NServiceBus MSMQ Send question - msmq

I have trouble sending a message via NServiceBus. I have an ASP.Net MVC web app, developing on Win7 x64, I have configured my web.config as
<MsmqTransportConfig InputQueue="worker" ErrorQueue="error" NumberOfWorkerThreads="1" MaxRetries="5" />
<add Messages="PricingInformation.Messages" Endpoint="worker2" />
</MessageEndpointMappings> </UnicastBusConfig>
In application_start I wire up the following:
var bus = NServiceBus.Configure.WithWeb()
When the action I'm interested happens in the app I fire
public override void HandleEvent(SupplierPricingUpdatedEvent updatedEvent)
bus.Send(new ModelSupplierDetailsUpdatedMessage() {Id = updatedEvent.Id})
ModelSupplierDetailsUpdatedMessage is simple class in PricingInformation.Messages using interface marker IMessage and decorated with Serializable attribute.
The MSMQ queues are setup, not transactional, and everyone including NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSRS have full control (in deseperate troubleshooting measures)
log4net shows the following:
DEBUG NServiceBus.Utils.MsmqUtilities 14 - Checking if queue exists: worker.
DEBUG NServiceBus.Utils.MsmqUtilities 14 - Checking if queue exists: error.
DEBUG NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus Worker.15 - Calling 'HandleBeginMessage' on NServiceBus.SagaPersisters.NHibernate.NHibernateMessageModule
INFO NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus Worker.15 - worker initialized.
DEBUG NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus Worker.15 - Calling 'HandleEndMessage' on NServiceBus.SagaPersisters.NHibernate.NHibernateMessageModule
DEBUG NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus 9 - Sending message PricingInformation.Messages.ModelSupplierDetailsUpdatedMessage, PricingInformation.Messages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null with ID 2c642672-1bf1-48d4-a90f-734e2fdd726d\8267 to destination worker2.
Yet no matter what I try, and what I tweak (been three hours at it already) the message never appears in the queue. I cant find an exception and i have debug level logging on everything.. Its probably something simple help

The problem is that if you manually set up your queues as non-transactional, then it won't work. Setting the NServiceBus "IsTransactional" property to false doesn't mean you can work with non-transactional queues.
Please try deleting the queues and recreating them as transactional or, if you're using the beta of v2.0, just letting NServiceBus create the queues for you.


Restcomm - Solving SMSC GW 7.2 configuration failures

We configured the latest version (7.2) SMSC-GW to work on on our server with the environment (cassandra and such). However, after setting up everything. Some failures are appearing (which did not appear in previous versions).
Firstly, when connecting the simulators and the gateway using the default settings (JSS7 <-> SMSCGW <-> SMPP)
JSS7 is connected and sending, but no response is received.
SMPP is connected to SMSC-GW and the EMSE is bound. SMPP tries to send to SS7 but receives a response PDU packet failure from the SMSC-GW
I tried configuring DB routing rules, but that did not work.
Also, the log in the SMSC-GW server is frequently displaying the following message:
16:00:28,504 INFO [SchedulerResourceAdaptor] (pool-56-thread-1) Not all SBB are running now: ServicesDownList=[smscTxSmppServerServiceState, smscRxSmppServerServiceState, smscTxSipServerServiceState, smscRxSipServerServiceState, smscTxHttpServerServiceState, moServiceState, homeRoutingServiceState, mtServiceState, alertServiceState, chargingServiceState, ]
And the JSS7 management console GUI is displaying this (which looks wrong):
So are these the source of the SMSC-GW failures?
UPDATE: I found this error in the server.log
2017-02-02 10:57:42,005 WARN [org.mobicents.slee.container.deployment.jboss.SleeContainerDeployerImpl] (SLEE-InternalDeployer-thread-1) SLEE DUs not deployed, due to missing dependencies: file:/home/coreteam/kitchensink/restcomm-smsc-7.2.109/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/simulator/deploy/smsc-services-du-7.2.109.jar/
Followed by:
2017-02-02 14:41:17,450 WARN [org.mobicents.slee.container.deployment.jboss.DeploymentManager] (main) Unable to INSTALL smsc-services-du-7.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar right now. Waiting for dependencies to be resolved.
Solved it quite a while ago, but thought I would share. I just simply installed the SipRA missing dependency by adding the following in the deploy-config.xml file:
<property name="javax.sip.PORT" type="java.lang.Integer" value="5060" />
<ra-link name="SipRA" />
In the $JBOSS_HOME/server/profile_name/deploy/restcomm-slee directory.
I set the port to some other value since that number was already taken by some other service.
The smsc-services-du-7.2.109.jar then installed automatically the next time I ran the SMSC-GW.

