UISlider Update inside UITableViewCell - iphone

I have a custom UITableViewCell that contains a UISlider control and a UILabel which shows the current text value for the slider position. I want to update the label as the slider knob is dragged. Here are the basic elements.
This routine takes data and updates the slider value and the label associated with it.
This routine reads the slider value updates the data.
It then calls [table reloadData] so the label gets updated.
Somehow the reloadData is interrupting the flow of updates. If I substitute NSLog instead of reloadData I get a nice stream of updates showing the value of the slider. In an attempt to prevent looping I put in tests to not set the slider value or call reloadData unless the value was different. That didn't fix things.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The problem is being caused by the [table reloadData] which appears to be creating a new Cell object so updates the same slider aren't working. The correct implementation was to get the referenced cell inside the sliderValueChanged routine and set the label from there. Set a tag to the slider to indicate the row and then call the method to get the cell with the index path.

Stuff like this happened to me. Go to build settings and look for a compiler flagged called "Enable floating point library calls". Make sure it's disabled. See if that helps you.


looping through uitableview sections to change section header frame

I have a grouped UITableView with many sections, however, I want to iterate through these sections after i tap a UIButton, so viewForHeaderInSection is useless in this case, I want to iterate through sections to change their headers frames, Im struggling to do it but to no avail until now.
I'd be grateful to anyone who helps me with this.
viewForHeaderInSection gets called every time you call ReloadData on a table view.
So you could have a Boolean that gets set to yes every time your button is pressed, and also call reloadData in the button's action. In viewForHeaderInSection, check the value of the bool, if it's true, set the size to what you want when the button is pressed, if false set it to the normal size.
I hope this helps.
After you header view's datasource iterated and changed in whichever you wish way, call
[mytable reloadData]
And your header views are redrawn. Simple and clearly you have not tried that before asking, next time do it.

image is reverting to original when scrolling uitableview

I have a button inside each cell. When it's pressed, the image is changed (basically a checkbox) to denote a selection. When you scroll to the bottom ... then scroll back up to the top. The image is reverted to the original image.
This question is pretty similar to this:
Preserve Cell Image After Scrolling UITableView
And others. But, I can't seem to find a good answer. I understand that's it's reverting back to how the uitableview is setup when the cell goes off the screen. But, how do I save the changed image to the uitableview so when it scrolls it doesn't revert to the original?
Thanks in advance! =)
It's changing back because cells are reused. When your cell is going off the screen it is taken out of the view and put back into the reuse pool. Then you're getting it out of the queue again in cellForRowAtIndexPath and setting it back up as the default.
The question you linked to is exactly what you should follow. You should store the state of your cell in your view controller and then when you set it up again in cellForRowAtIndexPath you should load that state and set up the cell appropriately.
One simple way for your method would be to have an NSArray which you set up to be the same size as the number of rows in your table and then in that just store an NSNumber for each row which contains a boolean value on or off for your selection state. When the user toggles, toggle the value in the array and then in cellForRowAtIndexPath read that value and set it up appropriately.
I'm assuming the checkbox in your table view cell is changing state to a selected state because a user selected it. You shouldn't use UI elements to maintain the state of your app. That is, when the user taps the checkbox, you should use that event to somehow reflect that state change in a data object in your app. Then, when that cell needs to be displayed again, you configure it with the state you previously saved. This allows for things like cell reuse, and view unloading and is all-around a good habit.

custom uitablviewcell does not call didSelectRowAtIndexPath in the controller

I have a custom UITableViewCell completely written in code (no IB), it has an accessory button that simply calls didSelectRowAtIndexPath on the table view, and it works correctly and the method is called without problems.
However, when I tap on the cell itself (not on the accessory view) nothing being called, why ?
EDIT: the code is huge to put here ... however, the custom cell contains a ton of labels, couple images and scroll view ...
This is a shot in the dark, but if each cell has many different objects on it (i.e. images, labels, etc) then it may not be working because those objects are what the user is hitting when they try to click a cell. Does the cell turn blue (indicate selection) at all? If not, try hiding/removing those objects for now and see if it works.
If that is the case, then what you may want to do is create an invisible cell or button that sits on top of the other objects and calls didSelectRowAtIndexPath from behind the scenes.
This should solve your problem:
Raise selection event (didSelectRowAtIndexPath) when subview of UITableViewCell is tapped
Try setting your view's userInteractionEnabled property to NO.
This will make it ignore all touch events, and then the views under it will be able to catch these events. - Felipe Sabino
I'd partially answer my question: the wide scroll view is preventing the cell from calling didSelectRowAtIndexPath, removing the scrollView will solve the problem, however, I want to call this method with the existence of the scrollView ... anyone got ideas would be highly appreciated ...
You must post your code to understand what have you done...You have to check out this example to understand whether your code is correct or not...

How to deal with Custom Cells when these are not visible and want to get the cell using indexPath?

Guys, I didn't find a clean and a simple solution for the following issue. I've a UITableViewController view which uses a UITextFieldCustomCell that I implemented.
The table has several rows, that requires the user to scroll down an enter values on each cell, which contains a UILabel and a UITextField.
Every time the user change the value on the UITextField the UIViewController gets notified and stores the value in a NSDictionary using the cell indexPath.row property, in order to identify what's the key for the cell where the value needs to be stored.
The problem is if the user keep focus on a cell and then scrolls up or down (removing the cell from the view) makes me unable to get the indexPath for the cell, since it's not visible.
So, I cannot store the value since I don't know from which cell the value is coming.
Have anyone run through this issue before?. It seems to be a common design between iPhone applications, does anyone have an idea if is this a good implementation or not?
I assume you're observing textFieldDidEndEditing:. Are you saying it's not firing, or that it is firing, but it's no longer in any of the cells (possibly because it's in the process of being removed)?
Assuming the latter, my approach would be to use setTag: on the UITextField to make it easy to keep track of its index. This would save you from ever hunting around in your cells, even in the case that they are on the screen.

UITableView resizing rows problem

Hope to get solution to this problem. I have been stuck on it since a long time now.
I have a a tableView which has custom labels drawn upon the cell using CGRect. I receive the data from a web service in arrays. Initially i display a line of data on the cells. When the user selects a cell, I call reloadsRowAtIndexPath to increase the height of selected row. In the process, cellForRowAtIndexPath gets called again. I keep track of this by a flag, and when cellForRowAtIndexPath gets called again, I display the two more lines of data from arrays, on the cell.
What i am getting is all overlapping data on one other. I tried to remove already placed labels in didSelectRowAtIndexPath, but to no avail.
Please help me on this
Thanks in advance.
In your cellForRowAtIndexPath method, when the selected row height needs to increase, do you create a new UITableViewCell object or change an already allocated one?
Please can you post your cellForRowAtIndexPath method code to help track this down?