long (in Java) and how?
I'm working with NetworkManager API flags if that helps. I'm getting 63 from one of the operations but don't know how should I match the return value to the description.

63 is 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1, where | is the binary or operator.
Or in other words (in hex): 63 (which is 0x3F) is 0x20 | 0x10 | 0x8 | 0x4 | 0x2 | 0x1. If you look at them all in binary, it is obvious:
0x20 : 00100000
0x10 : 00010000
0x08 : 00001000
0x04 : 00000100
0x02 : 00000010
0x01 : 00000001
And 63 is:
0x3F : 00111111
If you're getting some return status and want to know what it means, you'll have to use binary and. For example:
if (status & 0x02)
Will execute if the flag 0x02 (that is, the 2nd bit from the right) is turned on in the returned status. Most often, these flags have names (descriptions), so the code above will read something like:
if (status & CONNECT_ERROR_FLAG)
Again, the status can be a combination of stuff:
// Check if both flags are set in the status
P.S.: To learn why this works, this is a nice article about binary flags and their combinations.

I'd give you the same answer as Chris: your return value 0x63 seems like a combination of all the flags you mention in your list (except 0x0).
When dealing with flags, one easy way to figure out by hand which flags are set is by converting all numbers to their binary representation. This is especially easy if you already have the numbers in hexadecimal, since every digit corresponds to four bits. First, your list of numbers:
0x01 0x02 0x04 ... 0x20
| | | |
| | | |
0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0100 ... 0010 0000
Now, if you take your value 63, which is 0x3F (= 3 * 161 + F * 160, where F = 15) in hexadecimal, it becomes:
0011 1111
You quickly see that the lower 6 bits are all set, which is an "additive" combination (bitwise OR) of the above binary numbers.

63 (decimal) equals 0x3F (hex). So 63 is a combination of all of the following flags:
Is that what you were looking for?


How to convert hex(base16) value of hash SHA-256 to Unsigned Integer(7) (base10) in Scala?

Logic which is working in Abinitio platform.
Lets take sample value as “123456789”, for which we need to generate SHA256 and convert into unsigned integer(7). Expected result - 40876285344408085
m_eval 'hash_SHA256("123456789")'
[void 0x15 0xe2 0xb0 0xd3 0xc3 0x38 0x91 0xeb 0xb0 0xf1 0xef 0x60 0x9e 0xc4 0x19 0x42 0x0c 0x20 0xe3 0x20 0xce 0x94 0xc6 0x5f 0xbc 0x8c 0x33 0x12 0x44 0x8e 0xb2 0x25]
m_eval 'string_to_hex(hash_SHA256("123456789"))'
m_eval '(unsigned integer(7)) reinterpret(hash_SHA256("123456789"))'
Scala Approach
println("Input Value : "+shaVal)
val shaCode="SHA-256"
val utf="UTF-8"
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(shaCode)
println("digest SHA-256 : "+digest)
val InpStr = StringUtils.stripStart(shaVal,"0")
println("InpStr : "+InpStr)
val hashUTF = digest.digest(InpStr.getBytes(utf))
println("hashUTF(UTF-8) : "+hashUTF.mkString(" "))
val hashBigInt= new BigInteger(1, digest.digest(InpStr.getBytes("UTF-8")))
println("hashBigInt : "+hashBigInt)
val HashKeyRes = String.format("%032x", hashBigInt)
println("HashKeyRes : "+HashKeyRes)
Console Output
hashUTF(UTF-16) : 21 -30 -80 -45 -61 56 -111 -21 -80 -15 -17 96 -98 -60 25 66 12 32 -29 32 -50 -108 -58 95 -68 -116 51 18 68 -114 -78 37
hashBigInt : 9899097673353459346982371669967256498000649460813128595014811958380719944229
HashKeyRes : 15e2b0d3c33891ebb0f1ef609ec419420c20e320ce94c65fbc8c3312448eb225
fromBase : 16
toBase : 10
So the hash key generated matches with the value, which is HEX format (Base16). But the expected output should be in(Base10) Unsigned Integer (7) as 40876285344408085

