ASIHTTPRequest synchronously - iphone

I have an iPhone app which uses ASIHTTPRequest to communicate to a REST service on my server. When I'm running on the simulator, it works just fine, but when I get onto the phone itself, I get weird behavior.
The very first time I click the button that initiates the request, I get the results back immediately, and all is fine. From that point on, when I click the button to initiate the connection it takes about 2-3 minutes to connect. It almost seems like the ASIHTTPRequest that I kicked off first (and from which I've already received the correct results) has not completed. Is there some sort of magic I need to use to terminate the original request before starting the next one? I assumed that since the -start method returned, and I have results from the server that the original request was completed and I could start another.
Any ideas?

Steve - What you've described is a common problem that will occur if the requests are attempting to keep a persistent connection. Try this out:
[request setShouldAttemptPersistentConnection:NO];

You're not suppose to call the -start method, it belongs to the NSOperation. The ASIHTTPRequest interface is either -startSynchronous or -startAsynchronous.
However, it's highly recommend to use the asynchronous call otherwise, your main thread (ie., UI) will be blocked.
From the ASIHTTPRequest documentation[1]
In general, you should use
asynchronous requests in preference to
synchronous requests. When you use
ASIHTTPRequest synchronously from the
main thread, your application's user
interface will lock up and become
unusable for the duration of the
request. Synchronous requests are only
really suitable for software without a
UI (like a script that runs from the
terminal), or if you are running the
request from a separate thread that
you maintain (perhaps from inside your
own NSOperation, for example).


How to wait for a certain status of a NSURLConnection

Sorry to bother with yet another NSURLConnection question, adding to the over one thousand already here.
The scenario is as follows. In an iPhone app using dynamically loaded augmented reality features, the user is prompted to download new AR models as these are made available. The models can be several MB large, so the user should be given an indication of the total size of all models to be downloaded before deciding to do so.
To find out how large each file is I want to use an asynchronous NSURLConnection but then to stop the download once I have got the response ([NSURLResponse expectedContentLength]). I can do this in the delegate's connection:didReceiveResponse: method.
My question is, how can I wait until this condition arises? How can I setup the NSURLConnection, let it start asynchronously and then wait until the connection:didReceiveResponse: method is called? I have tried using a NSCondition, letting this wait after setting up the NSURLConnection and in the connection:didReceiveResponse: method signalling the condition. But all this did was to freeze the main thread. Any ideas?
Maybe you could send a HEAD request instead of GET. This may depend on your server set up, but that should get you just the headers, including Content-Length. You ought to be able to use a NSMutableURLRequest so you can change the request method, and then read expectedContentLength on the response as usual.

DidEnterBackground - Keep waiting for an ASIHTTP request and parsing result

Maybe you could help me to find the appropriate way to handle this :
I have a NSTimer (started in my AppDelegate) which fires a class to launch a asynchronous server request (I use ASIFormDataRequest)
When HTTP JSON-response is received, I parse it using TouchJSON
Then I loop the NSDictionary obtained to fill a dedicated NSManagedObjectContext
Then I save this context on some user interactions
Sometimes the HTTP request is sent and the user quit the application. I want to get extra time in order to complete tasks 2 to 4 in background.
I read the Apple doc but it is still not clear how to gain extra time for an asynchronous action already started ?
In short, how should i use the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler ?
Thanks for your very usefull help.
ASIHTTPRequest supports running requests in the background:
[request setShouldContinueWhenAppEntersBackground:YES];
If you do steps 2-4 inside the delegate notifications and set the above flag then that should do what you want.
You won't be able to interact with the user once your application has entered the background though.

Can I use a continuous background thread to update the iPhone UI without using NSTimer?

