Sequences not affected by transactions? - postgresql

I have a table
create table testtable(
testtable_rid serial not null,
data integer not null,
constraint pk_testtable primary key(testtable_rid)
So lets say I do this code about 20 times:
insert into testtable (data) values (0);
and then I do
insert into testtable (data) values (0);
And finally a
select * from testtable
row0: testtable_rid=21 | data=0
Expected result:
row0: testtable_rid=1 | data=0
As you can see, sequences do not appear to be affected by transaction rollbacks. They continue to increment as if the transaction was committed and then the row was deleted. Is there some way to prevent sequences from behaving in this way?

It would not be a good idea to rollback sequences. Imagine two transactions happening at the same time, each of which uses the sequence for a unique id. If the second transaction commits and the first transaction rolls back, then the second inserted a row with "2" while the first rolls the sequence back to "1".
If that sequence is then used again, the value of the sequence will become "2" which could lead to a unique constraint problem.

No, there isn't. See the note at the bottom of this page. It's a bad idea to do something like that anyway. If you have two transactions running at the same time, each inserting one row, you want them to insert rows with different IDs.


When is nextval evaluated in transactional writes?

If I have a sequence 'foo' in postgres, and do something like the following:
insert into ... values (nextval('foo'));
Is nextval evaluated on commit? In other words, if I only do such writes to that column, will it be visible as monotonically increasing, or is there a race there?
The docs make very clear that sequences are non-transactional, but not whether they could be used to order writes this way.
If yes, what about this?
select nextval('foo'); -- save the value
insert into ... values (<saved value>);
nextval is executed immediately. Every call to nextval is guaranteed to return a unique number, even if several statements call it on the same sequence at the same time.
Nothing can go wrong with sequences!

Sequence in postgresql

Converting below SQL Server procedures and tables to store and generate sequence to postgresql.
Can anyone guide how to do this in Postgres (via table and this function) and not via sequence or nextval or currval
Sequence table
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'testtable')
    CREATE TABLE dbo.testtable(Sequence int NOT NULL )
    INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (-2147483648) 
Sequence generating proc
DECLARE #iReturn int
SELECT #iReturn = Sequence FROM schema.test (TABLOCKX) -- set exclusive table lock 
UPDATE schema.test SET Sequence = ( Sequence + 1 )
SELECT #iReturn
RETURN #iReturn 
grant execute on schema.test to public 
Disclaimer: using a sequence is the only scalable and efficient way to generate unique numbers.
Having said that, it is possible to implement your own sequence generator. The only situation where makes any sense is, if you are required to generate gapless numbers. If you do not have such a requirement, use a sequence.
You need one table that stores the values of the sequences. I usually use one table with a row for each "generator" that avoids costly table locks.
create table seq_generator
entity varchar(30) not null primary key,
seq_value integer default 0 not null
insert into seq_generator (entity) values ('testsequence');
Then create a function to increment the sequence value:
create or replace function next_value(p_entity varchar)
returns integer
update seq_generator
set seq_value = seq_value + 1
where entity = lower(p_entity)
returning seq_value;
language sql;
To obtain the next sequence value, e.g. inside an insert:
insert into some_table
(id, ...)
(next_value('testsequence'), ...);
Or make it a default value:
create table some_table
id integer not null primary key default next_value('testsequence'),
The UPDATE increments and locks the row in a single statement returning the new value for the sequence. If the calling transaction commits, the update to seq_generator will also be committed. If the calling transaction rolls back, the update will roll back as well.
If a second transaction calls next_value() for the same entity, it has to wait until the first transaction commits or rolls back.
So access to the generator is serialized through this function. Only one transaction at a time can do that.
If you need a second gapless sequence, just insert a new row in the `seq_generator' table.
This will seriously affect performance when you use in an environment that does a lot of concurrent inserts.
The only reason that would justify this is a legal requirement to have a gapless number. In every other case you should really, really use a native Postgres sequence.