Simple sum in IJVM

Suppose we need to make a sum of two binary numbers in ijvm, for example:
100 + 11 = 111
Translating all in ijvm:
ILOAD arg1 //100
ILOAD arg2 // 11
Without making any changes to the code, what the content of the variable i ?
as they represented in ijvm numbers? A simple add enough to make a sum? Why do I need a shift right or left?
The byte code would look like
0x15 0x02
0x15 0x03
0x36 0x01
where 0x02 is the offset from LV to arg1, 0x03 is the offset from LV to arg2, and 0x01 is the offset from LV to i.
The local variable i would have 111 in it, if local variable arg1 has 100 and local variable arg2 has 11.
The stack would look like this before the IADD
011 <- SP
100 <- operand stack starts here
011 <- LV + 3
100 <- LV + 2
xxx <- LV + 1
xxx <- LV
The stack would look like this after the ISTORE
011 <- LV + 3
100 <- LV + 2
111 <- LV + 1
xxx <- LV
The code you supplied will perform the addition. You do not need to shift.
Response to comment about overflow:
Create a grid for adding two 2-bit numbers. 00 01 10 11 across the top and along the side.
| 00 01 10 11|
00| |
01| |
10| |
11| |
In the grid, show the result of the arithmetic, excluding overflow. Circle the entries that cause overflow. Such a table might give you a clue for detecting overflow, without looking at the carry bit.

Wiegand RFID reader VS USB RFID reader Raspberry PI

I have two Raspberry Pis running python code to retrieve the serial number of an RFID tag. One has an RFID reader with a Wiegand interface hooked to GPIO pins and other has an RFID reader that behaves like a keyboard connected over USB. However, I get different numbers from the two reader when scanning the same RFID tag.
For example, for one tag, I get 57924897 from the Raspberry Pi with the Wiegand reader and 0004591983 from the Raspberry Pi with the USB keyboard reader.
Can sombody explain the difference? Are both readers reading the same? Or are they just reading some different parameter?
Looking at those two values, it seems that you do not properly read and convert the value from the Wiegand interface.
The USB keyboard reader reads the serial number in 10 digit decimal form. A Wiegand reader typically trunkaes the serial number into a 26 bit value (1 parity bit + 8 bit site code + 16 bit tag ID + 1 parity bit).
So let's look at the two values that you get:
| USB keyboard | 0004591983 | 0046116F | 0000 0000 0100 0110 0001 0001 0110 1111 |
| Wiegand | 57924897 | 373DD21 | 1 1011 1001 1110 1110 1001 0000 1 |
When you take a close look at the binary representation of those two values, you will see that they correlate with each other:
USB keyboard: 0000 0000 0100 0110 0001 0001 0110 1111
Wiegand: 1 1011 1001 1110 1110 1001 0000 1
So it seems as if the Wiegand value matches the inverted value obtained from the USB keyboard reader:
USB keyboard: 0000 0000 0100 0110 0001 0001 0110 1111
NOT(Wiegand): 0 0100 0110 0001 0001 0110 1111 0
So the inverted value (logical NOT) from the Wiegand interface matches the value read by the USB reader.
Next, let's look at the two parity bits. The data over the Wiegand interface typically looks like:
b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 b16 b17 b18 b19 b20 b21 b22 b23 b24 b25
PE D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PO
The first line being the bits numbered as they arrive over the Wiegand wires. The second line being the same bits as they need to be interpreted by the receiver, where PE (b0) is an even parity bit over D23..D12 (b1..b12), PO (b25) is an odd parity bit over D11..D0 (b13..b24), and D23..D0 are the data bits representing an unsigned integer number.
So looking at your number, you would have received:
PE D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 PO
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
If we check the parity bits PE and PO, we get:
PE D23........D12
0 0100 0110 0001
contains 4 ones (1), hence even parity is met.
D21.........D0 PO
0001 0110 1111 0
contains 7 ones (1), hence odd parity is met.
So, to summarize the above, your code reading from the Wiegand interface does not properly handle the Wiegand data format. First, it does not trim the parity bits and second, it reads the bits with wrong polarity (zeros are ones and ones are zeros).
In order to get the correct number from the Wiegand reader, you either have to fix you code for reading from the Wiegand interface (to fix polarity, to skip the first and the last bit from the data value, and to possibly check the parity bits). Or you can take the value that you currently get, invert that value, and strip the lower and upper bits. In C, that would look something like this:
int unsigned currentWiegandValue = ...;
int unsigned newWiegandValue = ((~currentWiegandValue) >> 1) & 0x0FFFFFF;

