iPhone Application in spanish using foreign characters - iphone

I'm making an iphone application using some Spanish characters. All of these characters are being included on a various text files. The matter is that when I import the data using NSMutableArrays or NSData objects, all the special characters was replaced for strange symbols. I try to solve this problem using for all text files UTF-8 enconder but no changes.

Thanks for the tip. I solved the problem. When we're working with spanish characters we need to implement the serializable object with the following method of NSString class:
(id)stringWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path encoding:(NSStringEncoding)enc error:(NSError **)error
You'll need to pass "enc". I used "4" and working for me. Regards.

Try using different encodings—using UTF-8 will only work if the text is actually in that encoding, which it apparently isn't. For example, try ISO Latin-1 or MacRoman.


Saving non-English (Hindi, Chinese, etc.) to SQLite

I am working on an iPhone app where I need to save some data in non-English languages, for example, Hindi, Chinese, Arabic, etc. to an SQLite database. Is it possible to do it?
I have tried to search about it on the web, but I could not find anything. So I am not sure if it is possible.
Frameworks on iOS will "just work". They'll use appropriate string encodings to cover Unicode, which includes all written languages. SQLite will use UTF-8, so that's fine too. If you don't mess with the string by using C-style encodings or messing with the string bytes directly, you should have no problem.
If you do mess with the string bytes directly (like modifying characters based on an index, where the index is bad) then you may have problems, because you might accidentally create something that's not valid UTF-8. There's more detail on that in this answer. But that's almost never necessary, and even in that case it was never clear how people had managed to corrupt their data.
sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [mySQL cStringUsingEncoding: [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]
defaultCStringEncoding is for taking only English.
NSUTF8StringEncoding is for taking any language.
Change defaultCStringEncoding to NSUTF8StringEncoding.

How to avoid UTF8 characters inside my NSDictionary?

i'm saving a NSString inside an NSArray and that NSArray inside an NSDictionary. While doing this, a process inside my NSDictionary notifies me if my string is like Hi I'm XYZ. Then in the place of single quote the appropriate UTF character is getting stored.
So how to avoid this or how can I get my actual text along with special characters from NSArray or from my NSDictionary?
Any help is thankful.
NSString internally uses Unicode characters. So it easily can handle all sorts of characters from different languages.
You cannot choose the internal encodig of NSString. It's always Unicode. If you have an encoding problem, then you have either created the NSString instance incorrectly or you have output the instance the wrong way.
And there's no such thing as an UTF character.
Please better describe your problem and show the relevant source code.

Stig JSON library parse error: How do you accommodate new lines in JSON?

I have some xml that is coming back from a web service. I in turn use xslt to turn that xml into json (I am turning someone else's xml service into a json-based service). My service, which is now outputting JSON, is consumed by my iphone app using the de facto iphone json framework, SBJSON.
The problem is, using the [string JSONValue] method chokes, and I can see that it's due to line breaks. Lo and behold, even the FAQ tells me the problem but I don't know how to fix it.
The parser fails to parse string X
Are you sure it's legal JSON? This framework is really strict, so won't accept stuff that (apparently) several validators accepts. In particular, literal TAB, NEWLINE or CARRIAGE RETURN (and all other control characters) characters in string tokens are disallowed, but can be very difficult to spot. (These characters are allowed between tokens, of course.)
If you get something like the below (the number may vary) then one of your strings has disallowed Unicode control characters in it.
NSLocalizedDescription = "Unescaped control character '0x9'";
I have tried using a line such as: NSString *myString = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\n" withString:#"\\n"];
But that doesn't work. My xml service is not coming back as CDATA. The xml does have a line break in it as far as I can tell (how would I confirm this). I just want to faithfully transmit the line break into JSON.
I have actually spent an entire day on this, so it's time to ask. I have no pride anymore.
Thanks alot
Escaping a new line character should work. So following line should ideally work. Just check if your input also contains '\r' character.
NSString *myString = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\n" withString:#"\\n"];
You can check which control character is present in the string using any editor which supports displaying all characters (non-displayable characters as well). e.g. using Notepad++ you can view all characters contained in a string.
It sounds like your XSLT is not working, in that it is not producing legal JSON. This is unsurprising, as producing correctly formatted JSON strings is not entirely trivial. I'm wondering if it would be simpler to just use the standard XML library to parse the XML into data structures that your app can consume.
I don't have a solution for you, but I usually use CJSONSerializer and CJSONDeserializer from the TouchJSON project and it is pretty reliable, I have never had a problem with line breaks before. Just a thought.

Displaying accents and other UTF-8 characters in a UILabel

I have a little app which lists the names of certain people from around the world, and some of those names use characters that are not normal ASCII characters, like DÌaz, or ThÈrËse for example.
The strings show up in Xcode just fine, but when I put them in a UILabel, they behave unexpectedly.
My question is: Is there a way to set up a UILabel to to take the exact string in Xcode, and display it properly, even if it is a UTF-8 character (or any other character encoding for that matter)?
UIKit fully supports unicode, your problem is most likely the encoding of the source file. You can set that in the inspector (Xcode 4: ⌘⌥1) under "Text Settings". Make sure it is UTF-8 as well.
Alternative: Use unicode escapes like #"\u2605" (should display ★).
Try to encode the String:
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithCString:value encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

Handling special charaters æ,ø,å in objective c - iphone

I have a UILabel which I change through the code. However when I create a NSString with the charaters æ,ø,å(Danish) I get an input conversion warning. The code look as this:
NSString *label=[[NSString alloc]initWithFormat:#"Prøv igen"];
And the warning I get is this - warning: input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8. I can understand that ø is probably not an UTF encoding but what to do? Anyone who can give me a hint about what to do to solves this?
Your source code is not saved as UTF-8, but most likely as something like ISO-8859-1.
Just open the file and re-save it as UTF-8 - and while you're at it, you should probably also make that the default. Exactly how to do that depends on what editor you're using.
Make sure your file text encoding is set to UTF-8, not Western (ISO) or something else. You can use the Xcode file info inspector to do this.
Make sure it says Unicode (UTF-8) for the File Encoding. If it asks you, tell it to reinterpret your file with the new encoding. Also, you may want to delete the problematic text and reinput it to get it to work.
I had the same problem, but my source code files were already UTF-8 encoded so I fix it in a different way.
In your case, it would have been something like
NSString *label=[NSString stringWithUTF8String"Prøv igen"];
I hope this will be helpful for others who stumble on this question