How to check a sequence efficiently for used and unused values in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL (9.3) I have a table defined as:
( recid serial NOT NULL,
groupid text NOT NULL,
chart_number integer NOT NULL,
"timestamp" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
modified timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
donotsee boolean,
CONSTRAINT pk_charts PRIMARY KEY (recid),
CONSTRAINT chart_groupid UNIQUE (groupid),
CONSTRAINT charts_ichart_key UNIQUE (chart_number)
CREATE TRIGGER update_modified
I would like to replace the chart_number with a sequence like:
CREATE SEQUENCE charts_chartnumber_seq START 16047;
So that by trigger or function, adding a new chart record automatically generates a new chart number in ascending order. However, no existing chart record can have its chart number changed and over the years there have been skips in the assigned chart numbers. Hence, before assigning a new chart number to a new chart record, I need to be sure that the "new" chart number has not yet been used and any chart record with a chart number is not assigned a different number.
How can this be done?
Consider not doing it. Read these related answers first:
Gap-less sequence where multiple transactions with multiple tables are involved
Compacting a sequence in PostgreSQL
If you still insist on filling in gaps, here is a rather efficient solution:
1. To avoid searching large parts of the table for the next missing chart_number, create a helper table with all current gaps once:
SELECT chart_number
FROM generate_series(1, (SELECT max(chart_number) - 1 -- max is no gap
FROM charts)) chart_number
LEFT JOIN charts c USING (chart_number)
WHERE c.chart_number IS NULL;
2. Set charts_chartnumber_seq to the current maximum and convert chart_number to an actual serial column:
SELECT setval('charts_chartnumber_seq', max(chart_number)) FROM charts;
, ALTER COLUMN chart_number SET DEFAULT nextval('charts_chartnumber_seq');
ALTER SEQUENCE charts_chartnumber_seq OWNED BY charts.chart_number;
How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?
Safely and cleanly rename tables that use serial primary key columns in Postgres?
3. While chart_gap is not empty fetch the next chart_number from there.
To resolve possible race conditions with concurrent transactions, without making transactions wait, use advisory locks:
WITH sel AS (
SELECT chart_number, ... -- other input values
FROM chart_gap
WHERE pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(chart_number)
, ins AS (
INSERT INTO charts (chart_number, ...) -- other target columns
RETURNING chart_number
DELETE FROM chart_gap c
USING ins i
WHERE i.chart_number = c.chart_number;
Alternatively, Postgres 9.5 or later has the handy FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED to make this simpler and faster:
SELECT chart_number, ... -- other input values
FROM chart_gap
Detailed explanation:
Postgres UPDATE ... LIMIT 1
Check the result. Once all rows are filled in, this returns 0 rows affected. (you could check in plpgsql with IF NOT FOUND THEN ...). Then switch to a simple INSERT:
INSERT INTO charts (...) -- don't list chart_number
VALUES (...); -- don't provide chart_number
In PostgreSQL, a SEQUENCE ensures the two requirements you mention, that is:
No repeats
No changes once assigned
But because of how a SEQUENCE works (see manual), it can not ensure no-skips. Among others, the first two reasons that come to mind are:
How a SEQUENCE handles concurrent blocks with INSERTS (you could also add that the concept of Cache also makes this impossible)
Also, user triggered DELETEs are an uncontrollable aspect that a SEQUENCE can not handle by itself.
In both cases, if you still do not want skips, (and if you really know what you're doing) you should have a separate structure that assign IDs (instead of using SEQUENCE). Basically a system that has a list of 'assignable' IDs stored in a TABLE that has a function to pop out IDs in a FIFO way. That should allow you to control DELETEs etc.
But again, this should be attempted, only if you really know what you're doing! There's a reason why people don't do SEQUENCEs themselves. There are hard corner-cases (for e.g. concurrent INSERTs) and most probably you're over-engineering your problem case, that probably can be solved in a much better / cleaner way.
Sequence numbers usually have no meaning, so why worry? But if you really want this, then follow the below, cumbersome procedure. Note that it is not efficient; the only efficient option is to forget about the holes and use the sequence.
In order to avoid having to scan the charts table on every insert, you should scan the table once and store the unused chart_number values in a separate table:
CREATE TABLE charts_unused_chart_number AS
SELECT seq.unused
FROM (SELECT max(chart_number) FROM charts) mx,
generate_series(1, mx(max)) seq(unused)
LEFT JOIN charts ON charts.chart_number = seq.unused
WHERE charts.recid IS NULL;
The above query generates a contiguous series of numbers from 1 to the current maximum chart_number value, then LEFT JOINs the charts table to it and find the records where there is no corresponding charts data, meaning that value of the series is unused as a chart_number.
Next you create a trigger that fires on an INSERT on the charts table. In the trigger function, pick a value from the table created in the step above:
CREATE FUNCTION pick_unused_chart_number() RETURNS trigger AS $$
-- Get an unused chart number
SELECT unused INTO NEW.chart_number FROM charts_unused_chart_number LIMIT 1;
-- If the table is empty, get one from the sequence
NEW.chart_number := next_val(charts_chartnumber_seq);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER tr_charts_cn
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pick_unused_chart_number();
Easy. But the INSERT may fail because of some other trigger aborting the procedure or any other reason. So you need a check to ascertain that the chart_number was indeed inserted:
CREATE FUNCTION verify_chart_number() RETURNS trigger AS $$
-- If you get here, the INSERT was successful, so delete the chart_number
-- from the temporary table.
DELETE FROM charts_unused_chart_number WHERE unused = NEW.chart_number;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER tr_charts_verify
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE verify_chart_number();
At a certain point the table with unused chart numbers will be empty whereupon you can (1) ALTER TABLE charts to use the sequence instead of an integer for chart_number; (2) delete the two triggers; and (3) the table with unused chart numbers; all in a single transaction.
While what you want is possible, it can't be done using only a SEQUENCE and it requires an exclusive lock on the table, or a retry loop, to work.
You'll need to:
Find the first free ID by querying for the max id then doing a left join over generate_series to find the first free entry. If there is one.
If there is a free entry, insert it.
If there is no free entry, call nextval and return the result.
Performance will be absolutely horrible, and transactions will be serialized. There'll be no concurrency. Also, unless the LOCK is the first thing you run that affects that table, you'll face deadlocks that cause transaction aborts.
You can make this less bad by using an AFTER DELETE .. FOR EACH ROW trigger that keeps track of entries you delete by INSERTing them into a one-column table that keeps track of spare IDs. You can then SELECT the lowest ID from the table in your ID assignment function on the default for the column, avoiding the need for the explicit table lock, the left join on generate_series and the max call. Transactions will still be serialized on a lock on the free IDs table. In PostgreSQL you can even solve that using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED. So if you're on 9.5 you can actually make this non-awful, though it'll still be slow.
I strongly advise you to just use a SEQUENCE directly, and not bother with re-using values.