Let's say that if I read from, I get a random number. In my iPhone app, I want to be able to continuously read from that address and display the new number on the screen after each request is finished. Let's also assume that I want this process to start as soon as the view loads. Lastly, as a side-note, I'm using ASIHTTPRequest to simplify the web requests.
Approach 1: In my viewDidLoad method I could synchronously read from the URL in a loop (execution will not continue until I get a response from the HTTP request). Pros: the requests are serial and I have full control to respond to each one. Cons: the UI never gets updated because I never exit the function and give control back to the run time loop. Clearly, this is not a good solution.
Approach 2: In my viewDidLoad method I create a timer which calls a fetchURL function once per second. Pros: each request is in a separate thread, and the UI updates after each request is finished. Cons: the requests are in separate threads, and cannot be controlled well. For example, if there is a connection timeout on the first request, I want to be able to display an error popup, and not have any further requests happen until settings are changed. However, with this approach, if it takes 3 seconds to timeout, two additional requests will have already been started in that time. If I just slow down the timer, then data comes in too slowly when the connection is working well.
It seems like there should be some approach which would merge the benefits of the first two approaches I mentioned. I would like a way that I could decide whether on not to send the next request based on the result of the previous request.
Approach 3: I considered using a timer which fires more quickly (say every .25 seconds), but have the timer's function check a flag to see what to do next. So, if the previous request has finished, it sends a new request (unless there was an error). Otherwise, if the previous request has not finished, the timer's function returns without sending a new request. By firing this timer more quickly, you would get better response time, but the flag would let me get the synchronization I wanted.
It seems like Approach 3 would do what I want, but it also seems a little forced. Does anyone have a suggestion for a better approach to this, or is something like Approach 3 the best way to do it?
You could do this using GCD with less code and using fewer resources. This is how you could do it:
In viewDidLoad call a block asynchronously (using dispatch_async) that does the following:
Load the data with a synchronous call and handle timeouts if it failed.
If successful, inform the main thread to update the UI.
Queue a new block to run after a delay that does the same thing (using dispatch_after).
To call back to the main thread from another thread I can think of these methods:
If you want to update a custom view, you can set setNeedsDisplay from your block
Otherwise, you could queue a block on what's called "main queue", which is a queue running on the main thread. You get this queue by calling dispatch_get_main_queue. and then treat it like any other queue (for example you can add your block by calling dispatch_async).
If you don't want to use blocks you can use the NSObject's performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: method.
See GCD Reference for more details.
That said, you should never keep performing small requests so frequently (unless for specific tasks like fetching game data or something). It will severely reduce battery life by keeping antenna from sleeping.
I believe an NSOperation is what you need. Use the number 1 solution above, but place the code in your NSOperation's main method. Something like this:
The .h file
#interface MyRandomNumberFetcher : NSOperation {
The .m file
#implementation MyRandomNumberFetcher
- (void) main {
// This is where you start the web service calls.
I'd also recommend adding a reference to the UI controller so your operation queue class can call it back when it's appropriate.
Here's another suggestion. Create an NSOperationQueue that will run your requests on a different thread. If you find you need to refresh the UI call performSelectorOnMainThread. When the request completes create another request and add it to the queue. Set the queue to run only one action at a time.
This way you'll never have two requests running at the same time.

Send Network Message When iPhone Application is Closed

My iPhone application supports a proprietary network protocol using the CocoaAsyncSocket library. I need to be able to send a network message out when my iPhone application is closed. The code that sends the message is getting called from the app delegate, but the application shuts down before the message actually goes out. Is there a way to keep the application alive long enough for the message to go out?
The docs from Apple don't specifically state this, but the sense I get from looking around the Web and from personal experience is that you have about 4 to 5 seconds after the user hits the Home button to shut your app before your application actually terminates. The iPhone OS is controlling this so you can't block the termination to allow your program to finish first. Basically when your time is up, your program is killed.
There may be another solution, though. First I'd confirm that your code is really taking more than 5 seconds to run. Perhaps you can have it run in response to a button tap, and time how long it runs. If it is more than 5 seconds, you probably are running into this time out issue.
You might then find a way to trigger a message to be sent from a server that is always running. You should have enough time to trigger a remote action, which in turn could then take as long as it needs to run.
Or perhaps you could save the vital information to the iPhone file system on exit, and send that message the next time someone starts the application, which should theoretically give you enough time.
Hope this helps!
I assume you're already calling it from your AppDelegate's:
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
But as you've discovered there's no guarantee it'll be called or will be allowed to finish. There are a few options that may or may not work depending on what you're trying to do:
If you need the server to perform some sort of cleaning operation triggered by when the client app is gone then you could try watching for TCP socket closure on the server and treating that as the triggering event. But if you explicitly need to send data back with the closure this may not work.
If the data you're sending back is not time-sensitive then you can do like most of the analytics libraries do and cache the data (along with a uuid) on the client then try to send it on app closure. If it goes through, you can clear the cache (or do it the next time the app is run). If it doesn't, it's saved and you can send out when the app is run next. On the server, you would use the uuid to avoid duplicate requests.
If the material is time-sensitive then your best bet is to implement heartbeat and send periodic updated values to the server. Then when the client app dies the server times out the heartbeat and can use the last received value as the final closing point of data.
In either case, if an explicit closure event is required by your custom protocol then you may want to reconsider using it in a real-life mobile environment where things have to be much more fluid and tolerant of failure.
As others have noted, there's no way to be absolutely certain that you'll be able to send this, but there are approaches to help.
As Ken notes, you do in practice get a few seconds between "willTerminate" and forced termination, so there generally is time to do what you need.
A problem you're almost certainly running into is with CocoaAsyncSocket. When you get the "willTerminate" message, you're on the last run loop of the main thread. So if you block the main thread, and CocoaAsyncSocket is running on the main thread, it'll never get processed. As I recall, CocoaAsyncSocket won't actually send all the data until the next event loop.
One approach, therefore, is to keep pumping the event loop yourself:
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
// ...Send your message with CocoaAsyncSocket...
while (! ...test to see if it sent...)
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
I've also looked at putting this work onto a background thread and letting the main thread terminate, in theory letting us go back to Springboard while continuing to run for a few seconds. It's not immediately clear to me whether this will work properly using NSThread (which are detached). Using POSIX threads (which are joinable by default) may work, but probably circumvents any advantages of the background thread. Anyway, it's something to look at if useful. In my apps, we've used the "post next time we launch" approach, since that always works (even if you crash).

