import from raima - import

I have an old in DOS program (1) with Raima(db_vista) database and i must
create import data from program (1) to other program (2).
Program (1) has *.dat and *.key files, but i can't find *.dbd file. Is it
possible that file *.dbd not exists? Can it be compiled in EXE?
Is it possible export data to .txt files from .key and .dat files when dbd
file not exists?
My program (2) must import this data...
Best regards
(sorry for my poor english)

We use RAIMA extensively at work. Any RAIMA version before ~4.5 should have a DBD file (all newer ones might as well). If your program executes, it must be accessing the DBD file somehow. Do you have the source code available?


'no module found' error in Python 3.9 for windows 10

I'm a total beginner in Python, I'm reading 'Learning Python' by Mark Lutz and following along in the book. I created a file called '', saved as an 'all files' (as opposed to a .txt file) in notepad. The name of the file, code, etc. is verbatim to that which the book instructs.
I know is there and works, I know this because when I enter 'py' in my command prompt or git bash, it correctly outputs the product of the code.
The book instructs me to run 'import script1' in Python. When I do, I get the 'module not found' error. I've tried importing as stated above, a from-import command, moving 'script1' to and from different directories. I confirmed my PATH was set up to support python, nothing.
It seems (to my UNtrained eye anyway) that python isn't finding my files. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Remember that you can only import python files into a python program. In your File Explorer, make sure that file extensions are shown and verify that your script is and not or something of that sort.

In MongoDB source code, how to generate src/mongo/config.h from src/mongo/

I'm studying MongoDB by reading the source code. But there is no config.h file, instead there is a file. I know that the config.h file needs to be generated by the file, but I don't know how to do. Can anyone tell me how to do, or send me a config.h file content directly. My operating system is macOS.

How can import data into kaggle kernel if the folder is zipped?

I facing problem importing data into kaggle kernel from "../input/train/filename". it's throwing an error saying directory doesn't exist. I guess this is happening because the 'train' is a zipped folder. Any solution?
To see what's in your ../input/ directory (where datasets you attach to your kernel are located), run !find ../input/ in a code cell. This will print all paths to dataset files. You should see that the uncompressed directories and files are accessible.
If this doesn't help, perhaps you can share more details to help reproduce your issue (e.g., a link to the dataset and/or your kernel).

Inno setup: copy file to backup folder only if it doesn't match file to be installed?

I've written an Inno Setup script that copies a few existing files to a backup folder, appending the date of the current installation to the backed-up filename, like this:
Source: "{app}\vDosDisk\WP51\VDOSPCL.PRS"; DestDir: "{app}\51Config\Backup51"; DestName: "VDOSPCL.PRS.{code:GetTodaysName}"; Flags: external skipifsourcedoesntexist; Components: InstallForWP51
(The GetTodaysName code is someone else's code for building a string from the current date and time.)
Here is my question: Is it possible to write some code that will ONLY create a backup file if the file that is currently on disk is different from the file that my installer is going to install (and thus overwrite the existing file)?
As far as I can tell, none of the built-in flags can accomplish this.
Thanks for any help.

Is it possible to save settings and load resources when compiling to just one standalone exe?

If I compile a script for distribution as a standalone exe, is there any way I can store settings within the exe itself, to save having to write to an external file? The main incentive for this is to save having to develop an installation process. I only need to store a few bytes.
Also, can resources such as images be compiled into the exe?
Using alternate data streams opens up a can of worms so i wouldn't go that way. Writing back config data into the exe itself won't work as the file is locked for write access during execution.
What i usually do is to store config data under %A_AppData%\%A_ScriptName%\%A_ScriptName%.ini
When the script starts i use IniRead which also provides a default value if the key isn't found - which is the case the script is executing for the first time.
The complementing IniWrite's in a OnExit subroutine/function will create the ini file if necessary.
This way no installation is needed and the config is stored in the proper, familiar place.
The autohotkey forum has dealt with this question before.
In that case, the user didn't want extra files -- period.
The method was to use the file system to save alternate data.
Unfortunately I can't find the post.
A simpler method is to use fileinstall command.
When the script is compiled, the external file is stored within the exe.
When the script executes the same command as an exe, the file is copied to the same
directory as the running script. It is a simple yet effective 'install'.
With a little testing for the config file, the fileinstall command can be skipped.
Skipping the fileinstall could allow changes to be made to the configuration after 'installation'
I have not tried saving settings within the compiled exe file, but I have included resources. I'm not sure which version of AHK you're using or how you are compiling, but I can right-click my scripts to compile. There's an option to compile with options, where you can include resources in your compiled exe.Compile with options