iPhone: rendering of different views possible? - iphone

I have a problem, I can't solve properly.
In short: I want to create a single view (say: UIImageView) out of multiple subviews - i.e. it consists out of multiple ImageViews and TextViews. The thing is, I want to sort of 'render' them to be a single View.
Say, I take an image, add some description below, add a title above, and maybe another little image at the bottom. I want this whole thing to be a single UIImage to make it sort of 'listen' to one (e.g.) swiping gesture, which I cant tell to bring the new image to display.
Does anyone know the best way to achieve this? So far my results were fairly poor.
Any hints are welcome!

This is definitely possible. You seem to know about views and subviews, but should also read up on the "UIResponder" class and the "responder chain". The master view that you want to contain them all won't be a UIImageView, though, because that exists to just show an image. You can make all the ones you talk about subviews (addSubview: or in Interface Builder) of a plain UIView that you subclass yourself (say, MyContainerView), which then itself handles the gestures. If you want to take advantage of free scrolling on swipe, you could instead put your container view into a UIScrollView, which has its own set of semantics that you can leverage. For this latter, you should check out Apple's sample code for scroll views (don't have a link handy but should be easy to find) which embeds multiple image views in a scroll view.


Better to use UIScrollView or UITableView for horizontal buttons?

I have a page enabled scrollview on an iPad. On the first page, I have a child scrollview that scrolls horizontally through image buttons. The buttons scroll the outer scroll view to the correct page. Its basically like a table of contents that jumps to the correct page.
My end goal is to be able to categorize the buttons seen in the child scroll view. So there would be a segmented control that changes what buttons you can see. So maybe one category would be ALL, and another category would be A-M, and another would be N-Z for example.
My question is, should I use a uiscrollview or a uitableview?
Right now I use a scrollview and it is really easy to get the buttons in. I could implement the different categories kind of gimmicky by having all of the buttons in the scrollview and then just showing or hiding the buttons accordingly. I feel that it'd be bad memory usage though.
For a uiscrollview i was looking at using EasyTableView, butI'm not 100% sure if this is compatible with what i want to do or if it'd even be better.
Any ideas for what the best way to implement this is? Specifically, I'm not sure of the best way to change the buttons when I change categories.
Use a tableview when you are dealing with data that is best expressed as sections and rows.
I think for your situation I'd have a UIView subclass that can display the images you need for a given category. Stick that on the outer scrollview as needed. You can keep memory low by only keeping the currently visible view and the ones on either side on the scrollview. When you scroll to a new location you can recreate the view needed for that page, and the ones surrounding it. Then you release the ones that are far away and let the system reclaim their memory if needed.

Iphone - Drawing into a view : philosophy and interactions

I've understood that I need to subclass a UIView t be able to draw inside it.
The thing I don't understand yet, is the philosophy of the way i must be done...
Let's say I have a view controller, and depending on context, I may want to draw a line into one of the subviews it manages, or a circle, or a rect, or a processed graphic. Or lets say two points that are moving inside a view into a defined rect and that display a bigger point when they are close.
How may I subclass and define the subview to make it able to do this only into its drawRect method ?
How does the controller, that manages more than this simple UIView (let's imagine you have a view controller that manages a view inside which there are many other view, and you want to make some drawings in two of them), and that knows what is needed to be drawn into the correct view (it's a controller, isn't it ?), may interact with the views ? And when the drawing is done, how may the views interact with the controller ?
I've read many doc about drawings (apple, web, forums, tutorials, ...), but I still can't touch the philosophy of the way this must be done.
it's very simple. Make a new class, OliverView, which is a UIView. (ie, it is a subclass of UIView.) In that view, make it draw stuff in a fancy way, inside drawRect.
Now make a UIViewController, called OliverVC. In storyboard put an OliverView inside OliverVC. (beginner explanation of how to do that).
In the OliverView, have properties "hours", "minutes", "seconds".
Now, in OliverView - in the drawRect - have a fancy way to display those values. (Pie chart, glowing letters, animation - whatever you want.)
Now, up in OliverVC, do some calculations to determine the time in Zimbabwe, for example.
Once you want a time displayed, simply set those properties in OliverView - - and you are done.
Your colleague could be programming the OliverView. You need know nothing about how she is going to display the time. Conversely, your colleague need know nothing about your calculations in OliverVC..
So, it's simpleL One part has the job of displaying the data. One part has the job of coming up with the data (doing whatever sort of calculation is relevant in the app).
It's the only architecture possible in a "real time" screen device where the views can and do change at any time.
In answer to your question below: you've forgotten that quite simply, if you have a button that would be a whole separate element. (Perhaps sitting "on top of" the OliverView.) So, it's easy!
The -drawRect method in your UIView subclass defines the onscreen appearance of the view. All drawing is done in -drawRect. Your UIViewController calls methods on its UIView to tell it to draw something differently or to perform some other action.
The UIViewController manages everything to do with the view that is not inherently associated with the drawing of the content. Data associated with the view is often stored in the controller.