MIDI and Bit Order

I'm stuck trying to format a MIDI Sys Ex message that a device keeps rejecting as invalid. The problem is a section of the message that involves a type of data encoding described below.
According to the manual,
the device "will encode/interpret a consecutive group of 4-bytes"
Byte #0 - b31b30b29b28b27b26b25b24
Byte #1 - b23b22b21b20b19b18b17b16
Byte #2 - b15b14b13b12b11b10b09b08
Byte #3 - b07b06b05b04b03b02b01b00
as the following 5 consecutive SysEx bytes:"
Byte #0 - 0 b06b05b04b03b02b01b00
Byte #1 - 0 b13b12b11b10b09b08b07
Byte #2 - 0 b20b19b18b17b16b15b14
Byte #3 - 0 b27b26b25b24b23b22b21
Byte #4 - 0 0 0 0 b31b30b29b28
where "b" is the bit number. Notice the bit numbering has been flipped. Which way are you supposed to read the bits? MIDI data is, by convention, reverse bit ordered (MSB=7), if that helps. Also, the manual notes that "all data types are in Motorola big-endian byte order."
Here's a description of the message I'm trying to format correctly -
"A command will allow a consecutive group of one to four bytes to be edited. When 3 or less bytes are specified the device expects the Parameter Value field to be bit ordered as if it was performing a full 32-bit (4 byte) parameter change. For example, when editing a two byte parameter, Byte #0 will occupy the bit range of b24-b31, while Byte #1 will occupy bits b16-b23. The remaining bits (b00-b15) in the parameter value field should be set to zero."
bb Parameter Offset - 0 b06b05b04b03b02b01b00
bb Parameter Offset - 0 b13b12b11b10b09b08b07
bb Parameter Offset - 0 b20b19b18b17b16b15b14
bb Parameter Offset - 0 b27b26b25b24b23b22b21
bb Parameter Offset - 0 0 0 0 b31b30b29b28
0b Parameter Byte Size (1 to 4)
bb Parameter Value - 0 b06b05b04b03b02b01b00
bb Parameter Value - 0 b13b12b11b10b09b08b07
bb Parameter Value - 0 b20b19b18b17b16b15b14
bb Parameter Value - 0 b27b26b25b24b23b22b21
bb Parameter Value - 0 0 0 0 b31b30b29b28
So, when trying to enter offset values of 15H, 16H, 17H, and 18H, with respective values of let's say 00, 01, 02, 03 respectively, how would I encode those hex values, or do I even need to encode them? If I do need to, which direction do I write the bits so the binary values are correct?
When written, the order of bits in a byte is always big-endian, i.e., MSB first.
This can be confirmed by the fact that the MSB must be zero for data bytes.
Four bytes:
15h -> 00010101
16h -> 00010110
17h -> 00010111
18h -> 00011000
SysEx bytes:
0 0011000 -> 18h
0 0101110 -> 2eh
0 1011000 -> 58h
0 0101000 -> 28h
0000 0001 -> 01h
Four bytes:
01 -> 00000001
02 -> 00000010
03 -> 00000011
04 -> 00000100
SysEx bytes:
0 0000100 -> 04h
0 0000110 -> 06h
0 0001000 -> 08h
0 0001000 -> 08h
0000 0000 -> 00h
The basic approach to this conversion is to combine the four 8-bit values into a 32-bit value and then successively move the least significant seven bits into five bytes. Here's a sample program that does what you need.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void convert(uint8_t byte0, uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2, uint8_t byte3, uint8_t *outBytes) {
uint32_t inBytes = byte0 << 24 | byte1 << 16 | byte2 << 8 | byte3; //combine the input bytes into a single 32-bit value
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
outBytes[i] = inBytes & 0x7F; //Copy the least significant seven bits into the next byte in the output array
inBytes >>= 7; //Shift right to discard the seven bits that were copied
void printByteArray(uint8_t *byteArray) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
printf("Byte %d: %02xh\n", i, byteArray[i]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
uint8_t sysExBytes[5]; //Five bytes to contain the converted SysExData
convert(0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, sysExBytes);
convert(0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, sysExBytes);
return 0;
Byte 0: 18h
Byte 1: 2eh
Byte 2: 58h
Byte 3: 28h
Byte 4: 01h
Byte 0: 03h
Byte 1: 04h
Byte 2: 04h
Byte 3: 00h
Byte 4: 00h
Your question is a bit confusing. 1 byte is 8 bits, therefore the following lines:
Byte - #0 b31b30b29b28b27b26b25b24
Byte - #1 b23b22b21b20b19b18b17b16
Byte - #2 b15b14b13b12b11b10b09b08
Byte - #3 b07b06b05b04b03b02b01b00
Do not make sense to me. The first line #0 has 8 bytes in it. I did some searching and this is a better explanation (http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~ich/classes/mumt306/midiformat.pdf). Taking the contents from page 2 and editing them for clarity.
Offset | Byte 0 | Byte 1 | Byte 2 | Byte 3
-------- bits | 24-31 | 16-23 | 8-15 | 0-7
00000000 | 00 | | |
00000040 | 40 | | |
0000007F | 7F | | |
00000080 | 81 | 00 | |
00002000 | C0 | 00 | |
00003FFF | FF | 7F | | <--- example
00004000 | 81 | 80 | 00 |
00100000 | C0 | 80 | 00 |
001FFFFF | FF | FF | 7F |
00200000 | 81 | 80 | 80 | 00
08000000 | C0 | 80 | 80 | 00
0FFFFFFF | FF | FF | FF | 7F
Example at offset 3FFF
Hex format 0xFF7F_0000 (32-bit number, unused bits are 0)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Does this help?