Postgresql function not working as expected with INSERT INTO

I have function to insert data from one table to another
INSERT INTO backups.calls2 (uid,queue_id,connected,callerid2)
SELECT distinct (c.uid) ,c.queue_id,c.connected,c.callerid2
FROM public.calls c
WHERE c.connected is not null;
EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN NULL;
And structure of table:
CREATE TABLE backups.nc_calls_id
uid character(30) NOT NULL,
queue_id integer,
callerid2 text,
connected timestamp without time zone,
id serial NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT calls2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uid)
When I have first executed this query, everything went ok, 200000 rows was inserted to new table with unique Id.
But now, when I executing it again, no rows are being inserted
From the rather minimalist description given (no PostgreSQL version, no CREATE FUNCTION statement showing params etc, no other table structure, no function invocation) I'm guessing that you're attempting to do a merge, where you insert a row only if it doesn't exist by skipping rows if they already exist.
What the above function will do is skip all rows if any row already exists.
You need to either use a loop to do the insert within individual BEGIN ... EXCEPTION blocks (slow) or LOCK the table and do an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM newtable WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM oldtable where oldtable.key = newtable.key).
The INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... WHERE NOT EXISTS method will perform a lot better but will fail if more than one runs concurrently or if anything else inserts into the destination table at the same time. LOCKing the destination table before running it will make sure it's safe.
The PL/PgSQL looping BEGIN ... EXCEPTION method sounds nice and safe at first glance. Then you think about what happens when you run two of them at once. One will insert some keys first, one will insert other keys first, so they have a split of the values between them. That's OK, together they make up the full set. But what if only one of them commits and the other fails for some reason? You'll have an interesting sparsely inserted result. For that reason it's probably best to lock the destination table if using this approach too ... in which case you might as well use the vastly more efficient single pass INSERT with subquery-based uniqueness violation check.

incrementing on errors

How do I suppress the 'id' in this table from incrementing when an error occurs?
db=> CREATE TABLE test (id serial primary key, info text, UNIQUE(info));
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "test_id_seq" for serial column ""
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test_pkey" for table "test"
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "test_info_key" for table "test"
db=> INSERT INTO test (info) VALUES ('hello') ;
db=> INSERT INTO test (info) VALUES ('hello') ;
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "test_info_key"
db=> INSERT INTO test (info) VALUES ('hello') ;
ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "test_info_key"
db=> INSERT INTO test (info) VALUES ('goodbye') ;
db=> SELECT * from test; SELECT last_value from test_id_seq;
id | info
1 | hello
4 | goodbye
(2 rows)
(1 row)
You cannot suppress this - and there is nothing wrong with having gaps in your ID values.
The primary key is a totally meaningless value that is only used to uniquely identify one row in a table.
You cannot rely on the ID to never have any gaps - just think what happens if you delete a row.
Simply ignore it - nothing is wrong
Just wanted to mention that this behaviour is also clearly stated in the manual:
To avoid blocking concurrent transactions that obtain numbers from the same sequence, a nextval operation is never rolled back
(Scroll to the bottom)
Your question boils down to this: "Can I rollback the next value from a PostgreSQL sequence?"
And the answer is, "You can't." PostgreSQL documentation says
To avoid blocking concurrent transactions that obtain numbers from the same sequence, a nextval operation is never rolled back . . .
Imagine two different transactions go to insert. Transaction A gets id=1 Transaction B gets id=2. Transaction B commits. transaction A rolls back. Now what do we do? How could we roll back the sequence for A without affecting B or later transactions?
I figured it out.
I needed to write a wrapper function around my INSERT statement.
The database will normally have one user at a time so the 'race to the next id' condition is rare. What I was concerned about was when my (unmentioned) 'pull rows from remote database table' function would try to reinsert the growing remote database table into the master database table. I am displaying the row ids and I didn't want the users to see the gap in numbering as missing data.
Anyways here is my solution:
PERFORM info FROM test WHERE info=$1;
INSERT INTO test (info) VALUES ($1);
END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql;