Switch between 3 or more views - iphone

Im new to iPhone development and I have really taken this to me. I love it, but there is one thing thats naggin' me. How do I keep switching view? I know how to come from first view that is given to me when I create a new project, to a view that I make, but how do I get passed this two windows? How do I get from to views that I created?
I have this app which have a main window with a NavigationController whih is feed with a UITableViewController. This is my main menu. I have a in the upper right corner, a "+"-button which gives me a new view, but how do I get a new view from here? How do I push a new view when the user pick something to add?
Hope someone understand my question. A link to some documentation would be fine. I have looked everywhere.

You can do this many diffrent way, you can do what the Sebastian said, you can also have a common RootViewController that manages your other view controllers view. This is what I like to do, I actually define a protocol on the RootViewController something like ToggleView:UIViewController newController UIViewController:oldController. I make any UIViewController that i want to be able to switch from that view to another implement this protocol. This makes since because generally when you click on a button, you know what View you want to go to next. So when a user clicks the button, in the UIViewController that owns the button i create the new ViewController whose view i want pushed into the screen, this is nice because it also allows me to set up data in the view controller and not have to delegate it to some other object or use a singleton to get the data in the new view, then i call my toggleView methods and the root view controller does the switching. I find this works pretty well and theres berely any code involved. I dont always u se this though, if I know a new view will always come out of another particular view, (for example a home page where one views events and creation of those events), in this case I will loosly couple the view controllers by using protocols.

For that particular situation, people usually use the presentModalViewController:animated: method of UIViewController. UINavigationController is a subclass of UIViewController, so your code would look something like this:
UIViewController *addingViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"AddingView" bundle:nil];
[[self navigationController] presentModalViewController:addingViewController animated:YES];
[addingViewController release];

Here is the rootviewcontrollerdelegate definition
#protocol RootViewControllerViewDelegate
-(void)toggleView:(UIViewController )newController viewController:(UIViewController)oldController;
a possible implementation to toggleView
-(void)toggleView:(UIViewController *)newController viewController:(UIViewController*)oldController {
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:([oldController.view superview] ? UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft : UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft) forView:self.view cache:YES];
[newController viewWillAppear:YES];
[oldController viewWillDisappear:YES];
[oldController.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.view addSubview:newController.view];
[oldController viewDidDisappear:YES];
[newController viewDidAppear:YES];
[UIView commitAnimations];
[oldController release];
This will swipe the view controllers by flipping the view
Obviously you must make a new RootViewController somewhere and start with a view there, (could be the app delegate)
Now if you want a ViewController to be able to use the RootViewController it must conform to the protocol, you declare it in that classes interface like so
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController <RootViewControllerDelegate> {
id delegate;
}#property(assign) id <RootViewControllerViewDelegate> delegate;
Now you can use the delegates method to swap a view for another given that everything has been initialized right. the code to swap two controllers view could look like this
NewViewController *viewController=...
//you can set up your viewControllers data here if you need to
//Since its probable that this view has that data it can just set it instead of
viewController.delegate=delegate; //setting up the RootViewController reference
[delegate toggleView:viewController viewController:self];
remember on the toggleView call back to release the old ViewController, if you dont youll get a leak since you lose all reference to that controller.


How to present the first view controller in a view controller container

Im writing a custom view controller container as per the iOS documentation on view controllers and i'm struggling on finding an elegant way to present the first view controller that also forwards the relevant display messages like viewWillAppear: automatically.
When i try transitionFromViewController:toViewController:duration:options:animations:completion: with the fromViewController: as nil i get an error. I have resorted to animating the view into the view hierarchy with a UIView animation block. This seems to break the automatic forwarding of the appearance methods and means its my responsibility to call viewWillAppear: and ViewDidAppear: at the appropriate times. Is there a more efficient way to transition the first view on to the screen that takes care of the appearance and rotation methods?
My code looks a little like this for animating in the first view controller.
self.visibleViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
[self addChildViewController:self.visibleViewController];
[self.visibleViewController viewWillAppear:YES];
[self.visibleViewController.view setAlpha:0];
[self.view addSubview:self.visibleViewController.view];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5
self.visibleViewController.view.alpha = 1;
completion:^(BOOL finished){
[self.visibleViewController viewDidAppear];
[self.visibleViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
The answer was right there hidden in the documentation all along.
The documentation for UIViewController is
- (void)beginAppearanceTransition:(BOOL)isAppearing animated:(BOOL)animated
and the companion
- (void)endAppearanceTransition
Their documentation says never to call viewWillAppear and such from your own code. You can kick the chain off properly with these methods.
Are you sure the system doesn't send your child view controller the viewWillAppear/viewDidAppear/DidMoveToParentViewController messages? This bit of the Apple docs implies that it does:
In order for iOS to route events properly to child view controllers
and the views those controllers manage, your container view controller
must associate a child view controller with itself before adding the
child’s root view to the view hierarchy.
The way I read that, if you add a view controller as a child, then add the child's root view to your view, the system should send the appropriate messages as you add the view controller.
Try taking out your manual calls to those methods and set breakpoints in your child view controller to see if they still get called.

