Why is the Status Bar STILL showing during Default.png? - iphone

I'm pretty sure that I've taken all steps to correctly set my status bar to hidden. I did this in both the info.plist file (setting a UIStatusBarHidden to a boolean TRUE) as well as in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method in the Application Delegate using:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES animated:NO];
And the status bar does hide -- only not quick enough. Despite the steps taken above, when the app is launched, the status bar is STILL being displayed for about a second during the displaying of the Default.png default image. This looks tacky, and I want to make sure the status bar does not get displayed at any time during the running of the app.
Many apps I've tried ARE hiding the status bar successfully (doesn't even show during the display of default.png) but I can't figure out how. Anyone deal with this issue before?

Did you figure this out already? What I did to get it to work is edit the Info.plist file in TextMate rather than in Xcode. I added the following two lines:
I think the only thing different from the answers given above is that I used a text editor rather than Xcode. When you subsequently look at Info.plist in Xcode, you will see a check mark next to UIStatusBarHidden rather than a string. There is probably a way to do this directly in Xcode, but I don't know what it is.

UIStatusBarHidden should be set to true.

in the info.plist there's also a key called "Status bar is initially hidden" that needs to be checked on. It will hide the status bar while loading the default.png

It's easier than that. At least in Xcode 4 you can simply add an entry "Status bar is initially hidden" to the plist and set its value to YES.

I was seeing a similar problem on an iPod Touch 2G (3.1.3), where a black rectangle - same dimensions as the status bar - was showing above the default.png.
The solution to this problem involved making the default.png image 320x480 as opposed to its original 640x960. The exact solution was to make a default#2x.png using the larger dimensions.

I have seen this on Jailbroken devices using IOS 2.1 with an older version of Cydia. In that instance, once Cydia was updated, the info.plist + ...statusBarHidden = YES method worked.
Alternatively see if [application setStatusBarStyle: ...] helps.


Xcode 7 - Launch Screen localization doesn't work

I've created a splash screen in Swift using Xcode 7. I've generated localizations as in the photo for different languages, but it doesn't work:
Can anybody help?
Ok I fix it after i create InfoPlist.strings and create splash screen for each language and add below in each file
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "LaunchScreen";
"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "LaunchScreenSP";
Add two Launch Screen storyboards
You can find your info.plist added a key named "UILaunchStoryboardName"
Add an infoPlist.string file
Change the UILaunchStoryboardName = "ENLaunchScreen"; in your infoPlist.string to the name of storyboard you wanted
Another solution, you can set some basic image at the launch screen, then create a view in app delegate and add in to window's subviews, also bring to front pretend that this is Launch screen.
now you can configure this view by code.
last use DispatchQueue asyncAfter to remove this view.

XCode won't accept my 57x57 size icon?

I'm trying to archive my app with XCode. I have 4 different icons (57, 72, 114, 144).
It works fine when I drop them in but when I try to validate it after building I get the following...
If I go back and try to replace the 57px icon with a 72px icon I get this message.
Why is this happening?
Here is the values in plist, haven't done anything here manually.
Here is the apple doc for icons
In case the above link gets expired I'm including the screen shot, I know it's the content are impossible to see, here is the image link. Btw you can always right click on the image and copy image location and open it in new tab.
Here is how you can specify icons
In theory you can name them whatever you want for iPad as long as they are in the info.plist. In order to support older version of iOS, I always name them the way apple recommand, which has already been quoted by Inder Kumar Rathore.
Take a look at here to see how to Add Icon files in Info.plist
#PhlipK: Your info.plist looks very different from mine, here is how mine looks like.
Take a look at the link I mentioned above and try to edit your info.plist see if that works.

