How can I show the windows file explorer in the RCP application? - eclipse

I would like to create a Eclipse RCP application, in which I need to show the Windows file Explorer in the View. Can anyone help in this?

Do you really need to show the explorer? wouldn't it be sufficient to display the contents of the file system in a standard SWT widget?
There's a tutorial on using JFace and SWT to create a file explorer you might find useful.


How to create Eclipse GWT Designer Project, something is off?

After downloading the latest Eclipse (Luna 4.4.1), I installed the GWT / GWT designer plugin.
I concluded I that I am missing WindowsBuilderPro, and so I installed it via Eclipse Help->Install New Software.
Now I want to create a new GTW Designer project, and get the following choices, which I think are wrong:
Tutorials, perhaps older, show the following project choice:
Is my installation messed up? I reversed the installation order, and nothing changed.
Is GWT Designer out of date, should I no longer be using it?
I'm a bit more confused based on your answer (Phil). I found this presentation:
The Future of GWT, 2013 Report
and it shows:
Does GWT Designer still exist (2014) as something separate from UI Binder (I don't really want to do any HTML)?
If not, do I need the WindowBuilder plugin for UIBinder?
You don't directly create a GWT Designer project. Create a "Web application project" as displayed in your first screenshot. Then create a new "UiBinder":
It will create two files: one java file and one .ui.xml file.
When you will open the .ui.xml file, you will have two tabs at the bottom of the window: one for the code, and one for the graphic designer:

How to create Eclipse RCP application that behaves like a wizard?

I want create a installer by using Eclipse RCP. I need to give the user a wizard-like installer. This means user can do some options then click next. Or they can go back to previous page by click previous. Or they can cancel the installation by clicking cancel.
Here is my problem:
I don't know how to switch between views when clicking "next","previous". I need to create something like WizardPages and i can change between these pages?
I can't use JFace wizard because I'm required not to pop up any dialog.
I'm totally new to Eclipse RCP so please help!
Maybe "StackLayout" is what you need.
Consider whether you actually want/need Eclipse RCP in this context. Eclipse RCP shines in complex applications with an extensive business domain and complex user interface.
An installer wizard, however, is very straightforward and static. I cannot imagine you requiring more than two or three user inputs. Your question is a bit like "I want to hear beautiful music. How do I program a robot to play the piano?"
It is much easier to limit yourself to using SWT and JFace. Use the JFace WizardDialog to make a nice installation wizard. You will find you will have never needed the Eclipse RCP framework.
See for a nice tutorial.
If you do think you need the features of the Eclipse RCP runtime framework, I suggest you follow the path below instead:
Create an RCP application (e.g. the sample 'Mail' application). A class will be created that is the main entry point in your application. This class will launch the Eclipse Workbench. Delete this code, and instead launch the WizardDialog.
A lot of things will not be available, such as menu's, views with drag-and-drop functionality, keybindings, etc. I cannot imagine you will need those things. However, you will benefit from the following Eclipse RCP features:
Eclipse launch framework. Ability to create a self-contained product including the JRE.
OSGi framework. Ability to easily add new plugins. Ability to use services, blueprint, etc.
JFace framework.
EMF (if you have a very complicated installation wizard)
All other eclipse plugins, although a lot of them may not work outside of the context of the Eclipse Workbench.
If you are convinced you need the full Eclipse Workbench, you can always do the following:
Define a 'base' perspective that is 'locked down'.
Use a Command to move from one perspective to the other. This will allow you to keep the previous wizard views open in other (hidden) perspectives.
Use Eclipse Contexts to hide all the standard Eclipse Workbench functionality, menu's, etc.
Since you are new to Eclipse RCP, I do not recommend learning the framework in the particular usecase of an Installation Wizard. You already need good knowledge of Eclipse RCP to be able to hack it this way, and it will not be a clean or nice implementation :-)

creating text based editor plugins for eclipse wizard page

I have developed an eclipse plugin project. I need a text editor that can save, copy, paste, search. This text editor must be inserted in the wizard pages which are developed using swt.
Any suggestions?
In a plug-in you can use the JFace org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer.
You will to provide save and search. TextViewer does support the interface required by the Eclipse org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceDialog.
If you really only want SWT code then use org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText

Embedding/Integrating 3rd party editor in eclipse

Is there any way to embed or integrate a 3rd party editor in eclipse. We are trying to add Kettle's Spoon editor (java based graphical interface for ETL) to eclipse, without modifying Spoon's code.
Is there a way to achive this.
The basic need is - When user clicks on a Spoon file (*.ktr) then the Spoon editor opens up (along with all its menu and tool bar) in the editor pane of eclipse
Spoon is completely based on java and swt. Currently I am using Spoon as an external editor (through eclipse), but it opens up in separate window
Spoon :
I don't know anything about Spoon besides the screenshots of it's GUI on it's website, so take the following with a grain of salt! (pun intended)
Most probably Spoon launches it's own Shell, hence cannot be embedded in an editor pane.
Rather, to achieve your goal you will have to create your own editor and register it through the org.eclipse.ui.editors extension point.
The difficulty to create an editor depends on how modular Spoon is.

How to integrate XML Schema view in eclipse RCP application

Ok so here is the deal. I have to open an xsd file trough a menu and then a view must be opened showing the structure of the xsd file but without opening an editor. I know how to open it trough the menu. What i don't know is if there is a plugin view that i can use to integrate in my rcp app to show the structure of that xsd file.
Use RCP with swt.browser running Webkit or XULRunner to use either browser engine as a simple XML viewer.