Can I make NSManagedObject into a singleton? - iphone

I have a NSManagedObject object filled with data I want to use in multiple view controllers.
Can I make this object into a singleton and use it in multiple view controllers? Or should I use a different approach?

As an alternative to a singleton, consider making it a property in your application delegate, initialized when the application finishes launching.
In your view controller, set a NSManagedObject reference to this property's value when the view is instantiated.

You are already passing around the NSManagedObjectContext. You can use that to fetch the data you want at any time.
I don't know how Core Data would react to you making a singleton instance of it. For one, NSmanagedObject doesn't use the same methods for initialization that NSObject does.
It uses -awakeFromInsert and -awakeFromFetch. So you already have a problem.
See this article from Marcus Zarra (Core Data Guru).
In short, just perform a new fetch to get the data you need, no need to work a singleton in there.

That depends on why you would want to make it a singleton, if you have trouble passing it to all the entities that need to access the data, using a singleton is not a good solution anyway. It usually introduces more problems rather than solving any.
If you are worried about multiple edits to the same object, Core Data has mechanisms to handle that, see the "Change Management" chapter in the "Core Data Programming Guide"


How to use Core Data without Storyboards?

I am trying to use Core Data without storyboarding in my app. I want to manage many relationships and I have a kind of singleton class to manage the access to the managedObjectContext, model, and persistentStoreCordinator I got it from this link Singleton datalayer without appdelegate
My problem is that I dont want to use StoryBoards but all the examples that I found use Storyboards. I have problems with UITableView because appDelegate doesnot found it.
I want to create a Single Application and then with a singleton to manage the context and everything, show the objects that I get in a JSON format with nsfetchedresultcontroller or with fetchrequests if I only need one item.
I am using this class. also I have another class called CoreDataTableViewController.h/m it is a subclass of UITableViewController and it has the methods of NSFetchedResultControllers. I got this of the Stanford IOS course. Then I have my MainViewController its a subclass of CoreDataTableViewController and there I get the data from the Json and put it in my ManagedObject and also I overwrite the method cellForRowAtIndexPath. But when I start the simulator I have an error. loaded the "ViewController" nib but didn't get a UITableView.
Core Data doesn't care whether you're using Storyboards or not. Just copy the Core Data related code that you need (you can create a singleton containing the relevant managedObjectModel/context, persistentStoreCoordinator objects and methods) and add it to your own project.
There are no relation between the two. If you need an example of core data that doesnot use storyboard, try Apple's. Good luck!

Passing Several NSStrings to another view - Iphone

In my iPhone app, the user will be making multiple NSStrings. Once these are made, I need to pass them to another view completely in the app. How can i do this? All I know at the moment os I can't access objects or variables declared in one view, in another. Thanks.
One way would be to follow the MVC (model view controller) design pattern. Whichever controllers are responsible for your respective views can then store and retrieve the NSStrings from/to a common data model object.
As to how you can make the strings stored in an object visible to the outside, the easiest way is to use Objective-C properties to save you from writing the accessor methods yourself.
I hope this helps with your problem or at least gets you started in the right direction.
Place the strings in a data model object (the M of the MVC pattern), with accessor methods (getter and setters, which can be automagicly created by properties). Then create and place that model object in some central location, a controller common to all views requiring that data, or the appDelegate, a reference for which can be found from any view.
I would add to the MVC thing, that still you can do this in several ways.
What I would do for example, is to make your other "View Controller" (MVC), to "observe" when does the user create a new string, and to fetch it accordingly. In that way you would reduce coupling and it will be a cleaner implementation.
Another way would be to create a "delegate" so that the First View controller, "notifies" or calls the delegate method that you created, each time the user creates a new string ( again reducing coupling )

How best to structure my code for a basic iPhone table/navigation database app?