How To Port an iPhone Application to the iPad (Storyboard)

I just finished my iPhone app and I want to make it Universal. I've read a few posts already but they're a bit old (2010 or so).
What I got:
Simple iPhone app, recently created (iOS 5 - Storyboard), with three screens.
My app represents a table with three cards that you can flip touching them. The user can input (on the second screen) text to be displayed on the cards.
When I created the project I checked "Universal" so I have two Storyboards. After that nothing else I did had to do with iPad (except for a line on my "contact support" email option where I used UIModalPresentationPageSheet).
What I'd like to accomplish:
Same app on the iPad: my application is so straightforward I don't have any use for split views or details. I just want the same objects and layout but with bigger and better graphics (table, cards, etc).
I like it because it'd make a great introduction-level migration.
I have no idea where to start. When I run the iPad simulator a white screen comes up and that's it.
Well this is done.
As with almost everything, this is pretty easy once you know what to do.
I'd say that for those cases like mine, where the UI doesn't change in more than sizes or (x,y) coordinates the process could be summarized like this:
Replicate every UI element on the iPad Storyboard (copy and paste will do) and adjust position and size as you see fit
Re-wire everything again. Every button, segue (you'll have to add the segue name again too), etc.
Verify within your code every place where your UI is affected (e.g. x,y coordinates), identify whether the app is running on an iPhone or iPad, and divide your code accordingly
If you have any localization on the application you'll have to update the new UI elements on the iPad Storyboard
Select the target for testing on the simulator and try it out
In order to identify in which device the app is running you can use the following:
if(UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
//I'm running on the iPad
} else {
//I'm running on the iPhone
And that's it. Again, in a simple case like mine the reuse of code is absolute (100%), the new code you'll have to add is minimum (basically IF statements where needed), and the UI elements duplication is as easy as copy and paste.
I hope this is useful to someone else and if you have recommendations to improve this they're more than welcomed.
Open the Storyboard file in finder,Copy your iPhone-Storyboard and rename it Main-iPad.storyboard
Inside xCode, right click on the storyboard -> “open as” -> “Source Code”
Search for targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch"and make it targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"
Now save everything and reopen Xcode -> the iPad-Storyboard contains the same as the iPhone-file but everyting could be disarranged you have to arrange it by your self.
Finally to get the iPad format also change the code in the MainStoryboard_iPad.storyboard from: to
Then go to your "StroryBoardEx-Info.plist" file,search for "Main nib file base name (iPad)" and make it "Main-iPad.storyboard"
If you just want to reuse your iphone storyboard, just go to your project settings. In TARGETS tab Info, there are rows 'Main storyboard file base name' and 'Main storyboard file base name (iPad)'. Just edit the iPad one to have the same value as the other. In my case I had to edit it as 'Main storyboard file base name (iPad)' with value 'MainStoryboard_iPhone'.

Phonegap - How do i make the statusbar black?

Pretty simple one that I just seemingly can't find the answer to.
How can i change the iPhone statusbar (thin bar right at the top with the reception/batter etc) from default grey to black in my PhoneGap iPhone application?
A PhoneGap-iPhone application is just a regular Xcode iPhone project.
Add UIStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque to your Info.plist.
Open your Xcode project (e.g. MyApp.xcodeproj)
Open your Info.plist file (e.g. MyApp-Info.plist)
Add a new row:
Key: Status bar style
Value: Opaque black style
If you are viewing the RAW Key/Value pairs, then use:
You can right-click in MyApp-Info.plist to toggle the RAW Key/Value pairs.
just set
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarStyle = UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque;
When a PhoneGap Project is created, there is an <ApplicationName>AppDelegate.m file created in the project.
Inside of the (void)viewDidLoad method, you can make modifications to the view however you choose.

Is it possible to prevent the iPhone from adding the 'shine' to my app's icon?

When you define an icon for your app in XCode and then run it in the simulator or on a real device, the icon is automatically trimmed so it has rounded edges and a 'glossy' sheen is applied over top of the icon. I'd like to get rid of that sheen since it's obscuring some of the detail in my icon. It seems like some other apps are able to accomplish this... anyone know how it's done?
Add this key/value pair to your Info.plist file:
In Xcode 4.3 it's even easier...just go to your Target settings -> summary and next to your app icons check "Prerendered" - it removes that sheen