How to stack/z-position multiple UIElements (uilabel, uiimageview, etc) on top of each other?

I've got several UI elements on my screen (programmatically) and am in need of an efficient way to give each subview a z-index setting, so I can stack certain elements over others.
Does anyone have a solution to this?
The plain -addSubview: method will add the new view on top of its siblings.
There are also a bunch of methods like bringSubviewToFront:, insertSubview:belowSubview:, etc. that you can use to manipulate the ordering, listed under "Managing the View Hierarchy" in the UIView Reference

How to increase the scrolling performance in my table view with images in iphone?

I am new to iPhone development. I am parsing a xml and display the title, date, contents and image in the cell. Now the scrolling is not smooth, it is stuck.
How can I increase it? I have already applied lazy loading in another view, I am not able to apply in the new view. So how can I increase the scrolling performance? Can I check for any condition that if image is already loaded in the image view, so I can stop once again the loading of image view?
What I do to guarantee fast scrolling in a table is to subclass my own UITableViewCell where I implement all properties that I need.
Whenever that tablecell is initialized I draw the properties of the cell on the cell itself. So when you need an image on there, dont use an UIImageView, but just draw the image on the cell. Also all the text I need I just draw on there.
After a long stuggle finding out how to do all this, I also found a nice blog post about this.
First of all, check if you're not resizing the images - that takes a lot of computing power, and will slow down the table for sure.
Second of all, check for view hierarchy - complicated view hierarchy means bad performance. Rembemer to use as much opaque views as possible, and when you're using non-opaque views don't make the cells too complex(by complex Apple means three or more custom views). If the views are too complex - use drawRect method for custom drawing of the content.
There's a great example on how to achieve this provided by Apple called AdvancedTableViewCell (here's a link), and there's a great tutorial by Apple about table view cells (another link).

Nested UIScrollView-iPhone photos application

I have been facing the same nested UIScrollView problem for long time.I tried some open source codes like Scrolling madness ,three-20 and others but all fails finaly.I am trying to make a photo Viewer application same as iPhone.For that I have created the structure like this:-
1)one View controller.
2)on view of view controller one UIScrollView (i.e inner/parent scroll view) as a child.
3)on inner/parent scroll view number of child scroll views(i.e. outer/child scroll views) ,each represents one page of photos application.
4)On each scroll view one image View on which i am displaying my image.
So what I want is when user scrolls the outer scroll view it should scroll horizontally with all the child views so I will get the look and feel of paging in photos application.Also when user is on one specific image(i.e. child/outer scroll view) he should be able to zoom in/out,swipes and perform single/double tapping.I was able to make it work in sdk 2.1,but it dosnt work since sdk 3.0.Please tell me the idea behind your project.Means which scroll view you are subclassing ,in which view to detect touches.How this completely child - parent relation should be.
If possible provide any sample code also.
There is a WWDC session from 2010 that deals with this very issue.
Here's the short of it:
You need a single scroll view that is paginated and scrolls horizontally. Each "page" of that scroll view is another scroll view containing a photo.
First, it looks like you want to subclass UIScrollView? Every interaction method you need is provided for you in either the delegate callbacks or the touch methods. (Many of Apple's more advanced classes, such as UIScrollView, react poorly to subclassing.)
Second, it sounds like you have a first responder problem. IOW, your innermost scrollview isn't getting the first crack at the touch events.
I also struggled with this for a long time trying samples you mentioned. I could finally figure it out with the samples provided by apple (iphone dev center).
The first one is pretty basic and probably what u already have. The second one is all about zooming, etc. Just study these and the samples you already have, I think you will be able to figure it out. On specific topics just come back here search for answers or post another question.
EDIT: I forgot this one check out these examples by Andrey Tarantsov hosted on github. This is what you want... http://github.com/andreyvit/ScrollingMadness