Handling connection failures in apache-camel

I am writing an apache-camel RabbitMQ consumer. I would like to react somehow to connection problems (i.e. try to reconnect). Is it possible to configure apache-camel to automatically reconnect?
If not, how can I find out that a connection to the queue was interrupted? I've done the following test:
start the queue (and some producer)
start my consumer (it was getting messages as expected)
stop the queue (the messages stopped arriving, as expected, but no exception was thrown)
start the queue (no new messages were received)
I am using camel in Scala (via akka-camel), but a Java solution would be probably also OK
You can pass in the flag automaticRecoveryEnabled=true to the URI, Camel will reconnect if the connection is lost.
For automatic RabbitMQ resource recovery (Connections/Channels/Consumers/Queues/Exchanages/Bindings) when failures occur, check out Lyra (which I authored). Example usage:
Config config = new Config()
.withRecoveryPolicy(new RecoveryPolicy()
ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions().withHost("localhost");
Connection connection = Connections.create(options, config);
The rest of the API is just the amqp-client API, except your resources are automatically recovered when failures occur.
I'm not sure about camel-rabbitmq specifically, but hopefully there's a way you can swap in your own resource creation via Lyra.
Current camel-rabbitmq just create a connection and the channel when the consumer or producer is started. So it don't have a chance to catch the connection exception :(.

JBoss MDB - JMSBytesMessage class cast exception

I'm working on an EJB3 MDB that listen to a MQ queue in a distant server.
All is working fine (MDB triggered when a message is put into the listenned queue) except the treatment done by the MDB. For information, i use WMQ resource adapter to map the queue.
Into the method 'onMessage' of the MDB, i try to cast the given message into the class 'com.ibm.jms.JMSBytesMessage', but i get a strange error message.
The code is the following one (simple for the example):
public void onMessage(Message theMessage) {
((JMSBytesMessage) theMessage).readBytes(myBytes);
And the exception message:
Exception while reading input request: com.ibm.jms.JMSBytesMessage incompatible with com.ibm.jms.JMSBytesMessage
Ok, the message received should be (and is) type 'com.ibm.jms.JMSBytesMessage', so why the application doesn't work ? Should it be possible that my JBoss server already use another version of the library 'com.ibm.mqjms.jar' (including the JMSBytesMessage class) and cause this kind of error ?
ps: i've deployed the application on a JBoss server version 4.2.3 under linux system.
I've already make the application work on my local machine with same version of JBoss server but under window system (same configuration, same libraries, etc.)
Does someone have an idea about the reason of such error ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDIT: SOLUTION: cast with javax.jms.BytesMessage instead of com.ibm.jms.JMSBytesMessage
Might as well reproduce my comment as answer:
Don't cast to the MQ-specific com.ibm.jms.JMSBytesMessage, cast to the JMS-standard javax.jms.BytesMessage. Coupling your code to the implementation-specific types is counter to what JMS tries to achieve.

