Using IIRF to redirect to a PDF - redirect

I'm using IIRF to redirect certain URLs to specific PDF files. For instance, for the URL /newsletter/2010/02 I'd like it to redirect to /pdf/newsletters/Feb2010.pdf. I'm not too hot at regular expressions, but I created the following rule:
RedirectRule ^/newsletter/2010/01 /pdf/newsletters/Newsletter012010.pdf [I,R=301]
and it does redirect, but the address bar doesn't change, and when trying to save the file it wants to save as 01 instead of Feb2010.pdf. I don't presume my users will be savvy enough to enter a PDF extension before saving, and they shouldn't have to. Is there anything I can do about this?

Two suggestions:
clear your browser cache
Redirect to a full URL. instead of /pdf/newsletters/Foo.pdf, redirect to http://server/pdf/foo.pdf
It's strange that it wants to use 01 as the file. Surprising. Are you sure the browser is sending a new request? Use Fiddler to verify. A redirect should result in the browser address bar getting updated, ALWAYS. If you get a 301 you will see it very clearly in the Fiddler trace.
If you don't see the expected 301, Is it possible that you previously used a RewriteRule in the ini file, and the browser cached the result, and now when you ask for /newsletter/2010/01 , you are getting the cached result, rather than the redirected URL from IIRF? Clear your browser cache and request it again, to test this.
I guess it would be easy to just clear the browser cache and re-try it, without even checking Fiddler.


Redirect or forward

Looking through some legacy code I have in front of me using struts one, I see:
<forward name="accessDenied" path="/www/jsp/" redirect="true" />
So it's just a global forward to send to a access denied page.
I am curious about the decision to redirect as opposed to forward. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using it?
What are the pro's and con's of using it?
Before discussing pro's and con's of using that forward element with redirect set to true, let's understand what is actually going on with that configuration. When redirect is set to true in the forward element, a redirect instruction should be issued to the user-agent so that a new request is issued for this forward's resource. This link will probably provide detail information that you need.
The default value for redirect is to false, essentially when the forward element is called, it forward to that path specified and that's it. If you are setting redirect to true, take for example, the browser will make another request. So I think with these said, you probably know or have an idea the pro and con if you really want to use it.
In redirect, the control can be directed to different servers or even another domain name.The redirect takes a round trip.When a redirect is issued , it is sent back to the client , and redirected URL information is in the header instructing the browser to move to the next URL. This will act as a new request and all the request and response data is lost.
In forward , the forwarding is done from server side , the client browser URL do not change.the data is also not lost.It is just like a browser page refresh. Whatever data posted in the first submit is resubmitted again.So use it with caution.
Both forward and redirect are used in different scenarios ,the global forward should be redirect because it is an error situation.
Redirect is slower as it needs a roundtrip.Forwards are faster.
If you specify
redirect="true", Struts uses a client-side redirect
. The JSP will be invoked by a new browser request, and any data stored in the old request will be lost.

Not getting $_REQUEST['signed_request']

I'm trying to pass some variables to my facebook app from the url, i.e. using GET variable app_data like facebook wants.
At some point I've stopped getting the ['signed_request'] part of the $_REQUEST. When I print_r($_REQUEST) I'm getting: ['doc'], ['user'], ['__utmz'], ['__utma'] and ['session'] values, but not signed request :(
Any ideas of why this might be happening?
Check the tab/canvas url is EXACTLY the same as required. If there is a redirect to another page, then signed request and other values will not be sent. You can check using a browser sniffer, if a call to the page responds with a 300 (301/302 etc) redirect, then you need to change to what it redirects to.
Examples: may need to be (add www., or remove www. depending on how server is set up) may need to be (add index.php, or the right page).
Check you are using http:// and https:// correctly in the URLs, and that https:// returns a valid page.
I've only been able to get the signed request in https://, i get no request at all in http.
Currently have a bug on FB, but no word on fixing it yet;
EDIT: was redirecting to, so I was loosing the request variables.
Had a similar issue, for me it was as simple as a mismatch of the app id and app secret! However in facebook developers backend I have noticed that the URLs all need to have that trailing slash!
Some browsers do redirect your request to https automatically if you have been on this particular site on https so if you are in http mode on facebook there is situation:
facebook requests http version of your app, browser redirect this request of facebook to https and POST data and thus signer_request are gone in this process...
i see this problem in chrome 23, if you delete browsin data (particulary Deauthorize content licenses) app should run back on http

MVC 2 how to go to url without redirecting?