Having worked through some tutorials on some basics via the iPhone, I'm struggling to determine how best to structure my code. The book I'm using points out things like "you wouldn't normally put this here, but for expediency...". Well, I'd like to know what one would "normally" do.
My application is somewhat simple - there is a table view showing a list of objects and one can add, remove, edit these objects (I plan to provide a more sophisticated organizational scheme later, but I'm keeping it simple to get something working).
So, I have a RootViewController that extends UITableViewController. When the "add" button is clicked I push a subclass of UIViewController onto the stack (this class is the "add/edit" form for my objects). I have a simple data structure-style class to hold the fields of the objects.
The apps like this in the book basically put an array inside the RootViewController and use a reference to the model class to represent the "object being edited". Basically, the models are all wrapped up in the view controllers. This seems wrong.
So, my question is: where do the models and the objects for managing them normally live?
And, does the answer to this depend on how I'm storing my objects? I have not done much with CoreData, though my plan was to use it for persistence of my objects. Will the hooks and boilerplate provided by XCode make this a nonissue?
Best answers will be pointers to some best practices type stuff, which I wasn't able to easily find via Google or on Apple's Dev site.
First of all you are right about your intuition that it seems wrong. As you described the model is stored in the view controllers. That is a bad idea. By doing so you are violating the model-view-controller paradigm, which makes your code hard to maintain.
So what you need to do now is get your model in a separate object or tree of objects or even better use CoreData, which is also great in terms of memory management.
As you want to use CoreData you should have a look at the UIFetchedResultsController class which you will use to obtain the objects from the managedObjectContext which will be your model.
What you would do in your table view - detail edit example is:
Fetch the contents of the table view using a fetch request and setting it on the NSFetchedResultsController you hold as an instance variable in the rootViewController
Set this rootViewController as the delegate of that NSFetchedResultsController
If an item is checked or the add button is pressed push your detail view controller on the stack, pass the object to be edited with it, or nil if it is a new object. Also pass the managedObjectContext to the detailViewController. Update or create the object.
Implement the delegate methods of NSFetchedResultsController in your rootViewController and there you reload the contents of the table when necessary.
What you gain is a nice and clear separation of model (CoreData's managedObjectContext) the controller (rootViewController and detailViewController) and you views. If you now edit an entry by using the detail view, your rootViewController is notified via your NSFetchedResultsController and automatically updated. What you also gain is that you do not have a strong reference among the viewControllers in your application.
Btw, you set up your CoreData stuff in the application's delegate. There is a lot of boilerplate code around in Xcode and on the ADC. Check out the Recipies app [1] in which this approach I just descriped is used. There are also some videos about CoreData on Apple's developers site.
[1]: CoreDataRecipies

Design pattern for Core Data iPhone App

Im building an app that will use a Core Data model. I pretty new at Objective C and my usual design patterns does not really apply on Core Data and Objective C, at least I can't seem to find examples that confirms they will.
I have been through the Apple Developer examples and different sources on the intertubes.
It seems that to leverage Core Data I need to pass the managedObjectContext to each of my viewControllers, have the viewController implement the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate and then implement each of the methods for doing a fetch and subsequently implement
This adds approximately 100+ lines of code in each viewController and it is 90% the same code I write again and again. Plus I have to pass everything around and keep track of it's memory footprint.
In other languages I would build a singleton model of a few classes that held methods for maintaining and delivering data upon request, available from anywhere. It seems I can't take that approach in Objective C. If I where to build a static Class that took a managedObjectContext and returned me what I needed, I would still have to pass the managedObjectContext around to every view and it wouldn't be asynchronously like when I implement delegate methods that just gets called when a result is ready.
I hope this makes sense and that someone can either confirm that there is no other reasonable way to do it or help point me in a direction for wrapping this up in a good way.
Core Data is not nearly as complicated as you describe.
Generally, an iPhone app has a "main" managed object context, which is generally owned by the app delegate. So long as you can get the app delegate (hint: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]) you have access to the managed object context. I like to define a static global variable to hold a reference to my app delegate to make life easier.
There's generally a one-to-one correspondence between NSFetchedResultsController instances and UITableView instances. Aside from populating table views, it's exceedingly rare that you would need an NSFetchedResultsController. If you have a number of similar views (e.g. a tab bar that lets you view the same data in different ways a la the iPod app), it would behoove you to create a single base class that configures the NSFetchedResultsController and derive your specific view controllers from that.
Now, when you create view controllers to edit an object, it's generally a good idea to do that in a separate managed object context. If the user cancels, you just discard the context and the changes go away. Again, you don't really need an NSFetchedResultsController for this because these views are only concerned with a single object.
When you're done editing, you save: the managed object context. The objects that manage your other managed object contexts should implement the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods to keep the table view in sync. Again, this can be implemented in a base class so you can generalize this functionality for related view controllers.
Do you absolutely have to use a CoreData model, or would something using a NSCoder (NSArchiver, NSKeyedArchiver, etc) work? I've found that CoreData is overkill for most applications.
Also, could you clarify why you can't take an approach using singletons? I've used singleton factories in a number of applications without issues. It's fairly easy to define class-level methods that operate on a shared (singleton) instance.

