What's the difference between single and double quotes in Perl? - perl

I am just begining to learn Perl. I looked at the beginning perl page and started working.
It says:
The difference between single quotes and double quotes is that single quotes mean that their contents should be taken literally, while double quotes mean that their contents should be interpreted
When I run this program:
print "This string \n shows up on two lines.";
print 'This string \n shows up on only one.';
It outputs:
This string
shows up on two lines.
This string
shows up on only one.
Am I wrong somewhere?
the version of perl below:
perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.5 built for aix
Copyright 1987-2004, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'. If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.com/, the Perl Home Page.

I am inclined to say something is up with your shell/terminal, and whatever you are outputting to is interpreting the \n as a newline and that the problem is not with Perl.
To confirm: This Shouldn't Happen(TM) - in the first case I would expect to see a new line inserted, but with single quotes it ought to output literally the characters \n and not a new line.

In Perl, single-quoted strings do not expand backslash-escapes like \n or \t. The reason you're seeing them expanded is probably due to the nature of the shell that you're using, which is munging your output for some reason.

Everything you need to know about quoting and quote-like operators is in perlop.
To answer your specific question, double-quotes can turn certain sequences of literal characters into other characters. In your example, the double quotes turn the sequence of characters \ and n into the single character that represents a newline. In a single quoted string, that same literal sequence is just the literal \ and n characters.

By "interpreted", they mean that variable names and such will not be printed, but their values instead. \n is an escape sequence, so I'd think it would not be interpreted.

In addition to your O'Reilly link, a reference no less authoritative than the 'Programming Perl' book by Larry Wall, states that backslash interpolation does not occur in single quoted strings.
... much like Unix shell quotes: double quoted string literals are subject to
backslash and variable interpolation; single quoted strings are not
(except for \' and \\, so that you may ...)
Programing Perl, 2nd ed, 1996 page 16
So it would be interesting to see what your Perl does with
print 'Double backslash n: \\n';
As above, please show us the output from 'perl -v'.
And I believe I have confused the forum editor software, because that last Perl 'print' should have indented.

If you use the double quote it will be interpreted the \n as a newline.
But if you use the single quote it will not interpreted the \n as a newline.
For me it is working correctly.
file content
print "This string \n shows up on two lines.";
print 'This string \n shows up on only one.'


What does \x do in print

I would like to start by saying that I am not familiar with Perl. That being said, I came across this piece of code and I could not figure out what the \x was for in the code below. In addition, I was unsure why nothing was displayed when I ran the following:
perl -e 'print "\x7c\x8e\x04\x08"'
It's not about print: it's about string representation, in which codes represent characters from your character set. For more information you should read Quote and Quote-like Operators and Effects of Character Semantics
In your case the character code is in hex. You should look in your character set table, and you may need to convert to decimal first.
You said "I was unsure why nothing was displayed when I ran the following:"
perl -e 'print "\x7c\x8e\x04\x08"'
That command outputs 4 characters to STDOUT. Each of the characters is specified in hexadecimal. The "\x7c" part will output the vertical bar character |. The other three characters are control characters, so probably wouldn't produce any visible output. If you redirect output to a file, you will end up with a 4 byte file.
It's possible that you're not seeing the vertical bar character because it's being overwritten by your command prompt. Unlike the shell echo or Python's print, Perl's print function does not automatically append a newline to all output. If you want new lines, you can insert them in the string using \n.
\x signifies the start of a hexadecimal character notation.

What does ENDOFTEXT mean in this Perl code?

I'd like to know what ENDOFTEXT means in this Perl script:
print <<ENDOFTEXT;
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
<HEAD><TITLE>Hello World!</TITLE></HEAD>
<H4>Hello World!</H4>
<P>You have reached $url</P>
<P>Your IP Address is $ip</P>
<H5>Have a nice day!</H5>
It is an operator, called a heredoc or here-document. Amusingly enough the reference in perldoc is not as easy to find as it should be. It is useful for being able to quote a large section of text without having to bother with escaping special variables.
You can read the Here document article on wikipedia as well. The entry you are looking for is <<EOF under Quote-and-Quote-like-Operators from perldoc. I'm citing it here for ease of use:
A line-oriented form of quoting is
based on the shell "here-document"
syntax. Following a << you specify a
string to terminate the quoted
material, and all lines following the
current line down to the terminating
string are the value of the item. The
terminating string may be either an
identifier (a word), or some quoted
text. An unquoted identifier works
like double quotes. There may not be a
space between the << and the
identifier, unless the identifier is
explicitly quoted. (If you put a space
it will be treated as a null
identifier, which is valid, and
matches the first empty line.)
terminating string must appear by
itself (unquoted and with no
surrounding whitespace) on the
terminating line.
If the terminating
string is quoted, the type of quotes
used determine the treatment of the
It's a here-document or heredoc. The ENDOFTEXT is just some arbitrary sequence that marks the end of it; it doesn't mean anything in itself. (I would be more inclined to use END but that's just personal taste.)
In addition to what other people said, I should note that the book Perl Best Practices recommends to avoid using bareword here-docs (e.g: "<<EOF") and instead explicitly quote every here-doc as either <<'EOF' or <<"EOF". This is because people often don't know what is the case for the bareword EOF.
The ENDOFTEXT string signifies the beginning and end of a "here-document". It is described in the official Perl documentation (search for EOF): Quote-and-Quote-like-Operators. It is an arbitrary string; the code could have used the string FOO with the same effect. It allows multi-line quoting, and in this case, variables will be interpolated.