uiview in navigation

I am working with a navigation application. I have a homeViewController with two views(accept, service). When I click on a button in serviceView it should go to acceptView. I should have back button in navigation bar which takes me be back to serviceView from acceptView. When I am trying to use [self navigationController pushViewController, it only accepts viewcontroller but not view. Can any one please tell the alternative. Please help me.
Thanks in advance
You should have a different viewController for each view if you wish to use a navigationController properly.
Set up AcceptViewController and ServiceViewController separately. Then, from the AcceptViewController, you can create a ServiceViewController and push it onto the stack as follows:
-(void)showServiceView {
ServiceViewController *serviceViewController = [[ServiceViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:serviceViewController];
[serviceViewController release];
Assuming you've references to both acceptView and serviceView, you can just make this work by removing one as the subview and adding the other one as the subview of homeViewController's view. Something like,
[serviceView removeFromSuperview];
[self.view addSubview:acceptView];
for moving to acceptView. Switch them if you want to come back. However this mechanism will be abrupt. Use UIView's transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: method to animate the transition. Something like,
[UIView transitionFromView:serviceView
options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft| UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut
This will remove serviceView and add acceptView as the subview along with a transition to go by.

How do I have a view controller run updating code when it is brought to the top of the stack of views?

I have a viewController (Planner) that loads two view controllers (InfoEditor and MonthlyPlan) when the application starts. MonthlyPlan is hidden behind InfoEditor (on load).
So my question is when I exchange InfoEditor for MonthlyPlan (MonthlyPlan gets brought to the top) how can I have data on the MonthlyPlan view be updated. An NSLog in viewDidLoad is being called when the application starts (which makes sense.) NSLogs in viewDidAppear and viewWillAppear aren't doing anything.
Any ideas?
-- Adding more details --
I'm creating the view hierarchy myself. A simple viewController that is just loading two other viewControllers. The two child viewControllers are loaded at the same time (on launch of application.) To exchange the two views I'm using this code:
[self.view exchangeSubviewAtIndex:1 withSubviewAtIndex:0];
The exchanging of the views is fine. The part that is missing is just some way of telling the subview, you're in front, update some properties.
There's a lack of details here. How are you "exchanging" the two views?
If you were using a UINavigationController as the container then viewWillAppear/viewDidAppear would be called whenever you push/pop a new viewController. These calls are made by the UINavigationController itself. If you ARE using a UINavigationController then make sure you have the prototypes correct for these functions.
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
If you are trying to implement a view hierarchy yourself then you may need to make these calls yourself as part of activating/deactivating the views. From the SDK page of viewWillAppear;
If the view belonging to a view
controller is added to a view
hierarchy directly, the view
controller will not receive this
message. If you insert or add a view
to the view hierarchy, and it has a
view controller, you should send the
associated view controller this
message directly.
With the new details the problem is clear: This is a situation where you must send the disappear/appear messages yourself as suggested by the SDK. These functions are not called automagically when views are directly inserted/removed/changed, they are used by higher-level code (such as UINavigationController) that provides hierarchy support.
If you think about your example of using exchangeSubView then nothing is disappearing, one view just happens to cover the other wholly or partially depending on their regions and opacity.
I would suggest that if you wish to swap views then you really do remove/add as needed, and manually send the viewWillAppear / viewWillDisappear notifications to their controllers.
// your top level view controller
-(void) switchActiveView:(UIViewController*)controller animated:(BOOL)animated
UIController* removedController = nil;
// tell the current controller it'll disappear and remove it
if (currentController)
[currentController viewWillDisapear:animated];
[currentController.view removeFromSuperView];
removedController = currentController;
// tell the new controller it'll appear and add its view
if (controller)
[controller viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.view addSubView:controller.view];
currentController = [controller retain];
// now tell them they did disappear/appear
[removedController viewDidDisappear: animated];
[currentController viewDidAppear: animated];
[removedController release];
I would just add an updataData method to each subview and call it at the same time you bring it to the front. You would need to add a variable to your root view controller to track the active subView:
[self.view exchangeSubviewAtIndex:1 withSubviewAtIndex:0];
if (subView1IsActive) [subView1Controller updateData];
else [subView2Controller updateData];

UIViewController.... AppDelegate.... Where does the code go!