Where to place the "Core Data Stack" in a Cocoa/Cocoa Touch application

In the iPhone Core Data Template, Apple places the Core Data Stack in the App Delegate.
My initial inclination however is to move this code into it's own class whose responsibility is to handle the management of the Core Data Stack.
Do you typically encapsulate this functionality within its own class or do you leave it in the App Delegate?
Summary: There is no need to create a singleton to manage the Core Data stack; indeed doing so is likely to be counter-productive.
The Core Data stack happens to be created by the application delegate. Importantly, however, as all the examples show, the stack (principally the managed object context) is not retrieved directly from the stack(*). Instead the context is passed to the first view controller, and from them on a context or a managed object is passed from one view controller to the next (as described in Accessing the Core Data Stack). This follows the basic pattern for iPhone all applications: you pass data or a model controller from one view controller to the next.
The typical role of the singleton as described here is as a model controller. With Core Data, the managed object context is already a model controller. It also gives you the ability to access other parts of the stack if needs be. Moreover, in some situations (as described in the documentation) you might want to use a different context to perform a discrete set of actions. The appropriate unit of currency for a view controller is therefore usually a managed object context, otherwise a managed object. Using and passing a singleton object that manages a stack (and from which you retrieve a context) typically at best introduces a needless level of indirection, and at worst introduces unnecessary application rigidity.
(*) No example retrieves the context using:
[[UIApplication delegate] managedObjectContext];
I have a singleton class that i let do my core data managment and i do not leave it on the app delegate. I rather not clutter the app delegate class with methods i might need for conviniece such as fetching certain objects etc
I leave the core data logic in the App delegate for the following reasons:
1) I do not see any real advantage in moving this code in other classes: the concept of delegation is perfectly fulfilled by the core data logic being handled by the App delegate since the core data model is actually a fundamental part of your application;
2) In all of the sample code I have seen, including Apple samples, the core data stuff is handled by the App delegate;
3) Even in Core Data books it is common practice to have the App delegate handle core data related code;
4) Personally I do not think that readability or anything else is actually improved by having ad hoc classes for core data, but this is a matter of personal taste and I will not argue here what approach is the best one. To me, simplicity while retaining functionality is important.
The question I'd ask myself, in your case, is "who does the Core Data stack 'belong' to?" The data itself is really province of the application, isn't it? (C.F. Core Data on the Mac, where you might have an application capable of working with multiple documents at a time, so the Core Data stack belongs to each document.)
In any Cocoa/Cocoa Touch application, the App Delegate is usually the preferred means of customizing the behavior of the application, so this is the natural place for the Core Data stack.
Now, the problem I suspect you're having is that it feels wrong to constantly write things like:
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [(MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] managedObjectContext];
What I typically do in these cases is write functions (not methods) like this:
NSManagedObjectContext *UIAppManagedObjectContext() {
return [*(MyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] managedObjectContext];
I write a similar function for the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and the NSManagedObjectModel. I put all of these in the App Delegate's .h/.m files, since these are application-level objects, too.
I'll just list this in a new answer. (I've scrapped my previous FJSCoreDataStack class in favor of this)
My new way of handling this has been to use a category on NSManagedObjectContext. Ive added the following class methods:
+ (NSManagedObjectContext *)defaultManagedObjectContext;
+ (NSManagedObjectContext *)scratchpadManagedObjectContext;
+ (NSManagedObjectModel *)managedObjectModel;
+ (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *)persistentStoreCoordinator;
+ (NSString *)applicationDocumentsDirectory;
This keeps everything out of my app delegate, and gives singleton access should I choose to use it. However, I still use dependency injection from the App Delegate (as mmalc has said, it introduces inflexibility into my code). I have simply moved all of the "Core Data Stack" code into the NSManagedObjectCOntext Category.
I like passing the reference around, especially since I have a nice "scratchpad context" method. This keeps my View Controllers flexible since I have not committed them to the "defaultManagedObjectContext".
Also relevant to the conversation in the iPhone world (and may have a bearing on your architecture):
NSFetchedResultsController and constructing NSFetchRequests
I'm in favour of having the app delegate know where the model starts, and having the model know where the Managed Object Context is. The Core Data-"ness" of the model seems like an implementation detail of the model to me, the controller classes (like the app delegate) should just ask "give me this information about the model" and the model should know how to answer that question. Therefore having a Core Data object available through a controller object seems like a leaky abstraction.