Eclipse JPA project - defining connection to Oracle RAC - eclipse

Recently I wanted to play a bit with Eclipse and JPA. Thus I wanted to create a JPA project.
I got stuck when specifying the database connection, as editing the "Connection URL" (shown on the image) is not possible and I want to enter a (good, working) connection string to an Oracle RAC server which looks more or less like that:
Am I doing something obviously wrong? Or is it a "feature" of the Data Source Explorer?
Screenshot from Eclipse

See Oracle's FAQ for syntax of the database connection string.


How to open firebird .fdb file in VS Code?

I want to see and check .fdb file. And I am using VS Code to open it. I installed "DB Explorer For Firebird Databases" for this and file opened. However, the opened file was corrupt. How can I fix this?
A Firebird database file is a file to be read by the Firebird database engine and queried using SQL. It is not something to be opened in a text editor, like you did in the screenshot.
The DB Explorer For Firebird Databases is a plugin for connecting to a Firebird database server, and executing queries against that server. It is not something for viewing the contents of a FDB file directly.
Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, the DB Explorer For Firebird Databases has been broken for a while now, and it seems it is no longer maintained. You can connect to a database, and see the tables it has, but attempting to execute queries or view data will not show any query results, but instead shows a broken image icon (the issue for this bug has been open since 2019, so I guess it is unlikely to get fixed).
You may want to consider using something like DBeaver or FlameRobin to query a Firebird database, but that will still require having a Firebird database server installed.

Got when using PostgreSQL JDBC on GraphDB - dependency issue?

I'm getting a provision error when using PostgreSQL JDBC on GraphDB. Actually, I created a connection between postgresql and Graphdb by a virtual repository, and I made a ODBC file which includes the RDF mapping information.
Expected: Normaly I can browse PostgreSQL data's hierarchy and so on in GraphDB.
Error: The connection was fine and the repository was created successfully, but when I tried to browse the data, I got this error:
Actions that I did: I did go /opt/graphdb-free/app/lib/plugins/dependencies-plugin/dependencies-plugin.jar to modify the dependency parameter, but it didn't change anything. I did checked the syntax of ODBC file and I don't see anything wrong there.
Anyone have been though this? Was I in the right place to modify the dependency? Or it's something else?

Play / Slick / Evolution is not applied

Projektsetup: Intellj ->Play Framework -> H2 inMem DB
I'm trying to get my DB up and running.
I'm so for that i can click the "Apply this Script now" Button.
After clicking the Apllication starts normally. But when I look into the default DB and the public schema there is nothing there.
I'm opening the DB with the integrated DB Tool from Intellj.
The project is on GitHub
(I can also post the importent Files if that is better)
When i run the script directly from Console it works as expected.
How and Where can I check if the Script is executed and where is it executed?
This answer will fix the Problem:
H2 databases are in memory, and when you try to access it from intelliJ, the IDE will try to access another instance of the in memory database. That's why your app works, but you can't see the tables from IntelliJ.
Mailing List found the Problem Link to Discussion

Eclipse preloading wrong JDBC driver without asking

Right now I have an oracle 12c. To connect with the database I need to use the ojdbc7.jar driver.
My own apps connect without problem with this, but I can't make SQL Explorer to work because I always get the "Not matching protocol" error. This is because is preloading the wrong JDBC driver. Now, I made a search in the Eclipse directory and I found this file:
This is the wrong driver, and SQL Explorer alway use this despite I configure the right one in the settings. I've tried deleting this but every time I launch eclipse this jar appears again.
Now, to "fix" this, I put the correct driver, and renamed it with "ojdbc14.jar". Right now is working but I just want to disable this because sometimes I need to connect to oracle 11g and I need to change all over again.
What pluggin is preloading this?

Eclipse plugin for psql/PostgreSQL code?

Do you have recommendations for a good PostgreSQL editor plugin for Eclipse?
The PostgreSQL code I have isn't very complex. However I'd like to edit it with syntax-coloring, decent auto-identation, code completion, etc., and it would be sweet to be able to send blocks or entire files to a jdbc connection and get the results. Up until now, I have edited my .sql files with Emacs, and try things by copying/pasting segments into a psql terminal I have next to Emacs. Some of my code uses the psql primitives such as \set var value etc. For example:
\set t mytable
drop table if exists :t;
create table :t (...);
However I would be happy to eliminate this and refactor the code to be proper PL/pgSQL functions. Or perhaps better, implement the dependency and procedural logic in Java and issue the sql queries via JDBC. I still need to edit the sql files and try bits and pieces of them during development.
I tried the "official" Data Tools Platform ( and configured it to use my localhost:5432 (which in fact is a port-forward via SSH to the actual PostgreSQL server that I'm using). However, connecting to the DB hangs for several minutes (Eclipse doesn't even refresh the screen). In general it feels quite heavy/slow
and I'm always afraid of if hanging without ability to interrupt it (it happened a few times and the only solution is to kill Eclipse; as you probably know, killing Eclipse isn't good as it's very hard/impossible to recover unsaved files).
The other plugin I tried is Toby's PL/SQL editor (, which seems very nice and promising, except the last signs of life on the sourceforge forums appear to be around 2007. Also I couldn't configure it to use the postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar that I have, and so I am unable to connect to my DB.
Any suggestions gladly appreciated.
A free Eclipse plugin for Oracle and PostgreSQL can be found at
The plugin is in development.