sts adm command for MOSS 2007 - stsadm

I'm looking for the stsadm command that will list all site collections and their size on disk. Thanks.

This will output the site collection list into a file called sites.xml, which can be used in other stsadm commands, like mergecontentdbs
stsadm -o enumsites -url http://MySharePointSite > C:\sites.xml
Note that this can take a long time if there are lots of site collections - it takes 2 hours on my SharePoint system.
Edit: Added commands for subwebs:
For the subwebs, you can use the enumsubwebs command, passing it the root url of the site collection to enumerate:
stsadm -o enumsubwebs -url http://MySharePointSite
However, this doesn't give you the size of the web, nor does it output the value for the root web in the site collection, nor does it recurse, so you don't get the subwebs of the subwebs. Its just a list of top-level subwebs.
You can get a complete list of all the webs in a content database with the new enumallwebs command:
stsadm -o enumallwebs -databasename MyContentDatabaseName
Unfortunately, it doesn't give you the size of the web either.


How to get list of tags from DesignSync server vault

I'm working with DesignSync vault contains branches
What is the way to extract list of files with attached tags?
The command I'm using is:
dssc ls -noheader -fullpath -report NG -rec sync://
The approach is right.
This is the way to get a list of tags in DesignSync vault

File not found error when using cyberduck CLI for OneDrive

I want to upload encrypted backups on OneDrive using cyberduck to avoid local copys. Having a local file called file.txt I want to upload in folder Backups from OneDrive root, I used this command:
duck --username <myUser> --password <myPassword> --upload onedrive://Backups .\file.txt
Transfer incomplete…
File not found. /. Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.
It's not even possible to get the directory content using duck --username <myUser> --password <myPassword> --listonedrive://Backups command. This also cause a File not found error.
What I'm doing wrong?
I exactly followed the documentation and have no clue why this is not working. Cyberduck was installed by using chocolately, current version is Cyberduck 6.6.2 (28219)
Just testing this out, it looks like OneDrive sets a unique identifier for the root folder. You can find that by either inspecting the value of the cid parameter in the URL of your OneDrive site or I found it by using the following command
duck --list OneDrive:///
Note, having three slashes is important. It would appear the first two are part of the protocol name and the first specifies you want the root. The result should look like a unique id of some sort like this: 36d25d24238f8242, which you can then use to upload your files like:
duck --upload onedrive://36d25d24238f8242/Backups .\file.txt
Didn't see any of that in the docs... just tinkering with it. So I might recommend opening a bug with duck to update their docs if this works for you.
What happens if you use the full path to the file, it looks like it is just complaining about not finding the file to uploads so could be you are in a different directory or something so it needs the full path to the source file.

Owncloud Calendar ICS Backup

I wanted to have a regular backup of my Owncloud calendars as ICS files, in case the server runs into a problem that I don't have time to fix right away. For this purpose I wrote a little script, which can be run as a cronjob.
Any feedback, improvements, alterations are welcome!
I have been using this script for quite a while. It was a big help in having a backup for calendars and contacts from my onwCloud installation. Thanks!
However, one thing really bugged me with the script of envyrus: new calendars/addressbooks need to be shared manually with the „backup-user“, whose calendars will be backed up. This made the script basically useless for me, because my wife is creating and deleting her calendars and task-lists quite often.
There is a script which can automatically deal with additionally created/deleted calendars, since it fetches all data from the database and not via http-request (like the script from envyrus). It just creates a backup of every single calendar/addressbook existing in the database. Giving a username/password combination is not necessary when using this script. Also there is no need to share calendars to be backed up with a certain user. Last but not least, the script doesn‘t require root privileges.
From the scripts‘ README:
This Bash script exports calendars and addressbooks from
ownCloud/Nextcloud to .ics and .vcf files and saves them to a
compressed file. Additional options are available.
Starting with version 0.8.0, there is no need anymore for a file with
user credentials because all data is fetched directly from the
database. If only calendars/addressbooks of certain users shall be
backed up, list them in users.txt without any passwords.
Maybe this is also a help for others: calcardbackup
DISCLAIMER: I created this script for a little Owncloud instance that I run for myself and 1-2 other friends - it is not meant for any "serious business", so to speak. I used the scripts from this and this site as a starting point - thank you!
To create ics backups of all the user calendars, I created an Owncloud user called "calendarBackup", who other users can share their calendars with. I wrote a little script, that loops through all those calendars and downloads the ics files. They are then put into a shared folder owned by the calendarBackup, and the backup is distributed across users. (An easy adjustment could be made, so that each user gets his own calendar files.)
The advantage to this approach is that the script doesn't need to know all the user passwords.
Here the code:
#owncloud login data for calendar backup user
#destination folder for calendar backups
#mysql user data with access to owncloud database
#timestamp used as backup name
timeStamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
#apachee user and group
#create folder for new backup files
mkdir "$dest$timeStamp"
#create array of calendar names from Owncloud database query
calendars=($(mysql -B -N -u $MSQLuser -p$MSQLpassword -e "SELECT uri FROM $OCdatabase.oc_calendars"))
#create array of calendar owners from Owncloud database query
owners=($(mysql -B -N -u $MSQLuser -p$MSQLpassword -e "SELECT principaluri FROM $OCdatabase.oc_calendars"))
#loop through all calendars
while [ $loopCount -lt $calendarCount ]
#see if owner starts with "principals/users/"
#(this part of the script assumes that principaluri for normal users looks like this: principal/users/USERNAME )
if [ "${owners[$loopCount]:0:17}" = "principals/users/" ]
#concatenate download url
#echo $url
#download the ics files (if download fails, delete file)
wget \
--output-document="$dest$timeStamp/${owners[$loopCount]:17}${calendars[$loopCount]}.ics" \
--no-check-certificate --auth-no-challenge \
--http-user=$OCuser --http-password="$OCpassword" \
"$url" || rm "$dest$timeStamp/${owners[$loopCount]:17}${calendars[$loopCount]}.ics"
#echo ${owners[$loopCount]:17}
#echo "${calendars[$loopCount]} ${owners[$loopCount]}"
loopCount=$(($loopCount + 1))
#zip backed up ics files and remove the folder (this could easily be left out, change the chown command though)
zip -r -m -j -P $archivePassword "$dest$timeStamp" "$dest$timeStamp"
rm -R $dest$timeStamp
#chown needed so owncloud can access backup file
chown $apacheUser:$apacheGroup "$dest$"
#update owncloud database of calendar backup user
sudo -u $apacheUser php "$OCpath"occ files:scan $OCuser
A few notes on the script:
It is written for a Debian shell.
It works for Owncloud 9.1 with Mysql.
It assumes the download URL for a shared calendar looks like this:
To check for the correct URL, simply download a shared calendar in the web interface and check the download URL.
It assumes that the calendar names are stored in the column "uri" of the table "oc_calendars".
It assumes that the calendar owner is stored in the column "principaluri" of the table "oc_calendars" and that all normal users are prefixed with "principals/users/".
It needs sudo permission to update Owncloud file structure.
It needs zip to be installed.