NServiceBus pipeline with Distributors

I'm building a processing pipeline with NServiceBus but I'm having trouble with the configuration of the distributors in order to make each step in the process scalable. Here's some info:
The pipeline will have a master process that says "OK, time to start" for a WorkItem, which will then start a process like a flowchart.
Each step in the flowchart may be computationally expensive, so I want the ability to scale out each step. This tells me that each step needs a Distributor.
I want to be able to hook additional activities onto events later. This tells me I need to Publish() messages when it is done, not Send() them.
A process may need to branch based on a condition. This tells me that a process must be able to publish more than one type of message.
A process may need to join forks. I imagine I should use Sagas for this.
Hopefully these assumptions are good otherwise I'm in more trouble than I thought.
For the sake of simplicity, let's forget about forking or joining and consider a simple pipeline, with Step A followed by Step B, and ending with Step C. Each step gets its own distributor and can have many nodes processing messages.
NodeA workers contain a IHandleMessages processor, and publish EventA
NodeB workers contain a IHandleMessages processor, and publish Event B
NodeC workers contain a IHandleMessages processor, and then the pipeline is complete.
Here are the relevant parts of the config files, where # denotes the number of the worker, (i.e. there are input queues NodeA.1 and NodeA.2):
<MsmqTransportConfig InputQueue="NodeA.#" ErrorQueue="error" NumberOfWorkerThreads="1" MaxRetries="5" />
<UnicastBusConfig DistributorControlAddress="NodeA.Distrib.Control" DistributorDataAddress="NodeA.Distrib.Data" >
<MsmqTransportConfig InputQueue="NodeB.#" ErrorQueue="error" NumberOfWorkerThreads="1" MaxRetries="5" />
<UnicastBusConfig DistributorControlAddress="NodeB.Distrib.Control" DistributorDataAddress="NodeB.Distrib.Data" >
<add Messages="Messages.EventA, Messages" Endpoint="NodeA.Distrib.Data" />
<MsmqTransportConfig InputQueue="NodeC.#" ErrorQueue="error" NumberOfWorkerThreads="1" MaxRetries="5" />
<UnicastBusConfig DistributorControlAddress="NodeC.Distrib.Control" DistributorDataAddress="NodeC.Distrib.Data" >
<add Messages="Messages.EventB, Messages" Endpoint="NodeB.Distrib.Data" />
And here are the relevant parts of the distributor configs:
Distributor A:
<add key="DataInputQueue" value="NodeA.Distrib.Data"/>
<add key="ControlInputQueue" value="NodeA.Distrib.Control"/>
<add key="StorageQueue" value="NodeA.Distrib.Storage"/>
Distributor B:
<add key="DataInputQueue" value="NodeB.Distrib.Data"/>
<add key="ControlInputQueue" value="NodeB.Distrib.Control"/>
<add key="StorageQueue" value="NodeB.Distrib.Storage"/>
Distributor C:
<add key="DataInputQueue" value="NodeC.Distrib.Data"/>
<add key="ControlInputQueue" value="NodeC.Distrib.Control"/>
<add key="StorageQueue" value="NodeC.Distrib.Storage"/>
I'm testing using 2 instances of each node, and the problem seems to come up in the middle at Node B. There are basically 2 things that might happen:
Both instances of Node B report that it is subscribing to EventA, and also that NodeC.Distrib.Data#MYCOMPUTER is subscribing to the EventB that Node B publishes. In this case, everything works great.
Both instances of Node B report that it is subscribing to EventA, however, one worker says NodeC.Distrib.Data#MYCOMPUTER is subscribing TWICE, while the other worker does not mention it.
In the second case, which seem to be controlled only by the way the distributor routes the subscription messages, if the "overachiever" node processes an EventA, all is well. If the "underachiever" processes EventA, then the publish of EventB has no subscribers and the workflow dies.
So, my questions:
Is this kind of setup possible?
Is the configuration correct? It's hard to find any examples of configuration with distributors beyond a simple one-level publisher/2-worker setup.
Would it make more sense to have one central broker process that does all the non-computationally-intensive traffic cop operations, and only sends messages to processes behind distributors when the task is long-running and must be load balanced?
Then the load-balanced nodes could simply reply back to the central broker, which seems easier.
On the other hand, that seems at odds with the decentralization that is NServiceBus's strength.
And if this is the answer, and the long running process's done event is a reply, how do you keep the Publish that enables later extensibility on published events?
The problem you have is that your nodes don't see each others list of subscribers. The reason you're having that problem is that your trying out a production scenario (scale-out) under the default NServiceBus profile (lite) which doesn't support scale-out but makes single-machine development very productive.
To solve the problem, run the NServiceBus host using the production profile as described on this page:
That will let different nodes share the same list of subscribers.
Other than that, your configuration is right on.

Workflow Services Persistence not working

I have created a state workflow service and set its persistance in app.config.
<add type="System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting.SqlWorkflowPersistenceService, System.Workflow.Runtime, Version=3.0.00000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
connectionString="Initial Catalog=WFPersistence;Data Source=LUKA-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Everything is OK when UNLoadONIdle is set to false, but when I set it to true, and the client call the method that the workflow service expose... it hangs and after some time it trows the following error:
The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9985354. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
Resolved!!! The problem were the Custom objects references I had in workflow. So I declared them [Serializable] and now it works.