what exactly NSUrlConnection ASynchronous means?

i am getting confused what is the difference between Synchronous NSUrlConnection and ASynchronous NSUrlConnection?is there Synchronous or ASynchronous? if we use detachNewThreadSelector in connectionDidFinishLoading method,is it
ASynchronous NSUrlConnection? which is the best way?any tutorial ...
Synchronous means that you trigger your NSURLConnection request and wait for it to be done.
Asynchronous means that you can trigger the request and do other stuff while NSURLConnection downloads data.
Which is "best"?
Synchronous is very straightforward: you set it up, fire it, and wait for the data to come back. But your application sits there and does nothing until all the data is downloaded, some error occurs, or the request times out. If you're dealing with anything more than a small amount of data, your user will sit there waiting, which will not make for a good user experience.
Asynchronous requires just a little more work, but your user can do other stuff while the request does its thing, which is usually preferable. You set up some delegate methods that let you keep track of data as it comes in, which is useful for tracking download progress. This approach is probably better for most usage cases.
You can do both synchronous and asynchronous requests with NSURLConnection. Apple's documentation provides a clear explanation of the two approaches and delegate methods required for the latter approach.
It seems that you're conflating synchronous/asynchronous connections and threading. In my app I used asynchronous connections as an alternative to threading.
Let's say you want to download a big file without causing the UI to freeze. You have two basic options:
Asynchronous connection. You start with + connectionWithRequest:delegate: (or one of the other non-autorelease options) and it downloads bits of the file, calling your delegate when interesting thing happen. The runloop is still going, so your UI stays responsive. Of course you have to be careful that your delegate don't go out of scope.
Synchronous. You start the connection with + sendSynchronousRequest:returningResponse:error: but the code waits until the download is complete. You'll really need to spawn a new thread (or one of the higher level threading operations that Cocoa supports) or the UI will block.
Which option is "best" or the least painful will depend on the architecture of your application and what you're trying to achieve. If you need to create a thread for a long running process anyway, you might go with the second option. In general I would say the first option is easiest.
It's all pretty well documented on Apple's Developer site.
Something which hasn't been mentioned in the other responses is the size of the request. If you're downloading a large file, for example, then using an asynchronous connection is better. Your delegate will receive blocks of data as they arrive. In comparison, the synchronous method will wait for all the data before making it available to you. The delegate can start processing the response sooner (better user experience), or save save it to a file instead of memory (better resource usage). You also have the option to stop the response without waiting for all the data.
Basically, the asynchronous method gives you more control over the connection but at the cost of complexity. The synchronous method is much simpler, but shouldn't be used on the main UI thread because it blocks.
In response to the other answers regarding the file size: I think file size doesn't matter. If the server responds really slowly and you're loading data synchronous your UI still freezes, even if you're loading a small amount of data, like 3k.
So I'd go for the asynchronous option in every situation, cause you never know what you're going to get with regards to file size, server responsiveness or network speeds.