ClearCase - How to Find All Checkins By One User for an Entire PVOB?

I have been asked to find every checkin by one specific user across an entire ClearCase Project VOB since a particular date. How might I obtain this information?
I assume it's some usage of the cleartool find command, but I've not yet figured out the syntax to get the information that I'm looking for.
I guess I'm looking for a "change set" across every activity of that user across every stream of a given PVOB since a particular date.
Looking at cleartool find (which work for versions created with or without UCM), it should be something like:
cleartool find . -user <auser> -version "{created_since(date1)}" -print
This is done within a vob, not a pvob, as it search for version (data), not UCM activities (metadata recorded on PVob level)
You need first to go to a view, preferably a dynamic view:
cd m:\aView\aVob
# unix
cd /view/aview/vobs/avob
As noted by the OP's answer, what works is:
using create_by instead of -user,
adding -all -nvis.
With the repeated help of (and huge thanks to) #VonC, here is what I wound up using, at a command prompt (not in a ClearTool session), with my working directory set to the directory just beneath the root of my snapshot view:
cleartool find . -all -name "*" -version "{created_by(<userid>) && created_since(dd-Mmm-yyyy)}" -print > <absolute path to output file>
Update: The command below, which was originally my answer, returns only invisible files:
cleartool find . -all -nvisible -name "*" -version "{created_by(<userid>) && created_since(dd-Mmm-yyyy)}" -print > <absolute path to output file>

wget appends query string to resulting file

I'm trying to retrieve working webpages with wget and this goes well for most sites with the following command:
wget -p -k
In these cases I will end up with index.html and the needed CSS/JS etc.
HOWEVER, in certain situations the url will have a query string and in those cases I get an index.html with the query string appended.
Combined with the above wget command will result in:
I have tried using the --restrict-file-names=windows option, but that only gets me to
Can anyone explain why this is needed and how I can end up with a regular index.html file?
UPDATE: I'm sort of on the fence on taking a different approach. I found out I can take the first filename that wget saves by parsing the output. So the name that appears after Saving to: is the one I need.
However, this is wrapped by this strange character â - rather than just removing that hardcoded - where does this come from?
If you try with parameter "--adjust-extension"
wget -p -k --adjust-extension
you come closer. In folder there will be file with corrected extension: index.html#p=566.html or index.html?p=566.html on *NiX systems. It is simple now to change that file to index.html even with script.
If you are on Microsoft OS make sure you have latter version of wget - it is also available here:
To answer your question about why this is needed, remember that the web server is likely to return different results based on the parameters in the query string. If a query for index.html?page=52 returns different results from index.html?page=53, you probably wouldn't want both pages to be saved in the same file.
Each HTTP request that uses a different set of query parameters is quite literally a request for a distinct resource. wget can't predict which of these changes is and isn't going to be significant, so it's doing the conservative thing and preserving the query parameter URLs in the filename of the local document.
My solution is to do recursive crawling outside wget:
get directory structure with wget (no file)
loop to get main entry file (index.html) from each dir
This works well with wordpress sites. Could miss some pages tho.
# get directory structure
wget --spider -r --no-parent http://<site>/
# loop through each dir
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 10 -type d | cut -c 3- > ./dir_list.txt
while read line;do
wget --wait=5 --tries=20 --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --execute=robots=off --domain=<domain> --strict-comments http://${line}/
done < ./dir_list.txt
The query string is required because of the website design what the site is doing is using the same standard index.html for all content and then using the querystring to pull in the content from another page like with script on the server side. (it may be client side if you look in the JavaScript).
Have you tried using --no-cookies it could be storing this information via cookie and pulling it when you hit the page. also this could be caused by URL rewrite logic which you will have little control over from the client side.
use -O or --output-document options. see