Can you integrate Java 1.6 classes into Eclipse Blackberry project? - eclipse

I am using the latest IDE for eclipse and have attached the blackberry 5.0 sim. i am a new bb developer and i was wondering if there is any way of integrating java 1.6 classes (or any 3rd party jars) within the blackberry project without getting an error similar to the following:
org.apache.axis2.util.Utils$3: Warning!: Duplicate method only differs by return type: run
org.apache.axis2.jaxws.util.WSDL4JWrapper: Warning!: Duplicate method only differs by return type: getFirstPortBinding
C:\Program Files\Eclipse\axis\axis2-1.5.1\lib\axis2-transport-http-1.5.1.jar(org/apache/axis2/transport/http/ApplicationXMLFormatter.class): Error!: Duplicate definition for 'org.apache.axis2.transport.http.ApplicationXMLFormatter' found in: org.apache.axis2.transport.http.ApplicationXMLFormatter
I know why i am getting this error (because of duplicate definitions for the same class)....but am i really stuck just sticking to "net.rim" classes within my project? if i wanted to use the "asList()" method, can i not do that because that's outside of the RIM classes?
I am really just hoping that i can integrate outside jars into my blackberry project without getting "duplicate" warnings and error messages.

All source code and external libraries used in your BlackBerry app must conform to J2ME which you can think of as a subset of the Java SDKs. J2ME is quite limited - for example there are no Collections classes in J2ME (just the older Vector, etc.). The language level used by the compiler is Java 1.3.
So in a nutshell - you're going to have a hard time porting over third-party libraries unless they were specifically designed to run in a J2ME environment.

You can't uses the JDK 6, you need the JDK 5.
You can integrate third parties jars except if you want:
In those cases you need to uses the Blackberry API.


Will developing Flutter plugin with Kotlin make any difference with one written in Java?

It's probably not a programming question and a bit too generic but I can't find any resource about the differences of writing plugin for flutter using Kotlin vs Java. From my research, almost every plugin in that I found is written in Java. I don't say Java is bad but I personally prefer Kotlin over Java because of the syntax.
I'm planning to build native code to interact with native libs both on iOS and Android for my project since I couldn't find any plugin that satisfy the project requirements. I'd like to share it on pubdev when it's done (hopefully) so I have to think twice before writing it.
The question is, if I do so (developing Kotlin-based plugin), will it make any difference? Like maybe requires the user to add some extra configuration to their project? Or maybe any Flutter project that uses Java can't use my package? and.. will it do the same for iOS (using Swift over Objective-C)? The docs is telling us that we can switch both in between, but doesn't tell any side effects about it.
No there is nothing to worry about. Flutter apps are now by default created with Kotlin/Swift and not with Java/ObjC. Of course if someone has an ultra old Flutter configuration, then he might have some problems but I wouldn't concern myself with it.
All the native plugin code is converted to a Gradle dependency or Pod(spec) dependency. The app developer doesn't have to care about it and that is a good thing.

Writing an API in Eclipse

I'm developing a new kind of platform and I want to use Eclipse as an IDE for my API. I want to program the API in C and have the application in C. I got the idea of building an API in Eclipse from Android. How would I go about this?
Do you want to write an API using Eclipse as an IDE or do you want to write something that runs on top of Eclipse? For the first, lookup "CDT". For the second, look at the Eclipse Plugin Development Toolkit, which is Java based (of course you can wrap C/C++), but be warned its not trivial.

How to implement HashMap in GWT?

I have some amount of messages which are coming to my client from the server.
Every messages have an unique key which is possible to be duplicated in messages I have already received.
Which collection can I use in GWT to avoid duplication?
HashMap seems not to be a case for GWT. Is there any other way to organize it?
You can use the standard java.util.HashMap in GWT without problems. Be sure you haven't accidentally imported the It happened to me several times while using Eclipse's Organize imports feature..
For questions like this, you should take a look at the GWT JRE Emulation Reference. It contains the java classes of the Java runtime library that can be automatically translated by GWT. The link points to the JRE ER for GWT 1.6. to show you that HashMap wasn't just included in the latest version. (The JRE ER for the latest version can be found here)
As xor_eq points you should check the GWT JRE Emulation Reference Check the link to the latest version (or the version that you're running). The support for for HashMap was added to GWT sometime ago (in 2.0 I think), so you should have no problem.

Difference between IDE and Framework

What is a difference between an IDE and Framework with respect to Java?
Basically :
The IDE is the software you use to develop ; for example, Eclipse is an IDE (code editor, debugger, build tools ... )
The Framework is a set of both libraries and best practices that help you not re-invent the wheel, and provide a set of guidelines on how to develop.
Quoting wikipedia, an IDE :
is a software application that
provides comprehensive facilities to
computer programmers for software
development. An IDE normally consists
a source code editor
a compiler and/or an interpreter
build automation tools
a debugger
While a Framework :
is an abstraction in which common code
providing generic functionality can be
selectively overridden or specialized
by user code, thus providing specific
functionality. Frameworks are a
special case of software libraries in
that they are reusable abstractions of
code wrapped in a well-defined
Application programming interface
(API), yet they contain some key
distinguishing features that separate
them from normal libraries.
An IDE is an application used to write and compile code. A framework is generally a software component that someone else wrote that you can use/integrate into your own project, generally to avoid re-inventing the wheel.
A framework is a tool that is closely attached to the language you are using and usually extends upon or adds the the language features.
An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides automation support for the language you use with regards to syntax highlighting of keywords, errors, building projects, cleaning them, intgegration with VCS, etc. and usually provides default support for popular frameworks used for your language.
Java makes use of frameworks like Hibernate, Struts and Spring to extend the language and NetBeans or Intellij IDEA bring support for these tools to your Java project in a structured manor.
As per all answers I can come to a conclusion that Visual Studio is an IDE and .NET is a framework.
And also a framework(list of .dll) can be integrated into an IDE. Mean framework is a part of an IDE.

Developing Eclipse plugins without Java

Is it possible to create Eclipse plugins/program Eclipse RCP apps without Java? (preferably in Jython)
This will be possible in the next Eclipse major release e4:
One of the goals of e4 is to provide support for writing plugins in other languages.
The quote is from which summarizes the current state of using javascript to implement eclipse plug-ins in e4.
This issue in eclipse's bugzilla issue #227058 also has some discussion on that, but I believe it is outdated.
I am currently not aware of activity regarding other languages.
No. An Eclipse plugin is an OSGi bundle, and that requires interacting with a variety of things that can't implemented in Jython as far as I can see.
If you want to avoid Java, you can look at other things that target the JVM, but you will have to figure if you can produce and consume the specific items needed to call the necessary things and be called in the necessary ways.
OSGi bundles may be written in other JVM languages like Scala. Eclipse plug-ins, as of now, does not support any language other than Java. The Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment heavily makes use of JDT which ties it to Java. However there are some plans I heard that plug-ins might be supported in other languages. But I don't see that coming in near future.
You can write your main code in Jython and use Java interfaces to call then from Java. Take a look at this for details. Also, I am writing a utility library ( to do the same. It has very little documentation right now, but you can look at the examples provided.