Is there a way to go to a url without redirecting to it? Basically I want to call a url from within my application in the background so it can logout a reliant party.
Appreciate the help.
What you are trying to do does not compete us to answer as it's directly related to your own Authentication implementation.
A normal ASP.NET Authentication based in Forms Authentication you will need always to lunch the url from a browser as it is there that relies the Authentication given.
You can give yourself a try by opening your website and log in into it, after that, open other browser brand (not browser window) into your application url... you will see that you also need to login again as the Authentication is hook up into the first browser.
It's Up to you as Application Architect to make this by implementing another way of authentication, normally in this kind'a cases, this happend when consuming web services where you need a authentication code first (given by calling a Login method) and that code is always needed to be appended to the body or header of any call to the system.
This way you can easily remove the authentication code and all procedure calls will fail.
As said, this is not up to us, it's up to you to create the correct Authentication Layer.
from your comment
it's as simple as using WebClient object
WebClient client = new WebClient ();
string reply = client.DownloadString (address);
If you wish to transfer to a new url request you can still use
The problem with this is that by not using a redirect the browsers address bar will not reflect the fact that you have moved their request to another URL.
To have the client visit a given URL in the background you should either make an AJAX call to it or possibly have an image with an src of your logout url (though you'd have to make sure that you return a FileResult of your image too). This is how most analytics packages call to their relevant urls in the background.
The problem here though is that neither is 100% reliable, turn off javascript or images on your browser and these results fail.
From what you've said I think what you're after is for a user to continue to any of a variety of pages rather than a specific logout page. If this is indeed the case your best solution is in fact a double redirect.
Have your application redirect to your logout url but before hand put the url of the page you want them to go to into tempdata. Then in the actionresult for the logout page you can do your logging out as required and return a redirect to the url from tempdata.

how to get facebook profile image real url in https

I am wondering if there is a way to get facebook user profile image's real url in https.
Like I use to get a the profile image,
It will redirect to
Is there a way to get the "https" version of the second url? or is the url existing?
This might have changed in the docs since you last looked, I know everyone got excited about https after that snooping tool came out.
"If you need a picture to be returned over a secure connection, you can set the return_ssl_resources argument to 1:"
Hopefully that won't redirect you.
Update 10 sept 2012 now redirects to https urls.
You can just replace http by https in the target url but keep in mind that it is only temporary and may time out.
there is also no valid ssl certificate, but if you ignore that, the file will be served.
if you need a valid certified https url for pictures you need to set up a proxy script on your server that passes through the file.
as for your comment here is an example of what i meant by "proxy script".
you can put it on your server and request it with whatever protocl/scheme you like.
just like it was a local picture. you should probably validate the mime type. do some error handling and prevent injections etc. but just to give you ap icture:
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
echo file_get_contents(''.intval($_GET["id"]).'/picture');
fyi i put the int cast there to prevent injection hacking.
script is untested but should work as file_get_contents will follow redirects.

Why does Fiddler break my site's redirects?

Why does using Fiddler break my site sometimes on page transitions.
After a server side redirect -- in the http response (as found in Fiddler) I get this:
Object moved
Object moved to here.
The site is an ASP.NET 1.1 / VB.NET 1.1 [sic] site.
Why doesnt Fiddler just go there for me? i dont get it.
I'm fine with this issue when developing but I'm worried that other proxy servers might cause this issue for 'real customers'. Im not even clear exactly what is going on.
That's actually what Response.Redirect does. It sends a 302 - Object moved response to the user-agent. The user-agent then automatically goes to the URL specified in the 302 response. If you need a real server-side redirect without round-tripping to the client, try Server.Transfer.
If you merely constructed the request using the request builder, you're not going to see Fiddler automatically follow the returned redirect.
In contrast, if you are using IE or another browser, it will generally check the redirect header and follow it.
For IE specifically, I believe there's a timing corner case where the browser will fail to follow the redirect in obscure situations. You can often fix this by clicking Tools / Fiddler Options, and enabling both the "Server" and "Client" socket reuse settings.
Thanks user15310, it works with Server.Transfer
Server.Transfer("newpage.aspx", true);
Firstly, transferring to another page using Server.Transfer conserves server resources. Instead of telling the browser to redirect, it simply changes the "focus" on the Web server and transfers the request. This means you don't get quite as many HTTP requests coming through, which therefore eases the pressure on your Web server and makes your applications run faster.
But watch out: because the "transfer" process can work on only those sites running on the server, you can't use Server.Transfer to send the user to an external site. Only Response.Redirect can do that.
Secondly, Server.Transfer maintains the original URL in the browser. This can really help streamline data entry techniques, although it may make for confusion when debugging.
That's not all: The Server.Transfer method also has a second parameter—"preserveForm". If you set this to True, using a statement such as Server.Transfer("WebForm2.aspx", True), the existing query string and any form variables will still be available to the page you are transferring to.
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