Perl string sub

I want to replace something with a path like C:\foo, so I:
But that is invalid.
Do I need to escape some chars?
Two problems that I can see.
Your first problem is that your s/// replacement is not terminated:
s/hello/c:\foo # fatal syntax error: "Substitution replacement not terminated"
s/hello/c:\foo/ # syntactically okay
s!hello!c:\foo! # also okay, and more readable with backslashes (IMHO)
Your second problem, the one you asked about, is that the \f is taken as a form feed escape sequence (ASCII 0x0C), just as it would be in double quotes, which is not what you want.
You may either escape the backslash, or let variable interpolation "hide" the problem:
s!hello!c:\\foo! # This will do what you want. Note double backslash.
my $replacement = 'c:\foo' # N.B.: Using single quotes here, not double quotes
s!hello!$replacement!; # This also works
Take a look at the treatment of Quote and Quote-like Operators in perlop for more information.
If I understand what you're asking, then this might be something like what you're after:
$path = "hello/there";
$path =~ s/hello/c:\\foo/;
print "$path\n";
To answer your question, yes you do need to double the backslash because \f is an escape sequence for "form feed" in a Perl string.
The problem is that you are not escaping special characters:
would solve your problem. \ is a special character so you need to escape it. {}[]()^$.|*+?\ are meta (special) characterss which you need to escape.
Additional reference: http://perldoc.perl.org/perlretut.html

How do I escape special characters for a substitution in a Perl one-liner?

Is there some way to replace a string such as #or * or ? or & without needing to put a "\" before it?
perl -pe 'next if /^#/; s/\#d\&/new_value/ if /param5/' test
In this example I need to replace a #d& with new_value but the old value might contain any character, how do I escape only the characters that need to be escaped?
You have several problems:
You are using \b incorrectly
You are replacing code with shell variables
You need to quote metacharacters
From perldoc perlre
A word boundary ("\b") is a spot between two characters that has a "\w" on one side of it
Neither of the characters # or & are \w characters. So your match is guaranteed to fail. You may want to use something like s/(^|\s)\#d\&(\s|$)/${1}new text$2/
(^|\s) says to match either the start of the string (^)or a whitespace character (\s).
(\s|$) says to match either the end of the string ($) or a whitespace character (\s).
To solve the second problem, you should use %ENV.
To solve the third problem, you should use the \Q and \E escape sequences to escape the value in $ENV{a}.
Putting it all together we get:
export a='#d&'
export b='new text'
echo 'param5 #d&' |
perl -pe 'next if /^#/; s/(^|\s)\Q$ENV{a}\E(\s|$)/$1$ENV{b}$2/ if /param5/'
Which prints
param5 new text
As discussed at perldoc perlre:
...Today it is more common to use the quotemeta() function or the "\Q" metaquoting
escape sequence to disable all metacharacters' special meanings like this:
Beware that if you put literal backslashes (those not inside interpolated variables) between "\Q" and "\E", double-quotish backslash interpolation may
lead to confusing results. If you need to use literal backslashes within "\Q...\E", consult "Gory details of parsing quoted constructs" in perlop.
You can also use a ' as the delimiter in the s/// operation to make everything be parsed literally:
my $text = '#';
$text =~ s'#'1';
print $text;
In your example, you can do (note the single quotes):
perl -pe 's/\b\Q#f&\E\b/new_value/g if m/param5/ and not /^ *#/'
The other answers have covered the question, now here's your meta-problem: Leaning Toothpick Syndrome. Its when the delimiter and escapes start to blur together:
The solution is to use a different delimiter. You can use just about anything, but balanced braces work best. Most editors can parse them and you generally don't have to worry about escaping.
Here's your regex with braced delimiters.
Much easier on the eyeholes.
If you really want to avoid typing the \s, put your search string into a variable and then use that in your regex instead. You don't need quotemeta or \Q ... \E in that case. For example:
my $s = '#d&';
If you must use this in a one-liner, bear in mind that you will have to escape the $s if you use "s to contain your perl code, or escape the 's if you use 's to contain your perl code.
If you have a string like
my $var1 = abc$123
and you want to replace it with abcd then you have to use \Q \E. If you don't then no matter what perl doesn't replace the string.
This is the only thing that worked for me.
my $var2 = s/\Q$var1\E/abcd/g;

How can I prevent Perl from interpreting \ as an escape character?

How can I print a address string without making Perl take the slashes as escape characters? I don't want to alter the string by adding more escape characters also.
What you're asking about is called interpolation. See the documentation for "Quote-Like Operators" at perldoc perlop, but more specifically the way to do it is with the syntax called the "here-document" combined with single quotes:
Single quotes indicate the text is to be treated literally with no interpolation of its content. This is similar to single quoted strings except that backslashes have no special meaning, with \ being treated as two backslashes and not one as they would in every other quoting construct.
This is the only form of quoting in perl where there is no need to worry about escaping content, something that code generators can and do make good use of.
For example:
my $address = <<'EOF';
You may want to read up on the various other quoting operators such as qw and qq (at the same document as I referenced above), as they are very commonly used and make good shorthand for other more long-winded ways of escaping content.
Use single quotes. For example
print 'lots\of\backslashes', "\n";
If you want to interpolate variables, use the . operator, as in
$var = "pesky";
print 'lots\of\\' . $var . '\backslashes', "\n";
Notice that you have to escape the backslash at the end of the string.
As an alternative, you could use join:
print join("\\" => "lots", "of", $var, "backslashes"), "\n";
We could give much more helpful answers if you'd give us sample code.
It depends what you're escaping, but the Quote-like operators may help.
See the perlop man page.
Use the backslah two times,
print "This is a backslah character \\";