I'm slowly picking up Objective-C and the iPhoneSDK but I'm having some problems getting my head around the MVC pattern.
I'm fleshing out a game which I hope will have screens like a splash screen, title, help etc. What I'm currently doing is creating a new UIViewController and a new nib for each of these screens, is this the right practice? In the main AppDelegate I've created methods that show the views and add them with [window addSubView:controller.view]. What I'm finding is that with the show/hide code sat in the AppDelegate, I have to create a reference of the AppDelegate in the loaded controller in order to target the hide code.
This seems a bit awkward but I expect I'm probably approaching this wrong, how do you guys usually do this sort of thing?
// example from AppDelegate
helpScreen = [[helpController alloc] initWithNibName:#"helpView" bundle:nil];
// send copy of self in order to target closeHelp method from InterfaceBuilder
helpScreen.appDel = self;
helpScreen.view.alpha = 0;
[window addSubview:helpScreen.view];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];
helpScreen.view.alpha = 1.0;
[UIView commitAnimations];
Many Thanks,
UIViewController and a new nib for each of these screens, is this the right practice
[window addSubView:controller.view]
Are you also removing the old views at the end of the animation? You should be, otherwise you would have multiple view controllers running at once, something that you really don't want.
What I'm finding is that with the
show/hide code sat in the AppDelegate,
I have to create a reference of the
AppDelegate in the loaded controller
in order to target the hide code
Well somewhere you need the code that's responsible for switching views, and if the views can control this switching then they do need a way to trigger that. Rather than app delegate I usually have a RootViewController that performs these changes.
I tend to derive each of these views from a base class that has a delegate property for performing these changes. When the views need to change they call functions in the delegate. These are usually;
pushView - temporarily pushes the view as active, current view is removed from the view hierarchy but not destroyed. This would be used for something like a help screen.
popView - current view is destroyed and the previous view is reinstated. This is how the help screen would remove itself.
changeView - current view is destroyed and replaced with the specified view. This might be how you change from page1 to page2 of the help.
// your root controller
-(void) changeView:(UIViewController) newController
newController = blah blah;
newController.delegate = self;
// add newController view, remove old one etc
// new controller
-(void) userPressedHelp
UIViewController* help = blah blah;
[self.delegate pushView: newController];
// help controller
-(void) userPressedOk
[self.delegate popView];
That seems reasonable to me. I'm pretty new to Obj-C but that's how I've done an application.
As long as the ViewControllers don't have knowledge of each other, I think you are doing just fine.

Adding a subview into view hierarchy

I'd like to have a view appear when the user clicks a button. The hierarchy I have looks like this:
---ScrollView.pages = UIViews
----UIView (from above assignment)
pages is an NSMutableArry of pageController objects. These hook to a nib. These nibs are the pages that user flicks through in the scroll view.
The InfoButton click is wired up like this:
- (IBAction) infoButton_click:(id)sender{
topView topViewViewController *topView = [[topViewViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"TopView" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
//[self.navigationController pushViewController: topViewView animated:YES];
//[self.view addSubview: topViewView.view];
[super.view addSubview: topViewView.view];
[topViewView release];
InfoButton is on one of the pages in the ScrollView. I've commented out different code that has been tried. None of it adds the view. Nothing happens. Is there a way to get TopView as the top view in the hierarchy?
Is your goal to add the view as a subview, or to slide on a new view using the navigation controller? I'm going to assume the latter for the moment.
- (IBAction)infoButton_click:(id)sender
TopViewController *topViewController = [[TopViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"TopView" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:topViewController animated:YES];
[topViewController release];
This is correct if you actually have a navigationController. Make sure you actually do. When "nothing happens" in Cocoa, it usually means something is nil. You should check in the debugger or with NSLog() to see if any of these values are nil. It is possible (even likely), that your parent has a navigationController, but you do not.
Classes should always have a leading capital. Do not create a variable called "view" that is of class "UIViewController". This is a sure path to suffering. Objective-C is a dynamic language with limited compiler checks on types. Naming things correctly is critical to effective programming in ObjC.
Based on your comment to a previous answer, you want to present a modal view. You do this by creating a new view "modalView" and calling [topView presentModalViewController:modalView animated:YES].
In a future version of the iPhone OS, which of course I would be unable to comment upon if it were under NDA, you might be able to present a modal view controller with a flip transition by setting a property on the view controller to be presented, which would probably be called modalTransitionStyle or somesuch.