DEFLATE Encoding with static Huffman Codes

need some help to understand how DEFLATE Encoding works. I know that is a combination of the LZSS algorithm and Huffman coding.
So let encode for example "Deflate late". Params: [Search buffer: 8kb and Look-ahead buffer 4kb] Well, the output of LZSS algorithm is "Deflate <5, 4>" The next step uses static huffman coding to reduce the redundancy. Here is my problem, I dont know how should i encode this pair <5, 4> with huffman.
D 000
f 001
l 010
a 011
t 100
_ 101
e 11
So well, according to this table the string "Deflate " is written as 000 11 001 010 011 100 11 101. As a next step lets encode the pair (5, 4). The fixed prefix code of the length 4 according to the book "Data Compression - The Complete Reference" is 258, followed by fixed prefix code of the distance 5 (Code 4 + 1 Extra bit).
That can be summarized as:
length 4 -> 258 -> 0000010
distance 5 -> 4 + 1 extra bit -> 00100|0
So, the encoded string is written as [header: 1 01] 000 11 001 010 011 100 11 101 0000010 001000 [end-of-block: 0000000], BUT if i create a huffman tree, it is not a static huffman anymore, right?
Good day
D 000
f 001
l 010
a 011
t 100
_ 101
e 11
is not the Deflate static code. The static literal/length codes are all 7, 8, or 9 bits, and the distance codes are all 5 bits. You asked about the static codes.
'Deflate late' encoded in static deflate format as the literals 'Deflate ' and a length 4, distance 5 match in hex is:
73 49 4d cb 49 2c 49 55 00 11 00
That is broken down as follows (bits are read from the least significant part of each byte first):
011 - 01 means fixed code, 1 means last block
00101110 - D
10101001 - e
01101001 - f
00111001 - l
10001001 - a
00100101 - t
10101001 - e
00001010 - space
0100000 - length 4
00100 - distance 5 or 6 depending on one extra bit
0 - extra bit -> distance 5
0000000 - end code
0 - fill bit to byte boundary